George Bush and 9-11

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George Bush and 9-11

This is just a small note to remember 9-11 on the anniversary of the attack.

For all the bumbling, mismanagement, deceit and old-boy politics George Bush has engaged in over the years, his administration has kept something like this from happening again. So I believe a thanks is in order. Right is right.

Thank you George Bush for doing a great job on keeping America safe from Islamist terrorist attacks up to now. My loved ones and I are enormously grateful.

May this shining achievement be part of your permanent legacy. And may the incoming administration build on your good work and be just as successful.

I can think of no way greater to honor the dead and maimed in that attack.


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Michael, I agree. I believe the fact that Bush has kept us safe for seven years will one day be seen as his greatest achievement, We all remember the weeks and months following 9/11 when the country held its breath waiting for the next attack that seemed certain to come. We all know -- I hope -- of the great many attacks on America planned by the terrorists that were uncovered and stopped before they could materialize. If we honor the dead of 9/11, as we do, then we must also honor the man who saw to it that their number was not added to.


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Let us not forget the men and women in uniform who stand in harm's way either. President Bush was the architect and our Armed Forces, Law Enforcement and various agencies its builders and keepers.

~ Shane

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George Bush and 9-11

This is just a small note to remember 9-11 on the anniversary of the attack.

For all the bumbling, mismanagement, deceit and old-boy politics George Bush has engaged in over the years, his administration has kept something like this from happening again. So I believe a thanks is in order. Right is right.

Thank you George Bush for doing a great job on keeping America safe from Islamist terrorist attacks up to now. My loved ones and I are enormously grateful.

May this shining achievement be part of your permanent legacy. And may the incoming administration build on your good work and be just as successful.

I can think of no way greater to honor the dead and maimed in that attack.


Well put, Michael. The nature of human response is that we seldom honor or recognize those who PREVENT problems. The degree of success (far more than most commentators imagined back in late September 2001!) in preventing more terrorist acts wtihin US borders is quite impressive. But who notices when a tree doesn't fall?

Bill P (Alfonso)

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No, I'm not thanking Bush for anything. This event was a joint effort, and he was a part of it.

The truth is often so shocking that we just can't face it, because it upsets our entire mindset, and it's threatening as Hell. Much easier to say whacko, or conspiracy freaks.

But if you are dilligent on this one, painfully dilligent, and you verify, verify, crosscheck, the puzzle comes together. So yes, you start learning about the nature and true origins of Islam (check out the Vatican connection, in the form of giving their founder a wife). Check out who the Vatican answers to. And that's just one angle to look at.

Not every single thing you find will be accurate, but overwhelmingly, things start to shape up, and with it the real horror. Yes, you end up tying things together you'd never imagine, like Freemasonry, the Vatican, Islam, the Royal Family, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds (Wikipedia will do for that, but pick anything out of the 8 million plus hits you can get on Google).

Oh, where to start... try the Black Pope (the Vatican answers to them): . Look at connections. Verify them.

Look at symbols. Try out pyramids and Masonic symbols (you know, like all over D.C. and countless other significant places on the planet). Go back farther and find out that it is a CULT traceable both by bloodline and otherwise all the way back to ancient Egypt.

This outfit has been around for a long time. They destroy civilizations, and emerge from that profitably. These plans are spun out over generations, that's why people have trouble accepting them, for one thing.

Look at extremely hard scientific evidence about building 7. Or light stuff, like how a BBC reporter announced the fall of it twenty minutes before it happened.

911 was an inside job, and this is past the hypothetical stage.

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No, I'm not thanking Bush for anything. This event was a joint effort, and he was a part of it.

The truth is often so shocking that we just can't face it, because it upsets our entire mindset, and it's threatening as Hell. Much easier to say whacko, or conspiracy freaks.

But if you are dilligent on this one, painfully dilligent, and you verify, verify, crosscheck, the puzzle comes together. So yes, you start learning about the nature and true origins of Islam (check out the Vatican connection, in the form of giving their founder a wife). Check out who the Vatican answers to. And that's just one angle to look at.

Not every single thing you find will be accurate, but overwhelmingly, things start to shape up, and with it the real horror. Yes, you end up tying things together you'd never imagine, like Freemasonry, the Vatican, Islam, the Royal Family, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds (Wikipedia will do for that, but pick anything out of the 8 million plus hits you can get on Google).

Oh, where to start... try the Black Pope (the Vatican answers to them): . Look at connections. Verify them.

Look at symbols. Try out pyramids and Masonic symbols (you know, like all over D.C. and countless other significant places on the planet). Go back farther and find out that it is a CULT traceable both by bloodline and otherwise all the way back to ancient Egypt.

This outfit has been around for a long time. They destroy civilizations, and emerge from that profitably. These plans are spun out over generations, that's why people have trouble accepting them, for one thing.

Look at extremely hard scientific evidence about building 7. Or light stuff, like how a BBC reporter announced the fall of it twenty minutes before it happened.

911 was an inside job, and this is past the hypothetical stage.

Jesus man! Bin Laden confessed, nay, he boasted that his people were responsible. Some inside job that is.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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"Jesus man! Bin Laden confessed, nay, he boasted that his people were responsible. Some inside job that is."

So what? He could say that he really wants a pony when he grows up, if that were to suit the purpose at hand.

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I have serious difficulty believing that anyone with a shred of understanding of "individual rights" would extol Bush for keeping Americans "safe."



Who, then, would you extol for keeping Americans safe? His efforts have seen to it that 9/11 was a one-time catastrophe on US soil (thus far). The man may have many faults, but this is one thing I will remember fondly of him.

~ Shane

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Ellen; I like you and your posts. Your last post is wrong.

We are still free in this country.

Yeah, sure, Chris.


Edit: PS: Please don't interpret my anti-Bushism as my signing onto Rich Engle's "Final Secrets of the Illuminati" theories. One hardly needs those to see the extent to which the Bush presidency hasn't done any favors to rights in the U.S. And, no, guys, I'm not going to argue the point. I mostly stay out of political threads. But thanking Bush for keeping America "safe" was more than I could stomach in silence and still have a feeling of honor in posting on this list.


Edited by Ellen Stuttle
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Chris once again proves he's the best wet blanket in the world while simultaneously impersonating that dude Prakash that owns the Open Pantry over on W. 130... I didn't know you guys had met.

"Rich; My looking at OL is easier I am going avoid your posts and you. SEEK HELP! "

(sobs, brushes away tear just like in fifth grade when E.B. White's niece kicked him in knee and said he had big ears) <---BONUS TRUE STORY MOMENT!!!

My looking English is easier I going use fragments. SEEK EDITING!

Hi, Ellen-- Hey, it ain't like that for me, but I do know some guys with fortified bunkers and tinfoil on their heads. The funny part about all this is no one here has yet to act like an Objectivist and refute anything I threw down on logical/factual grounds. Instead, just unsupported contrary opinions. I guess they have special dispensation from AR's ghost or something, who the Hell knows?

Edited by Rich Engle
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Oh, where to start... try the Black Pope (the Vatican answers to them): . Look at connections. Verify them.

Oh lord. From that link:

Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, the General of the International Military Order of the Society of Jesus, commonly known as “the Black Pope”, ordered the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on Tuesday, September 11, 2001, with the advice and consent of his General Staff, composed of five assistants (each representing a hemisphere and under whom are many advisory Provincials), an advisor (resembling the likes of a military commander to warn him of any faults or mistakes), and his confessor (to ease his conscience and absolve him of his many sins).

Why? Because the appointed time has arrived for the Jesuit General to destroy both the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, secretly using his CIA/Nazi-trained, Masonic Zionist Mossad in conjunction with his CIA/Nazi-trained, Masonic Islamic Intelligence Agencies, including Osama bin Laden’s MAK and Pakistan’s ISI, while shrouded in the confusion of a huge aerial war yet to come. This will enable the General’s crusading Knights Templars (the present day Shriner Freemasons) to rebuild Solomon’s Temple — for the Papal Caesar in Rome’s Vatican. And how could the Black Pope destroy these Moslem Mosques, they comprising the third most important Islamic religious site in the world behind Saudi Arabia’s Mecca and Medina, without causing an uncontrollable Moslem holy war, called a “jihad”, resulting in the destruction of Pope Pius XII’s creation of Zionist Israel? (Remember, Israel was admitted into the New York-based United Nations in 1949 through the efforts of Jesuit-trained Francis Cardinal Spellman – the darling of Pope Pius XII who, after his Jesuits carried out the Jewish Holocaust in Europe and then driving the survivors to Palestine, intended, under the guidance of his Jesuit confessor, Augustin Cardinal Bea, to make Jerusalem an international city – while governed by the Papal Caesar’s Chaim Weizmann and his Masonic Jewish Zionists.) The Black Pope must cause a war using a country he also wishes to further destroy. Enter the “Holy Roman” Fourteenth Amendment American Jesuit Empire created in 1868 on the ruins of George Washington’s Calvinist Republic, the last political stronghold of the Protestant Reformation with freedom of conscience, freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

The only thing he forgets is the space yeti and the flying spaghetti monster.

BTW, the "Black Pope" is so called because Jesuits wear black. The black helicopter pilots are Franciscans.

PPS, OTOH, since Anton La Vey is also called the Black Pope, and is considered an offshoot of Rand...

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Anton Levey/Rand...uhhhh.

I picked these devouts simply because they lay out a lot of the connections. A lot of it they miss and their spin is whacky for sure, but...again. Dig a little deeper.

I'll find you something more, er...conventional!

Jesuits, at the higher levels, that's a whole other dealio.

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It's hard to say how safe Bush has kept us. A lot of shit has yet to hit the fan and that concerns public policy generally, not just the war on terror. The country is bankrupt. Dollar devaluation and massive price inflation will be on us in a year or two.


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I have serious difficulty believing that anyone with a shred of understanding of "individual rights" would extol Bush for keeping Americans "safe."


I happen to understand individual rights and I still thank Bush for doing a great job.

I loathe the Patriot Act and other such. (Especially the handling of Iraq.) And yes, there have been serious violations of individual rights. Bush's course is not the course I would have taken in his shoes and I certainly am no fan of his. Nevertheless, I am perfectly at peace recognizing Bush's achievements alongside his faults. Everybody talks about his faults and hardly anybody mentions his achievements. I decided to recognize one—a big honking obvious one—on an appropriate day.

Since you protested, please let me know of any other large-scale Islamist terrorist attack on USA soil from 9-11 until now and I will happily withdraw my thanks. Barring that, my thanks stand.

In fact, let me add a salute to my Commander in Chief while I am at it.

I salute you, George W. Bush.


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I have seen some of this stuff up close in Brazil. The Freemasons are extremely powerful down there. Brazilian Presidents are traditionally Freemansons. (I was tapped, but I stupidly told them that I did not play little boy games as an adult. I really was an arrogant so-and-so back then.)

So yes, there are organizations of elites who gather and trade favors and make agreements among each other. They exist. I even believe that some of them include people who dream about controlling the world in the manner the conspiracy theorists imagine.

But here is reality. They can't. It is physically impossible. Controlling one country is hard enough. Controlling several is like trying to herd cats.

I have looked at a lot of the 9/11 stuff and finally got bored with all the shouting and boneheadedness (on both sides). I do believe there is a lot more than was released to the public and there might even be the finger of some USA citizens involved. The place to look would be low-level people involved with arming Bin Laden to the teeth during Bush Senior's administration, especially Musim converts. But if there are any, I have no doubt they have been disposed of through Extraordinary Rendition (along with a lot of innocent people, I might add).

After looking at everything so far with an open mind, I am thoroughly convinced that 9/11 was not an inside job of the USA government, nor of any of the elite groups. This thing was Islamist terrorism through and through.


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Rich: "The funny part about all this is no one here has yet to act like an Objectivist and refute anything I threw down on logical/factual grounds. Instead, just unsupported contrary opinions. I guess they have special dispensation from AR's ghost or something, who the Hell knows?"

l'm not aware that you "threw down" anything but strings of assertions. If I were to tell you that the entire population of Iowa got together yesterday to plan an invasion of Russia, intending to rule the world from there, and that they are armed with unassailable anti-gravity weapons they invented two days ago -- would you really feel required to refute me on "logical/factual grounds"?

Which leads me to the fact that I find it impossible to have extended conversations with the conspiracy theorists (which, by the way, they always say they're not) that I have encountered over the years. I can't take their various beliefs seriously for more than a few minutes at a time, and I tend to burst out laughing at impolitic times. How is one supposed to seriously debate such views as that of an Alex Jones that the conspirators, who appear to consist of everyone everywhere who is wealthier than he -- these brilliant, genius-level thinkers believe it is to their financial interest to slaughter 80% of the total world population.. .. And I am Queen of the May...

Another difficulty is that I find it intensely irritating that if one charges that there is no evidence whatever that a particular conspiracy exists, the inevitable response is that this merely further demonstrates the wily ingenuity of the conspirators: and their awesome ability ito hide their footprints. Thus, both evidence -- assuming there were any -- and the absence of evidence validate the conspiracy theorists assertions. One would be thrown out of any Las Vegas casino for attempting so barefaced a loading of the dice.


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Kudos and I salute with you. They hit my City. They killed folks that I knew well. I got so sick of going to firefighters funerals and never running into my State Senator's - Schmucky Schumer and the Sister of the Traveling Pants Suit, who did not bother to attend the firefighters funerals, which, we will never forgive or forget. I gained a lot of personal strength speaking quietly with the 70 orphans in my cousin's New Jersey town and attempting to support their grief.

An inside job, please, can we just focus on the future and thank our Commander in Chief as Americans and not slavish partisans.

Well put Michael.


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Barbara & Selene; Excellent posts!

Barbara; I can understand why you keep laughing at these conspiracy theorists.

I had a post referring to the Red Queen in one of Lewis Carroll's books who told Alice she could believe some number of impossible things every day. I think these people must with their coffee start to think of impossible things. I guess we should be grateful that it keeps them off the streets.

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