Jules Troy

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Everything posted by Jules Troy

  1. Not so much for NGL lines. That’s what compressor building sites are for. Sure stuff flows easier “down hill” but they just push it along uphill as well...sometimes it’s unavoidable.
  2. Depends on the product. Natural gas pipelines are highly pressurized so that the gas turns into a liquid(under pressure). Oil pipelines are low pressure often a diluent is added to thin it to increase flow/keep it from waxing off. Oil pipelines also have “pigging stations”. A “pig “ is sent into a section of line and scrapes it to remove any build up. Also in both pipelines “smart pigs” are sent down a line that monitors corrosion. Over time it gives data as to expected life of the line and when/where repairs may be needed.
  3. Man..I’ve lived that shit, pipelining off ice roads and right of ways working 16 hour days just to make sure we get the final tie ins before the road breaks apart and vehicles start sinking into 20 feet of muskeg...
  4. On another note.. I notice that in regards to the residential school situation..no one is calling it what it actually is. They are saying..we need a formal apology from the pope. We need to bring in social workers to help the natives with their pain. Butttt nobody is looking at the elephant in the room. Where is the criminal investigation into institutionalized murder. This was a huge crime and government is also guilty of covering it up and are guilty of aiding and abetting after the fact even as late as 1996..covering it up...
  5. That is just dumber than Forest Gump writing a math test.
  6. Got my second shot the other day. Still breathing!
  7. Haha the only twist ending I liked..or remotely liked in any of his movies was 6th sense.
  8. I liked the movie “Black Panther” Brant!
  9. Quit standing behind the skirts of better men..Taddddd... Taddddd..is that like a Boston version of Toddddd? Taahhhddd?
  10. Knives are so much more personally gratifying though. I mean if you really are hell bent on killing someone there is no “I didn’t meannnnnnn to kill that person!” (After you’ve taken out his renal artery or other sliceable)Whereas with a gun you can wuss out and say “it accidentally discharged!!” Unless of course you are using a sniper rifle..... BTW..did you know..that if you stab someone in the kidney it is sooo painful that they can’t even scream?
  11. Guns are for pussies like you... You obviously don’t know me, I never do what I’m “told”. As for me getting vaxxed I would have done it sooner of my own accord if I could have. Except for the Astra Zeneca one..
  12. In Canada they are actually bribing people to get jabbed. We have free healthcare and now on top of it we have to bribe Anti vaxers to try and get herd immunity. I say if those that are refusing actually get covid and need intensive care? Let em die in the waiting room..
  13. I know it doesn’t quite fit but dang, horse shoes n hand grenades..
  14. I don’t need no stinking guns mang! My farts are WMD!
  15. Yeah I’m a lil bitter, I’ve actually done work on the keystone project and could have on future spreads as well. So that’s a big fuck you sleepy joe.
  16. Maybe Canada should turn off all hydro-electric power to the US citing “maintenance errors” oops sorry...we do tend to apologize even for bumping into a piece of furniture...
  17. Trudeau should go visit India and lick as many doorknobs as possible...
  18. Canada has the 3rd largest proven oil reserves in the world. I think we should sell it to whoever fucking pays the most.
  19. Well it’s official, Keystone XL is officially dead. Fuck you Biden. Guess we will be selling our oil to China instead. “When those who produce everything need permission from those whose produce nothing, that society is doomed,” Pretry prophetic...