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Everything posted by basimpson22

  1. Somehow I came across this while surfing youtube. I found it hilarious, though, the ratings suggest that not everyone felt the same way. I theorize that the army of Star Wars geeks found the video offensive as it mocks the epic battle between Yoda and Dooku.
  2. Thanks for the encouragement. Haha, was that an age joke on Brant? Hey now, the preds are in the race. Some say we have the toughest division in the NHL where we're just 3 points out of 2nd place.
  3. Yeah, I had a friend tell me about "seeing the world" in the Navy. I think you actually get to see more of the World in the Air Force .
  4. I didn't know that about Crossfit. Crossfit has become very popular in Cookeville, TN. That's where I attended college. I actually had Speech with Rich Froning. He's a well-known crossfit enthusiast. I believe he's won and competed in several national and regional crossfit competitions.
  5. After taking 3.5 years to get through 2.5 years of engineering I decided it'd be best to choose a major that would help me get into a lucrative profession without the same level of study needed for an engineering degree. Basically, I was tired of going at such a slow pace. I was just so ready to graduate and move down to Miami with my girlfriend. Also, her cousin was well connected as a financial analyst. So, the decision to go into accounting was influenced entirely by the relationship I was in. It really had little to do with my personal interest or ambitions. Sadly, my last semester of college the relationship came to an ugly end. Looking back, it seems that it was a miracle that I made it through that semester. What a wild one it was. I moved three times. I lived with a black family, natives of Pittsburgh, for a month and got to see the evils of living under welfare firsthand, how they really take advantage of the system and also how it's so difficult to escape cultural customs like that of the absent and unfaithful father. Well, all that's besides the point of this post. So, I graduate and I'm in a position where I'm saying to myself,"what do I do now? The past two years of my life have been in preparation of being with her." She insisted that I stay in TN to finish my degree. She had a point. It would be faster and cheaper but the opportunity cost (something I learned as a business major ) was time together. I really tried every way for us to be together. I was accepted to FIU, a well-known business school in Miami. Still, I understand her side. Her family was living under someone else's roof. They weren't in a position to help me get on my feet. I would've likely had my back against the wall had I made that decision but, the point is I knew that what was best for us, was for us to be together. Again, that's really besides the point. So, I'm a fresh graduate and definitely not crazy about a career in Accounting. My younger brother and I start looking into the Military. At first he is much more serious than I am but I continue to do research and decide that the Air Force has a lot to offer. I see it as a way to start fresh. My GPA wasn't anything to write home about and I was never involved in extra-curricular activities so I didn't feel I was very marketable as an accountant anyways. I hear that being ex-military looks great on a resume and I also felt I could really use the discipline the military tries to instill in its cadets. I also decided on the job I would like to take. It's called cryptologic linguist. Basically, I will learn a foreign language (hopefully Arabic) and interpret recordings. It's my opinion that this combination will really help me in securing a job once I complete my time in the Air Force. Not only that, I will get to meet so many new people and see so many places. My language training will take place in Monterrey, CA, which I hear, is a beautiful place. So, after careful thought, I let my recruiting officer know that I was set on a career in the AF. I go to take the ASVAB Wednesday night in Nasvhille and Thursday I will undergo a physical. I don't believe I'll start BMT until July/August.....
  6. Thank's for the encouragement guys! "Worn and Wiser" I like that I love how the people that I've had some of the most heated exchanges with are the first to welcome me back. It's great to be back.
  7. Haha! Thank goodness. Those sorta trades rarely turn out well.
  8. It was a temporary farewell. At the time I wrote posted this topic I was going through a breakup. We were together for four years, so it's been a bit of a rollercoaster ride the past 3 months.
  9. Wow, it seems as though Ron Paul support is growing here on OL. I've been a Ron Paul fanatic for some time now. Recently, I was asked to organize the local campaign for Ron Paul. I'm waiting to hear back from the Regional Coordinator.
  10. I wanted to thank everyone on OL who helped in shaping my views on life. Right now, I'm very comfortable with the personal opinion that this life is all we have. By all, I mean everything. Its a tremendous blessing just to exist and as humans we are exceptionally blessed because we have a self-awareness that far surpasses any other living organism on this planet and possibly this little corner of the universe.
  11. Bobby, what is your definition of "uneducated"? A or B because it couldn't possibly be anything else you knucklehead. Southern fundamentalist might have been a viable option if you had left out the clause "with degrees from religious colleges", even though, to me, the phrase has ambiguous implications. To use one of your tactics, Adam, I'm going to copy and paste for you a definition of uneducated at the bottom of this post. But first lets approach the definition of uneducated from the angle of common sense. Un is used at the beginning of many words to indicate an absence of the word it precedes. For example undeclared would indicated something that is not declared. So from this assertion it would seem that uneducated would indicate someone who is not educated. Are you following me Adam? Let me know if you're having any difficulties. un·ed·u·cat·ed    [uhn-ej-oo-key-tid, -ed-yoo-] adjective not educated. Holy Shit Adam! I believe I gave an even better definition than your trusted friend, The Dictionary.
  12. Bobby: I kinda hate to point this out, but you "support" Dr. Paul who is...a Christian and avidly pro-life. Supporting a political candidate is a secular choice in America. Furthermore, since there are no avowed atheists, or agnostics are running, this point is moot. Adam Supporting a candidate "should" be secular. I don't support Paul because he is Christian or pro-life. The problem I have is with people who see our role in the middle east as a war of religion or even, more broadly, as a war of ideology. Rick Perry uses this rhetoric. Ron Paul sees it(the war) and calls it for what it is. Perry still sees it as the war on terror. We all know these wars are a means to an end/of financial and strategic interest. A war on "terror" is sure to be perpetual. A war is made unquestionable simply by throwing it under this category. The religious and the uneducated fuel the Republican Party. Sure, an important component to Paul being nominated is appealing to the religious base. Where he differs from Perry is that he is genuine and doesn't use religion as a reason for military campaigns. Honestly, do you buy any of Perry's little religious demonstrations? Surely you see right through it all. Disclaimer: I may have been wrong for bringing Perry back into the conversation but nonetheless it's something I wanted to address and I'm not holding you to any of the positions I opposed above.
  13. i've watched beck interview a couple of republican hopefuls. He always asks at the end what their position on Israel is. God, it makes me sick. He's playing to the Baby Boomer's religious sensibilities. I don't see how Objectivist thinkers can support a party that survives on religious votes. This mentality is so prevalent in Tennessee. It says "you can't be a Christian if you're a Democrat". It'd be ok if they voted on the fact that Israel is of strategic interest rather than believing that God ordained America to be the protector of Israel or whatever the hell they believe.
  14. Honestly I get a little confused. If you look at them individually its a little difficult to tell them apart. They both look like middle-aged Ken dolls. How I tell them apart is that Romney is a whiny weasel and Perry seems like a Bush clone (the new, updated, more destructive, more genuinely stupid edition).
  15. Hell, I figure any GOP nominee will defeat Obama in 2012. Paul, in my opinion, is the only candidate who would actually change anything if in office. I don't know too much about Perry, honestly, but he doesn't seem like anyone who will make a difference. He's clearly a close friend of big business. Paul is an advocate of a pure free market. Problem is, as i'm sure you're aware, that so many big businesses will fail fast without some form of government intervention. I wouldn't say they're clueless. I'd say special interests groups have the electoral process gridlocked.
  16. Hey gulch, I'm on of the 17812 donors. Selene, you say you like Ron Paul...why not support him? Why automatically dismiss him? Plenty can happen with over a year to go till the election.
  17. In what context? Ample time to repent? Ample time to prepare? ?? yes, that's it! ample time to prepare... I guess he was saying we have ample time to prepare for judgement. This preacher is unusual to church of christ preachers with this mode of thinking. The typical conservative church of christ preacher is going to say you could die in your sleep or in a car accident on a way home.
  18. Amen! Hallelujah... <<the great Mahalia Jackson!!!! That was a goosebump maker.
  19. Aristocrates, That argument has been around since the beginning of religion. It ain't going anywhere. The worst part is that the poor dude probably believed what he was saying. Michael Ignorance is bliss. Oh man, I have to add this. The prayer was battered with King James English, as though it makes the prayer more presentable to God. "we thank thee oh lord for whatsoever thou hast givenest ustestest" Really they should be getting up there and speaking Hebrew.
  20. Judgment of others is very important to some types of Christians because it's an attempt at saving the person you're judging. Even by punishing someone for something on Earth you can save them from being punished by God in their afterlife... And that's not the only reasoning; God demands it be done this way. He's basically saying you should be thankful for all those things you have up here on Earth, even the judgment. And are you saying you find that ridiculous? Edit: you do know that was a facetious comment right?
  21. Almost all christians will pervert the idea of judgement/criticism. "Oh, we can judge people harshly because we're really just trying to help them..." and the rest of that kind of crap. It's just not worth thinking about. There are too many issues, and attempting to generalize the issues & your arguments is simply not worth the work (however, I suppose if you're writing a book and such thoughts will further the achievement value and financial success of the book, then nevermind ). Best to write the rant thoroughly (see below) & quickly and get on to better things. How's the degree going? You start fall semester last week too? Mike EDIT/ADD: by thoroughly I mean to not leave anything in your head - buildup like that equals stress and, as Rand would say, would clog your motor. Actually school starts in the morning for me. I'll be graduating at the end of the semester with an accounting degree. I'm not thinking too hard about it but you've given me something to consider. I do believe there are many questions floating around in my head that are causing me to be distracted, distraction being a precursor to stress.