How to clean your toilet


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One of my all time favorites

How to clean your toilet

1. Put both lids of the toilet up and add 1/8 cup of pet

shampoo to the water in the bowl.

2. Pick up the cat and soothe him while you carry him

towards the bathroom.

3. In one smooth movement, put the cat in the toilet and

close both lids. You may need to stand on the lid.

4. The cat will self agitate and make ample suds. Never mind

the noises that come from the toilet, the cat is actually enjoying this.

5. Flush the toilet three or four times.

This provides a "power-wash" and rinse".

6. Have someone open the front door of your home. Be sure

that there are no people between the bathroom and the front door.

7. Stand behind the toilet as far as you can,

and quickly lift both lids.

8. The cat will rocket out of the toilet, streak through the

bathroom, and run outside where he will dry himself off.

9. Both the commode and the cat will be sparkling clean.


The Dog

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Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!! hissssssssssssssssssss!!!!!

Not that joke again. I was subjected to it before on the old forum.

I thought this place was safe for Kats and Kat lovers!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, LW........LMAO....the visual on that is classic. That's so messed up. I've had many cats so I have seen some pretty wild behavior and that is just too much. My current baby Jengo is a long haired persian that can be very spazzy and he is an absolute joy to be around when he's wide eyed and crazy on catnip.

When I first got him, he'd go running through the house and go barreling into the walls, no evasive action at all, no flinching at the last minute, no attempted turns, just head first into the wall, wham. It's like, oh, man, you can't be serious, my cat is all jacked up.

Obviously my cat is missing some brain cells, maybe I should lay off the nip. But he's my baby and so much fun to be around when he's wide eyed and crazy.

Even though I'm a definite cat lover, I enjoyed the joke. I'm still busting up over that joke. :lol:


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Angie: "Obviously my cat is missing some brain cells, maybe I should lay off the nip. But he's my baby and so much fun to be around when he's wide eyed and crazy."

PLEASE don't give your cat any more cat nip. If he's crashing into walls, he's not in control of himself and could do himself great damage. If he's your baby, take care of him.


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Hi, Barbara.

Oh, please don't think he runs into walls now. We rescued him when he was very young. Very sad story but he is so loving now. When we found him, he had been in a very small cage. We later found out after we brought him home that he was in that cage for almost 3 or 4 months. They never let him run, etc., so he had some depth perception problems obviously and did struggle at first to gain this back but ultimately did. I didn't know the length of time in the cage not until after bringing him home.

It's just when I first got him and he exhibited this behavior, I was floored that my cat would do something like this. I've had cats before that had done some really crazy behavior. But by watching them, you were able to tell what was being done by accident such as playing too hard and not watching where they are going and wham, into the wall.

But the more I watched him it became very obvious to me that being stuck in a small cage for so long obviously did do damage. So we put him into a room for a few weeks until he could orientate himself better. Having such a huge space to run after being in a small cage, he had a hard time adjusting at first. But after being in the room for a while, he did adjust and his depth perception did come back.

He is an absolute joy to be around and he's my baby !! He's not reclusive anymore. He is a total lap cat, very loving. There is a very strong bond between us and I cherish that. He absolutely loves catnip. I don't give it to him often. But when I do, he's just wide eyed and crazy and so frisky and loves to play. But he doesn't run into walls. That was just when we first got him. At first, it was funny because he seemed to be so playful. But became obvious later unfortunately that the trauma of being in a cage for so long did do harm. But he's in wonderful health now. He is the most loving cat I've ever had. It's amazing how well he has sprung back from suffering that trauma.

Trust me, I wouldn't have made a joke out of it if my baby hadn't recovered from it. So please don't think that what I said was serious. It was the humor department and I was making a joke out of it and my experience with him at first did throw me and was funny at first; such as what you see on Planet's Funniest Animals and all the strange and hilarious things that animals do. But he's fine now and is an absolute joy to be around.


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Barbara, Saki is gorgeous and I love the name. Of course, Jengo's name comes from Star Wars, you know, Jengo Phett or something or other. My son named him :D I was hoping to put his picture up to show him off but unfortunately I don't have any pictures on the net. I am hoping later tonight I can get a picture of him posted here. He's so cute to me. Maybe I can find one of him with my son, they are just both too cute !! Jengo very much reminds me of the white persian in the children's movie Cats & Dogs with the exception of 3 small spots on his head. In fact, he's next to me right now snoring of all things.

All the pictures on here of our cats are beautiful !! Dragonfly's baby and his markings go wonderfully against the backdrop !! very striking. Hopefully I can get a picture up of my baby as well !!


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And here is my cat!

Gorgeous, indeed. Dragonfly, what is your cat's name?

Barbara, I'm glad Saki is still amongst us. (I have memories of covering myself in cat hair stroking beautiful Saki!)

Angie, Jengo sounds like a joy.



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"Floris." It's an attractive name. Does it have some special meaning, a story behind it?

My family's cats were always named from some kind of allusion to a characteristic. "Tumble" was an abbreviation of "Tumbleweed," her full name; she was named that because as a kitten she was all long legs and sort of comically cartwheeled around. She grew up to be a large cat, the ultimate of grace and coordination, and the queen of the neighborhood, the reigning doyen. The name was no longer appropriate but she was stuck with it.

She was utterly beautiful, a Russian Blue; eyes like that famous painted sculpture of Nefertiti with black lines outlining and extending from the upper lids -- and with a seeming knowledge deeper than the mysteries of the Nile. I remember once I was sitting outdoors at the head of a flight of stone steps leading down to a garden and I had the feeling of being watched and turned to look into Tumble's eyes fixed on me; I felt that I could be hypnotically pulled into what looked like their endless depths.

"Gueen" was named "gueen," obviously, because she was black (coal black except for one little white spot on a corner of her mouth and a small white patch on her belly). The misproununciation of "green" comes from one of my sisters' taking a long time learning to be able to say "r." The obvious logic whereby a black cat would be named "Gueen" might be lost on a non-Stuttle.

"Wabbit" was a funny bunny. She was a strange, soft little creature: huge, sky-filled blue eyes, rather retarded in a charming way. She'd been brain-damaged as a kitten by being dropped down an elevator shaft. We rescued her from her tormentors. ("Gueen" also was rescued from some boys who had put her on a rock in the creek which ran through the neighborhood and were trying to stone her to death. Obnoxious brats.)

And then there was "Crook," our first cat, whose tail had a hook in it, like a shepherd's crook. "Crook" became ill, I forget from what, and didn't live long. We then acquired "Tumble" from the vet. (The other two were acquired several years later at almost the same time. They grew up together and had a bond between them, even raised their litters of kittens -- one litter apiece before we had them spayed -- as if they were joint mothers of the total brood, nursing their own and the other's kittens indiscriminately.)



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Are there any dog-lovers around here??

I like dogs and plan on getting one, but I live in town and my yard is not fenced at the present and there is too much danger of one running into the street and getting hurt. Hope to have a fence up by the end of the year and will probably visit the animal shelter.


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Fran: "Are there any dog-lovers around here??"

Of course! We're civilized human beings, are we not? I've had a number of dogs -- a smooth-haired terrier named Weidy, a wire-haired terrier named Muttnik, a shnauzer named Pussy Cat, a poodle named Snoopy and another named Tiger. I miss them all. I'm longing to have another poodle, as a companion for Saki (and for me), but now is not the time for me to do so.

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a shnauzer named Pussy Cat


I love the name Pussy Cat for a dog. :D What made you call her that?


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Barbara, I did not realize that the famous Muttnick was your dog too. I want to hear more about him. DF, that is a wonderful picture. Floris is gorgeous and looks so intelligent.

Maybe we should start a pet thread in the living room.


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