Who Hates Americans?

Barbara Branden

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(Did someone say Ron Paul was a libertarian? Oh, I get it! Words mean what one wants them to mean, and Soviet Russia was a Republic, Castro a defender of human rights, and Ayn Rand a fascist.


Who Hates Americans?

By Ishmael Vera

FrontPageMagazine.com | 10/15/2007

The campaign mounted by campus leftists against Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week, which is scheduled to take place on more than 100 campuses during the week of October 22-26 has taken a new turn with the announcement of a counter-protest at the Washington Monument. The protest, which will be called “American Fascism Awareness Day” is being organized by Adam Kokesh of Iraq Veterans Against the War, the Revolutionary Communist Party, Students for Justice In Palestine, and the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee among others and will feature speakers such as congressman Dennis Kucinich and presidential candidate Ron Paul, anti-war activists Cindy Sheehan and Harry Karry and actor Sean Penn.

According to a spokesperson for the Revolutionary Communist Party, one of the sponsors of the event, “This is an answer to the Jew Horowitz and the neo-conservative Zionists who dragged us into an imperialist war in Iraq and are spreading hatred against Muslims to support their war plans against the Republic of Iran.”

Flyers for the American Fascism Awareness Protest were distributed on at least ten campuses which are scheduled to hold Islamo-Fascism Awareness Weeks in 9 days. (The text of the flyer is reprinted below.) Many Americans contacted by Frontpagemag.com were outraged over the announced protest. Latisha Freeman, an African American student at one of the campuses that was flyered commented that all Americans were not racists and that the flyer was generally “unpatriotic and unfair.” American Legion commander K. “Ike” Landsman, was blunter. “These are communist ingrates who don't appreciate this great country and they ought to be deported to Iran or Afghanistan where they would be welcome." Fox News Channel anchor Alan Colmes, had a different take. “Lighten up,” Colmes said when he was shown the flyer; “this is a parody of views that liberals actually have. No one should get upset. This is just free speech in action.”

Who Hates Americans? We Do.

Your typical American is:

Ø A racist. A sexist. A homophobe.

Ø An Islamo-phobe.

Ø Is willing to invade other countries for oil and pleasure.

Ø Is easily manipulated by Rush Limbaugh and Jews.

Ø Is the cause of global warming.

Join Us For American Fascism Awareness Day

Place: Washington (Slaveholder) Monument

Date: November 31, 2007

Time: 12PM-2:00 PM


Dennis Kucinich, Ron Paul, congressmen

Adam Kokesh, Iraq War veteran

Chris Hedges, journalist

Cindy Sheehan, Harry Karry, peace activists

Michael Moore, Sean Penn, film-makers


Peace and Social Justice Crusade, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Code Pink, Muslim Students Association, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, Students for Justice in Palestine, Revolutionary Communist Party, International A.N.S.W.E.R., Moveon.org, DailyKos.com, Indy-Media.org, HuffingtonPost.com, Ivorypower.com

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Join Us For American Fascism Awareness Day

Place: Washington (Slaveholder) Monument

Date: November 31, 2007

Time: 12PM-2:00 PM


Dennis Kucinich, Ron Paul, congressmen

Adam Kokesh, Iraq War veteran

Chris Hedges, journalist

Cindy Sheehan, Harry Karry, peace activists

Michael Moore, Sean Penn, film-makers

Several of these pinko stinko Commie Liberals appears as characters in the animated puppet motion picture -Team America-. Dennis and Ron do not, but some of the Hollywood types appear, including Michael Moore and Alex Baldwin.

Fuck! Yeah!

Ba'al Chatzaf

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Several of these pinko stinko Commie Liberals appears as characters in the animated puppet motion picture -Team America-. Dennis and Ron do not, but some of the Hollywood types appear, including Michael Moore and Alex Baldwin. ...

That *Team America: World Police* (2004) puppet animation movie that Bob mentions was absolutely hilarious. I believe that the writers/directors are the same as for TV’s *South Park* series, so be forewarned that it may be offensive to many folks. (First time I ever saw puppets giving head.)

*Team America* is worth watching simply for the unrelenting mockery thrown at Alec Baldwin and his celebrity friends and fellow-travelers, e.g., Susan Sarandon, Sean Penn, Matt Damon, etc. The plot entangles them with North Korea’s dictator Kim. Funny movie.

(Speaking of Alec Baldwin, I thought of him constantly while reading Michael Crichton’s excellent book, *State of Fear*. In that book, the creepy movie star fit Baldwin so closely I could actually hear Alec speaking the lines.)


-Ross Barlow.

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[...] Date: November 31, 2007

And "Thirty days hath ..."?

You have, sad to say, Barbara, been taken in by a particularly tasteless hoax, coming entirely from the imagination of a particularly tasteless warmonger, David Horowitz. No such date, nor event, actually exists, and none of the individuals or groups "involved" have even mentioned it, either on or off line. It only exists at his Front Page Mag.

Are you that ready to think the worst of Ron Paul? If you are, please be more direct about it.

Not that the endless, expandable war in the Mideast isn't being done by Empire, as Paul himself has accurately said — but this hoax is a classic bit of smearing-by-association. It's only going to get worse as more people defy the categories and lend Paul their support.

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As a follow-up to Steve's post (btw - good to see ya'), here is the link:

Who Hates Americans?

By Ishmael Vera


October 15, 2007

Obviously there are no 31 days in November, so "November 31, 2007" as given in the article is wrong. I have tried to Google this issue to find corroboration or discredit. The best objective information I have found so far comes from a site I do not like (antiwar.com): David Horowitz Slanders Antiwar Activists, Ron Paul. Here is a quote from that article on the research they did (which one can find after wading through the rhetoric):

None of the groups listed have this “event” mentioned on their websites, and a Google search produces only results from the original hoax article.

I will probably do some more research on this myself, especially trying to find some indication of the existence of this event, but there are two things that I find disturbing at this point.

1. Despite one characterization in the antiwar.com blog entry, there is nothing in the presentation of the article on Front Page other than the false date to indicate that it is a satire (if it is one). It is presented as a serious article.

2. On looking at Google, there are conservative blogs all over the place starting to cite and highlight this article as fact, then blasting the so-called participants of this "event" with typical rhetoric. I do not imagine many of them will be happy about having their emotions manipulated and made to look like fools because of a hoax.

I do hope there is something behind this other than what it looks like: a plain barefaced lie. I can think of nothing more effective to discredit a person or publication than this kind of monkey-shine. Front Page has published some good stuff and it would be a shame to throw it's reputation in the garbage.

To be fair, I want to wait a bit and see if any explanations are forthcoming. The way things look at the present are not too good.


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If what Steve says is correct, then my apologies for posting the article. But I very much doubt that he is correct, I most emphatically do not share his opinion of David Horowitz, and I'll investigate and let you know what I'm able to learn.

Steve, you said that if I'm ready to believe the worst about Ron Paul, I should be more direct about it. I can't imagine how I could be more direct than in the brief preface I wrote to the article.


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When you're this easily taken in by such a patent (and easily investigated) deception, I have to wonder, on the face of it, whether you're being arch or sarcastic.

I have known Ron Paul for two decades, know his fidelity to rational principles, and can say that he has not allowed and does not allow himself to be manipulated into any such absurd situation. That you appear to so readily believe this about him says far more about you, Barbara, than it does about him.

(Neither is Dennis Kucinich, whom I have met, anywhere near this stupid. I could, though, believe it about Michael Moore or Sean Penn.)

I'm truly dismayed to see you so readily endorsing implicit smears, about genuine lovers of liberty, that descend to the anti-intellectual level of a Peter Schwartz — if not below him.

... Yoicks, when I return after Other Things intervene, I plunge in, don't I? *sigh*

Edit: This was badly phrased. Please see my notes below.

Edited by Greybird
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Please tone it down on Barbara (please see our posting guidelines about the Brandens). Disagree with her if you will, but stop the insulting comparisons. She does not do that with you.

You have known Ron Paul for years but she has known Horowitz. I personally find Horowitz's rhetoric a bit ham-handed (although he did not write the article), but I have never heard of him doing or endorsing something like this affair, just as I have never heard of Ron Paul getting in bed with the Communist party. Both are men of honor, whether anyone likes their respective politics or not.

Let's let the facts come to light and not speculate on anyone's character.


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I wasn't comparing Barbara to anyone, nor questioning her character, and if it appeared that way, I can assure MSK (and her) this wasn't meant that way. I was, rather, citing and questioning mistakes.

That someone like her, who's been in the trenches of debate for so long, appears to have taken a hoax-smear like this at face value does not make her into anything close to a Schwartz. (Or, for that matter, to a Horowitz.) It does, though, make me wonder about what she chooses to endow with her credulity, and why.

My saying that yet another supposed speaker also wasn't "anywhere near this stupid" suffers from unclear reference, due to its placement. That phrase referred back to Ron Paul being made to look, in terms of this hoax, strategically and tactically stupid — and not at all to Barbara.

In any event, I regret having given so many erroneous impressions, and I'll withdraw from this topic, at least for now. It's one which has gotten far more attention than it ever deserved, including from me.

Edited by Greybird
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Here is what I have been able to uncover. On Googling the term "American Fascism Awareness Day," I was able, through the cache function, to see where a post was made by Adam Kokesh himself to the "imc/Washington DC" site of the flyer that was distributed on the campuses. Here is a screenshot:


Here is the full text of the post:

Join Us For American Fascism Awareness Day

Place: Washington (Slaveholder) Monument

Date: November 31, 2007

Time: 12PM-2:00 PM

Who Hates Americans? We Do.

Your typical American is:

Ø A racist. A sexist. A homophobe.

Ø An Islamo-phobe.

Ø Is willing to invade other countries for oil and pleasure.

Ø Is easily manipulated by Rush Limbaugh and Jews.

Ø Is the cause of global warming.

Join Us For American Fascism Awareness Day

Place: Washington (Slaveholder) Monument

Date: November 31, 2007

Time: 12PM-2:00 PM


Dennis Kucinich, Ron Paul, congressmen

Adam Kokesh, Iraq War veteran

Chris Hedges, journalist

Cindy Sheehan, Harry Karry, peace activists

Michael Moore, Sean Penn, film-makers


Peace and Social Justice Crusade, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Code Pink, Muslim Students Association, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, Students for Justice in Palestine, Revolutionary Communist Party, International A.N.S.W.E.R., Moveon.org, DailyKos.com, Indy-Media.org, HuffingtonPost.com, Ivorypower.com

As can be seen in the screenshot, here is the information on the poster:

Author: Adam Kokesh

Date Created: 15 Oct 2007

Date Edited: 15 Oct 2007 09:53:13 PM

This work is in the public domain

When I tried to run the URL outside of the Google cache, here is what I got:


If the image is hard to read, here is the text circled in red:

The requested content was deleted with notes: Hoax.

Here is a quote from an entry on Adam Kokesh's own blog: The David Horowitz Machine Strikes Back!

Someone at Horowitz's FrontPageMag has decided to fight satire with satire. I guess it's better than the lies the rest of the "right wing blogosphere" has been spreading about me lately. The only problem is, this isn't based on a real event. But hey, good on you for having a sense of humor.

. . .

Frankly, I would be honored to share a stage with Kucinich and Paul. For Kucinich, I'm not so much a supporter as I am an enthusiast. He is one of the few members of Congress who still have principles and stick to them. I'm much more a supporter of Paul because I think his principles about the Constitution and limited government are closer to my own, but I have the same respect for both of them. It's funny to note that Paul is now lumped in with this communist slur when his (our) views of limited government are really the opposite of communism. It also says "congressman Dennis Kucinich and presidential candidate Ron Paul" when they are actually both congressmen and both presidential candidates.

Sense of humor? How come so many people are taking this seriously if it is humor? As I stated above, the article as posted on the Front Page site is presented as a serious article, not as humor. All one has to do is look at it.

The number of conservative blogs and sites that are displaying the Front Page article as if it were about a real event is dismaying. The reason obviously is the prestige Front Page gives to the credibility of the information. Sometimes viewer comments will mention the hoax, but not all. Doesn't professional ethics require that Front Page make a retraction or at lease explanation? I have been unable to find one so far.

I am not comfortable with this kind of journalism and I am not comfortable with Kokesh's kind of hoax. In this event, these are not serious people. They are cheap manipulators.


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As a follow-up to Steve's post (btw - good to see ya'), here is the link:

Who Hates Americans?

By Ishmael Vera


October 15, 2007

Obviously there are no 31 days in November, so "November 31, 2007" as given in the article is wrong. I have tried to Google this issue to find corroboration or discredit. The best objective information I have found so far comes from a site I do not like (antiwar.com): David Horowitz Slanders Antiwar Activists, Ron Paul. Here is a quote from that article on the research they did (which one can find after wading through the rhetoric):

None of the groups listed have this “event” mentioned on their websites, and a Google search produces only results from the original hoax article.

I will probably do some more research on this myself, especially trying to find some indication of the existence of this event, but there are two things that I find disturbing at this point.

1. Despite one characterization in the antiwar.com blog entry, there is nothing in the presentation of the article on Front Page other than the false date to indicate that it is a satire (if it is one). It is presented as a serious article.

2. On looking at Google, there are conservative blogs all over the place starting to cite and highlight this article as fact, then blasting the so-called participants of this "event" with typical rhetoric. I do not imagine many of them will be happy about having their emotions manipulated and made to look like fools because of a hoax.

I do hope there is something behind this other than what it looks like: a plain barefaced lie. I can think of nothing more effective to discredit a person or publication than this kind of monkey-shine. Front Page has published some good stuff and it would be a shame to throw it's reputation in the garbage.

To be fair, I want to wait a bit and see if any explanations are forthcoming. The way things look at the present are not too good.


Michael , THANK YOU ! This is a smear campaign concocted by Horowitz. Dr.Paul would never participate in anything of this temper. All those who enable this kind of filthly lying like those "Conservative" blogs are guilty . Look at Ron Paul's schedule, there is nothing of this kind of activity going on involving him. I am truly shocked and dismayed to find this here.

Edited by Gigi P. Morton
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To be fair, I see this as a silly game that was being played by antagonists—with the public as the ball to be kicked and swatted—not an outright attack on Ron Paul as the root motivation. The prize is not discrediting Paul, but instead the media circus that will surround the Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week being promoted on college campuses across the USA October 22-26 by David Horowitz.

Adam Kokesh & Co. have been attacking this event by staging hoaxes. They printed up bogus flyers and distributed them on some campuses where the meetings will take place, which is what the present affair is all about.

In the previous hoax, they printed up posters entitled "Hate Muslims? So do We!" presenting racial comments and inviting students to attend Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week as if this were actual advertising. See here for a copy of the poster and here for a confession by Adam Kokesh & Co. of their responsibility in the hoax.

The present flyer hoax was one more in this vein. Except this time, the people at Front Page decided to do a oneupmanship maneuver and allow Kokesh's own words be used to smear Ron Paul (who Kokesh supports) by lumping Paul with Communists.

The only thing both these non-serious parties are really doing is pissing on the public by duping people. If there is one overriding philosophical principle at work with both of them in this affair, it is: "The end justifies the means and the public be damned." I remember that attitude from somewhere else in history.


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:( I am a big fan of Dr.Paul and knew it was false the second I read this here , even before noticing the date. I most respectfully ask Barbara what her specific arguements are against Dr. Paul. If they've been posted elsewhere in this forum, I would very much appreciate being directed to those posts. Barbara, you know not what influence you possess, or maybe you do, and I would be very grateful to hear your specific premises as to your dislike of Dr. Paul. With the most sincere respect, Gigi
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:( I am a big fan of Dr.Paul and knew it was false the second I read this here , even before noticing the date. I most respectfully ask Barbara what her specific arguements are against Dr. Paul. If they've been posted elsewhere in this forum, I would very much appreciate being directed to those posts. Barbara, you know not what influence you possess, or maybe you do, and I would be very grateful to hear your specific premises as to your dislike of Dr. Paul. With the most sincere respect, Gigi

Michael, We seem to have cross-posted. I appreciate what your saying. Obviously, though, it is a hoax that has had the ability to be repeated as fact by equally respected sources ("Conservative" blogs) where it will not be cleared up, such as it has been here thanks to your persistent appreciation for truth.

I have just googled this fake event and found many and current referances to this event as if it were fact. This too shall pass, but not with out effecting lazier minds with it's poison. That makes me sad. Gigi

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Please tone it down on Barbara (please see our posting guidelines about the Brandens). Disagree with her if you will, but stop the insulting comparisons. She does not do that with you.

Michael, please don't be concerned. I have learned that Steve tends to go a bit overboard when he's annoyed, and I really don't mind.

Steve, please don't feel you need to withdraw from the topic.


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Mrs.Branden, It's easy to see why you posted this parody/smear thinking it was real as I've seen several respected "news" blogs who have made the same mistake and have not corrected themselves at this hour. I have great respect for this forum and yourself for correcting the error. Gigi

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  • 1 month later...
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I've waited ten days — after the non-event — to see if any of several posters here could manage to admit their having been taken in by what was, all along, a transparent piece of disinformation.

And whether any of them might offer regrets, at least, for propagating an outright, vicious smear of a prominent libertarian who possesses and displays genuine integrity.

It's become clear that I expected far too much, among people professing a concern for justice. So it goes.

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