Ayn Rand Bibliography


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Fiction and drama

Night of January 16th (1934)

We the Living (1936, revised edition 1959)

Anthem (1938, revised edition 1946)

The Fountainhead (1943)

Atlas Shrugged (1957)

The Early Ayn Rand - Leonard Peikoff, ed. (1984, revised edition 2005)

Three Plays - Richard E. Ralston, ed. (2005)


For the New Intellectual (1961)

The Virtue of Selfishness (1964)

Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal (1966)

Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology (1967)

The Romantic Manifesto (1969)

The New Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution (1971)

Philosophy: Who Needs It (1982)

The Voice of Reason: Essays in Objectivist Thought - Leonard Peikoff, ed. (1989)

The Ayn Rand Column - Peter Schwartz, ed. (1991)

Ayn Rand's Marginalia - Robert Mayhew, ed. (1995)

Letters of Ayn Rand - Michael S. Berliner, ed. (1995)

Journals of Ayn Rand - David Harriman, ed. (1997)

The Ayn Rand Reader - Gary Hull and Leonard Peikoff, eds. (1999)

Return of the Primitive: The Anti-Industrial Revolution - Peter Schwartz, ed. (1999) [This is reissue of Rand's earlier book, The New Left with additional material by the editor]

Russian Writings on Hollywood - Michael S. Berliner, ed.; Dina Garmong, trans. (1999)

Why Businessmen Need Philosophy - Richard E. Ralston, ed. (1999)

The Art of Fiction - Tore Boeckmann, ed. (2000)

The Art of Non-Fiction - Robert Mayhew, ed. (2001)

Ayn Rand Answers - Robert Mayhew, ed. (2005)


The Objectivist Newsletter (1962-1966)

The Objectivist (1966-1971)

The Ayn Rand Letter (1971-1976)

(Bound periodicals are available as a package deal through the Ayn Rand Bookstore)

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  • 3 months later...

Hey Kat. I may have one you've missed, or perhaps what I have was re-published under another title? This is a large format book, ca. 8.5"x11", hardcover. It was described to me at the time I bought it as a reprinting of her regular column in (?) The New York times. Each individual "Letter" is subscripted "... published fortnightly by The Ayn Rand Letter, Inc. 183 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016. Contributing Editor: Leonard Peikoff; ..."

Frontispiece says:

The Ayn Rand Letter (Volumes I-IV, 1971-1976)

Published by Palo Alto Book Service, 200 California Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94306

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 79-52719

It begins with Vol. 1, No. 1; October 11, 1971 and runs to Vol. IV, No. 3; January-February 1976.

HTH. O:)

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  • 4 months later...
Hey Kat. I may have one you've missed, or perhaps what I have was re-published under another title?

Frontispiece says:

The Ayn Rand Letter (Volumes I-IV, 1971-1976)

Its on her list. See the last periodical. The Ayn Rand Letter was the final Rand-published 'magazine'.

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I have seen an article that appeared in Human Events shortly after John Kennedy got the Democratic nomination in 1960. Miss Rand's The Only Path to Tomorrow which was published in Reader's Digest in 1944 has been republished in one of the collections. If anyone knows of any other article Miss Rand wrote for publication that have not appeared in collections let us know.

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Her article "The Money-Making Personality" ran in Cosmopolitan in 62 or 63. Madamoiselle ran an interview sometime around then, too. Her comments on the 72 campaign were in a symposium in the Saturday Review during the election season (pretty much a rehash of what she was saying in the Letter), and in 1970 the LA Times (perhaps among others) published an op-ed piece in which she distinguished between a revolution and a putsch, saying that the left in those days was going for the latter.


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