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Everything posted by Backlighting

  1. Here's an interesting discussion about the role your thyroid gland plays in one's overall health and what affects it.
  2. The 90 yr. old (undertaker) comments on financial regulation:
  3. Looks like you found, like me, a beneficial concoction that's palatable. Yeah, the stevia is a must add to the mix.The matcha you get seems to be top shelf. As for the tumeric Mike adds, it's also a good anti-inflammatory, like cayenne. See here: You can also look into brewing dandelion tea. Having it with meals is supposed aid in digestion and de-tox the liver, kidneys & gall bladder. My internal medicine doc swears by it. (I'm all for I contacted the Hershey Co. to find out whether the special dark or the natural unsweetened cocoa contained the most nutrients. Surprisingly it is the natural, lighter type, not the special dark. -J
  4. To get information from the ISIS vermin which could save innocent lives, I'd do a lot more than waterboarding. --J
  5. It certainly is not. He obviously feasts on carbs and avoids exercise. --J
  6. It sure does taste like grass. I'm used to it though, having lived in Japan during my stint in the Army. It was prepared frothy there. I got this inexpensive whisker... works well. Great for beating eggs too. I get my matcha from this source...quick delivery and the product seems fresh: Cayenne pepper: I sprinkle it on almost everything I eat. It's a really potent anti-inflammatory...has other benefits as well. Drink up! --Joe
  7. Mikee, that's a good mix too. You could also substitute Dandelion tea in place of coffee or green tea with the additional additives. Check this out:
  8. I'm already approaching a ripe old age. Perhaps I'll revert back to my teens. lol
  9. Thought I'd pass this on. My primary care physician, a Board Certified Internist with a profound interest in preventative medicine suggested this drink for it's powerful anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory benefits. Brew some green tea (matcha) and put in a pinch each of cocoa, cinnamon and cayenne pepper. You can add a half packet of stevia if desired. Not bad tasting at all. -J
  10. One of the alleged benefits of vitamin c is it boosts ones immune system. I've been taking 1-2 grams of buffered C, daily, since the 80's, when I read Pearson & Shaw's book "Life Extension" The amount of times I've had a cold in all these years can be counted on one hand...and never lasted more than a few days. Add to that I have not been bedridden with a fever. Now would these results have been the same without the C? I can't say with certainty, but I have no intention of stopping the supplementation now.
  11. ...and take Bill the pervert with her. -J
  12. Yes.
  13. A horror movie it least for me, who saw it a a little kid and had nightmares about it. Frankenstein, the original one, also had the same effect.--J
  14. Michael, now that Levin has stated he will vote for Trump perhaps a lovefest will be forthcoming. He has a lot of listeners so anything positive he can say about Trump can go a long way. Malkin, however, has nothing on her site (as of today) supporting Trump...just a lot of anti-Hillary articles. In all of the presidential campaigns I've witnessed I have to say this is the most stressful for me. -J P.S. Have you heard from Adam? I hope he is well.
  15. Haven't seen Levin on Hannity for quite some time. Was there a falling out? Michelle Malkin too. -J
  16. I believe making the drugs expensive would only necessitate the hard core users to commit more burglaries to finance their addiction --J
  17. I was thinking it would make a fine home defense firearm as well as an addition to law enforcement and even the military. --J
  18. Now here's a beast...quite an ingenious design I'd say.
  19. I was thrown from a horse once. It was a hot & humid day & I guess the horse didn't feel like carrying 185 lbs. on his back. Fortunately the only thing injured was my ego and a bruised rear end.
  20. Going after the gunsmiths now. From the article: "The Department of State is issuing new guidelines requiring many machine shops and gunsmiths nationwide to register with ITAR. The cost? $2,250 per year. ITAR, or International Traffic in Arms Regulations, are designed to prevent firearms and firearm technology from being exported out of the country. But the actual reason behind this sweeping change in guidelines may have a darker goal: to increase the cost of offering gunsmithing services. The changes were implemented without warning or input from the people and the industry"
  21. If you owned it and paid 250K for it? --J