Warning that Obama may sign a Treaty in Copenhagen in Dec signing away American Sovereignty! irrevocably

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Posted (edited)

Here is the link to a video of Lord Monckton in which he warns us of potential loss of our sovereignty if Obama signs a treaty setting up a world government from which we cannot resign without the consent of all the other states which join at a meeting in Copenhagen on "Framework Convention on Climate Change." :


He mentions that when the Berlin Wall came down Communists flocked out and took over Green Peace, an organization founded by his friends, who all left it, pushed our by the Communists who are now behind the movement to establish the world government.

I will contact my Senators and Congressman to encourage them to prevail upon Obama not to sign the treaty in December!

www.campaignforliberty.com membership 220,330


Edited by galtgulch



Obviously Obama shouldn't sign anything that comes out of the Copenhagen meeting.

But unless BHO has arranged for a surreptitious edit to our Constitution, his signature means nothing without ratification by the US Senate.

Bill Clinton couldn't get the Senate to ratify the Kyoto Treaty.

It remains an open question whether Obama can get the Senate to drink the cap and trade Kool-Aid. (Even with the help of Lindsay Graham, against whom I shall definitely be voting next time.) Harry Reid's in no hurry to push for a floor vote on it.

Robert Campbell



Obviously Obama shouldn't sign anything that comes out of the Copenhagen meeting.

But unless BHO has arranged for a surreptitious edit to our Constitution, his signature means nothing without ratification by the US Senate.

Bill Clinton couldn't get the Senate to ratify the Kyoto Treaty.

It remains an open question whether Obama can get the Senate to drink the cap and trade Kool-Aid. (Even with the help of Lindsay Graham, against whom I shall definitely be voting next time.) Harry Reid's in no hurry to push for a floor vote on it.

Robert Campbell

67 Senate votes are required. A problem could be various gov. agencies acting de facto as if the ratification had taken place.



Fortunately, a treaty signed only by the President has no standing in the USA. It needs to be approved by the Senate.

Of course, who knows what sort of damage could be caused if the Executive branch acts AS IF a treaty is in force, based only on Obama's signature.

Bill P



Obviously Obama shouldn't sign anything that comes out of the Copenhagen meeting.

But unless BHO has arranged for a surreptitious edit to our Constitution, his signature means nothing without ratification by the US Senate.

Bill Clinton couldn't get the Senate to ratify the Kyoto Treaty.

It remains an open question whether Obama can get the Senate to drink the cap and trade Kool-Aid. (Even with the help of Lindsay Graham, against whom I shall definitely be voting next time.) Harry Reid's in no hurry to push for a floor vote on it.

Robert Campbell


There is a move to block the cap and trade fiasco at www.DownsizeDC.org so that Obama would be going to Copenhagen in December with empty hands. That website makes it very easy to submit a letter to both of your Senators and your Congressman.

www.campaignforliberty.com 220,351

I am reading Ron Paul's new best seller End The Fed. There is a chapter on his conversations with Alan Greenspan. Ron Paul actually brought a copy of The Objectivist Newsletter to a meeting and asked Greenspan to autograph his article on Gold and Economic Freedom, which he did. First he asked him if he recognized it!

I find Greenspan's transition or metamorphosis into a statist inexplicable.



gulch "I find Greenspan's transition or metamorphosis into a statist inexplicable"

In Greenspan's book, The Age of Turbulence he states the republicans traded their principles for power, and in the end had neither. Ironically, Alan did the same.


gulch "I find Greenspan's transition or metamorphosis into a statist inexplicable"

In Greenspan's book, The Age of Turbulence he states the republicans traded their principles for power, and in the end had neither. Ironically, Alan did the same.


And here we once assumed, as did Ayn Rand, that Greenspan would "somehow" adhere to his once professed beliefs and principles even within the belly of the political beast. Given the secrecy of the Fed and Greenspan's facility for obfuscating in his testimony at hearings we will probably never know just which decisions were made by him in which he submitted to political pressure instead of taking principled free market positions.

At least Ron Paul mentions Ayn Rand in his new End The Fed book although he betrays his own failure to understand the nature of Altruism so clearly exposed by Rand and Branden in The Objectivist Newsletter which Ron Paul writes that he read.

Ron Paul wrote an intro to Thomas E. Wood, Jr.'s Meltdown in which Wood does not mention any awareness of Ayn Rand at all, nor of Objectivism, although he strongly advocates the works of the Austrian economists.

www.campaignforliberty.com 220,370


Here is the link to a video of Lord Monckton in which he warns us of potential loss of our sovereignty if Obama signs a treaty setting up a world government from which we cannot resign without the consent of all the other states which join at a meeting in Copenhagen on "Framework Convention on Climate Change." :

Push comes to shove, sovereignty is determined by force of arms. We have over 10,000 nuclear warheads and the best army and air force in the world. What do the other nations have.

The Romans had a method for determining sovereignty; the sent in the Legions which was, in its time, the cutting edge Killing Machine.

Ave Caesar !

Ba'al Chatzaf


gulch "I find Greenspan's transition or metamorphosis into a statist inexplicable"

In Greenspan's book, The Age of Turbulence he states the republicans traded their principles for power, and in the end had neither. Ironically, Alan did the same.


And here we once assumed, as did Ayn Rand, that Greenspan would "somehow" adhere to his once professed beliefs and principles even within the belly of the political beast. Given the secrecy of the Fed and Greenspan's facility for obfuscating in his testimony at hearings we will probably never know just which decisions were made by him in which he submitted to political pressure instead of taking principled free market positions.

At least Ron Paul mentions Ayn Rand in his new End The Fed book although he betrays his own failure to understand the nature of Altruism so clearly exposed by Rand and Branden in The Objectivist Newsletter which Ron Paul writes that he read.

Ron Paul wrote an intro to Thomas E. Wood, Jr.'s Meltdown in which Wood does not mention any awareness of Ayn Rand at all, nor of Objectivism, although he strongly advocates the works of the Austrian economists.

www.campaignforliberty.com 220,370

Gulch; I'm pleased that you recognize some of Dr. Paul's failings on the altruism question.

I must add that I enjoyed the Wood's book and recommend it highly.

To go back to my rant about people who can not pronounce Miss Rand's first name. Dr Paul on a C-Span appearance called he "Ann".

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