Richard Wiig

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Everything posted by Richard Wiig

  1. Unfortunately, what has erupted across the Middle East since Thursday night is a new round of anti-American demonstrations. They are not really anti-American demonstrations. America is merely the biggest target to hit. America goes down, they all go down. They aim is to impose Sharia (in this case blasphemy law) on the entire non-muslim world. The aim is to get us to voluntarily adopt it. They are certainly having some success.
  2. Of course, they have been shaking in their shoes well before Nakoula. Who cares who made this movie. It's essentially not important. What's important is the savage attack on freedom of speech and that the US government is appeasing it.
  3. Raymond Ibrahim's point of view.
  4. Turkey's 'Islamists' Remarkably Like Republicans By Robert Wright This is fine, if Christianity and Islam are equivalent. Clearly they are not.
  5. No worries there, Martin. I know the US government is a danger. Which one is a greater threat though is hardly the point, Islam is a threat, plain and simple, and that the US government is also a threat doesn't cancel the other out. The greatest threat of all is neither the US government, or Islam. The greatest threat of all is multiculturalism that turns people into passive accept-anything-that-comes-their-way vassals of tolerance.
  6. Although I don't think that LM really has any fears. He loves Islam.
  7. The Muslim Brotherhood are very good at allaying peoples fears. Works well with William and LM. Maybe it will work with you too, Baal.
  8. So, we can all rest easy in our beds now, safe in the knowledge that the Muslim Brotherhood will clamp down heavily on persecution of women and the Copts.
  9. Do I believe that his election will be dangerous for women or Coptic Christians? No, I don't. Why not? Considering that it was dangerous for them prior to the election, why would it become less dangerous for them afterwards, especially considering that those doing the persecuting are now emboldened?
  10. That challenge is years old and still no one has collected.
  11. Now why should I care about threats to Craig Winn's life when as a result of his irresponsible lies, I now have to be more concerned about my safety and that of my community? His criticism of Islam, and of the man you consider to be a prophet, somehow endangers you? How? In what way?
  12. I'm not sure that saying something is insignificant by comparison is the same as discounting it. I'm sure that Baal does not support the orthodox jew. Radical christians who murder abortionists are certainly a very serious issue, but relative to the jihad movement they are insignificant. When was the last attack???
  13. And who cares if he got death threats? Surely that matters to you? It appears that you're justifying death threats against critics of Islam. No true libertarian would do that.
  14. That's silly. Allah knows everything that will happen and allows it to because He gave mankind the freedom to choose for ourselves. This is the ultimate proof that freedom is paramount in Islam because if Allah doesn't exercise much control over us, then what right does the state have? The state, of course, has no right, other than to implement Shari'ah. The world belongs to Allah, not to men. You can break Allah's law, but you must pay the price. That's a different kind of liberty to what I have in mind.
  15. Shariah is beyond liberty. Allah decides the actions of Muslims, not muslims themselves.
  16. That depends on what is in American minds, LM. This is what is in some American minds, and it is as ugly as any Islamic fundamentalists. It would impose tyranny even though the Soviets never implemented any authoritarian regime: Islam is a force that is independent of American policy, and independent of dictators. There's a difference between deposing a dictator to usher in freedom and deposing a dictator to usher in Islam. Which one is going to be the case isn't determined by the dictator.
  17. Doesn't she know that girls aren't supposed to go to university, let alone be educated??? Not being versed in physics I wouldn't have a clue what she's on about, but good on her if she is on to something.
  18. An Iranian Shi'ite would not know a right if it bit him in the ass. Ba'al Chatzaf We've seen democracy in action in the Islamic world already, and in each case it's brought the voting public closer to Islamic theocracy. I guess that does, by Islamic standards, bring them closer to a corruption free world. Burying someone to their neck and stoning them for apostasy isn't corrupt. It's Islamic.
  19. "but I do sincerely believe that they have the right to develop one as a means of deterrent to stop other nations from attacking them." You may as well say that, Charles Manson, has the right to arm himself.
  20. An opinion piece about Turkey's ongoing shift:
  21. Yes, we can't all match the erudite wit of William, or possess the flair and pizzazz to make it on twitter, but, while William is dazzling - and being dazzled - with tales such as the Brotherhood being Egypts next best thing since Adam Smith, and probably sliced bread to boot, the singular-minded notice that the jihad rages on. It isn't one-eyedness that enables me to see that.
  22. El-Shater: Every aspect of life is to be Islamicized.
  23. "What is the point remarking upon or discussing reality -- which is not an Orc, nor Muhammed, nor slavering Jews -- examining the reality of this man el-Shater and his chances of acquiring power?" The brotherhood have just put up a second candidate in case his terrorist past rules him out. Whether or not he acquires power is of little consequence when he wants to implement Sharia just as much as the rest of them. Islam is the aim, not liberty. Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood puts up second candidate (AFP)–2 days ago CAIRO — The Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt's top political force, announced it was putting up a second presidential candidate for May elections in case its first choice was not allowed to stand. The candidature of the Islamist group's number two, Khairat al-Shater, looked to be in doubt. Shater was freed from prison in March 2011 after having been jailed by a military court for seven years on charges of terrorism and money laundering. The Muslim Brotherhood, whose Freedom and Justice Party won the most seats in parliamentary elections earlier this year, said it was putting forward party chairman Mohammed Morsi as an "alternative candidate." Separately, earlier Saturday, the electoral commission said that Salafist politician Hazem Abu Ismail would probably be disqualified from running because his late mother was a US citizen. In response to what it called a "massacre" of Islamist candidates, the ultra-conservative Gamaa Islamiya announced that it was nominating hardliner Safwat Hegazy to stand, the official news agency MENA reported. The first round of the election is due to take place on May 23 and 24. Copyright © 2012 AFP. All rights reserved.More »
  24. Mustafa Akyol: "However, if capitalism merely means an economic system of private property, free enterprise and free markets, then there would be nothing “un-Islamic” about it" There would be, however, if it was extended to Infidels. This is not my opinion, it is Islamic law.