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Everything posted by Marc

  1. Remember though that President Trump is a chess player. On one hand you have the current Speaker who is not doing what he agreed to do to become Speaker vis a vis the Dems themselves preparing to remove their own man either via the 25th or forcing his hand to resign. Trump is plating chess here and I will bet you dollars to donuts that the play is something else.
  2. Hmmmmmm, just saying but if he does not impeach Biden and MAGA removes him, places in our beautiful President, then impeach Joe and Kamala, then Trump becomes President...... ....... so Peter ( or anyone ) can Trump still run in 24 under this scenerio?
  3. I ask that same open question. After 4 years Trump and 2 1/2 under OBiden
  4. Pretty funny how so many people here had lots and lots and lots of words about how Trump would not win. Where oh where are all these folks now?
  5. I do see your points although methinks that Trumps's perspective will be more organic than trying to win a State with a VP ie Texas ( which he will win regardless). The election is in essence MAGA vs. DEMS and Rinos's so he will not pick a VP like RDS who is as Rino as they come. Maybe though he will take someone who can help work certain groups in Congress or the Senate, but either way interesting discussion. Also Peter, who makes the pick first, the Dems or Trump? That is pretty important, no?
  6. More proof..
  7. Hey Peter, what are your thoughts about this VP pick for our man DJT?
  8. Peter, I apologize but I understood that you meant this to mean that you did believe that there was an "insurrection" on J6. I am not trying to put words in your mouth, I misunderstood and apologize. As for Barbara, yes, we were friends and I have stated that here many times on OL. She was a beautiful person and she did explain that to me about Ayn Rand on many occassions, re Objectivists and students of Objectivism. Not sure that I understood it then or now but she did explain it to me. By the way, I also went for dinner with Barbara and my daughters to Nathaniel Branden and his wife's home for dinner one night which was a pretty great night!
  9. Rand said that she was the only Objectivist and that everyone else was a student of Objectivism, as Barbara Branden explained to me in her apartment in LA but maybe they were both wrong. As for the truth my man about J6, tell me what your truth is please without quoting MSM. Why would you donate funds to our President if you believe that he orchastrated a coup? I am glad that you do because we can use all the money that is donated but why? Seriously my man?
  10. It is funny, not funny, but January 6 was a Coup the other way, by the rightful losers of the "election". Then the cherry on top of the ice cream sundae was doing the deed in the middle of the night. #pence
  11. Here you go Peter, here is your evidence my friend.
  12. Excellent post! When elections are rigged they look like they have looked. When one looks at the most recent rallies we see Trump in venues where folks are outside and cannot even get in due to capacity reached. When Biden speaks, he speaks ( and I use that term lightly ) he speaks in venues that seem like local high schools and he cannot even get more than six people or whatever he gets these days, maybe 50 sometimes and even those people scream the Brandon chant. The People have been very clear, Trump is our President. Also Peter, btw, incumbent Presidents ( especially incredibly popular ones ) do not get serious challenged by "their own party".
  13. And there is a follow up video too of JOK going to the Police station. Bottom line Peter is that the police were called by the school board because some people looked "Trump'ish".
  14. No Peter my man, I was referring to the MSK post 4 posts up from here with the JOK video. Trump'ish vis a vis Jew'ish was my point but re the 5%, Good Shabbos to you today my friend!
  15. Meant it tongue in cheek but that being said, President Trump is more than just a President. He is more like The President, never been anyone like him not President Washington and not President Lincoln, and they were clearly numbers two and three, but President Trump, best ever. 2020!
  16. Honourary King, not just President. King President Trump. And a hell of a chess player too!
  17. See Peter, that is your proof right there, 4/5 people support Trump and 1.1 million went to his rallies running up to the 2020 election. I am very sure that someone with your wisdom has heard the cliche that the proof is in the pudding.
  18. This is why we do 2020 before 2024 Peter