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Posts posted by anthony

  1. A "Russian - built missile" from the Soviet era, is true but irrelevant. That's apparently the system Ukraine have stocks of and still uses for air defense, the old Russian S300. The Russians exclusively use an updated version today.

    Albeit that Kyiv has been steadily and deliberately killing civilians until now in Donetsk with the expensive US-donated Himars.

    "Russian-built", as stated accusingly by the Polish PM, is a sleazy trick to inflame ignorant people of guilt by association, i.e. therefore, it may or could also have been "Russian"-aimed and fired.

    English commentator A. Mercouris points out.


  2. Dmytro Kuleba @DmytroKuleba - 21:35 UTC · Nov 15, 2022
    Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

    "Russia now promotes a conspiracy theory that it was allegedly a missile of Ukrainian air defense that fell on the Polish theory. Which is not true. No one should buy Russian propaganda or amplify its messages. This lesson should have been long learnt since the downing of #MH17".

    See here, (the tweets are amusing).

    'The boy who cried "Wolf"', comes to mind. Gradually the realization might sink in that Kyiv has incessantly been crying wolf for its propaganda value.

    The very start of the PR campaign, the Snake Island 'massacre of Ukraine heroes' which was a surrender and capture, no lives lost.


  3. Did anybody -actually - believe that Russia could 'lose'? (Pursuing its narrow, proclaimed aims, that is).

    So Ukraine took the brunt of an unwinnable conflict by the idiocy, insanity and wishful thinking of all the military experts, propagandists and pundits in the world who pretended to believe it would beat Russia, and kept up the encouragement and pretext of "in order to save Europe/democracy"/etc. As if western governments care a damn for Ukraine itself.

    When the role of the combined civilised West should from the start, have been in damage-control mode, as mediators and diplomats not brokers and participants to war.

    That's how we got to this stage where any who call for negotiated peace are reviled.


    • Upvote 1
  4. There's that universal, utmost human value in mankind procreating, and then there's the individual: How high in *my* esteem is my having a child (ren), how much will I give up and gain and how well can I (/we) apply myself to the responsibility?

    Because the biological process is "automatic"- up until birth - do so many simply 'take it as it comes', mostly doing a good to pretty poor or at times very bad job of subsequent child-raising.

    The choice then, which isn't automatic, but requires understanding and forethought, self-appraisal and value-assessment, so, a rational, selfish parent. Who can conceive of a mother bringing another being to life and all that later entails, but doing do so selflessly, without a "self"? How possibly can one ¬give¬ without something to give? (physically, materially, spiritually)

    But that is the case for many who rate social status, family and peer approval, etc.,  as tops, i.e., establishing their entry to motherhood in others' eyes - and/or "doing her duty" for community and human continuity. 

  5. "You're stuck with the dictates of authority figures". I will borrow that, if I may Ellen.

    The untiring and admirable Dr. Campbell on *excess* death figures from Australia, GB, and Scotland of babies and adults :  "many more people are dying...what is going on? His face reveals a lot. Not from Covid, then from what?

    The anecdotal input from his listeners are saddening. (to read them click on 'YouTube')


  6. 634e988585f5403b5e311aaf.jpg

    Jack Matlock, the last US ambassador to the USSR, has called for a change of Washington’s policy toward Ukraine

    The former ambassador noted that Kiev had multiple opportunities to avert war. He believes that Russia would not have sent troops into Ukraine in February if Kiev “had been willing to abide by the Minsk agreement, recognize the Donbas as an autonomous entity within Ukraine, avoid NATO military advisors, and pledge not to enter NATO.”

  7. 17 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


    I only saw 10 minutes of the video and it made me want to spit in disgust at the current American government administration and the predator class in general.

    It's not just that Al Qaeda and ISIS are in Ukraine. It's that the tax dollars in all these packages from the USA are paying for them.

    Oh, Germany pays this and Spain pays that and so on, but underneath, is there any doubt that is a result of the money being shuffled around?

    Good God!


    Michael, Somewhere about 16 it first dawned on me, what had been taken for granted by the adults it seemed, how like no other country the USA had funded, supported, rescued, been sending American soldiers (etc) to other places for as long as historical accounts and ongoing events I heard of in the world, and I thought how strange -  why? And where does the money come from? Must be the taxpayers from their earnings. So, why on Earth do the people of the US automatically owe anything to "other places" and people? Like a birth-duty. Later, Rand explained and I began to understand, for not only the US, the universal doctrine, "self-immolation". One that's almost as bad for other places/people who receive and become addicted and resentfully entitled to the largesse with little gratitude.

    Foreign Affairs

    "We do need a policy based on long-range principles, i.e., an ideology. But a revision of our foreign policy, from its basic premises on up, is what today’s anti-ideologists dare not contemplate. The worse its results, the louder our public leaders proclaim that our foreign policy is *bipartisan*.

    "A proper solution would be to elect statesmen—if such appeared—with a radically different foreign policy, a policy explicitly and proudly dedicated to the defense of America’s rights and national self-interests, repudiating foreign aid and all forms of international self-immolation".

    “The Wreckage of the Consensus,”

  8. 1649720803070.jpg

    Despite its vulnerabilities and anxieties, Russia remains a formidable opponent in a few key domains. What non-violent, cost-imposing...

    "Over-extending and Unbalancing Russia".

    The first thought, unbalancing - what the hell for?

    A second, this report was 2019, not something out the mid-60's Cold War!

    A third, right, that's predatory "statism".

    "Non-violent ways" = subterfuge and moral pre-justification for "We didn't do anything to start trouble!"


    Cold-blooded calculations and charts about how far to go to make Russia "anxious", by which tactics, for what costs, at what risks.

    How is the strategy working out for you think-tankers at Rand Corp?



  9. 20 hours ago, Peter said:

    I wrote: Not to hammer it in but is Ukraine initiating force?

    And Michael answered, “Yup.”

    Sooooo . . . Ukraine is knocking out the windows in Moscow, shut off the power to a Russian nuclear power plant, dropped or shot 1,187,000 rounds of munitions on Russian territory, killed a bunch of Russians on their own turf, taken over border areas of Russia, murdered civilians, targeted schools, tied the hands behind the back of Russians and then shot them? That would be the initiation of force, and all Ukraine has to do is get out of Russia, and stop killing Russians  . . . . or is it the other way around? But, but gee it can’t be cause they’re mu Russians.

    A can of worms. Atrocities, civilian targeting - you don't want to go there, I think. Might be disturbing to know the reality. Ten to one, they are fanatical ultra-nationalist, Ukrainian committed and/or constructed. Seeking sympathy from their true believers overseas, its been called "projection" and "inversion" (- of "our" atrocities, onto "them"). So Russia, not UAF, shells the nuke power station it controls and operates, blows up its own pipeline, mines and bombs their people in the streets of 'liberated' cities, and Kyiv looks pristine. While they can round up "collaborators", such as Donbas school teachers and civil servants who kept working during the Russian occupation without protest.

    Impressive is the power they wield when the psy-ops/propaganda Kyiv puts out isn't logically refuted  nor ever investigated impartially by western news outlets, literally the power to murder.

  10. Poke Putin into a self-defensive, pre-emptive invasion, and there you go: the rationale and justification for Nato's continued existence and expansion!

    But join the Club, you'll be protected.

    We told you the Russians would be a threat again one day. Only took about 30 years to wangle it.