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Everything posted by galtgulch

  1. Robert, There is a move to block the cap and trade fiasco at so that Obama would be going to Copenhagen in December with empty hands. That website makes it very easy to submit a letter to both of your Senators and your Congressman. 220,351 I am reading Ron Paul's new best seller End The Fed. There is a chapter on his conversations with Alan Greenspan. Ron Paul actually brought a copy of The Objectivist Newsletter to a meeting and asked Greenspan to autograph his article on Gold and Economic Freedom, which he did. First he asked him if he recognized it! I find Greenspan's transition or metamorphosis into a statist inexplicable. gulch
  2. Here is the link to a video of Lord Monckton in which he warns us of potential loss of our sovereignty if Obama signs a treaty setting up a world government from which we cannot resign without the consent of all the other states which join at a meeting in Copenhagen on "Framework Convention on Climate Change." : He mentions that when the Berlin Wall came down Communists flocked out and took over Green Peace, an organization founded by his friends, who all left it, pushed our by the Communists who are now behind the movement to establish the world government. I will contact my Senators and Congressman to encourage them to prevail upon Obama not to sign the treaty in December! membership 220,330 gulch
  3. An article appears in the Fall 2009 issue of The Intercollegiate Review by Thomas E. Woods, Jr. entitled Warren Harding and the Forgotten Depression of 1920 Here is the link: <<<"Thomas E. Woods, Jr., is the New York Times bestselling author of nine books, including The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History and, most recently, Meltdown: A Free Market Look at Why the Stock Market Collapsed, the Economy Tanked, and Government Bailouts Will Make Things Worse (with a foreword by Ron Paul). Visit his website, and watch his Rally for the Republic speech (part 1, part 2).">>> Here is the link to the Rally for the Republic speech: Here is an excerpt from Wood's article on Warren Harding: <<<"If the Austrian view is correct—and I believe the theoretical and empirical evidence strongly indicates that it is—then the best approach to recovery would be close to the opposite of these Keynesian strategies. The government budget should be cut, not increased, thereby releasing resources that private actors can use to realign the capital structure. The money supply should not be increased. Bailouts merely freeze entrepreneurial error in place, instead of allowing the redistribution of resources into the hands of parties better able to provide for consumer demands in light of entrepreneurs’ new understanding of real conditions. Emergency lending to troubled firms perpetuates the misallocation of resources and extends favoritism to firms engaged in unsustainable activities at the expense of sound firms prepared to put those resources to more appropriate use. This recipe of government austerity is precisely what Harding called for in his 1921 inaugural address: We must face the grim necessity, with full knowledge that the task is to be solved, and we must proceed with a full realization that no statute enacted by man can repeal the inexorable laws of nature. Our most dangerous tendency is to expect too much of government, and at the same time do for it too little. We contemplate the immediate task of putting our public household in order. We need a rigid and yet sane economy, combined with fiscal justice, and it must be attended by individual prudence and thrift, which are so essential to this trying hour and reassuring for the future. . . . The economic mechanism is intricate and its parts interdependent, and has suffered the shocks and jars incident to abnormal demands, credit inflations, and price upheavals. The normal balances have been impaired, the channels of distribution have been clogged, the relations of labor and management have been strained. We must seek the readjustment with care and courage. . . . All the penalties will not be light, nor evenly distributed. There is no way of making them so. There is no instant step from disorder to order. We must face a condition of grim reality, charge off our losses and start afresh. It is the oldest lesson of civilization. I would like government to do all it can to mitigate; then, in understanding, in mutuality of interest, in concern for the common good, our tasks will be solved. No altered system will work a miracle. Any wild experiment will only add to the confusion. Our best assurance lies in efficient administration of our proven system. Harding’s inchoate understanding of what was happening to the economy and why grandiose interventionist plans would only delay recovery is an extreme rarity among twentieth-century American presidents. That he has been the subject of ceaseless ridicule at the hands of historians, to the point that anyone speaking a word in his favor would be dismissed out of hand, speaks volumes about our historians’ capabilities outside of their own discipline. The experience of 1920–21 reinforces the contention of genuine free-market economists that government intervention is a hindrance to economic recovery. It is not in spite of the absence of fiscal and monetary stimulus that the economy recovered from the 1920–21 depression. It is because those things were avoided that recovery came. The next time we are solemnly warned to recall the lessons of history lest our economy deteriorate still further, we ought to refer to this episode—and observe how hastily our interrogators try to change the subject.">>>
  4. I think this qualifies as a happening. Obama has authorized sending an additional 13,000 troops to Afghanistan contrary to his professed policies during his campaign. Link: I put the word war in quotes in the topic title because there was never a Congressional Declaration of War as stipulated in the U.S. Constitution in Article 1 Section 8. What good will it do if the Republicans regain seats in the Congress if they are as egregious as the Democrats in their ignorance and disregard of the meaning of the Constitution? Our only hope is that the power of compounding continues to work as fellow citizens who are active members of the Campaign For Liberty recruit more members with the goal of growing to a number which will ensure they can elect those who will keep the oath to preserve the Constitution. 219,185 There is an article on Chris Martenson's website which elaborates on the phenomenon of exponential growth. Find it under "essential articles" scroll down to Compound Interest and cllck on Dr. Albert Bartlett Explains Compounding. I believe the growth of membership of the C4L will demonstrate this phenomenon in the next couple of years. I have encountered other members and many have a good grasp of the direction our country is heading in including the problems in the realms of Peak oil and energy, population growth, the Federal debt and the decline of the dollar. These issues will reach asymptotic stage sooner than we may realize. Nothing Obama or his advisors are doing will solve these problems and much of what they do is just making things worse.
  5. Michael, et al, It has been proposed that if a mere three percent of an organization advocate a different position, that they can bring it about. That is undoubtedly untrue when it comes to a society composed of 300 million people, the vast majority of which is indoctrinated or simply raised in a particular religion or variants thereof. To even have three percent there would need to be 3 million who identify with Objectivism. I would not say that will never happen after all we have reason and reality on our side while they have thousands of years of tradition and wishful thinking on theirs. If we ever did achieve prevalence of our ideas who would care if we were accused of the things you mention because it would be obvious they were not valid. 219,058
  6. GS, It is hard for the vast majority of people to grasp just how far America now is from being a truly free society as envisioned by Ayn Rand and Objectivists. We have lived all our lives with so many manifestations of government interventions and I will only mention a very few: compulsory public schools, military draft until it was repealed, the income tax, sales taxes, capital gains taxes, inheritance taxes, occupational licensing, zoning regulations, business regulations, e.g. OSHA, EPA, Sarbanes-Oxley rules, property taxes, prohibition of substances, irredeemable paper currency and legal tender laws, central banking, and the list goes on... The govt has limited entry into the marketplace by limiting the number of medical schools since the Flexner report and study. Medical licensing has established a monopoly in medicine. We are all aware of the consequences of the lack of tort reform regarding malpractice with resultant exorbitant premiums for insurance against claims of negligence or malpractice and awards granted even when the outcome was not the fault of the doctor at all. One point here is that government interventions have had far worse outcomes than would have occurred without those interventions. Of course when vast sums are expropriated from productive citizens who work for a living and used by govt for some purpose conceived by politicians under pressure from lobbyists there will be recipients who benefit. We will never know what would have been done if the money had been left in the hands of those who earned it. I imagine you might wonder whether certain things would be done in a free society where no one would be forced to "contribute." Perhaps you might wish to know whether there is sufficient water on the moon and conceive of a program to send a rocket to the moon to crash and another rocket behind it to determine if any water existed in the plume kicked up by the first rocket, for the cost of $79 million dollars. You might think it worthwhile to make such a tiny expenditure because if there were water there it could be used to create hydrogen and oxygen to enable a base to be built on the moon to facilitate space exploration beyond the moon. I think as appealing as such exploration might be Objectivists, or at least this one, think such endeavors should be funded privately, not tax supported. If a military program were justified in space it also should not be supported by taxation or if so in accordance with the stipulation in Article 1 Section 9 after the Sixteenth Amendment were repealed as it should be. We live in a mixed economy and there are a mixture of freedoms and interventions, rules, restriction, mandates, compulsory regulations and the like. So what you observe today is not a free market in medicine or anything else. It is unfair to place the blame for the shortcomings of our present system of medical practice upon the free market as it does not exist. A case can be made that those shortcomings would resolve if a truly free market in medical practice existed once again. There was a time when a doctor was free to contract with his or her patient without the interference of any third party. The patients were also free to choose their own doctors as well. The issue is not the profit motive rather it is one of individual freedom. Government is coercion, produces nothing and should be limited as the Founders intended to protecting the rights of individuals. Unfortunately the sophistry and power lust of men has construed the Constitution to their own misguided purposes where the kind of evil intentions you attribute to those who seek profit actually are more appropriately attributed to those who have priorities above the freedom of the individuals whose rights are violated and who are enslaved by the laws politicians legislate. Two men may each have a desire to acquire wealth and so may be considered to have a profit motive. One will acquire a marketable skill and earn his pay by dealing with others by mutual consent and create products or services others value and for which they are willing to pay. Another may resort to force or fraud in his behavior thus violating the rights of others to satisfy his desire to acquire wealth. Or he or she may simply vote into office a politician who is willing to cast his votes for bills which in turn benefit some at the expense of others. As Spooner has pointed out the secret ballot enables a secret band of robbers and murderers to achieve their ends through the political process. Than only can happen when politicians fail to grasp the meaning of the oath they take and of the Constitution itself which forbids the evils you and i abhor. 218,938
  7. At the risk of being annoying to the point of being obnoxious, once again I urge each gentle reader to join, no cost to sign up, the Campaign For Liberty. Then simply inform others you encounter of its existence and let them know one of our goals is to replace the politicians who take the oath of office but do not understand that the Constitution enumerates the powers granted to Congress, consequently they fail to preserve it and keep their oath every time they vote to grab a new power not enumerated. The more of us who join the sooner our numbers will grow to the point where we can accomplish the repeal of all those taxes, regulations and interventions which are responsible for our current plight. 218,179 and doubling several times a year. gulch
  8. HR 2647 has one cosponsor the other two bills have no cosponsors Meanwhile the popular HR1207, Ron Paul's bill to Audit the Fed has 299 cosponsors in the House and 30 for the companion bill in the Senate S604 218,146 gulch
  9. Wonderful to see the triumph of Reason. Here is the link: 218,145 Incidentally, Ron Paul's new book, End The Fed, is number 6 on the New York Times Non Fiction Best Seller List today. There are 299 cosponsors plus Ron Paul makes 300 in support of HR1207, The Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009 and a total of 30 Senators of the Senate version S.604 gulch
  10. Given that each of us has two parents, four grandparents, eight great grandparents...etc, you see where I am going with this. The farther back you go, the more generations back in time, the more ancestors you have who walked the Earth and survived long enough to reproduce. Each of us had ancestors who lived in every age of recorded history and exponentially more ancestors who lived in prehistoric times. Although Ardi lived 4 million years ago, she in turn had ancestors who lived at the time of the great asteroid extinction 65 million years ago. The dinosaur age was over 100 million years long during which there were little furry creatures who were small enough, fast enough, paranoid enough and smart enough to elude the carnivores who ruled the planet. Whether the religionists like it or not, each of us had ancestors among those creatures, whose ancestors in turn can be assumed to have existed all the way back several billion years to a time when there were no multicellular organisms and the teeming unicellular creatures in turn could trace their own lineage to the very first RNA and DNA molecules. If you have read Red Giants and White Dwarfs you know that all chemical elements more complex than Hydrogen atoms were created within stars which were exploding in super novas which led to the existence of the atoms from which RNA and DNA were built. No need to imagine a supernatural intervention anywhere along in the process of the creation and continuity of germ plasm which still goes on. 218,012 gulch
  11. C4L claims there are now 300 cosponsors of HR1207, enough to assure passage over a presidential veto. 218,000 Not growing fast enough to suit me but reality will show. gulch
  12. galtgulch


    The only meaningful concept of God is that God is equivalent to Existence. You said afterall that God is Man's creator. Since Man was actually created within and by the grace of Existence my initial statement is true. Francis Bacon said that "Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed." You are correct that it is foolish to stand against Existence or Reality. The facts that Man's life can go out of existence and the fact that man has a volitional conceptual consciousness give rise to the meaningfulness of morality. We have Ayn Rand to thank for that perspective. So yes Existence created morality. You are mistaken to present the concept of God as if it were a man like being. Actually Existence is Being. I for one do not accept your premises. gulch 217,888 HR1207 297 cosponsors! S605 28cosponsors
  13. Robert, Something tells me that your namesake, Robert the Bruce, would not "just...stay tuned" which has a passive quality to it. Instead he would be rallying those who value their freedom and would storm the barricades or whatever the 21st Century equivalent would be. Maybe join the Campaign For Liberty! 217,775 gulch
  14. Perhaps that is true of a certain percentage of doctors but in my experience almost all the doctors with whom i have worked approach each patient in a professional manner, accept the challenge of making a diagnosis taking into consideration not only the patients symptoms as well as objective signs of an illness in addition to a variety of other considerations uncovered in the traditional process of taking a comprehensive history which includes the lifestyle issues to which you allude. It is getting tougher given the time constraints imposed upon those doctors who work in HMO settings. Defensive medicine also has to be on the minds of a doctor who assumes responsibility for a patient. Perhaps you saw the cartoon in the WSJ recently where a doctor tells a patient that "I think you are fine, but my attorney would like to have certain tests done." It is also evident that the trial lawyers have the Democrats in their pockets given the contributions they make to the campaigns of those who have been elected to office and have risen to positions of influence within the legislature. THat is why hardly any attention has been paid to pleas by physicians to have reforms in the malpractice arena by the Obama administration. This country is on a path towards the destruction of individual freedom and government control of virtually everything for some time. Who knows how much time there is left to do what needs to be done in order to correct this before it is too late. 217,699
  15. <<<"Jane M. Orient obtained her undergraduate degrees in chemistry and mathematics from the University of Arizona in Tucson, and her M.D. from Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1974. She completed an internal medicine residency at Parkland Memorial Hospital and University of Arizona Affiliated Hospitals and then became an Instructor at the University of Arizona College of Medicine. She has been in solo private practice since 1981 and has served as Executive Director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) since 1989. She is the author of YOUR Doctor Is Not In: Healthy Skepticism about National Healthcare, Sutton's Law (a novel about where the money is in medicine today), and the second and third editions of Sapira's Art and Science of Bedside Diagnosis. She coauthored two novels published as e-books, Neomorts and Moonshine, and books for schoolchildren, Professor Klugimkopf’s Old-Fashioned English Grammar and Professor Klugimkopf’s Spellling Method, published by Robinson Books. More than 100 of her papers have been published in the scientific and popular literature on a variety of subjects including risk assessment, natural and technological hazards and nonhazards, and medical economics and ethics. She is the editor of AAPS News, the Doctors for Disaster Preparedness Newsletter, and Civil Defense Perspectives, and is the managing editor of The Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons. What's the Real Emergency in Health Care Reform? By Jane Orient Published 09/28/09 As Obama has noted, health care reform has been an emergency for at least half a century, yet many previous presidents have failed to ram through a national health system. So why is it an even bigger emergency now, requiring that we "get it done" before the end of the year? Most of it, of course, will not even take effect for several years -- until after the next presidential election. Nobody really believes that a radical restructuring of one-sixth of the nation's economy -- by adding requirements, demands, mandates, and other costs -- is going to pull us out of a recession. Or that adding a trillion dollars to the national debt will make us solvent. Part of the urgency is that the public is awakening to what the radical change will mean to them, in terms of cost, quality, and access to care. Congress is beginning to feel a lot of heat from the opposition. Waiting another few months might mean more Democrats defecting from the Speaker's and the President's agenda. But there's something else: Medicare. Now immensely popular, our single-payer system for the elderly can still be pointed to as a model. But the leading edge of the Baby Boomer generation is on the verge of retirement, and the reality of the Madoff scheme cannot be concealed much longer. The original architects of Medicare are long dead and beyond the reach of the prison system. But putting Madoff and his government imitators in prison doesn't bring back the money. Boomers have paid into the system their entire working lives. And they have simply been robbed. Their money was spent as soon as it was collected. To kick the can down the road a little longer, the government desperately needs huge new sources of revenue. Increasing taxes on the non-rich is running into resistance, and the "rich" are running out of money, so a functional equivalent of a tax is needed: mandatory "insurance premiums." "Community rated" premiums mean that younger, healthier, low-risk individuals subsidize older, sicker, high-risk individuals. That's not really insurance, but we have mostly abolished true sickness insurance anyway. Today's "health plans" look a lot more like social welfare schemes than casualty insurance, which indemnifies (reimburses) the subscriber (not the provider) in the event of a covered catastrophe. At the same time that we increase revenue, we need a mechanism for pruning liabilities. No, none of the proposed legislation contains the words "death panels." But it does have "require" and its derivatives 427 times, "limit" 167 times, and "penalty" 156 times, as John Goodman has pointed out. It sets up the infrastructure for tracking every encounter, and the incentives and disincentives (punishments) for adherence to or "deviations" from "guidelines" or "best practices." It establishes the principle that some lives are more worthy of public funding than others. It constantly harps on "prevention" and "wellness" -- to be funded at the expense of the sick, the injured, the old, and the disabled. It criticizes doctors for providing billions of dollars of "unnecessary" care or "futile" care, especially in what turns out to be the last 6 months of life. It advocates "end-of-life care," which is too easily translated into "ending life" or "non-care." The plan is structured so that a liability for the government also becomes a liability for the doctor. Provide unapproved, costly care and see your paycheck slashed. Or worse, face draconian civil monetary penalties ($50,000 per item) or even prosecution for "waste, fraud, and abuse." The doctor is working for the payer anyway, not the patient: The payer is the one who writes the check. Reform will cement the fundamental change in the patient-physician relationship that is already occurring. Physicians will no longer be healers, who serve their patients, but technicians, who help the state achieve its objectives. And they serve the state in another way too: since they are the ones who actually write the orders, they are the scapegoats for the system's failure. The proposed reforms will make many more patients dependent on a bankrupt for their only source of medical insurance -- and most doctors dependent on a bankrupt for their livelihood. Ultimately, the tens of trillions of dollars (estimates vary) of unfunded Medicare liabilities simply cannot be paid. The government will default one way or another. The younger generation will pay in an impoverished standard of living and lost opportunities. The old and the sick will be paying with their lives. The cost of the day of reckoning could be mitigated, but only if we admit to the problem and start remedying the government policies that created this situation. The longer we delay, the more dreadful the cost. "Health care reform" is a desperate delaying tactic. Those who are pushing for it will be responsible for unprecedented hardship and loss of life -- even if, as is likely, they project the blame onto someone else. Copyright © 2009 Campaign for Liberty">>>
  16. Reidy, I agree with your perceptive prediction. I noticed that Ron Paul's new book appears on a best seller list in the business section of the Wall Street Journal as number 6 in the business book listings. End The Fed is number 35 on the Amazon best seller list after 138 days in the top 100. There are over one hundred reviews by customers as well. We are not quite in a dictatorship yet so there just may be enough time to enlighten the electorate. Yes that is what i am hoping for. In addition to working full time plus to make ends meet I do pass various torches e.g. Atlas Shrugged, Branden's works, and the ever popular: link 217,342. My prediction is that there will be tens of millions who are new to the pro freedom movement because of the efforts of Objectivists, libertarians, Mises and Rothbard readers, subscribers to the various publications of the think tanks, CATO, FFF, FEE, ARI etc but mostly because of the Ron Paul supporters, his books and his Campaign For Liberty. As a consequence the dialog in the upcoming and all future elections will be flavored by such advocates of the free market and adherence to the Constitution. There is no guarantee that their efforts will win or result in perpetual freedom. That will take Eternal Vigilance! At least the antidote is known. 217,342 gulch
  17. Hello Max, The happiest summer of my life was spent mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada Range on weekends mostly in Yosemite. Most people take responsibility for their own lifes but make the mistake of passing off a chunk to the politicians who have made quite a mess. Those of us who believe in the limited govt the Founders gave us should consider devoting some effort to enlightening those we encounter. For example, the Campaign For Liberty is in the process of finding fellow citizens who understand that the Congress is not free to pass any laws they feel like enacting just because they have the votes. IF the power they are seeking is not authorized in Article 1 Section 8 they are forbidden to legislate. Many if not most in Congress have lost sight of the limits set in the Constitution. It is easy to recruit people to join in the effort to restore the Republic and the Constitution by simply suggesting that politicians today do not take their oath of office seriously to uphold the Constitution. The Campaign For Liberty intends to replace oath breakers with oath keepers in time. I joined the when memebership was about 6,000 and now it is over 217,300 and growing every hour. Membership redoubled several times this last year and the promise is that it will continue to redouble forever until we are in the millions and tens of millions in the next couple of years or so. Once we outnumber the oath breakers who are not content to abide by the limits, we win. Join us if you see the wisdom of this approach. Welcome to our site. gulch
  18. Link:
  19. Now there are 290 cosponsors of HR1207, enough to assure passage over a presidential veto. Also Ron Paul's new book, END THE FED, is number 2 on Amazon. 216,074
  20. Link to actual photos of the marchers with the signs they made: 216,074
  21. Ron Paul's bill HR1207 has now received two thirds of the Congress as cosponsors! This enables the bill to be voted on in the House of Representatives and assures passage with enough votes to override a presidential veto. Here is a link to the announcement by Ron Paul on youtube: Meanwhile the membership in the Campaign For Liberty continue to grow 216,074 In addition there is a NorthEastern Regional Conference of the Campaign For Liberty at Valley Forge, PA on the 222nd anniversary of the Constitution being adopted on Sept 17th. That is a link to a speech by Ron Paul at the conference.
  22. Here is the link to the illustrated story: 215,545 gulch
  23. Hopefully a significant percentage will adopt Western values. The one person who comes to mind is the lady who was raised in the Islamic faith but went to the netherlands and became an elected politician there. I don't know her name. She wrote a book about her life. Her sister remained indoctrinated despite her attempt to deprogram her. I do not expect to be around long enough to experience the horror of a world overrun with Taliban types. I imagine there will be a religious war between them and the Christians. Anthem may be what ends up happening. I do not advocate head in the sand posture and your suggestion that it is what I am doing is hurtful. So what are we supposed to do about the incoming tide of Islamic fundamentalism? Preach and proselytize Objectivism! Or just make more babies of our own? 215,251 gulch
  24. Hopefully most will become Westernized. At the moment we have more pressing things to worry about like the collapse of our own economy and salivating power lusting politicians hungry for more power. You all know my idea of a solution: membership 215,212 at the moment. gulch
  25. <<<"OT One question test This test only has one question, but it's a very important one. By giving an honest answer, you will discover where you stand morally. The test features an unlikely, completely fictional situation in which you will have to make a decision. Remember that your answer needs to be honest, yet spontaneous. Please scroll down slowly and give due consideration to each line. THE SITUATION: You are in Richmond Virginia. On the James River to be specific. There is chaos all around you caused by a hurricane with severe flooding. This is a flood of biblical proportions. You are photojournalist working for a major newspaper, and you're caught in the middle of this epic disaster. The situation is nearly hopeless. You're trying to shoot career-making photos There are houses and people swirling around you, some disappearing under the water. Nature is unleashing all of its destructive fury. ============================== THE TEST: Suddenly you see a man and a woman in the water. They are fighting for their lives, trying not to be taken down with the debris. You move closer. Somehow they look familiar. You suddenly realize who they are. It's Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi!! At the same time you notice that the raging waters are about to take them under forever. You have two options: You can save their lives or you can shoot a dramatic Pulitzer Prize winning photo, documenting the deaths of two of the world's most powerful people. ============================== ================= THE QUESTION: Here's the question, and please give an honest answer.... Would you select high contrast color film, or would you go with the classic simplicity of black and white?">>>