Message from Bidinotto on healthcare


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Passing along a wide-distribution email from Bidinotto, urging us to contact our congressmen about the House vote. It will probably come up this weekend.

Dear Friends,

If you haven’t yet contacted your congressman (or even if you have) to oppose ObamaCare, TODAY is perhaps the last day that wavering representatives will be making up their minds.

By all reports, the House vote this weekend will be very close. Just one or two congressmen could tip the balance for or against this horrible piece of legislation. We need to show immediate, overwhelming opposition to this monstrosity.

PLEASE do what millions of other patriotic Americans have done. Call or email your congressman or congresswoman NOW.

To obtain his or her contact information, click on the link below, or copy it into your web browser:

And if you run a website or blog, please post that contact information and urge your readers to weigh in.

Thanks so much for your consideration.

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