Jules Troy

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Everything posted by Jules Troy

  1. Hahahaha! I better sharpen my katanas!
  2. If Israeli scientists are getting good results, believe them! They don’t fuck around man.
  3. Ya but the Chinese are really good at ping pong!!
  4. Can we have a covid variant that only kills Democrats, Karens and snowflakes pulleeezzzze? Lol
  5. So what Mark is saying is he wishes he had a “conspiracy show” of his own.
  6. We Canadians also invented basketball, insulin, pablum, penicillin(sort of, Fleming was Scottish but discovered/produced it in Canada.) and open heart surgery.
  7. I’m pretty sure DARPA is still researching ultra low frequency noise to trigger targeted earthquakes…regardless of what they say..
  8. Not gunna lie, it really sickened me when Alberta went NDP for 1 election, I wanted to move….
  9. Ok I can include you with the good things out of Ontario but you might have to move to Alberta to qualify
  10. The only good thing to come out of Ontario is the fucking sun. Lol. Oh..and my wife. I liberated her from Ottawa.
  11. In Canada if the vax/or virus don’t kill you the soon to be created extra taxes to pay for all of T2’s bullshit might!
  12. News flash Peter, there are Iranians in the US too! Ohh noooo!!!
  13. A good friend of mine in high school was very gifted at languages.(white guy) I remember one day he was on the phone for a job interview with a high end Chinese restaurant. The interview was conducted in Cantonese. (I was just listening to the one end of the conversation). Near the end I could tell that the interviewer asked for his name. “Andrew D.” He replied. Well then Andy explained to me afterwards that the guy shat himself “what? Your a white guy?!!!! Your fucking hired man!” Reason being was his inflection was so perfect and no “accent” at all. Anyways Andrew and I used to train, beat the crap out of each other lol. The guy was as fearless and perhaps even crazier than me!. He ended up going to University in China and was present during the Tiananmen Square massacre.. Only time in his life had ever been truly scared/horrified. Needless to say he hit up the first plane home.
  14. The River Cree casino is the most successful casino in Alberta but has had roadblocks to already negotiated refinancing by the province. The province withheld funding for no known reason, causing an unnecessary default on the loans… I'm not anti protest as long as it is peaceful. When groups or individuals start pulling down statues, threatening other citizens who fly the Canadian flag on Canada day, burn churches, and break the rule of law. Fuck your anger…go to jail do not pass go..do not collect your welfare cheques…
  15. We have provincial and national parks. Technically crown land but treated differently than regular crown land. Up here crown land can be used by the public for hunting and fishing without needing “landowner permission”. You can often get a permit for firewood as well.
  16. Well perhaps we could expand reserves, give them a bunch of crown land that was formerly theirs. Give them what they want. Self government etc etc. However if we do that they are truly on their own. No modern anything. No money, no more free university, no modern medicine, no free housing no anything that makes modern Canada modern. No trucks, no imported food, no tech of any kind. Let them go back to their traditional way of life. Who knows? Maybe it will do them some good. To those that want to embrace the rest of Canada let them. But…no hand outs, pay taxes and work like the rest of us. No more free rides for guilt payments of something our own ancestors did to them..
  17. Maybe we should shoot a few of them..fucking treasonous woke fucks.
  18. Winters are getting warmer on the northern hemisphere but 4.2 degrees colder on the Southern Hemisphere…. losing ice on the North Pole but have added 18 feet of ice in the Antarctic… who knows..magnetic pole shift?