
Ayn Rand's Marginalia

I got this book with an order I made from the Ayn Rand Bookstore. This is a book that you wonder why it was published. They are notes Ayn Rand made in various books in her personal library. While such comments maybe on interest to scholars they are not have as much interest for the layman. The books also suggests that Miss Rand was not well read. There has been discussions because some of her comments about Ludwig Von Mises are very strong. I think these comments were not really intended f

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

Did Rand Implicitly Implement the Concept of Duty in Her Moral System?

Did Rand Implicitly Implement the Concept of Duty in Her Moral System? Written June 14, 2007 Rand explicitly denounced the notion of duty in her formulation of ethics. But I here hope to show that she implicitly relied on duty in spite of her explicit rejection of the concept. And the essence of my argument is this: Ethics is a system of justification. We use ethics to justify our actions (and the drives behind our actions). There exist but two mutually exclusive standards for justification. And




O J has been found guilty. It's armed robbery but he maybe in prison for the rest of his life. The events related to the original murders. It's going to interesting to see how it all plays out.

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

Tom Lahr

Tom Lahr has been referred to on OL proper. Tom Lahr was a singer and satirist during the early part of the 1960ths. He had a song called the Vatican Rag. His song about Wehar Von Braun has been referred to on OL. As his regular day job he taught higher mathematics at Harvard.

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

"Until Proven Innocent" Paperback Edition

The Stuart Taylor-C B Johnson book in now available in paperback. This is the book about the Duke Lacrosse scandal. It has new material covering from last April. If you have not read the first edition get the new one.

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

Jon & Kate Plus Eight

This is a show on The Learning Channel. It is about the Gosselins who first had twin girls and hoping for one more got six. That's right SIX! In part because of modern medicine multiple births are increasing. There are at least three sets of sextuplets and at least one of septuplets in the United States. These large multiple birth are almost alway premature so modern medicine has gotten these children thru that very difficult period[ The first and most famous set of multiples was the Dionn

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

Bailout Vote

This is good news. I suspect something will be passed but the House has shown it has a pair.

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

Google is 10

It's become almost everyone's search engine. It sounds like the prefect company to work for. I really wish they would stand up to the PRC.

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

"Tokyo Rose"

She died on this day two years ago. Her real name was Iva Tougri and she was trapped in Japan after World War II started. She got a job for Radio Tokyo. She didn't actually call herself Tokyo Rose but she was tried and convicted of treason because she was an American citizen. She served a sentence of several years. When she was release one of first things she did was to a guest at a Marine corp reunion. Before President Ford left office he granted her a full pardon because of evidence of

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

I watched it again. It really is a lot of hokum. Jimmy Stewart does a very good job. There is another wonderful performance by Harry Carey as the Vice President

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

Mickey Rooney

This is Mickey Rooney's birthday. He is 88. He is the only male star left from the 30ths. He has be acting in movies for almost as many years as he is old. He appeared with all of the other male stars at MGM. He gave us the line "Let's get a barn and put on a show." He been married to a lot of different women.

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

A new book about the Gulag

During the early 30ths great number of Americans went to the Soviet Union. There is a new book called "The Forsaken" about these people These people were treated very badly. The Soviets cut off all contact with their relatives in the US. Great numbers ended in the Gulag. How can these stories continue to surprise people.

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb


I have spent the last two weeks laid up with a swollen right foot. Tomorrow I am attending the all day Constitution Day event at Cato. I got to the library in northern Virginia today even with the commuter buses having a strike.

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

Some of my critics

Some of the SCUM on OL are upset because I actually criticize the religion of peace called Islam. Just to make my position I intend to continue to attack Islam when the followers are unwilling to peaceful. The followers of the religion need to stop threaten to kill people who disagree with them. They should stop trying to impose Sharia law on people who don't want it.

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

Morton Sobell Confesses

Who is Morton Sobell. In the early 50ths Mr Sobell was convicted of conspiracy to committed espionage for the Soviet Union. The spy ring included Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, David and Ruth Greenglass and were involved in providing information to the Soviet Union about the atomic bomb being built at Los Alamos. The Rosenberg were executed in 1953. They are the only Americans executed for spying during the Cold War. Mr Sobell was a lesser member of this spy ring who was not involved in the st

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

Swat teams, dogs, no knock raids

I have just finishing watching the Cato Forum on this topic. It was excellent. The best speaker being from LEAP who said that the problem is the second Prohibition.I hope all readers of my blog will go to and look at this program

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

Bad News

I have recently found out that the LP is not on the DC ballot. The LP candidate for President has been on in every election since 1976. The requirement is easy. I am not happy.

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

The Palin Effect

The GOP got a big bounce and some polls have McCain-Palin leading. I said McCain-Palin not just McCain. Sarah Palin was the big deal at the convention and she made McCain look good The GOP could still lose but it's a great tight race now. The Republicans have lots of negatives including their incumbent president. The vice-president is supposed to change anyone but I think Sarah Palin has to the Republican's good.

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

Charles and Susanna Thomlinson

These two individuals were two of the finest people I have ever met. Charles died about three years ago of cancer. Susanna has been unable to attend the TOC Summer Seminar since 2005. They were both beautiful, bright people.They brought all their children and grand-children to a couple of Summer Seminars. Charles has a wonderful defense of logging in his book "A View From My Stump" which I recommend to all. They are missed by all who knew them

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

West Memphis Three

We can hope this case is coming to a close. Either way there will be a big hearing this month. I will keep you all posted.

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb