Jules Troy

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Everything posted by Jules Troy

  1. Now if Thomas Sowell were to run that would be cool. I Like this gem of his. If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labeled a radical 60 years ago, a liberal 30 years ago and a racist today. Thomas Sowell
  2. Hrrrmph... If the NSA had its way it would still be known as "No Such Agency". One has to wonder as our rights and freedoms are slowly being eroded when is enough enough. When is enough "too late"...
  3. There should not beeee any government contracts. Police, military, judicial system that is it. Funding for armaments would of course be part of it but as for the current system of awarding it, screw that. Best tech wins.
  4. A moral government? Ok a good government would be one that gives people absolute freedom to do what ever they want. Reduce its powers alllllll the way until you have just enough government to enforce individual rights against fraud, coercion, initiation of force and theft... And I mean JUST enough to avoid total anarchy. You would be surprised how well people would actually do. You would also see the immoral problem disappear. Government and government subsidies ENABLE immoral conduct.
  5. I believe! I believe! I believe I will have a beer...
  6. I believe! I believe! I believe I will have a beer...
  7. Lol Ya! That is pretty twisted all on its own.
  8. Jules, You mean like this? Bwuhahahahaha!!! Michael
  9. As an ex NLP practitioner NLP is bad mmkayyyy...
  10. Why not use that sentiment you just expressed as self motivation to strike out on your own? Then lay claim to them by changing how you live. Greg
  11. Yes I am in Canada. Yes I am an employee. In other words "bend over and take it up the tailpipe if you work as much overtime as I do. A true case if tall poppy syndrome where the harder you work to keep your head above water the more they gouge you. So what this allows is welfare mothers are actually encouraged to have more kids. A responsible middle income family has to look at its finances and say to themselves " we can only afford 1 or 2". That is all they have. If however you are on social assistance..4-5 by 5 different sperm doner fools is not uncommon. Free healthcare, free housing, free everything. Except healthcare is not of course free. I call it wait till you die healthcare. 6 months wait for a MRI. 2 years for knee or hip replacement surgery. People dying in the hallways in emergency because they sit there for 6 hours. I could go on. Btw. I am a staunch believer in the American constitution as it was penned. I also believe these rights to be universal.
  12. I kinda think that for money paid in taxes I have not received fair value. 70-80k in taxes every year for the last ten years all going to worthless dregs of welfare who in turn vote themselves more of the same. Voting has become the practice of who in power will steal the most for the have nots. The have nots numbers are swelling all clamouring at the trough for the government to carve them a bigger slice off the carcass that was once a great big living thing. Now it is barely breathing.
  13. Yes I have heard buzzard babies will puke on you in self defence. Yuck! Te Adults will as I am told. Yum rotting meat puke.
  14. MSK here is some Ayn Rand elephant speak she wrote before AS. http://fare.tunes.org/liberty/library/taifc.html
  15. There are poor poor homeless people in the city I live in that make 300-400 a day begging...yea poor homeless people taking advantage of people's goodwill and generosity. I busted one in particular that literally played the "poor me I am deaf cards". He would come up to your car and hand you a card explaining his condition asking for change.. One day I saw him as he walked right in front of my truck as I was parked at Tim Hortons. I honked my horn and he jumped so high He damn near left his sneakers on the ground. I rolled down my window and yelled OMG it's a freaking miracle your deafness is cured!!! He raised his finger to his mouth and whispered "shhhhhh!!!"
  16. Yup they are up at both sites actually! Sweet thanks for the send off to the folks out west!
  17. Yes it will be just like winter driving, slow and steady the main goal being to "keep it between the ditches as you arrive at your destination. Hey Adam I managed to get some nice captures of those Bohemian Waxwings you like the other day!
  18. I just incorporated today! I am picking up a full frame camera next week (Nikon D800 or a D800E) a tripod/Manfrotto head remote shutter and a Sigma 300-800mm(2month waiting list once I order the lens.) No I don't expect to become rich but at least I can use the gear purchases for some much needed write offs for a hobby I would do for free anyways! Plus I definitely like the idea of being able write off gas a portion of my truck and office space/computers etc. If in the near future i am able to do it full time then all the better! You are correct Greg in any successful business it takes integrity as well as hard work to maintain and grow those enterprises. It takes individuals that are willing to take on risks to walk uphill and produce values for their customers. Luck has nothing to do with it. Those that believe in luck invariable receive nothing but "bad luck" and are unwilling to deal with reality and take true responsibilities for their actions.
  19. We feed our birds as well! I have had sharp shinned hawks "visiting" for a snack as well.