Jules Troy

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Everything posted by Jules Troy

  1. Each player must accept the cards life deals him. But once they are in hand, he alone must decide how to play the cards in order to win the game. Voltaire
  2. Thanks Adam, that is very kind of you. Very true about Aristotle's students notes, also amazing is how he is still such an important part of modern day thought, even if people do not realize where those thoughts originated!
  3. So I went to the zoo on the weekend and posted a few of the shots I took. The arctic fox ones are ...well demmit they are just do damn cute I am now a marshmallow. Oh yeah here is a Bohemian waxwing shot I had posted. http://jestephotography.deviantart.com/art/Bohemian-Waxwing-416653943
  4. People buy and sell stocks. People buy and sell ETF's. People also buy and sell all kinds of different currencies. Some people are full time speculators. Some are sharks, many are just self directing their retirements.
  5. I don't belong to any social media and don't sign in to YouTube so can't "share". http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=70FI3c2ARKM Good man - Devour The Day Lol Kyle that's the spirit! http://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=DWdtN7pCZug&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DDWdtN7pCZug%26feature%3Dyoutu.be hrrm maybe it does work Trenches - Pop Evil (I like this one a lot ) However I may indeed have to eventually concede defeat(one day) and we will all have to adopt Hail to the King - Avenged Sevenfold as our anthem!
  6. I see your Slipknot and counter with some equally cool Slipknot with a Papa-roach chaser! http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=n_VHWbc8BQY
  7. Stunning! Thank you so much for sharing!
  8. It is amazing how many people DON'T get this simple truth.
  9. Bleh, double posted by accident sorry.
  10. Thank you! great post Selene, I love waxwings too, I have not viewed any Cedar waxwings yet but I did get some good shots of the Bohemians!
  11. I was hoping he would get run over by who ever is driving that bus over the fiscal cliff.
  12. Warning! Best anti-life metal song in the universe. May cause certain unnamed O'st's ears to bleed. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ToYtlUYHoy4 Dope - Die MF Die
  13. I laughed pretty hard when I viewed that. Fattest crackhead I've ever seen!
  14. You know there are 3 rings in marriage right? Engagement ring Wedding ring and the Suffe ring! Joking of course! I wish the two of you the greatest of happiness and congrats man! Your vows are beautiful.
  15. Does anyone else see the irony of a bunch of global warming "scientists" going to the antarctic to prove how much ice melt is happening getting trapped in frozen ice that normally is not there at this time of year? http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5g7_-0sh3bFWtHt0wn77S531COQbQ?docId=939c7b68-faf1-477d-9c36-7fa3db6da365
  16. Actually yes! I would like to get some external flash units to set up this summer around my hummingbird feeders! This way I can use fill flash combined with shutter speeds around 1/4000 second to completely freeze wing action as well as light up their iridescent metallic looking feathers! Jonathan I have thought about polarizing filters, perhaps a soft on for doing shots of lakes in mountain areas like Moraine lake, it is either that or start contemplating HDR for scenes like that. I am sure that if Ansel Adams were alive today he would embrace techniques like this as well. My god GALT that man was the Rembrandt of photography.
  17. I farted once in a bar and cleared out the entire pool table area how's that for blow torching !?
  18. Oh man, lol that is just messed uppp Kyle. On a side note I did like the puppy parable!
  19. Lol I remember me blowing my cool on that neodarwinist racist/realist guy. Waste of time and energy. I am shocked I was not moderated GALT knows I should have been. Bill Dwyer set me straight though and helped me put things into proper perspective.
  20. whYNOT this is great advice! I read a great book by a husband and wife wildlife photography team. They stressed over and over the best times are the golden hour. I remember him saying that sometimes they lamented the days when they were novices and just shot everything everywhere regardless of light conditions! Often when on African safari he would exclaim " Dayum I wish we could move this place to Greenland!". In Africa due to it being at the equator the " golden hour " at sunrise and sunset only lasts about 20 minutes before the sun is too high in the sky and you get horrible contrasting shadow on your subjects. blown out highlights on their backs and very saturated shadows underneath. In Greenland the golden hour is about 1.5 hours where you have this wonderful warm golden sideways light. I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment of looking back and seeing my current captures as sketches. This has already happened from when I first shot everything on auto settings, and again when I shot everything in A-priority mod. Part of it too is learning the camera, being able to frame a shot and knowing automatically what ISO to use and what shutter speed to gain the effect I am wanting to achieve. Is it a clear morning where the light is steady? Is it partly overcast with ever changing light? Can I use matrix metering or is spot metering in manual mode the way to go? Tons of variables! Yes many many mistakes and blown opportunities! I had a white short tailed weasel run almost over my feet a couple weeks ago and I just was not fast enough to frame him! It will take me a long time and a lot of practice before it becomes second nature. I agree completely with your advice and yes I look at EVERY thing even when I do not have my camera with me differently, I am always looking at angles and different plays of light and shadows! I have a Nikon 105mm F2.8 macro lens that I have been playing around with as well, it also doubles as a fantastic portrait lens! I may post some shots of my pets in the near future Lol and bugs!, neat plants and whatever catches my eye! I also have to HAVE to buy a tripod, before I buy anything else a good tripod is definately on the list. Yes I can hand hold the 300mm just fine but it is 9 pounds and after a while your arms DO get tired! For night photography it is a must have item as well as for shooting scenery/landscapes at f16+ Thank you all for the warm welcome btw(I am pleasantly surprised !)
  21. I find It helps me a lot to view work done by some of the most amazing photographers that post at deviant art. In this way I can see how I am progressing as I learn. I have also made some great friends that offer advice, people that have been doing this for yearsssss. http://richardconstantinoff.deviantart.com/ This fellow sets the bar in my eyes and It would not surprise me if he submits work to National Geographic, if he does not he easily could. I am also going to be taking some courses that are offered online from a National Geographic photographer, which is ideal for me because of work I can digest it all at my own pace, and go out in the field and implement what I learn.