Libertarian Muslim

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Everything posted by Libertarian Muslim

  1. Both are correct, although it appears that with time, the phrase changed. shoe is on the other foot, the idiom The circumstances have reversed, the participants have changed places, as in I was one of his research assistants, subject to his orders, but now that I'm his department head the shoe is on the other foot. This metaphoric term first appeared in the mid-1800s as the boot is on the other leg. Literally wearing the right shoe on the left foot would be quite uncomfortable, and this notion is implied in this idiom, which suggests that changing places is not equally beneficial to both parties. The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
  2. You forgot the death penalty for treason... Which is what he's being accused of.. "The State of Israel has abolished capital punishment for all offenses other than genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, crimes against the Jewish people, and treason in wartime" Source: Well it's not so explicit to have a national "Let's celebrate terrorism" holiday, however Israel formed it's military to be inclusive of units of the Irgun and Lehi terrorist groups. Therefore Yom Hazikaron Celebrates their terrorist contributions to creating Israel through Yom Hazikaron and Yom Haatzmaut. But for certain we can say that the Israeli government celebrates the terrorism of these groups. Sorry, how did they abandon terrorism? Did they express regret for their terrorist attacks on the British or UN? Or was their terrorism simply unnecessary because the terrorism they committed beforehand actually resulted in the creation of the state that their had intended to create with it and could therefore disguise and legitimize it's current terrorist activities as that of a state at war? Firstly, I condemn any of those suicide bombings. Secondly. during a truce Israel rearms too, in fact we saw clearly this was the case as the US government had to send emergency munitions supplies to the Israeli government. But again, you're being one sided. Again, I said in the case of Hamas using rockets as they did in 2007 was a reaction to the Israeli blockade which collapsed the Gazan economy and created a severe crisis that was in effect as of their election and has continued to be ever since in addition to Israel breaking the ceasefire that they agreed to. I stand by my comment in saying that Hamas was completely justified in rocketing Israeli towns as an attempt to get the Israelis to adhere to the ceasefires they broke and to renegotiate better conditions so that they could revive their economy and feed their people.. They had no other option and the responsibility lies with the rest of the world as the global community refused to intervene and Israel was neglecting the obligations as an occupying force (which in this case was due to controlling the borders of this nation and blockading it) according to the Geneva Convention. I explained this quite clearly before. It was Israel who broke the ceasefire 7 times during the agreed period, Hamas didn't break it once and the Israeli government themselves admit that. Hold on a second. Hamas is at war with Israel, make no distinction about race or religion here.. It's about fighting an occupier and not a religious or ethnic group. Next, Hamas was Elected into power and the PLO refused to give the power up. Hamas tried to negotiate and when the PLO started kidnapping Hamas supporters off the street, torturing them and murdering them Hamas seized power from them using force because they refused to accept the wishes of the people. You keep saying that the Gazans are responsible for their suffering for electing a government into power like Hamas. What a load of baloney. They elected a government that wanted to negotiate a peace deal with Israel and all Israel and the West did was create headaches by putting them under blockade and creating civil war, and then bombing them back to the stone age. Oh please.. The Nazis used collective punishment too.. It's against international law in case you didn't know, or is it that you don't believe that a Palestinian's life is worth the same as a Jews and therefore it doesn't matter what happens to them? Has Israel recognized the same right of Palestinians? Have they declared that? Stop making this so one sided.. Israel is the military power that can set the borders, let it declare it's borders so the Palestinians can recognize it as a state based on negotiation.. Hamas have made it abundantly clear that they want peace. Let the Israeli's accept the Arab Peace Initiative
  3. Bill, did you actually read the edited reply that you quoted where I stated that I wouldn't use anything from Syria's political system? Also, Syria doesn't have religious parties of any sort. They are a strictly secular government and ALL religious parties are banned. I was talking about Syria's religious harmony which is in no way related to the type of government or political system they have, Syrian's are just very harmonious people.
  4. Syria is a perfect example of religious groups getting along with each other. It's not because of the government that it is like this at all. It's the people themselves. They are just naturally amazingly hospitable and kind people. To answer your question about political and religious freedom. You have religious freedom providing it doesn't interfere with the regime, ie you can't have a religious political party. Political freedom is very limited. EDIT: Sorry I forgot to add. No, there's nothing about Syria's political system that I'd like to use. I had to leave Syria because I couldn't stand idly by and not say anything about the system they have. Even seeing pictures of the president everywhere and people not up in arms about how it can contribute to a dictatorship made me want to beat everyone I could see with a stick. They just have no idea because they've been in that system for so long that they don't know anything different.
  5. Brant, First of all, the 'sects' of Islam aren't even really sects because it is one group and the majority of Muslim scholars recognize each other group and therefore they are simply just schools of thought. Islam is already the most widely practiced religion in the world and if what you were saying was true, then there most certainly would be violence in every country between these groups. There simply isn't. I have lived in the Middle East and seen for myself in the places where Islam is the dominant religion. Syria was a perfect example. Christians and Muslims of all different schools of thought were living in peace with each other, like brothers and sisters. In other countries where there is violence the perpetrators are religious extremists like the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan or it's because of political reasons where certain groups want power.
  6. I don't think anyone here is so weak in their will that they would fall simply for charm Brant. I am stating my beliefs and that's it. Nothing more and nothing less. And I don't quite understand why you'd quote my comment about Judaism and Islam being similar. Islam is very close to Judaism and a good Muslim will consider Jews like brothers and sisters to us. I'd happily marry a Jewish woman if I were in love with her and she could practice her religion as much as she liked, in fact I'd die protecting that right.
  7. Very interesting! Thanks Jeffrey, this article reminds me how similar Judaism is to Islam.
  8. G-d doesn't study. The G-d of Moses is the G-d of Muhammad. But yep, the reference you provided is exactly what G-d said: "Therefore but a single person was created in the world, to teach that if any man has caused a single life to perish from Israel, he is deemed by Scripture as if he had caused a whole world to perish; and anyone who saves a single soul from Israel, he is deemed by Scripture as if he had saved a whole world."
  9. Ba'al, I have never been the type of person to sit on the fence. I wouldn't waste my time here if I was. I am actually trying to create change and get the proper interpretation of Islam spread throughout the Muslim world so that such extremism gets stamped out. I wouldn't even Unfortunately however, my meager efforts can only do so much compared to the billions of dollars that the extremists have at their disposal thanks to Wahhabi oil money all supported by the Western Governments. I think the Muslim world has a responsibility to deal with these extremists, but when the West supports the dictator and extreme governments with money and military technology. It makes it quite difficult. Simply speaking out in some of these countries can have not only you imprisoned, tortured and maybe murdered, but also your whole family and even your tribe in some cases. Once we are able to get a better example of Islam spreading around the areas where these extremists are working like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia etc and it gains support (which I have no doubt it will). I'd gladly raise an army and fight against the extremist remnants that wish to create turmoil in the lands and I'd give my life for it because I don't like my religion being used and abused by these hate filled monsters that wish to use it as an excuse to terrorize innocent people. "For that cause We decreed for the Children of Israel that whosoever killeth a human being for other than manslaughter or corruption in the earth, it shall be as if he had killed all mankind, and whoso saveth the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind. Our messengers came unto them of old with clear proofs (of Allah's Sovereignty), but afterwards lo! many of them became prodigals in the earth." (Qur'an 5:32)
  10. Actually, it would be far easier than you think to find Jewish rabbis and scholars that promote the killing of babies and other horrible crimes.. I have never heard of an Islamic scholar that promotes the killing of babies and think that you might be hard pressed to find that. But honestly, what would be the point of me doing that? It'll just become tit for tat and be completely unproductive.. All it proves is that there are crazy people in the world that claim to represent a religion, but their ideas are perverted and not reflective of the religion itself and thus, the religion can't be held responsible.. But of course you don't see it that way because you can't get over your own hate and prejudices.
  11. ohhhh. Of course not! See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Of course. No True Scotsman would eat his mother's liver. Ba'al Chatzaf You really want to go this way Ba'al? I mean it's quite easy to show examples of Jewish 'scholars' promoting the killing of children.. Should I start doing that too and start behaving like you, claiming that any Jew who disagrees with this isn't a true Jew? For such an old man you are so hate filled and immature. I'm embarrassed for you.
  12. Of course it's a tactic. Sure, many of the bombers themselves were motivated by hate and revenge after what they'd seen their family and people put through by the Israeli Military and settlers. I won't go too much into it aside from saying that I have my own network of people, groups and organizations throughout the world which also contains some influential people who regard my opinion highly. The majority of Islamic scholars see it as forbidden in Islam because you are taking your own life in the process.. Which is suicide.. See the only thing you're really guaranteeing by pressing the button is that you will be blown up.. During the time of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him there were fighters who fought with no armor and prayed for martyrdom, but they would fight all of their enemies with the intention of winning the battle and continuing their lives and if they so happened to die in the process, then all praises are due to God, they were martyrs. Martyrdom is not a choice we make, we do not have the right to decide to be a martyr and it is for God to grant us. Strapping a bomb to yourself and blowing yourself up is in fact deciding to kill yourself. It's not fighting a war. There are some 'scholars' who say that it's okay, but this is a cop out.. They say it because their governments wont intervene in Palestine and instead of taking on their governments, they say that such tactics are okay to provide some way for the Palestinians to fight. I am very pleased that Hamas has stopped this tactic, it was counter productive and militarily useless. Sorry if you can't keep up. Because it's an issue of Islamic jurisprudence, I want to make it clear that I find no association between this tactic and Islam and it is impermissable.. The punishment for suicide in Islam is eternal hellfire. When is it evil? Any tactic is evil when you target non-combatants. I'm sorry but to claim that individual rights, self respect and respect are secular rights is ridiculous. Religion contains those rights also..
  13. So do you then believe that there should be no punishments for crimes? (I don't believe that you believe this) If not, then you rely on people using their good conduct and character to not commit crimes and instead make the right decisions? No, beating isn't listed and I don't care what the translation says. We don't just look at something and try and interpret its meaning word for word, that is silly to do. Because of the complexities of Qur'anic Arabic we instead look at the word and then compare it with the context and seerah and other evidences we have to try and ascertain its meaning. Yes, but you lack the knowledge that you could gain from actually being there and rely on someone elses words. I'm not saying the reports are useless but it's better to see it also. There is no Islamic State around today but I'd say the closest state to it is the USA. Although it was far closer to it when it followed the ideas of Jefferson etc. If the Catholics are right then it's no problem. I don't believe that God lacks mercy that He would hold us accountable for not finding the right path if we sincerely tried our best to find it and please him. I always reevaluate my beliefs against new information I find and have done so since I was 12 years old and will continue to do so until I die and thus far have found that Islam appears to be the correct path. I would much prefer that wager than to be in your position. Either way, my risk is still significantly less than yours.
  14. Absolutely not and don't attribute such a thought to me.. The problems in Nigeria are not religion based, they're tribal and it's about money and power. Not about Islam and Christianity.
  15. Adonis, If I were a member of an organized religion, this is exactly the view I would hold. Character counts for a lot more than the formal divisions people inherit or make amongst themselves. Michael Michael, I sincerely believe you would have the same views my friend. You seem to have the same ideas as I in many things. It's a pleasure discussing this with you.
  16. I don't think any of you quite understand the dynamics of Nigeria and what's happening there. But let's see how Islam has been a force for positive change where not only secularism failed, but where the whole world sat idly by whilst genocide was being committed.
  17. Oh please... What a silly argument.. Yes, my book contradicts another person's book. But I'm happy to live and let live, let them practice what they want and I'll practice mine and in the next life God can decide. Though I don't doubt that if one sincerely seeks truth and the way to please their creator and is genuine in that whilst not harming innocent people and generally living a good life that they'd be forgiven and will get to paradise.. God is Merciful..
  18. Oh yeah, because the last 100 years has been a great indication of how people with ideologies of no religion and secularism have been a really great indication of what morality is...
  19. Is this the part where you start making a narrative for the rest of the community trying to paraphrase what I say to suit yourself and miss out the important facts? After looking below I suppose you are.. How original.. You should be in the media.. 1. Hamas has changed a lot within the last few years in terms of their tactics.. Hamas today doesn't intentionally target any civilian other than adult settlers. In the past they behaved differently but have abandoned the tactic of suicide bombing, which in my opinion is a very smart move as I see it as forbidden in Islam. In addition to that the Palestinians including Hamas have historically directed most of their attacks against two groups. The Israeli police/army and adult Israeli settlers. They 100% are justified in targeting both of these groups because all of those groups carry firearms, So they are just as correct according to international law as the Israeli military is of targeting armed Hamas militants. 2. The Israeli's voted in Yitzhak Shamir, previous leader of this terrorist group that approached Hitler and offered to help him remove all the Jews from Europe if he helped remove the British from Palestine and committed many terrorist acts, the Israeli government have holidays commemorating and celebrating terrorist groups like the Stern Gang. 3. Terrorism is terrorism, Israel was a state that was created through terrorism, intimidation, murder, assassinations etc of not just British soldiers, but against politicians and UN commissioners. Israel was a nation borne out of terrorism yet when the Palestinians do the same things you criticize. 4. Before 2007 there were more than 700 aid trucks per day that were allowed to enter the Gaza Strip, carrying vital aid and other goods to keep the economy going, the people fed, the sick treated and the public servants paid. Palestinian fishermen were able to travel up to 6nm from the shore by the Israeli's to be able to catch fish which was still very close to shore as most of the fish are located 12-15nm from shore which the Palestinians had no access to. During this period up until 1999 the Palestinians were catching about 4,000 tonnes of fish per year making up $10,000,000 a year for Gaza which is about 4% of the Gazan economy, employing some 45,000 people in the fishing industry. When Hamas was elected into power by the overwhelming majority of Palestinians the Israelis along with the US and its puppet states in the region have destroyed the Gazan economy with their siege and tried to stir up a civil war to take Hamas out of power even though Hamas was democratically elected by the Palestinians themselves. In 2007 the Israeli's put the Gaza Strip under blockade, trying to starve the Palestinians into submission preventing the majority of those 700 trucks from coming in to deliver goods in only allowing less than 70 trucks to cross in per day into the Gaza strip as a means to create discontent at the government which ultimately failed. The Palestinian fishermen were also forced to stay within 3nm of shore where the fish in the area had been depleted meaning they couldn't get enough fish and in 2008 this went down to 2,710 tonnes of fish and they were subjected to immense humiliation by the Israelis, beatings, arrests, being shot at etc. The Gazans have been under siege by the Israelis and Egyptians being prevented from bringing in enough food to feed the people, medicine to treat the sick and other necessities such as money to pay public servants. They called for the international community to intervene and it refused to do so, during this time they did not launch rockets against Israel and still abided by the ceasefire that they agreed to. Israel however broke the ceasefire and killed some Hamas militants in Gaza in 2007, this attack was not provoked at all and the UN admits to the fact and did so at the very beginning that Israel was the one breaking the ceasefire agreement. The Israeli's broke the ceasefire agreement 7 times on June 20 and June 26. Yes, some rockets were launched from Gaza on 3 occasions on June 23rd and June 26th but not by Hamas, it was by other splinter groups that Hamas were actively working against. At the end of the agreed ceasefire, to add insult to injury, the Israelis said they wanted to renegotiate the trucks coming into the Gaza Strip with aid and instead of reinstating the 700 trucks per day, only increasing it to 90 trucks per day from the 70 beforehand creating scarcity and havoc in Gaza.. This was far less than the 700 trucks per day and definitely would neither help restart the Gaza economy but it'd also keep them in the dire circumstances that they had been in since 2007 and this is while at that time they still didn't have enough to get by. So what was Hamas to do then? The children of Gaza are suffering from malnutrition while Israeli's live in relative luxury in comparison. The Israeli's had also broken the ceasefire so why on earth should Hamas agree to another ceasefire under such terrible terms? Would you? So they asked for the international community to intervene and yet again the international community refused to do so.. Preferring to sit in silence and watch.. So put yourself in the shoes of the government.. What would any person here do? I'll paraphrase a Hamas leader's comments at the time, 'We decided that if our children would have to stay up at night from crying from hunger pains and malnutrition, then we would make the Israeli's stay up all night too fearing our rockets'. Hamas uses unguided rockets, which are in fact next to impossible to have any accuracy with in terms of where the rockets land so they point it in a general direction. It is a form of harassment against the Israeli's, psychological warfare if you will as they know the Israelis will just spend most of their time in their bomb shelters and to try and get better terms to negotiate with. Would it be better if Hamas didn't use unguided rockets? Yes, it would.. I would much prefer them have the military technology and capability to be able to strike with accuracy against Israeli military targets within Israel and actually be able to fight a proper guerrilla war against Israeli forces including guided missiles to use against Israeli tanks and military installations and US supplied F-16s and Apache Gunships. However, considering that this is not the case and Hamas only has limited means of being able to fight against the Israeli blockade and military strikes that broke the truce I therefore completely and 100% support Hamas' use of rockets against the Israeli towns in question and would have done the same myself. Let the Israeli's live as much of an uncomfortable life as the Gazans do and force them to return with a better negotiating stance than just trying ethnically cleanse and commit genocide against the Gazans. I mean what was the other choice? Allow themselves to be further humiliated and subjected and just roll over and die, letting their people suffer and children die whilst doing nothing? To do anything else other than what they did do would simply be dying quietly and not making too much of a fuss about it so the world wouldn't have to see the results of their inaction.. Hamas acted as a responsible government by taking the actions that they did. Responsibility here lies only with the Israeli, Egyptian and US Governments. The Palestinians had an absolute right there to fight back because the world watched on in silence doing nothing while the Palestinians were starving to death, patients were dying from a lack of treatment and the Palestinian economy was in tatters. THAT is a war on the Gazan people, a blockade like that is an act of war and for what? The people of Palestine deciding to vote in Hamas as their government in a landslide victory? I remember so clearly Bush, Rice and others not just within the US government but around the world saying about how the elections in Palestine would be a 'great step towards democracy' and 'the Palestinian people would be able to choose for themselves' and they were so sure that the PLO would win the elections, but no sooner had Hamas been voted in the US and most of the rest of the world put their government under severe sanctions and started plotting to remove them from government, arming, training and helping dissidents attack them and try remove them from power. This is the absolute proof of how hypocritical the West has been, when it suits the US and other Anglo-European nations they are all for democracy, but when it comes to serving their interests when it comes to natural resources or Israel, democracy means absolutely nothing to them.. Outrageous. The Goldstone Report press release stated: "The report concludes that the Israeli military operation was directed at the people of Gaza as a whole, in furtherance of an overall and continuing policy aimed at punishing the Gaza population, and in a deliberate policy of disproportionate force aimed at the civilian population. The destruction of food supply installations, water sanitation systems, concrete factories and residential houses was the result of a deliberate and systematic policy which has made the daily process of living, and dignified living, more difficult for the civilian population. The Report states that Israeli acts that deprive Palestinians in the Gaza Strip of their means of subsistence, employment, housing and water, that deny their freedom of movement and their right to leave and enter their own country, that limit their rights to access a court of law and an effective remedy, could lead a competent court to find that the crime of persecution, a crime against humanity, has been committed." Peace isn't just a lack of rockets or bombs exploding, that is just an absence of physical combat. There can be no peace until there is justice for all parties and the Palestinians haven't received justice for 60 years. If the Israeli's want peace, let them agree to the Arab Peace Initiative.. It's the only fair way to resolve this properly.. I think Che Guevara would be rolling in his grave having my look compared to his. My facial hair is not unkempt and messy, it is neat and trimmed, I dress smartly and do not look like a guerrilla and I am very sure he'd take issue with my French (imperialist) Lacoste hat being compared to his famous plain beret decorated with a star. In no way am I trying to look like Che Guevara.. This is how I dress and if you don't like it, I couldn't care less. If people on this forum look more into what I look like than what I say then that is their loss.. I'm not here to please anyone. Thank you I will read into this.
  20. No that didn't quite answer my question. Do you think that the only way to stop people from breaking laws is to have a police state? Yes I have gone through it, but I know the differences between a proper 'Islamic State' and what I saw in Syria. You apparently, do not. I don't blame you though, the Muslims in the world are a pretty bad example of Islam and most don't even understand the concept of an Islamic State and see Saudi Arabia or Iran or even Taliban Afghanistan as what it should be. Well no, it doesn't quite work like that at all, sure we have a family structure and like a country, there can't be 2 presidents.. However, the president must go to congress (ie the family) and not only consult them, but also follow their wishes on most cases, the only time when the president (ie the husband/father) can act without their permission or override their decisions is to keep the country (the family) safe from something. The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him always consulted his wives regarding decisions of the family. He was still strong and kept them safe but showed us an example of a good husband. He consulted his wives not only on issues to do with family decisions, but in his mandate as a Prophet and they gave good advice. I might also remind you that his first wife, Khadijah may God reward her infinitely was also his boss as he worked for her and her business. Also, this 'rebellious' behavior that you're referring to is not just something like you're speaking about, it's rebelling against God, like doing something really bad that puts her place in paradise at risk. He can't beat her either, it means to separate for a period of time and as I said, the Prophet Muhammad pbuh never hit his wives, in fact when he did have this rebellion from them he separated from them.. I do think the stoning punishment is justified if they fulfill such criteria. I forgot to add that I'd also expect the judge to go back and look at the person's upbringing, to see if they had every chance in their lives to learn better ways than this as they not have been brought up with good values.. If this was not there then I wouldn't support such a punishment. In addition to that I also probably wouldn't support it if the person was unaware of what the consequences of their actions could be. Also, I would be sad at the fact that a human being erred so much in their judgment that they committed such acts if they knew the possible punishments for their crimes and still did it. Fulfilling all of the above criteria, however this would not deter me from supporting the punishment of stoning in that case. No, God's Will in this case is simply allowing it to happen. We say it is God's will because nothing happens without God's Permission. I guess you could compare the Islamic view of God with that of a computer programmer in the sense that in the creation of the program (the universe) He sets the rules as to how the universe should run. One of those rules is the free will of man to make their own decisions and take actions according to their own free will. Let's compare that to angels who have no free will to be able to act as they wish, they act only by the order of God and do what God wants them to do. Mankind has the freedom to according to their own, and will be held accountable for their deeds on the day of resurrection. Thus, mankind is not prevented from doing anything. Again, it's useless trying to debate this with you and I have no intention of doing so. I believe in God. You don't. Since I can neither prove the existence of God other than bringing the testimony of people who were alive during the times of the Prophets, peace be upon them and who saw their miracles and you can't disprove it because there is no way to do so I suppose we'll just have to wait until the next life and see whether I was right or not. My risk is significantly less than yours however as if I'm right then I will be rewarded, if I am wrong nothing happens. If you are right, it doesn't matter because nothing happens but if you are wrong, then you have to face the Creator and explain yourself as to why you didn't believe. Being a merciful God, He may forgive you but still. I wouldn't bet eternity on it.
  21. You mean the Negev where the Arab Bedouins have spent hundreds of years roaming around? The point is that they were given land they didn't own and created a state in a land where there were already people. Land was taken from the Arabs and given to them, no Libertarian could support the land being taken from one person who owned it and given to another. It goes against almost every idea of Libertarianism. Would the US allow the creation of a state in their own for the Native Americans who haven't stopped living in those lands and keep a very strong connection to them? No they wouldn't at all.. 1.Actually, what I am saying is not unlike reality, address each point that I made in the previous post instead of just claiming that I'm lying. This isn't about 'everything the Jews did is wrong' at all. 2.The Zionists killed and intimidated Arabs too just like they do today. 3. Also, terrorism is terrorism, the Zionists attacked the British yes, they killed many British soldiers and celebrate doing so today. They used terrorism to create their own state and you blame the Palestinians for doing the same thing? Oh please.. How hypocritical. 4. The Stern Gang, a group responsible for many terrorist operations, they went and approached Hitler offering him help in return for him fighting against the British. Yitzhak Shamir, a former member of the Stern Gang was elected to be the Prime Minister of Israel. So you're saying that Ghandi sold out so he could get the support of the British? Are you serious? Hamas has tried non Violence, it has adhered to ceasefires while Israel still attacked it like the example of the 2007 ceasefire which Israel broke. But again, even those non violent villagers protesting the apartheid wall get gassed, beaten, imprisoned and often shot by the Israeli military. You also didn't answer my other question, how come the Zionists didn't use non-violence against the British? How come they had to be terrorists and blow up buildings, how come they had to assassinate UN members? Jeffrey S. No, I'm asking for the direct reference from the Torah that specifies this. Book, Chapter and Verse please. I have met MANY Jews that have a seething hate for Germany even though the Nazi regime ended in WW2. I know MANY Jews that hate Arabs.. So let's not try this game shall we.. There are always crazy people in every group. What Shia emnity towards the Sunnis? The Shia don't blame the Sunnis for that at all.. They see the Sunnis as their brothers in Islam. Yes they despise those who harmed Ali but those who did so weren't Sunnis, they were Khajarites. Now, regarding this lecture on Imam Hussein pbuh's martyrdom. I'm not sure if you're aware but the Sunnis also despise the tyrant Yazid who had Imam Hussein pbuh killed. You can ask any Sunni today and they will tell you that they would gladly go back to that time and die alongside Imam Hussein pbuh fighting against such oppression and tyranny, fighting for justice and to protect Islam as Imam Hussein pbuh did.. Did you watch this lecture the whole way through? Are you aware of what they are even talking about? Do you know the full story of Karbala? The events at Karbala are the perfect example of innocence and purity against tyranny and oppression. What those people did to Imam Hussein, the Family of the Prophet peace be upon them all and their companions was, in my opinion the worst crime in the world's history. Making them stay in the desert for days with no water, not even for the babies and children and brutally murdering almost all of the males from the age of 6 months old to more than 50 years old and mutilating their dead bodies. Then assaulting the women and humiliating them. Of course this is an emotional video, these people are still grieving for Imam Hussein pbuh, how could we not grieve for him, he saved Islam from being changed by tyrants.. I would never call the Shia or any other group of the Muslims 'not really Muslim'.. They are just like the Sunnis..
  22. He was poisoned 4 years before he died at the Battle of Khaybar. I believe that God kept the effects of poison from killing him until the message of Islam had been completed and then after it had, God allowed the poison to take effect and kill him. Thus making him a martyr. Below are some hadiths relating to it from a Hadith book called Sahih Bukhari.
  23. At the Battle of Khaibar, there was an attempt on his life and he was by some meat served to him by a woman. He took one or two bites but was then warned by God about it being poisoned and so he told everyone to stop eating. He questioned her about it and she said that she did poison the meat and did so to see whether he was a Prophet or just a king claiming power and said that if he was indeed a prophet, God would tell him and prevent him from eating all of the meat. He forgave her, on the condition that no one died as if someone did, it would then be murder. Unfortunately one of the companions did die from the poison so she was given the death penalty. He did complain years later on his death bed that he felt the poisoned meat from Khaibar left long term effects and maybe contributing to his death, he was a healthy man and he died quite suddenly. So I and many others say that he was martyred.