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Posts posted by Backlighting

  1. LOL.

    I'm reminded what the little Russian lady wrote (don't remember where):

    "It only stands to reason that where there's sacrifice, there's someone collecting the sacrificial offerings. Where there's service, there is someone being served. The man who speaks to you of sacrifice is speaking of slaves and masters, and intends to be the master"


  2. Here's an update from Clark County Sheriff, Lombardo. He seems skeptical (go to 21:13 in the video) and now I do too, that the shooter was acting alone...based on the amount of rifles, ammo and other material found at the hotel and his home. It's not inconceivable others would be joining him (why so many rifles) in the room? Add to that how could he get all his supplies up to the room without help from others? ...inside/ outside help.


  3. 3 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    Look at this doofus Mayor of San Juan politicizing the hurricane tragedy.

    San Juan Mayor to Liberal Media: We Are Getting No Help From Trump – As She Stands In Front of Pallets of Aid


    You can't make this stuff up.


    btw - I wonder who got all the money for the electricity cables in Puerto Rico? Obviously not President Trump. According to what I have seen, the generators work down there, but the cable grid was totally shot before the hurricanes. And after the hurricanes, the grid doesn't work at all. In other words, there is plenty of electricity. There's just no way to get it into homes and buildings because massive corruption took the money for grid maintenance.

    Of course, according to the doofus mayor, this is reason to bitch partisan and bite the hand that is helping her get her city back on its feet. I bet President Trump cut off the corruption dipping in relief funds (he's very good at that kind of thing) and that pissed her off. I wonder how long she will continue as mayor...


    EDIT: I saw the video of her Trump bashing appeal and an interview on MSNBC (see here). From the interview, I think I know what happened to the grid. She said they need to rethink what kind of society they want. And one of the issues was moving to solar power... And moving the cables underground... (Can anyone see corruption money and delays in this? :) ) She also thinks its easy to fix Puerto Rico. Seriously... She said so. She said all it takes is for President Trump to want to and aid will fall out of the skies on parachutes. Like I said, doofus.

    Oh... and she was pissed that the President talks about the debt. I wonder why? Like I further said, President Trump is very good at cutting corrupt hands off at the wrist when they reach their grubby little fingers into budgets. This is a man who just fired his Health Secretary for using too much private plane travel at taxpayer expense. That attitude and enforcement pisses a lot of people off. :) 

    Well, reality bites. More difficult now, with Trump to deal with... "running on empty"...who can we loot, if not the U.S.?


  4. I'm enjoying the footage, most of which I have never seen before. I guess most of it was obtained from Russian, Chinese & the Vietnam governments.

    I was stationed in Japan (1968-69), in the Army, as a offset press operator. I remember printing, for days on end, tens of thousands leaflets which were dropped by plane, with Thieu's face on it...along with his plea to the  S. Vietnamese people for their support.

  5. 4 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    Have you have ever wondered where a certain facial expression by snowflake millennials came from? I'm talking about a turn-off-brain-and-return-to-grade-school expression of disdain.

    The words are harsh like Nazi, white supremacist, racist, misogynist, and so on, but the expression is like when a little girl tells her mother that everybody knows you don't eat chocolate ice cream with Corn Flakes.

    I think I know where they got it.

    Here is Hillary Clinton on President Trump's inaugural speech:



    Good one Michael. ROTFLMAO


  6. Wishing all a safe and fun holiday, while remembering the Founders/ Framers of our great country. Here's a quote I like:

    "The United States was the first country in the history of the world to be consciously created out of an idea - and the idea was liberty" ---Nathaniel Branden (brainyquote)