Rich Engle

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Everything posted by Rich Engle

  1. Not all of his 36 Youtube videos are mere audio + photo. Some have the Dour Doctor young and fresh and vibrant, sounding just like Preston Manning, wearing what we used to call Hockey Hair. Here's fifteen minutes of delight, from the last century, with a stunning 28 views: Good God! If I hadn't been assiduously avoiding him for decades this crap would have been dumped on me. This is the first time I've ever seen a blackboard used as an argument from authority. And his voice! He didn't sound so horrible 40 years ago. People paid money for this and then thought they'd got their money's worth? I suspect there was a drastic petering out of the paying customers. Philosophy as a ton of lead. --Brant I watched a minute or two--did it get any better? I saw this a long time ago, along with most of whatever you could get your hands on. Speaking of whatever you can get your hands on, the real horror question is not what he's doing with his left hand--clearly, he was wearing the loose pants on purpose; so he could dive in and play a rousing game of "pocket pool." Sinister, Dexter. He had it all going on. I would've gone for a dark colour of trousers, in case of the embarrassing stain. But there was probably little risk of that. rde Jump ball over the two to sink the one in the left corner pocket.
  2. There's a good reason for that. It has to do with honoring the creative impulse, the flow. Crap is better than Soviet Realism or Nazi butalism. --Brant rules can be helpful and informative but not chains Yup. rde Still wondering about what kind of cream.
  3. Senile dementia, or whatever he has, can only improve what was. I mean, at least you get a few more funnies out of it. He bursts, right? I can only imagine his house-servant/wife requests. "After you're done emptying my Secret Colostomy bag and submitting it for the DNA research, hit the music genome project and upload my mix tape 1 (cassette) . . .you know, the one where I made the kewl transition from "Who Stole the Kishka" to Beethoven's Heroica... yeah, that bitch rocked. But hurry, because you have to put The Cream on me after that." rde Art is whatever the fuck I say it is.
  4. Phil is saying he ate a whole fucking bunch of Taco Bell<tm> and is getting ready to clog the entire Florida sewage system. Mad Ninja power! Phil: "What I'm saying is that 23,000 lbs (of tension or compression) to support 2000 lbs makes no sense and is not what happens in the real world. " That is why being in the Longshoremens' Union is critically important. To your well-being, I mean. Did you ever meet guys like Unibrow Dante? If you haven't, be joyous about it. The Big P continues: "And I could make the numbers much worse:" That, I never doubted. rde
  5. Sounds like trusses would interest you quite a bit. That is, without doubt, the funniest line all week. Pure economy! Good piece of work, raht thayer. rde Ham and Feet Sandwich Award!
  6. I was just being sloppy in my searches. Behold, Again: The Fortress of Philitude! I suggest you all review the Holy Scripture, nay, Phil-ture. I know I am, just so I don't repeat myself. Still, though, a brief extract is in order. Oh, I used to have such fire . . . rde He Has Risen, and Revealed.
  7. Dammit I can't find the Phil Shrine. MSK? Anyone? Where is that damn thing? That was some of my better work. rde Crumbling Mayan Ruins
  8. It isn't up on my list as far as food play goes. You don't want to wake up in the morning after it sets up on you. At least strawberries and chocolate, say, have a certain cleanness to them. Mayo. Right. Kiss me baby, I just downed a Whopper<tm>. rde I think I just made myself throw up in my mouth a little, again.
  9. Its certainly what the author intended, going by his statements in interviews. But I still think my suggested reading is at least defensible. For sure.
  10. It's funny to me the whole thing came up at all. We watch a lot of horror over here. Shoot, all the way down the the oldest of the old. Centipede came up on Netflix, and I gave it fifteen minutes. That's what you can do with a lot of modern horror flicks. Anyway, I didn't like the idea in the first place, meaning that it was kitsch in a place where that is hard to define. I thought what I saw of it was pretty much shit <---joke. You have to try harder than that to do a good B or general horror film. I just didn't like what I saw and I bailed. My bad. Stupid idea, though. r
  11. I know. It's a comedy piece waiting to be written. If I weren't so busy, I might submit some Whip Erotica to them. Now, I will say that the Olivio stuff made with olive oil isn't bad.
  12. Good review, but those up there were your first two mistakes. This is highly-evolved (?) subculture stuff, and subjecting it to those considerations will only make you cry. Or at least throw up in your mouth a little bit. Now, if you want to see a real amazing turd, check out "The Astral Factor" (1976). I managed to see about as best a cut as you can see over at pub-d-hub (which is basically goes through Roku). Oh my, it is a real piece of work that one. You can kind of get a treatment here:pub-d-hub astral factor Not to be confused with the later stuff by the same name. Oh, this one is a real stinker. r
  13. It's up, dude: Toddlers And Tiaras Also shared from there onto my Facebook page. rde
  14. Rich, Thanks! Glad you liked it. The disclaimer was there because, well, some people that are unfamiliar with my Op-Ed style will at times criticize the work under the impression that I was trying to write a relatively dry treatise (a certain audience in particular had this reaction). I didn't have trouble with this at the ALS blog, but there most people are familiar with the kind of commentary I do. Feel absolutely welcome to do so. And again, thanks! Oh, don't worry about your op ed style. Point the gun, shoot it. If you don't ruffle feathers, you're not doing anything. If someone doesn't doesn't like you, you wrote a shit article. OK, I'll put it up this morning--I'm working on a substantial piece, real big thing, so this would be the perfect time to share you in. Best! r
  15. Nice piece. You might be better off without the disclaimer--if you're going to write humor, guns forward, no apologies. Would you like me to put this on my blog? I was thinking of asking you. As to the subject at hand . . .the real sickness in little girlie beauty pageants is the mothers. Sick shit. Again, very good read! r
  16. I mean, Lawdy, Lawdy. . .take a peek, then go hang yourself: Tell Us How Miracle Whip Affects Your Relationship rde Back to mayo.
  17. The real, basic problem with Phil is his intrinsic elitism. Nobody else matters intellectually. Ayn Rand seemed to have the same problem, with much more reason, but in many circumstances she still had a lot of grace--a very big and complicated person. Unlike Phil, she never went out of her way to display her brains. OL is quite out of the way for basic problems in complucatable physics. --Brant He needs a good mouthpiece to get out of this one and I have just the guy:
  18. Answers: 1: Yes 2: Yes rde Problems solved.
  19. Something is rotten in the state of Philmark<tm>: Phil has chosen to change my avatar over to his spectral image shot. He sent me an email: Apparently It has taken over a number of servers. This is some really funky shit, folks. Hide your women and chillun's. rde On his way to Wally World to get some shotgun shells and a few things to barricade the quarters.
  20. Phil, you know I like you, and you should know I am glad to have lots and lots of folks 'back' on OL, and so am glad to have you back . . . but in my opinion you should give serious thought to answering a question that lurks in several minds. When you stopped posting earlier this year, you wrote (indicating MSK), "I will never post on your site again." Now you are back posting. The questions lurking will not go away, but will reemerge in different forms over time, I think. So, my friendly advice to you is to address the disjuncture between the 'never' post and the present physics thread. Just do it. Just ask yourself, "Hmmm, big guy, why are you posting on OL again after storming off?" And then answer. Each time you are again addressed with what is a pretty basic question, and each time that you ignore the question, the disjuncture becomes deeper and deeper. So, cut to the chase and please just answer the question in a way that satisfies you. I doubt very much MSK will enter and question you about this, since he doesn't really give a shit one way or the other what you do, but would it not seem strange to you if the positions were reversed, if MSK had stormed off your forum? Phil transcends all boundaries. He swoops down like the Roman God that he is. Don't press him for explanations, or you will be smitten. Well, more likely pounded into a catatonic condition of some sort. There are no human laws for this, unless Phil<tm> says so. Be grateful for the Presence of Phil<tm>. How dare you question him. You should be asking him what he likes--various types of sweetmeats, fruit, and so on--then send it to him. You should be saying: "Welcome back, O Sultan of Shifting Rules." Phil has died, and Phil Has Risen. With a physics problem. Fuck yeah. I urge you all to visit the Temple of Phil that I created here. Remember his funeral? It was magnificent--but only as much as we could manage. I, for one, am joyous and worshipful. Remember this Golden Moment, courtesy of Peter Taylor? rde You want fries with that, Phil?
  21. That's tough, for sure. Business as usual over there.
  22. This is something Michael Dowd posted that I think is relevant to the discussion, it's over here: 4 Reasons Why Nothing Matters More Than What We Think About Evolution