LA TIMES reports Obama chooses Biden for VP!

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Savvy choice which may cause Obama to go up in the polls. If Obama is considered harder to beat because of this, the delegates may be more inclined to select someone other than McCain to be their nominee in a couple of weeks in Minneapolis.

It just so happens that all of the Republican delegates and alternates have received the first of two DVDs from the project to persuade them to choose Ron Paul as the superior candidate to be their nominee.

The DVD is available on :

The DVDs opens with clips of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan. It goes on to show how Ron Paul was intentionally ignored by the media despite his explosive popularity demonstrated by Google Trends showing internet growth.

The home page of DVDs4Delegates shows how four men in US history, considered to be long shots and not likely to win the nomination for President, went on to win both the nomination and the presidency.

Reality will show!

Edited by galtgulch
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"Reality will show."

Galt; I'll remind you of that statement after McCain is nominated.


Thanks for the laugh!

If you take a peek at the homepage of the project I have been involved with to influence and persuade delegates to choose Ron Paul, you will see a chart which indicates that McCain simply does not have the numbers the main stream media would have us all believe he has! Many of the McCain delegates are actually Ron Paul people who took the trouble to register as Republicans by February 13th so they could vote in the April 5th caucuses, nominate each other. They had three minutes to speak to the gatherings of Republicans which included many Ron Paul supporters.

The convention will be filled with Ron Paul supporters. Watch the DVD which is on now for all to see.

In the meantime also notice the numbers going up as more like minded individuals join the Ron Paul inspired movement which will carry the torch forward until we win our country and our Constitution back!

This movement will not end with this election.

Join us.

The Campaign for Liberty will support candidates for Congress and other offices now and in the future. That is why I encourage Objectivists to become involved with it. We can enlighten those in the movement who thirst for the intellectual ammunition we have. Ron Paul has recommended Atlas Shrugged in the bibliography of The Revolution: A Manifesto as well as books by von Mises.

The movement is alive.


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Galt; After McCain is nominated I hope I wouldn't have to remind what you said. Libertarians don't have good memories. They also lie.

Edited by Chris Grieb
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Galt; After McCain is nominated I hope I wouldn't have to remind what you said. Libertarians don't have good memories. They also lie.

Whose side are you on, anyway?

What is it that you find so appealing about John McCain?

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Galt;You are heading for a fall. Your smugness is going to trip you up and I will enjoy it. I going to enjoy reminding you.

Chris, What kind of a conversation is it when you refuse to answer my questions?

I am not smug. I fully appreciate the fact that delegates to the Republican nominating convention are mostly party hacks and party faithful who are obedient to the party line and orders from above in the party hierarchy. The chances of any of them changing their minds or using their own minds in this matter is remote at best. We witnessed the soul of the Republican Party in Nevada when it appeared that the Ron Paul supporters were stronger in number than the old line hack jobs with the result that rather than concede defeat and recognize the superior organizing skill and passion of the Ron Paul Republicans, the Republican leadership walked out literally ending the convention!

These people don't play by their own rules and certainly not by the limits imposed by the 300 year old parchment called the Constitution of the United States.

I fully expect that McCain will get the nomination. I agree with you that that is what will happen. But if enough delegates are disenchanted with McCain and are drawn to Ron Paul as so many of his supporters were when they discovered his record and his character and integrity, then there is a slight chance that not only will McCain not get the nod but that Ron Paul will!

If Ron Paul does get the number of votes he needs on the second ballot or the third ballot can you imagine the upset and the excitement that will cause across the country? His supporters would send him money like never before. Those who donated $25 will donate $2000 or more. IT will be astronomical!

Even you would be impressed if it happens.

All the debates scheduled by Obama and McCain will become debates between Paul and Obama!

All the people disturbed by the current choice will be aroused by the new choice.

I will be overjoyed myself and will go to work to get him elected. He already has over 20,000 precinct leaders and 86,280 signed up at at this very moment and growing every hour. Edit:8/23 7PM: 86,330 11PM: 86,454; 8/24 9:48: 86,572; 1 PM: 86,661 See what I mean?


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Are you insane?

If not let us make a wager.

You pick the odds.

My bid is $100.00 US dollars.

You set the odds.

We can send the money to Michael and he can pay me out after Mc Cain is the nominee.

This is kinda NY street dude, put your money where your mouth appears to be.

This fantasy that you continue to possess is, frankly psychotic.


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Are you insane?

If not let us make a wager.

You pick the odds.

My bid is $100.00 US dollars.

You set the odds.

We can send the money to Michael and he can pay me out after Mc Cain is the nominee.

This is kinda NY street dude, put your money where your mouth appears to be.

This fantasy that you continue to possess is, frankly psychotic.



It is not a psychotic state but rather a dream that I am willing to work to make it come true and I am not alone in this endeavor. Your assertion is bordering on the ad hominem!

There is a distinction between a psychotic hallucination and a fantasy which is in the realm of romantic realism. This country is filled with human beings who are capable of listening to reason. Politics is the art of persuasion. The DVDs are calculated to appeal to the reason of the delegates who are after all Republicans who should cherish certain fundamental conservative values. The DVD spends a good deal of time on clips of Barry Goldwater and then Ronald Reagan to wet their appetite before Ron Paul enters the scene.

There is something about the Ron Paul campaign which struck a responsive chord in tens and hundreds of thousands of citizens from every demographic. He did get a cumulative vote total of 1.1 million across the country! If he could appeal to so many despite the media blackout then certainly he should appeal to conservative Republicans. Maybe not to so called neocons but to traditional conservatives. This is doable and feasible.

I am unwilling to bet money on it because as I said I agree it is a long shot like one hundred to one. Are you really willing to put up one hundred dollars to win one dollar? We know the odds are against us but those of us who participated in this project were willing to devote our time, energy, creativity, skills, money and effort to doing it because we saw it as loyalty to our values and a cause worth the effort. What chance did those who chose to fight in the AMerican Revolution have? THe odds were certainly against them too. pardon me for the analogy. But we do see ourselves as fighting for the same ideals as the Founders fought for.

I do appreciate your responses but so far find them to be lacking in substance. Once again I am reminded of the scene in which Hank Reardon says to a businessman who is not willing to stand up for himself, "I only regret that in the process of fighting for my freedom, I am obliged to fight for your freedom as well!"

What is your answer to that?


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Galt; Your last two posts suggest that you are not is an advanced state of denial.

I would also point out that Ron Paul won no primaries and John McCain did.

Edited by Chris Grieb
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I am stunned.

Hank Rearden is an archetypal metphor created by a brilliant mind.

This is the real problem that I saw clearly when I was at NBI.

Good grief my intellectual friend, stop visiting reality as a "tourist".

Great movie with Jason Robards Jr., called "A Thousand Clowns",

A line from the movie.


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Galt; Your last two posts suggest that you are not is an advanced state of denial.

I would also point out that Ron Paul won no primaries and John McCain did.


I think you meant to say that I AM in a state of advanced denial.

Please take a few minutes to watch a portion of the RNC Delegate Video DVD #1-3 of 14 and #1-4 of 14 on

I suggest those portions because they demonstrate the media bias in which Ron Paul was given virtually no media coverage but despite that his internet interest was high and sustained despite the media blackout!

If the media had given Ron Paul the coverage he deserved his showing in terms of votes would have been much higher. In fact his percentage did grow despite the media blackout up to 24% of the vote in Idaho!

He was a much more popular candidate than any of the others.

One wonders just what the media motivation might be to attempt to bury him. If you were profiting from the Federal Reserve System of complete control over the nation's currency and money creation and along came a maverick who is clearly a man of principle who abides by the Constitution, understands economics and the role government should play regarding the currency, and realizes and makes known that there is no authorization for a central bank in the Constitution, leading him to voice a policy of intent to abolish the Federal Reserve System and the introduction of a competitive currency which is gold and silver backed, what would you do? If you rubbed elbows in such organizations as the Council on Foreign Relations with the media moguls who control the print and electronic media might you be tempted to encourage them to bury that man?

Just a thought!

Incidentally, we know that a certain number of delegates for McCain are actually Ron Paul people! They might still count as McCain delegates who are bound or pledged to him so it appears as if McCain has the number he needs. But we know that is not true but is what the media would have us believe. Reality will show as the first ballot will tell the tale. Either McCain has the delegates or he doesn't, right? Something about the Law of Identity or is it the Law of Non contradiction? We have a pretty good idea how many McCain delegates are really Ron Paul people. They know they can simply abstain on the first ballot and then they will be free to vote as they wish. Once the delegates realize that McCain will not get the nomination, and after most of them have held the DVDs4Delegates DVD in their hands and watched it, all 14 parts they will have to make a decision which may not be so difficult after all.

They will realize Ron Paul has a huge supporter base, is a man of integrity, takes the oath of office to uphold the Constitution more seriously than anyone else, and has the experience in Washington where he has never voted for a substantial Federal Program which is not explicitly authorized in the Constitution in Article 1 Section 8. He is the kind of president the nation needs right now. He will bring home troops from the Empire the US has created with 826 military bases in 130 countries around the world, cut the budget enough from that act alone to be able to abolish the IRS and the Federal Income Tax. Imagine the boost to the economy from that?

I eagerly await your non ad hominem response.


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Dear galtgulch:

Seriously. Tell us your best assessment of the probability that Ron Paul will be the 2008 Republican nominee. Please don't provide long paragraphs of rhetoric. Just a number between 0 and 1 will suffice.

My read --- if you come up with a number greater than .001, I think you are in a massive state of denial.

Bill P (Alfonso)

(Spelling error corrected via edit)

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Galt; There is a limited amount of time in this world so I will pass on the DVD.

Bill has asked an excellent question and I await your answer.

Final suggestion. Someone who is in your state of advanced denial should not use the name of a character of a woman who was always in touch with reality.

Edited by Chris Grieb
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Dear galtgulch:

Seriously. Tell us your best assessment of the probability that Ron Paul will be the 2008 Republican nominee. Please don't provide long paragraphs of rhetoric. Just a number between 0 and 1 will suffice.

My read --- if you come up with a number greater than .001, I think you are in a massive state of denial.

Bill P (Alfonso)


I am more certain that there are enough Ron Paul people who are going to the convention as McCain delegates to assure that McCain will not be the nominee. Still that is not a certainty either. Some of them may feel it is their obligation to vote for McCain on the first ballot rather than abstaining. But the chances are that McCain will simply not get the number of 1191 which I think he would need to lock the nomination. I wouldn't be surprised if the Republican hierarchy make a motion to bypass a roll call vote and move to have McCain named the nominee by acclamation. That is probably the most likely outcome in order for McCain to get the nod. But if a motion for a roll call vote is seconded and passes, then there is a good chance that McCain will not be chosen, at least not on the first ballot.

If it turns out that the numbers on the first ballot do not add up for McCain, I am far from certain that what should happen will happen. I am sorry that certain folks here are unwilling to take the time to watch the DVD produced by the DVDs4Delegates project, which is on the site as RNC Delegate Video DVD #1 - in 14 parts of ten minutes or so each. That is over two hours and even I have not seen it all. The project volunteers managed to get the names and addresses of virtually all the delegates and alternates to the convention and professionally produced the video, which is the first of the two planned to be sent to all those likely to be in a position to make this momentous decision.

At least the project made the effort. Ron Paul would be, in my opinion, a far superior nominee than McCain and would easily beat Obama.

To answer your question, if McCain does not get the nomination, and if most of the delegates take the time to watch the DVDs, both of them before the convention, Ron Paul would have a positive chance of becoming the nominee. It is hard to come up with odds. Better than fifty fifty! god knows what the Republican leadership is capable of, not to mention the Federal Reserve System profiteers who could well afford to assassinate him, and would certainly have a strong motive.

So you may conclude that I am in denial. But I think that it is unbecoming of you, all of you who accuse me of being psychotic or in denial, to fail to just simply watch the DVDs on Perhaps if you did watch it you would appreciate what has happened and who should become our next president, despite his warts.

The question I have for you gentlemen and ladies is: If the choice in November were between Barack Hussein Obama and Ron Paul, for whom would you vote?


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Galt; I hope they are keeping sharp pointed objects away from you.


I am a survivor! I fully appreciate the prospect that McCain will be chosen as the Republicans rally in order to present a unified front to the public. Delegates for Romney and Huckabee will more than likely vote for McCain if it comes to a roll call vote and I acknowledge that is the greatest likelihood.

There is just a slim chance that the DVDs will be watched and talked about by many of the delegates. They will also see Ron Paul chocholates each day on their convention seats as well as Ron Paul stickers on their chairs. There will be Ron Paul ads on every conceivable billboard in Minneapolis, on the sides of buses etc.

Will these folks listen to reason? Unlikely!

I am prepared for the worst! Do not fear for my life!

But we have tried to reason with the delegates who should be ashamed of themselves if they do not choose Ron Paul. I expect they will live to regret it if they choose McCain.

Notice that the numbers on site are up to 86,621 and climbing. We will exceed 100,000 soon and will generate millions of dollars for candidates in coming elections until we swamp the Congress with men and women who value the Constitution and its limits on government.

Join us now or join us later.


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Flat old are you?

Your post get increasing inconsistent and conflicting.

Let me understand that you have been arguing that a self erupting revolution exists in the Republican delegate population at the Minny-St. Paul convention, but you now state that there is no logical possibility of that occurring.

Ground control to Major Tom...get grounded dude. Now.


My apologies to Michael if this is too direct and harsh, but geez, irrationality is irrationality.


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Adam; I agree with you about Galt's posts.

Galt; Hillary has more chance of being the Democratic nominee than Ron Paul has of being the GOP nominee. I am not a McCain supporter but I am a realist.

The fact that the opponents of Maxine Waters or Charles Rangle are Ron Paul supporters will in the end mean nothing.

Edited by Chris Grieb
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It is not a psychotic state but rather a dream that I am willing to work to make it come true and I am not alone in this endeavor. Your assertion is bordering on the ad hominem!

Getting Paul nominated is more like urinating vertically on a fiber braid in a manner opposing the gravitational field, than making a dream come true.

And even if he were nominated he would lose very big time. Paul will not ever be elected POTUS.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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Adam; I agree with you about Galt's posts.

Galt; Hillary has more chance of being the Democratic nominee than Ron Paul has of being the GOP nominee. I am not a McCain supporter but I am a realist.

The fact that the opponents of Maxine Waters or Charles Rangle are Ron Paul supporters will in the end mean nothing.

Yep Chris, you are correct and how is your health?

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Adam; I agree with you about Galt's posts.

Galt; Hillary has more chance of being the Democratic nominee than Ron Paul has of being the GOP nominee. I am not a McCain supporter but I am a realist.

The fact that the opponents of Maxine Waters or Charles Rangle are Ron Paul supporters will in the end mean nothing.

The situation may be even more drastic. H. Clinton may have a higher chance of being the GOP nominee than Ron Paul has.

Bill P (Alfonso)

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The situation may be even more drastic. H. Clinton may have a higher chance of being the GOP nominee than Ron Paul has.


Ron Paul - the Hidden Imam?

The fantasy of Ron Pauls' ascension ignores the active antipathy for him held by most Republicans. Yes, he has supporters. But those supporters seem not to understand that he also has many more opponents. Were all the other candidates to vanish, Paul's current delegate count of 29 would not increase. The other delegates would simply move on to support someone else, such as Giuliani. I am sure there are many more "hidden" Giuliani delegates than Paul delegates. The difference is that Paul's still think he can win. Paul is not unknown - he is unliked.

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My whole point is to try to direct Galt in a more rational path. He has to be quite young and just ....

Sorry, I do not try to import analysis to a person's post, but Galt is just so __________fill in your blank irrational that it basically frustrates me as a teacher.


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