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Everything posted by Backlighting

  1. Add Arnold Swarzzeneger to the list of "socialists". A couple of nights ago he was on the Charlie Rose show. Among his beliefs is the notion the duty of government is to provide education, stem cell research & health care for all Americans. Makes me want to vomit!
  2. Many people, looking to lose weight, make the mistake of doing cardio only in addition to calorie reduction. This will result in fat loss AND muscle loss as well. Look at those who mainly run or just diet. Hardly any muscle mass. Weight training, done properly and in conjunction with calorie cutting and proper nutrition, not only burns fat but adds muscle, which increases overall strength and well being. Time permitting, cardio excercises can be done after the weight training session or on off days. As we age muscle loss (atrophy) occurs. If you want to slow the atrophy down, keeping lean and retaining strength in your later years, regular weight training is your best insurance.
  3. Judith, Nuts, acocados & olive oil are "good" fats. A small amount, since they are high in calories, are ok to have.Stay away from the trans fats and saturated fats (animal & dairy). As for the specific weight traing excercises, these would be a good start:: All are 3 sets to 10-12 reps with 1 warm-up set (8 reps). The weight should be enough so you cannot do more than 12 reps. Ask a trainer to show you how to properly do these. Day 1: Biceps-Seated dumbell curls, palms up. Seated dumbell curls, palms in. Triceps-Standing rope pull-downs. Skull crushers (lay down on flat bench with barbell). Abs-Crunches. Reverse crunches-both on incline bench. Shoulders-Seated dumbell presses. Seated dumbell lateral raises. Day 2: Back-Seated back extensions. Seated cable pull-downs. Rows. Chest-Bench presses. Flys. Day 3 Legs-Squats. Lunges. Seated leg extensions. Leg curls. Calf raises (seated or standing). Note: if you have the time you can do 20 minutes of cardio AFTER the weghts. If not, do 45 minutes on the off-days. After 8 weeks of the above you can add 1 new excercise to each muscle group. By then you will also have to add more weight to each excercise, since it will become easier to do 12 reps. The diet is at least 50% of the program so watch your total calorie consumption. About 10 calories for each lb. you want to be at. If you want to be at, say, 130 lbs, kepp your calories at approx 1,300. Don't forge to drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  4. Wanting to lose a few pounds I contacted a friend of mine, a former pro body-builder, several montgs ago. For 3 weeks I met him at the gym, almost daily, and followed his training techniques. He split up the weight training in to 3 different sessions per week, hitting most of the muscle groups. 60 second rest between sets and NO REST between excercises. This keeps the heart rate up. His recommended eating plan was mostly lean protein (chicken breast, tuna, turkey, egg whites) and no carbs after 5PM. The only carbs allowed were vegetables and a small am't of fruit early in the day. He also insisted I drink a gal. of water daily (3 qts for women). He also said 1 day per week is to be a "cheat day" . ANYTHING on that day is ok to eat.. I went from a 36 waist with 19% body fat to a 33 waist and 8% in 8 weeks! Amazing!! Not wanting to live on tuna and chicken breast the rest of my life I have modified my diet to include a small am't of junk (tasty) food. I'm not as lean now as I was after the 8 week training but comfortable and happy with a 34 in. waist and 12% body fat. I still do the weights regularly and some aerobics on the off days.
  5. A friend of mine & I drove up from NYC to the Ford Hall Forum (Boston)in the early 1970's to hear Rand"s lecture, The Anti-Industrial Revolution. During the Q&A session an audience member asked Miss Rand to explain a particular concept he had trouble understanding in one of the chapters of Atlas Shrugged. Ayn said, in her heavy Russian accent, "If you don't understand my writing, you certainly won't understand my speaking" The entire audience broke in to laughter!! I'll never forget that evening. Anyone else have any humorous tales of Ayn Rand??