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Everything posted by Marc

  1. Could you imagine what a ticket of Trump/JFK would be able to accomplish Peter?
  2. MY world leader is President Trump. YOUR world leader is Joe Biden and the stolen election that you support.
  3. More proof Peter!
  4. That being said I am very very happy and excited to see the back and forth between the two! Please God let their be some debates!!!!
  5. He could raise 8.2 million every 24 hours and the chance of him beating the incumbent President who is the most popular in history is slim to none and slim just left town. You may recall Peter in 2015 the group of 17 went down one by one. 140 million votes later........ he has no chance for the already locked up Nomination.
  6. To quote our fearless and beautiful leader, drip drip drip and I shall add drippity drip.
  7. Imagine if Trump choose him as his VP Peter? Imagine what MAGA and JFK could do? The ticket would be MAGA and the part of the Dem party that is disgusted with what the party has become. That ticket would get 100 million MAGA votes and a minimum 50 million Dem votes, so against the RINO's and the establishment Dems would have like 20 million votes, zero States, and nothing else.
  8. He toyed with her like a cat with a mouse, you know when the cat messes around with the mouse first. You want proof Peter, listen to the crowd.
  9. Biden will not be the nominee in 2024. You can take that to the bank. Please check your MSM sources and let me know your thoughts.
  10. In KG we had to sing God Save The Queen before Oh Canada.
  11. The illusions that you refer to are not the illusions you should focus on. We have the facts, the law and the truth on our side. Fox and Dominion is blah blah, check out Arizona.
  12. Trump had a minimum of 400+ EC votes. Trump had well in excess of 100 million votes. Trump won 2016 Trump won 2020 Trump won 2024
  13. Did Rand not say something about check your premises? Trump defeated Biden like 100 million votes to well under 100 million votes and also destroyed him in the EC probably with like 400+ votes in 2020. So talking about Biden/Harris or HRC/Michelle Obama or whoever is really fruitless because the vote is fraud. No one ever seriously ran against Reagan after the 1st term it is almost a done deal that a sitting President as popular as Trump/Reagan will not be challanged. I can tell you one thing about MTG though, she is either VP or a major player in MAGA and obviously very well in control of McCarthy and the House. You have to remember Peter that Repubs/Dems no longer exist in the same form now as now its MAGA and anti MAGA. Trump won 2016, 2020 amd 2024.
  14. I remember how many folks posted here - Trump will not run - Trump cannot win the nomination -Trump will not win a single state in the primaries -Trump cannot beat HRC And my personal favourite was " no ground game". I even remember one specific knucklehead who stated that he could not beat Rubio.
  15. President Trump! We love you!
  16. What a video. The only difference between Havana and there is that they let him speak for 3 minutes before shutting him down. In Cuba they would have shut him down after 30 seconds or less. Hence the only difference between Cuba and there is 3 minutes. Dear President Trump, If you are reading OL, we cannot await for you to be sworn in.
  17. Not sure my man but I can tell you that criminal cases here are always the Crown, or the Queen ( I guess now the King ) or regina/rex.
  18. No it's not. It is not even close unless you still do not look at the proof of the rigged election. Even in any imaginary scenerio of yours that you repeat from bought and paid for "news" organizations Trump landslides. Even If you were Trump's running mate in 2024, we still win all 50 states.