Ann Coulter Calls John Edwards A Faggot

Michael Russell

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~ Fer Pete's sakes!

~ Ignore her supposed 'arguments'. She's hilarious, RHETORICALLY; (true, 'biased', but, like Franken on his good days, f-u-n-n-y!) She's no different than the old Athenians. Rhetoric is her modus operandi where she assumes/presumes agreement on points she just hammers Voltairesquely about (properly or not, irrelevent here.)

~ Re the 'subject' however, my point is: check her referencings ( well as her detractors; when they give any, that is)!



P.S: he?

Edited by John Dailey
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Last night on Tucker Carlson's show Tucker noted that in 2002 Ann had called Tucker a faggot. Tucker noted that his wife had just given birth to their forth child. What's the point! I noted that some bloggers have said the Edwards has a gay staff. So What! Let's fight John Edwards on his horrible ideas. He has a lot of those. Maybe someone can explain Ann Coulter's and the right's obsession about homosexuality. As a further point someone pointed out that CPAC did not allow the Log Cabin Republicans to have space this year. Right now most American gays are only hearing from the left wing. Many are politically conservative. Whats the problem with reaching out.

Edited by Chris Grieb
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To re-explain Ann Coulter, let me simplify with the following:

1) She's a very sympathetic to 'traditional' (think a fundamentalistically-mild Mel Gibson) CHRISTIAN who, when it suits them, delve into the OT when the NT has nothing to support their biases; sort of a contemporary Anita Bryant.

2) O-t-other-h, it may all be merely in how she's perceived, a la...The GOP her critics see her :nuke:



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Ann Coulter is a frightful, fascist bitch. But at least she is funny.

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I don't take Coulter all that seriously, so I was able to find the following remark from the video very, very funny.

... but it turns out that you have to go into rehab if you use the word "faggot."

In that setting, with that timing, it hit my funnybone.

Still, I always like to turn the tables. I wonder if it would be funny to Coulter if someone from the other side said:

... but it turns out that you have to go into rehab if you use the word "fundie."



EDIT: Here is a

from Coulter that would do Clinton proud about oral sex. She started blasting "semantic totalitarianism" (and I, for one, agree that PC speech is highly abused to control others), but then she came out with jaw-dropping chutzpah. From the video:
The word I used has nothing to do with sexual preference. It is a schoolyard taunt...

. . .

It isn't offensive to gays. It has nothing to do with gays. It's a schoolyard taunt meaning "wuss."

Well, if she says so...


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~ I have to disagree. She CAN'T. She hammers to those who already agree with her about those who disagree with her regarding why the latter aren't as 'good as her choir;' but, such is not the way to 'show' how (or why) to agree with her, and, she's clearly intelligent enough to know this. She's not interested in persuading/convincing/'showing' disagreers in her books/columns; that should be obvious to anyone who's read anything by her. She's a provocoteur all said and done.

~ The interesting thing about her is WHEN she does get into a 1-on-1 'debate' with others on TV (as Madonna did with Falwell a while back). Short of that, she's merely a good Franken is.



P.S: Why isn't there an Al Franken thread? Hasn't he said anything (or referred to 'experts') about G-W yet?

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