The Pope

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As the poster boy for altruism, he preaches self-sacrifice and support for the poor of the world.

Yet he lives in a guarded palace, rides in a limo, dresses in silks, has servants and a personal chef.

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Don't get me started. I won't go into how the church turned its back on people who were abused as kids at the hands of parish priests. After all this time it finally comes to the forefront where he meets with them and promises changes to church policy.

Time will tell if he is serious.

During my Objectivist group's March meeting we had someone give a small speech after a lecture titled Religion is Child Abuse about his experiences as a Catholic seminarian who left the church in disgust after seeing, not only contradictions like you point out, but also the unquestioning obedience on the part of clergy to the Pope.

As it turns out, this guy was drafted as a young man by priests at his parish into a holy order that Benedict has some affiliation with which is an ultra-orthodox faction that also supported him for election. I believe they are called The Legionaires of Christ.

His sister is a nun associated with this order which this gentleman originally convinced to join but since his leaving has tried (and failed) to convince her to leave. Mainly due to someone debriefing her soon after the phone conversations he has with her.

According to this gentleman, the M.O. of The Legionaires of Christ is to cut off recruits almost entirely from the outside world with little or no contact with the recruit's family.

My dad is a former Catholic priest, BTW.

As the poster boy for altruism, he preaches self-sacrifice and support for the poor of the world.

Yet he lives in a guarded palace, rides in a limo, dresses in silks, has servants and a personal chef.

Edited by Mike Renzulli
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Don't get me started. I won't go into how the church turned its back on people who were abused as kids at the hands of parish priests. After all this time it finally comes to the forefront where he meets with them and promises changes to church policy.

Time will tell if he is serious.

During my Objectivist group's March meeting we had someone give a small speech after a lecture titled Religion is Child Abuse about his experiences as a Catholic seminarian who left the church in disgust after seeing, not only contradictions like you point out, but also the unquestioning obedience on the part of clergy to the Pope.

As it turns out, this guy was drafted as a young man by priests at his parish into a holy order that Benedict has some affiliation with which is an ultra-orthodox faction that also supported him for election. I believe they are called The Legionaires of Christ.

His sister is a nun associated with this order which this gentleman originally convinced to join but since his leaving has tried (and failed) to convince her to leave. Mainly due to someone debriefing her soon after the phone conversations he has with her.

According to this gentleman, the M.O. of The Legionaires of Christ is to cut off recruits almost entirely from the outside world with little or no contact with the recruit's family.

My dad is a former Catholic priest, BTW.

As the poster boy for altruism, he preaches self-sacrifice and support for the poor of the world.

Yet he lives in a guarded palace, rides in a limo, dresses in silks, has servants and a personal chef.

After suffering through 8 yrs of Catholic elementary school I went, reluctantly & at the insistence of my parents, to a Catholic HS.

I only stayed one year. The Brothers who taught there were fond of slapping us around. One would turn his college ring around, so the stone was facing palm down. If he didn't like your attitude or answer to a question, would strike you, repeatedly, on top of your head, palm down.

He seemed to enjoy it.

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~ Le PeePee made clear that America was to blame for these American pedophiliacal priests (their being so exposed to temptation, I guess, unlike Brazil [Rio], Thailand [bangkok], Sweden, etc); you know, it's open life-style and all.

~ Clearly pedo-priests exist ONLY in America. Keep in mind, whilst the MSM focused on the subject, no one even brought up the question about such hypocritical priests existing anywhere else on this globe; ergo, they don't. America produced this problem, obviously.

~ And, these priests WERE all that he meant as 'the problem'; but, of course, they really weren't 'the' problem.




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~ THE REAL problem' was the routine shuffling-elsewhere style of covering-up 'the problem' which the bishops/cardinals decision-makers did in hiding 'the problem.' THIS routine cover-up (CYA) problem, exists absolutely nowhere else, of course; ergo, not a 'problem' for Le PooPoo to even discuss.

~ Moral hypocrisy all the way to the top. Clearly, no one wishes to admit that the Emperor wears no moral armor, especially when he castigates 'the free world' more than he (and his 'spiritual' ancestors') does dictators.



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~ THE REAL problem' was the routine shuffling-elsewhere style of covering-up 'the problem' which the bishops/cardinals decision-makers did in hiding 'the problem.' THIS routine cover-up (CYA) problem, exists absolutely nowhere else, of course; ergo, not a 'problem' for Le PooPoo to even discuss.

~ Moral hypocrisy all the way to the top. Clearly, no one wishes to admit that the Emperor wears no moral armor, especially when he castigates 'the free world' more than he (and his 'spiritual' ancestors') does dictators.



The hypocrisy you correctly mention will never be exposed to the American population.

The mainstream media will never have the chutzbah to report such.

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NEW YORK (AP) — Pope Benedict XVI celebrated his final Mass in the United States before a full house in storied Yankee Stadium on Sunday, blessing his enormous U.S. flock and telling Americans to use their freedoms wisely.

Hopefully his followers will exercise their freedom by abandoning the life-hating Catholic Church.

Arrivedeci Benedict, glad to see you go back to your life of self-sacrifice!

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~ I am a former Cat'lic. Did the whole alter-boy thing. Lottsa good priests and nuns in my past, no argument.

~ But the more I've learned about what 'Officialdom' does/decides, how they've handled things once they came to 'behind-the-thrones' power in the Early-Middle (thence 'Dark') Ages, I have nothing but contempt for such ostensibly 'benevolent' freedom-hating Mel-Gibsonishly-'Traditional' hypocrites who confess nothing other than that they wish to be confessed-to by as many of Barnum's clientele as possible.

~ Clearly, this subject puts me in a B-A-D mood.---Almost as much as our next election: all candidates are CIC-losers.



Edited by John Dailey
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{Brian-ist, breaking into song}

I'm a Roman Catholic,

And have been since before I was born!

The one thing they say about Catholics is,

They take you as soon as you're warm!

You don't have to be a six-footer,

You don't have to have a great brain,

You don't have to have any clothes on, you're

A Catholic the moment Dad came!

{goes to sell all his kids, if any, for scientific experiments}

Ah, the meaning of life: Puncturing the hypocrisy of windbags.

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  • 1 month later...
Arrivedeci Benedict, glad to see you go back to your life of self-sacrifice!

Aufwiedersehen Benedict would be more correct.

I do wish Benny 16 would say Amen! instead of Jawohl! when he prays.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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