Trickle Down Government


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When I first heard the phrase “trickle down government” I had an immediate association with this scene, so I put this together just now. I think it has the makings of a meme, but the idea needed to simmer a bit more, I don’t think this is quite getting the job done yet. Any ideas for adding to it?

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When I first heard the phrase “trickle down government” I had an immediate association with this scene, so I put this together just now. I think it has the makings of a meme, but the idea needed to simmer a bit more, I don’t think this is quite getting the job done yet. Any ideas for adding to it?


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Any ideas for adding to it?

Toward the end, I was keeping on eye on the progress bar, and it was looking like it was running out of time, so I was getting ready to write a suggestion to you that you add Romney at the very end saying "Trickle down government" one final time. And then at the very last second you pulled it off.

So, nevermind. :cool:


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I watched much of the debate and I know what you're referring to but I don't like this video. It leaves the impression of Romney pissing on people. The part that would go viral is Romney saying "trickle down government" then some guy getting pissed on. The debate itself is forgotten in a week.

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It leaves the impression of Romney pissing on people.

I was a little worried that it might be misinterpreted that way. I thought about adding Obama saying something at the end, but I didn't know what, just a couple seconds of him ought to do; now if only there was a video of him taking a leak...

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How about pasting Obama's head on an image like Calvin peeing...

... with Romney's voiceover "trickle down government"?

And if you wanted to go all the way, you could paste the Constitution in there too.

Fantastic! And I already found the image:


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Okidoke, I put up the new version, and replaced it in the first post on the thread. If you want to see the original, it's in Baal's post, since I can't edit it out of there.

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Better make it simpler than the sophisticated epistemological samples above however. You know how dumb and childlike the sheeple are.;

Sophisticated? Mmm, I detect sarcasm. Are you trying to say the video is childish? C’mon, don’t hold back, let's hear it.

I know how different it is in Canada, up there you never have to worry about suddenly finding yourself at the mercy of a bureaucrat with a full bladder. Try mentally putting yourself in the place of a 21st century Yank, I know you can do's just like how you put yourself into the mind of a 19th century Englishwoman when you reread (for the umpteenth time) all about Dorothea in Middlemarch.

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Better make it simpler than the sophisticated epistemological samples above however. You know how dumb and childlike the sheeple are.;

Sophisticated? Mmm, I detect sarcasm. Are you trying to say the video is childish? C’mon, don’t hold back, let's hear it.

I know how different it is in Canada, up there you never have to worry about suddenly finding yourself at the mercy of a bureaucrat with a full bladder. Try mentally putting yourself in the place of a 21st century Yank, I know you can do's just like how you put yourself into the mind of a 19th century Englishwoman when you reread (for the umpteenth time) all about Dorothea in Middlemarch.

For the same reasons I didn't like your original, daunce was delighted by it (probably wet herself). She loathes Romney, he has committed the unpardonable sin of achieving wealth and success. She is smug in the certainty that her pet Obama, the "people's choice" (poet's choice?), will be re-elected. Her characterization of "sheeple" is most certainly her opinion of Romney supporters. Including those on this forum.

I made the analogy on an earlier thread that if you're up to your neck in a swamp you step in the direction of higher ground rather than off into the abyss. But after that step you're still in the swamp and have to take another and another. Electing Romney is a step in the right direction, a pretty large step in my opinion. He is an honest man and believes in what he is doing, though his idea of what "good" government is able and mandated to do differs from reality.

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O'biwan supporters are so classy...however, they do believe in trickle down government...


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Better make it simpler than the sophisticated epistemological samples above however. You know how dumb and childlike the sheeple are.;

Sophisticated? Mmm, I detect sarcasm. Are you trying to say the video is childish? C’mon, don’t hold back, let's hear it.

I know how different it is in Canada, up there you never have to worry about suddenly finding yourself at the mercy of a bureaucrat with a full bladder. Try mentally putting yourself in the place of a 21st century Yank, I know you can do's just like how you put yourself into the mind of a 19th century Englishwoman when you reread (for the umpteenth time) all about Dorothea in Middlemarch.

For the same reasons I didn't like your original, daunce was delighted by it (probably wet herself). She loathes Romney, he has committed the unpardonable sin of achieving wealth and success. She is smug in the certainty that her pet Obama, the "people's choice" (poet's choice?), will be re-elected. Her characterization of "sheeple" is most certainly her opinion of Romney supporters. Including those on this forum.

I was not delighted with the original, if ytou mean the Shogun clip, I loved Shogun and remember the scene. I did not click on it or any of the other images. My comment was as 9th inferred about childish urological humourin general which I dislike. Although I do know a really funny British joke about a milkman.

I do not loathe Romney, I do not loathe anyone for achieving wealth and success, and I defy you to find anywhere I ever intimated that I did.

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Yep, I knew that he misread you and I was just waiting till you made it clear.


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I was not delighted with the original, if ytou mean the Shogun clip, I loved Shogun and remember the scene. I did not click on it or any of the other images. My comment was as 9th inferred about childish urological humourin general which I dislike. Although I do know a really funny British joke about a milkman.

Please do share the milkman joke! PM it if you'd rather.

There've been mere 78 views on the 2nd version, 44 on the first (the first can only be seen via Baal's post, and my original post on OO). I gather this isn't going to go viral. The reference really does have more, how to say, intellectual weight behind it than a mere pee-pee joke, if you watch it and consider whether the dialogue could come from an interaction between an entrepreneur and a bureaucrat.

I recall once doing an audit of an affordable housing project, a tax credit deal which involved providing a report to the regulatory agency (HUD, or a state level one), then they would come back with questions. One of their information requests was: mortgage interest expense is lower this year than last year, please explain. Now, if you know anything about anything in finance, you know that's about the dumbest question you can ask. I don't recall my exact reply, but I answered the question with a bit of sarcasm laced in. They came back with: your answer is not acceptable to this office. Guess who had to apologize, rather grovelly, lest my client be blessed with that extra tender loving care from the Government that's so helpful.

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The "soft tyranny" of the administrative state has become completely oppressive. It takes several years and a significant amount of money to do an Article 78, or, some other administrative appeal.

The EPA, has frankly prevented any new construction in critical areas.

We are, basically, toast. We just do not understand it yet.

When the Leviathan power of this administrative state hits with real, basic economic power, we will be helpless to respond.

I know that Michael has tremendous hope about new energy in the economic sphere. I, frankly, agree with him. However, I am not sure which

"side" is going to be triumphant on this issue, the human desire to excel, or the tyranny of the administrative state to chain the person who wants to excel.

My personal opinion is that we are on that razor edge of the divide.


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A few months ago Thomas Sowell was on Mark Levin's radio show.

He said, in essence, that we are too far gone.

I'm glad I have no children.

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Better make it simpler than the sophisticated epistemological samples above however. You know how dumb and childlike the sheeple are.;

Sophisticated? Mmm, I detect sarcasm. Are you trying to say the video is childish? C’mon, don’t hold back, let's hear it.

I know how different it is in Canada, up there you never have to worry about suddenly finding yourself at the mercy of a bureaucrat with a full bladder. Try mentally putting yourself in the place of a 21st century Yank, I know you can do's just like how you put yourself into the mind of a 19th century Englishwoman when you reread (for the umpteenth time) all about Dorothea in Middlemarch.

For the same reasons I didn't like your original, daunce was delighted by it (probably wet herself). She loathes Romney, he has committed the unpardonable sin of achieving wealth and success. She is smug in the certainty that her pet Obama, the "people's choice" (poet's choice?), will be re-elected. Her characterization of "sheeple" is most certainly her opinion of Romney supporters. Including those on this forum.

I was not delighted with the original, if ytou mean the Shogun clip, I loved Shogun and remember the scene. I did not click on it or any of the other images. My comment was as 9th inferred about childish urological humourin general which I dislike. Although I do know a really funny British joke about a milkman.

I do not loathe Romney, I do not loathe anyone for achieving wealth and success, and I defy you to find anywhere I ever intimated that I did.

Perhaps you don't hate Romney or anyone for achieving wealth and success. I have a problem with your socialism. I believe if you were not keeping yourself in a state of willful ignorance you could not remain a socialist. Perhaps you don't "hate" Romney because socialists need people like Romney, they need people with ability and ambition to finance their schemes. But they also have to hold them up at the point of a gun to get this financing. To avoid facing this fact you say "I hate guns", well "handguns" you say. You justify your socialism by thinking that people of achievement and wealth don't "care" about other people, they don't have "feelings" except for their own selfish interests. This is analogous to artists who say about scientists that they are unfeeling about the beauty of nature, they are only interested in facts and statistics and numbers and experiments and theories. As if, as Richard Feynman pointed out, having the curiosity about nature to think about it enough to actually know something about it means you can't appreciate the beauty. The contrary is true. The same for politics and economics, if you took the trouble to actually read the arguments and analysis the results of these "socialist experiments" of the last hundred years you would realize the misery they cause far outweighs any individual gains you might be able to find here and there. You dismiss intellectuals on the right (and objectivists) as unfeeling about other people, only interested in their own theories or profits or the status quo. You are a master at wordcraft, quite amazing, I have deep admiration for your abilities, your poems and stories, your sense of humor. But when referencing anything serious I hear mocking and derision. Those are my impressions and the reason for my criticism.

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A few months ago Thomas Sowell was on Mark Levin's radio show.

He said, in essence, that we are too far gone.

I'm glad I have no children.

That is the question - are we on the razors edge and extraordinary work can

bring us back from the slide to authoritarian government or is Sowell right

- it is too late?

One thing I am sure about - turning things around will require the kind of

serious public thought and personal leadership not seen since the revolution

which founded this country.

If the US goes down it will be the greatest tragedy since before the Dark Ages

with horrible consequences around the world. We may look back at WWII

with fondness.


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The metaphor of a low level bureaucrat urinating on an entrepreneur may not have gone over too well, so how about this piece about modern day search and seizure techniques? You’ve heard of stop and frisk, well nowadays we also have:

Vagnini put his bare hand down the man's pants, touched his scrotum and inserted fingers into his anus, the complaint says. When the man pulled away, Vagnini put him in a choke hold that caused him to slobber onto Vagnini's arm. Vagnini repeatedly told him to "stop resisting" as he pulled back so hard on his neck his feet almost left the ground, the man said. Two other officers held his arms and one put a gun to his head, the complaint says.

Could have been worse, he might have tasered him first.

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