April Morning


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At dawn on April 19, 1775 , patriots gathered on Lexington Green to confront British Regulars marching up Menotomy Road (Now Arlington Street) to seize powder and shot at Concord. Gunfire erupted and thus began the American Revolution, undertaken primarily because Americans in the colonies were taxed without representation in Parliament.

Now we have taxation with representation. Are we better off?

Ba'al Chatzaf

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Speaking of demonstrations that start revolutions or re-revolutions, you and Kat were at the Chicago "Tea Party". CNN stated that they saw no black citizens there.

Can I ask you whether, to the best of your recollection, whether that is accurate?


Edited by Selene
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Speaking of demonstrations that start revolutions or re-revolutions, you and Kat were at the Chicago "Tea Party". CNN stated that they saw no black citizens there.

Can I ask you whether, to the best of your recollection, whether that is accurate?


from what heard, CNN didn't stay around long enough to really know...

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To really know what black citizens look like?


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To really know what black citizens look like?


I saw one in Dallas, and a fellow that I believe was Mexican/Hispanic with his two kids.

I spoke with a friend that was at the one in NYC last night and she said there were blacks, whites, Indians, Native Americas...a nice mix.

I admit I sought the black lady and the Hispanic fellow and made sure I gave them a flier.

I wish we had more minorities - because I think once we have more "people of color", perhaps more people will wake up and take the philosophy more seriously.

And perhaps those that are not white (or male for that matter, there seems to always be more males than females at the groups I attend), would feel more comfortable coming and talking with others in such groups.

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To really know what black citizens look like?


I saw one in Dallas, and a fellow that I believe was Mexican/Hispanic with his two kids.

I spoke with a friend that was at the one in NYC last night and she said there were blacks, whites, Indians, Native Americas...a nice mix.

I admit I sought the black lady and the Hispanic fellow and made sure I gave them a flier.

I wish we had more minorities - because I think once we have more "people of color", perhaps more people will wake up and take the philosophy more seriously.

And perhaps those that are not white (or male for that matter, there seems to always be more males than females at the groups I attend), would feel more comfortable coming and talking with others in such groups.


People who are disturbed by the taxes and the egregious behavior and polices of our current crop of politicians come in every color of the rainbow. When they encounter candidates for office in every election from now on who speak of a government limited in its powers by the Constitution, repeal of the Sixteenth Amendment and abolition of the IRS and the federal income tax, a return to sound gold and silver backed currency as prescribed by Article 1 Section 8 and repeal of the legal tender laws, not to mention abolition of the unauthorized central bank we know as the Federal Reserve System, we will be represented in Congress as never before.

The Campaign For Liberty continues to grow and to educate and enlighten more and more of tax weary citizens.

www.campaignforliberty.com 16Apr 7PM 145677, 10PM 145806; 17 Apr 6AM 145988, 7AM 145998, 11PM 146520 and counting.

One may wonder just what message is being told to get people to join. The parallel is what John Galt told Francisco and Danneskold and the others to get them to join the strike. In our case we do recommend Atlas Shrugged so they do read the speeches in it and are encouraged to go on to read Ayn Rand's essays and journal. In addition Ron Paul keeps mentioning the Austrian school of economics as does Peter Schiff who identifies himself as an Austrian economist.

The time is ripe for us to succeed as a new enlightenment is happening in front of our eyes.

Join us and take heart but most of all tell others you meet that this movement exists!


Edited by galtgulch
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Exactly. I am speaking at the local library woman's monthly luncheon. I am looking to start a chess club like we had in Virginia wherein almost all of the 50 members, either had read some Rand and by the time I relocated three years later, they were all engaged in the pay it forward plan, as you referred to it, lol.

There is a female high school teacher who has Anthem as part of her writing course. I worked with her. I think you should have each guy bring a "friend" night and take up a donation for "goodies" or "prizes" like a spa treatment or reload equipment, it is Texas.

So, anyone in Texas hear from the "Kinkster" on Governor, I want to be President NOW, Perry's statement on Texas, as the Lone Star State, can secede.

You will bring in more women.


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Speaking of demonstrations that start revolutions or re-revolutions, you and Kat were at the Chicago "Tea Party". CNN stated that they saw no black citizens there.

Can I ask you whether, to the best of your recollection, whether that is accurate?


I remember seeing a few blacks and a few Hispanics. But they were in the vast minority. It was an overwhelmingly white audience.

I believe CNN did not see any blacks because the reporters did not want to see any. After watching that flawed reporting of Susan Roesgen and seeing the ratings, I have no doubt that she, at least, was grasping at some kind of controversy to spin something. CNN is getting killed during this time.


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Speaking of demonstrations that start revolutions or re-revolutions, you and Kat were at the Chicago "Tea Party". CNN stated that they saw no black citizens there.

Can I ask you whether, to the best of your recollection, whether that is accurate?


I remember seeing a few blacks and a few Hispanics. But they were in the vast minority. It was an overwhelmingly white audience.

I believe CNN did not see any blacks because the reporters did not want to see any. After watching that flawed reporting of Susan Roesgen and seeing the ratings, I have no doubt that she, at least, was grasping at some kind of controversy to spin something. CNN is getting killed during this time.


The media gave Obama a free ride during the primaries and the general election. Now, they are giving a free ride on the bailouts/corporate welfare (in which Bush of course had a major part...).

Bill P

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At dawn on April 19, 1775 , patriots gathered on Lexington Green to confront British Regulars ...

The Concord Hymn

Ralph Waldo Emerson (1837)

By the rude bridge that arched the flood,

Their flag to April's breeze unfurled;

Here once the embattled farmers stood;

And fired the shot heard round the world.

The foe long since in silence slept;

Alike the conqueror silent sleeps,

And Time the ruined bridge has swept

Down the dark stream that seaward creeps.

On this green bank, by this soft stream,

We place with joy a votive stone,

That memory may their deeds redeem,

When, like our sires, our sons are gone.

O Thou who made those heroes dare

To die, and leave their children free, --

Bid Time and Nature gently spare

The shaft we raised to them and Thee.

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CNN stated that they saw no black citizens there.

Dear Editor:

On Monday, January 26, 2009, from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM, Bernadine Dohrn and Bill Ayers spoke to a packed room at the EMU Student Center Kiva and their engagement raised an array of basic issues about race, war, gender and social justice.

This was the whitest audience I have seen in my three-and-a-half years at EMU. Of the fifty-plus, three were Black. (Two left about halfway through the presentation and another came in.) The homogeneity of the meeting was especially contrasted with the subject matter of their new book, Race Course: Against White Supremacy. This was a supremely white audience. After the meeting one of the organizers started to tell me that social activists on campus have not been successful at … but I at that point I walked away. I was as embarrassed as Ayers was. Why did their message not resonate with a wider population? If Dohrn and Ayers had been two famous old Black radicals, there would have been more white people – perhaps disproportionately more – to hear them. Is it because white people suffer from guilt or a sense of inferiority? Is it because Black people don’t need to hear about oppression from a couple of old college professors? I believe that there were many reasons, probably as many as there are individuals who stayed away.

Dohrn and Ayers spoke about the censorship of the press here in America. They said that we do not hear about Gaza from Al Jazeera. Yet, they admitted to reading The New York Times and not reading websites. Clicking on http://english.aljazeera.net/ I found plenty of news about Gaza. Censorship did not prevent their new book from coming out. In fact, between them, they have published over a dozen, which certainly contradicts the claim that our information is controlled by a powerful military-capitalist elite.

They did not explain how eight years of Bush fascism did not prevent the election of their protégé, Barack Obama. A strict Marxist would say that the left-center Obama Administration is just the mirror image of the right-center Bush government. Consider White House deputy chief of staff, Mona Sutphen. According to her biography on www.whitehouse.gov, “Sutphen served as Managing Director of Stonebridge International, LLC, an international strategic consulting firm based in Washington, D.C., that advises Fortune 500 corporations on business opportunities and challenges worldwide. … She is a graduate of Mount Holyoke College and received her M.Sc. from the London School of Economics.” What would Karl Marx have said to that? If the Obama Administration is just more of the same, that would make Dohrn and Ayers publicists for the velvet glove of hope over the iron fist of despair.

Michael E. Marotta

Graduate Student


Edited by Michael E. Marotta
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Thank you so much. I was at Newark, NJ, it was either there, or NY City. You will never guess, in a million Marxist millenia, what color folks I found in abundance?

I have never, ever, due to the manner I was raised, even understood personal white guilt. "Collective white guilt" at least can be argued. Therefore, I can sit with a brother from Farrakhan's Nation of Islam and once I get past declaring that my people were not in this country when slavery was legal. Additionally, I personally do not even understand how a person could pre-judge a person based on non choice facts and I state that also.

I usually conclude with a smile and the statement that I am sure when you and I get to know each other we will probably find enough things about each other to really hate each other or accept each other for what we actually are.


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