Book Recommendation


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My English class just finished reading Their Eyes Were Watching God for an assignment.




I can honestly say that this book completely shocked me. When I finished reading Atlas Shrugged, I said to myself, "You will never again read a book that will move you this much."

IDY GO (&^ ahrtheqp4987asg9 8a6r6)*&%*^#


Mind, nothing will EVER approach Atlas in scope and incessant importance, but the emotional, psychological impact that Their Eyes Were Watching God had on me was. . . yes, I would say it equalled Rand. I feel that if a person wanted to get a full, complete, 100% TOTALLY ACCURATE view of my person, they would just need to read The Fountainhead, Atlas Shrugged, and Their Eyes Were Watching God. How rare is THAT? In Rand's words, this book is my own personal "sense of life." It's not the explanation, nor the detailed proof. Actually, the plot can be a little big dragging at times -- but the writing style - O! the writing style and O! the things Hurston will say!

Definitely recommend it. Very O'ist friendly.

Has anybody read it? What'd you think?

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Hey! I just finished reading Eyes for English too! Hootie Hoooooooooooooo!

I thought it was quite excellent as well, but I'll have to elaborate later.

One thing I will say though is that Hurston's use of metaphor actually made my jaw drop a few times. Absolutely beautiful. I cannot believe all the hate it received from other black writers during the Harlem if what she was writing about wasn't relevant? Psssht!

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