Anti-Communist Posted February 15, 2024 Posted February 15, 2024 Ayn Rand in her book "The Romantic Manifesto" wrote on the subject on why quotations aren't effective. She had a solution, do you?
Anti-Communist Posted December 5, 2024 Author Posted December 5, 2024 Some more quotations There exists a subterranean world where pathological fantasies disguised as ideas are churned out by crooks and half-educated fanatics for the benefit of the ignorant and superstitious. There are times when this underworld emerges from the depths and suddenly fascinates, captures, and dominates multitudes of usually sane and rational people, who thereupon take leave of their sanity and responsibility. Norman Cohn Norman Cohn, Warrant for Genocide: The Myth of the Jewish World Conspiracy and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (London: Serif, 2001), p. xiv. “In the nightmare of the dark “All the dogs of Europe bark, “And the living nations wait, “Each sequestered in its hate; “Intellectual disgrace “Stares from every human face, “And the seas of pity lie “Locked and frozen in each eye.” W.H. Auden “…Münzenberg’s first idea was to create and sustain a world-wide anti-American campaign that would focus its appeal upon the mythology of its immigration. The purpose of such a campaign would be to instill a reflexive loathing of the United States and its people as a prime tropism of left-wing enlightenment. To undermine the myth of the Land of Opportunity, the United States would be shown as an almost insanely xenophobic place, murderously hostile to foreigners.” -Stephen Koch “There exists a liberal policy of trade, church, and education, but absolutely no liberal politics, only a liberal critique of politics. The systematic theory of liberalism concerns almost solely the internal struggle against the power of the state.” Carl Schmitt “Strategically, [the Russians] … deployed more bombers, they deployed more submarines…. They’re still very capable, with the world’s largest nuclear arsenal and hypersonic weapons.” Gen. Glen VanHerck “Politics is the continuation of war by other means.” Lenin “…they who think of deceiving the public, are easily deceived themselves.” Frederick the Great Turning and turning in the widening gyre The Falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity. Surely some revelation is at hand; Surely the Second Coming is at hand. The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert A shape with lion body and the head of a man, A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun, Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds. The darkness drops again; but now I know That twenty centuries of stony sleep Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle, And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born? WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS Sick are they always; they vomit their bile and call it a newspaper. Nietzsche Awareness of the past is an antidote to both egotism and shallow optimism. It restrains optimism because it teaches us to be cautious about man’s perfectibility and to put a sober estimate on schemes to renovate the species. What coursebook in vanity and ambition is to be compared with Plutarch’s Lives? What more soundly rebukes the theory of automatic progress than the measured tread of Gibbon’s Decline and Fall? The reader of history is chastened, and, as he closes his book, he may say, with Dante, in the Inferno: ‘I had not thought death had undone so many.’ Richard Weaver I am waiting for my Ivan the Terrible. Aleksandr Dugin, 1996 SECRET Joint RCMP Study Information as of 24 June 1997 Chinese Intelligence Services and Triads Financial Links in Canada Draft Submitted to the RCMP-CSIS Joint Review Committee Do not dig valleys deeper to increase hills. Do not abandon the foundation to govern the branches. When the sun is at midday you should dry things. If you grasp a knife you must cut. If you hold an ax you must attack. Six Secret Teachings of T’ai Kung Cheating and deception are not frivolous pursuits. To the contrary, they are serious, high-level activities that are regarded as the most important weapon of the [communist] party. Joseph D. Douglass, Jr. …the value of a place to stand, which was hardly questioned until the present…. Richard M. Weaver Popper’s falsificationist methodology holds that scientific theories are characterized by entailing predictions that future observations might reveal to be false. When theories are falsified by such observations, scientists can respond by revising the theory, or by rejecting the theory in favor of a rival…. Encyclopedia of Philosophy Will Rogers said that everyone is ignorant – only on different subjects. Of Vietnam, more than most places, it can be said that there are no experts, only varying degrees of ignorance. Marguerite Higgins Marguerite Higgins, Our Vietnam Nightmare (New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1965), p. vi. We should therefore stop the ridiculous game of opposing the Stalinist terror to the ‘authentic’ Leninist legacy betrayed by Stalinism: ‘Leninism’ is a thoroughly Stalinist notion. Slavoj Zizek, Revolution at the Gates, p. 193 It must be kept in mind that the employment of powerful and long-range means of destruction in modern warfare and their high technical readiness and speed of action permit the warring sides to mutually destroy in a short time not only single targets and objectives, but also entire elements of troop combat formations – subunits, units, control centers, communications centers; to put rear area bases out of action; and also to destroy large sectors of the lines of communication, with the simultaneous creation of vast zones of contamination, fires, obstructions and inundations. As a result of this the status of troops and the situation as a whole may change rapidly and abruptly. Marshal A. Grechko, 1975 [i] A. A. Grechko, The Armed Forces of the Soviet State (USAF translation, 1975), p. 208.
Anti-Communist Posted December 5, 2024 Author Posted December 5, 2024 The world hated Hitler, and commiserated with Stalin. Hitler conquered half of Europe and the rest of the world declared war against him. Stalin conquered half of Europe and the world sent him greetings. To ensure that Hitler could not hold on to the conquered European countries, the West sank German ships, bombed German cities, and then landed a massive and powerful army on the European continent. To enable Stalin to conquer and hold on to the other half of Europe, the West gave Stalin hundreds of warships, thousands of war planes and tanks, hundreds of thousands of the world’s best vehicles, and millions of tons of its best fuel and ammunition, and supplies. Viktor Suvorov …opposition is required …against every partisan simplification, every ideological agitation, every blind emotionality; against seduction through well-turned yet empty slogans, against autocratic terminology with no room for dialogue, against personal insult as an element of style (all the more despicable the more sophisticated it is), against the language of evasive appeasement and false assurance … and not least against the jargon of the revolution, against categorical conformism, and categorical nonconformism…. Josef Pieper [i] Josef Pieper, Abuse of Language – Abuse of Power (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1992), pp. 38-39. The struggle for total domination of the total population of the earth, the elimination of every nontotalitarian reality, is inherent in the totalitarian regimes themselves; if they do not pursue global rule as their ultimate goal, they are only too likely to lose whatever power they have already seized. Hannah Arendt You can take away a man’s gods, but only to give him others in return. The leaders of the mass state could not help being deified, and wherever crudities of this kind have not yet been put over by force, obsessive factors arise in their stead…. Carl Jung, The Undiscovered Self Truth is a power. But one can see that only in rare instances, because it is suffering and must be defeated as long as it is truth. When it has become victorious others will join it. Why? Because it is truth? No, if it had been for that reason they would have joined it also when it was suffering. Therefore, they do not join it because it has power. They join it after it has become a power because others had joined it. Søren Kierkegaard The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves. Lenin The [Communist] Party’s collusion with Western politicians and businessmen rests on a lie; Chinese leaders project themselves as the custodians of a culture that they have, in fact, done their best to destroy. Guy Sorman, The Empire of Lies We cannot expect to get anywhere unless we resort to terrorism Lenin, 1918 All men are nurtured, first and foremost, by the truth, not only those who search for knowledge…. Everybody who yearns to live as a true human being depends on this nourishment. Even society as such is sustained by the truth publicly proclaimed and upheld. Josef Peiper Unable to catch even a glimpse of totalitarian militarization … the giant CIA bureaucracy would spin its wheels for half a century…. None of its chiefs understood the totalitarian creation, with its charades of ‘communism’ and ‘socialism,’ any more than the learned bore understood the pseudotsargod, if only because the bore was a dilettantish mediocrity…. Andrei Navrozov Here is why we are doing [the interview with Putin]: … Two years into a war that is reshaping the entire world, most Americans are not informed. They have no real idea what is happening in this region…. The war in Ukraine is a human disaster. It has left hundreds of thousands of people dead. An entire generation of young Ukrainians. It has depopulated the largest country in Europe…. Tucker Carlson Anti-communism is a clear expression of the crisis of modern bourgeois ideology. This crisis has been brought about by the inability of the imperialist bourgeoisie to advance ideas that could grip the minds of the masses. It is a direct result of the triumphant march of Marxism-Leninism. The masses are increasingly adopting Marxist-Leninist ideas and are guided by them in the anti-imperialist struggle. Marxism-Leninist on War and Army We must organize the intellectuals and use them to make Western civilization stink. Only then, after they have corrupted all its values and made life impossible, can we impose the dictatorship of the proletariat. Willi Münzenberg In general clarity is more maturing than illusion…. Whittaker Chambers Has there ever been so much lack of character, so little civil courage, so much conformity and cynical opportunism, so many weak knees as in our generation? Wilhelm Roepke Those who abuse Machiavelli’s Those who administer that Those who admire us Those who advance the Those who aim at Those who appear as Those who are bound Those who are capable Those who are endowed Those who are greedy Those who are infected Those who are indifferent Those who are knowledgeable Those who are least able to resist Those who are merely Those who are most Those who are not Those who are overly Those who are passionate Those who are pure Those who are politically Those who are pursuing Those who by wise
Michael Stuart Kelly Posted December 5, 2024 Posted December 5, 2024 On 2/15/2024 at 8:50 AM, Anti-Communist said: Ayn Rand in her book "The Romantic Manifesto" wrote on the subject on why quotations aren't effective. AC, Where did Rand write that? I've read The Romantic Manifesto several times and I don't remember her saying anything about the effectiveness of quotes. In fact, I don't remember her mentioning it anywhere, at least not in the stuff I have read and watched and listened to (which is everything I could get my hands on from her ). If you are going to make a claim that Rand wrote something and it's not common knowledge, I suggest providing a quote from her, one that people can check. You don't need to provide a quote to claim Rand wrote "Who is John Galt?" for instance. Everybody knows that. But nobody I know of talks about something Rand wrote on the effectiveness of quotes. You might be misremembering something that gave you an impression over time. In that case, seeking out a quote from her is even more important because this corrects any mistakes you might be making. On a practical level, you have a good collection if quotes from others. But nobody will read them as you presented them because the human brain does not do lists well. It needs an "arc of coherence" that organizes the items according to the reader's interests and values, an arc that can keep its attention. A laundry list does not do that. Try reading a telephone book one day and you will soon see the effect. I do have a suggestion, though. People like quotes and they like to comment on them (at times). Here on OL, there is a quote section. Why not post ONE quote there every 3 or 4 or 5 days or so? This will give people time to see the quote, contemplate it, and if they feel the urge, post their thoughts on it. Maybe a discussion will arise about it. Intellectually, a quote is like candy. You can't eat all the candy in the candy store in one whack. Your body will not accept it. But one piece if candy at a time... I have trouble controlling my own appetite for that. Michael
Anti-Communist Posted December 5, 2024 Author Posted December 5, 2024 I'll find the quote or the most relevant quote, in the meantime Ayn's chapter, "The Comprachicos" in her book "The New Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution" is the one chapter/essay/article that everyone should be insisting that their friends read twenty times. About quotations in general I think the fault is in the reader(s). ...and you can quote me on that!
Anti-Communist Posted December 6, 2024 Author Posted December 6, 2024 Communism made more victims than did the Nazis. Then why is Mein Kampf a forbidden book in many countries while Das Kapital is not? The day you figure out the answer to this question will be the day you begin to understand the world. Paul Cooijmans (posted by a person who is not Paul Cooijmans)
Michael Stuart Kelly Posted December 6, 2024 Posted December 6, 2024 2 hours ago, Anti-Communist said: About quotations in general I think the fault is in the reader(s). AC, That is why you will keep failing at getting people interested in quotations. To riff off of the grand lady, reality is not what you think it should be. Reality is what it is. Here's some relevant reality. You don't own the attention of other people. You don't own their choices of values. They own their own attention and volition. If you like to think they are stupid and you are smart, if that does it for you, have at it. I don't use this approach for my own thinking. I've even tried to make that work when I was younger. I have never been able to produce much of anything that way. And certainly not persuade. Michael
Anti-Communist Posted December 6, 2024 Author Posted December 6, 2024 Hi, Michael I have sayings of mine own, that I don't put on the web. If that group of quotes I have on my site won't persuade people; why should I make further efforts in persuading them? As I said, the fault is in them, not quotations, if they will not let themselves be led by their betters in thought and experience the fault is theirs.
Anti-Communist Posted December 6, 2024 Author Posted December 6, 2024 Some more quotations If war is the continuation of politics by other means, then it is true that peace, that is, politics, is the continuation of war by other means. Boris Shaposhnikov, Red Army Chief of Staff The activities of the false opposition will further confuse and undermine the genuine opposition in the communist world. Externally, the role of dissidents will be to persuade the West that the ‘liberalization’ is spontaneous and not controlled. ‘Liberalization’ will create conditions for establishing solidarity between … intellectuals in the communist and non-communist worlds. Anatoliy Golitsyn, New Lies for Old One of the basic problems of the West is its frequent failure to recognize the existence of any Soviet ‘grand design’ at all. Those rejecting this concept unwittingly serve Soviet efforts to conceal their objectives and further complicate the process of determining such objectives. Jan Sejna All the capitalist countries of the world, which were united in the war against us, against our terror and our system, are forced against their will to enter into trade agreements with us, knowing full well that in this way they are helping us to strengthen and secure our system. Vladimir Lenin Moscow’s major aim at this point in history is to whitewash Communism and recycle its image in the West. The Soviet target, Western public opinion, must be made to forget that Communism and its leaders are a danger to the world. Natalie Grant The power struggle of states is not guided by blind destiny; rather, it lays bare the reason of the world. Eric Voegelin …modern combat can be characterized as nuclear combat. Of course, this does not repudiate its combined arms character but only stresses the decisive role of nuclear weapons in battle and the special features of the battle itself which follow therefrom. The actions of the troops on the battle are coordinated first of all with the nuclear strikes and are directed toward the exploitation of their results. A.A. Sidorenko Once collective leadership had been established in the Soviet Union and reaffirmed in the Chinese party in 1959-60, factionalism lost its meaning. There could no longer be actual groups of Stalinists, neo-Stalinists, Khrushchevites, or Maoists, but such groups could be invented if required by policy considerations. Anatoliy Golitsyn, [NLFO, p. 75] There is no right to be stupid. It is not one of the basic rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution. Eric Voegelin The network of people disinforming Western opinion is very extensive. It includes the press of different and frequently divergent political orientations. Jozef Mackiewicz In becoming pragmatic, they become ineffectual. Richard Weaver The books he carried were all thick and weighty, works worthy of an intellectual leftist – H.G. Wells, Marx, Marx and Engels, George Bernard Shaw. I cannot recall exactly. Clearly, Lee wanted it known that he did not waste time on light reading. Paul R. Gregory The best religion is communism. Lee Harvey Oswald Therefore, in accordance with strict necessity and justice we must devote ourselves wholly and completely to unrestrained and relentless destrution, which must grow in a crescendo until there is nothing left of the existing social forms. Mikhail Bakunin Another anniversary of the 1991 putsch against Gorbachev and our liberation from it. About 800 people went to a celebration organized by the Free Russia Party. I felt no inclination to stop as I drove past the meeting. There is no freedom, so what is there to celebrate? The years since then have been spent bringing back what we had before, only now in an even more twisted form. Anna Politkovskaya, 21 August 2005 So the Ukraine now lay crushed; its Church destroyed, its intellectuals shot or dying in labour camp, its peasants — the mass of the nation — slaughtered or subdued. Robert Conquest In communist regimes crises are usually hidden from the outside world; because of the absence of democratic process and the suppression of internal opposition, popular political, social, and economic discontents accumulate and threaten to develop into serious upheavals of revolts of the entire population against the system as a whole . Anatoliy Golitsyn
Michael Stuart Kelly Posted December 6, 2024 Posted December 6, 2024 51 minutes ago, Anti-Communist said: If that group of quotes I have on my site won't persuade people; why should I make further efforts in persuading them? AC, That's a good question. Do you want to persuade people? If you do not want to persuade them, I agree that making further efforts (beyond posting quotes) is pointless. Michael
Anti-Communist Posted December 7, 2024 Author Posted December 7, 2024 Hello to Michael and others, Pages 20-21 of The Romantic Manifesto also: It is the Soviet Union that runs against the tide of history . . . . [It is] the march of freedom and democracy which will leave Marxism-Leninism on the ash heap of history, as it has left other tyrannies which stifle the freedom and muzzle the self-expression of the people. Ronald Reagan Sorry Ronnie, you were out-played, conned, the West went to sleep for 34 years because of the arrogance of you and your friends, too busy and dishonest to find out if you actually won the Cold War, now the entire West is about to be swept away. As the saying goes: "Too potent an adversary."
Anti-Communist Posted December 8, 2024 Author Posted December 8, 2024 Some more quotations But first: page 20-21 of "The Romantic Manifesto" is the part of Ayn's work I was referring to when I brought up the subject of "Ayn's thoughts on why quotes don't work." She was right, and the reason she was right is discussable. Most people don't care enough about the survival and ascendency of the "free world". Whereas there is a sub-group of humanity that sense a threat when they don't respond to a quotation. You are different from the really great man in only one thing: The great man, at one time, also was a very little man, but he developed one important ability: he learned to see where he was small in his thinking, and actions. Under the pressure of some task which was dear to him he learned better and better to sense the threat that comes from his smallness and pettiness. The great man, then, knows when and in what he is a little man. Wilhelm Reich, Listen, Little Man! Whether Ukraine’s state officials and oligarchs always deserve our sympathy, we leave for the reader to decide — though as a nation Ukrainians have been beyond heroic. Even eastern Ukraine, its most Russian-friendly part, was not as easily cowed by Putin as Russia’s population is (and was) by the Kremlin. Yuri Felshtinsky and Michael Stanchev Get prepared for actual combat…. Xi Jinping Having thus distinguished the parts, let us now consider the proper construction of the Fable or Plot, as that is at once the first and most important thing in Tragedy. Aristotle The minute the KGB was back in power, the idea that the United States was trying to destroy Russia, that America was enemy number one, [comes] back again. Yevgenia Albats A conspiracy theory offers an explanation of past, ongoing, or future events or circumstances that cites as the main casual factor a small group of powerful persons, the conspirators, acting in secret for their own benefit and against the common good. Prof. Brian Wagner …the coordinated duality of Soviet and Chinese policies offers a number of advantages for communist strategy. It enables the communist bloc to retain the initiative, to open up new possibilities for maneuver, and to induce erroneous responses from its opponents. Where there are conflicts in the outside world, it enables the two communist partners, by taking opposite sides, to strengthen communist influence simultaneously over both parties to the dispute.” Anatoly Golitsyn Anatoliy Golitsyn, New Lies for Old (New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1984), p. 281. Speculatively, we are supposed to look away from the single individual; therefore, speculatively, we can speak only superficially about sin. The dialectic of sin is diametrically contrary to that of speculation. Søren Kierkegaard Søren Kierkegaard, The Sickness Unto Death: A Christian Psychological Exposition for Upbuilding and Awakening (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1980), p. 120. To say that we recognize only a straight road, would be a mistake. Vladimir Lenin [i] V.I. Lenin, ‘Left-Wing’ Communism: An Infantile Disorder, (Resistance Marxist Library), Even many of the well-meaning, intelligent, and leading citizens of open countries where debate is unhindered, and opinions may be expressed freely have lacked the perspicacity to see through the finely woven veil of the Soviet spider. Natalie Grant Natalie Grant, Disinformation: Soviet Political Warfare 1917-1992 (Washington: Leopolis Press, 2020), p. 373. According to reports, during the most difficult period of the Sino-US trade war, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) considered the use of viral weapons to disrupt the United States. Chinese Samizdat In March [2021] we saw 84% excess mortality into Fall 2021, and though we already knew our analysis was solid, here it was verified by SOA [Society of Actuaries Research Institute]. It is undeniably clear that an event occurred in the Third Quarter of 2021, the same period that vaccine mandates were ordered by the Biden Administration, and enforced by corporate America. Edward Dowd Edward Dowd, Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of sudden Deaths (New York: Skyhorse Publishing, 2022), p. 80. Our food, drug, and cosmetic industries are all likely sabotage victims. The production processes of all are vulnerable to the introduction of chemical and biological agents, and the resultant contaminated products could be widely distributed.” Brigadier General J.H. Rothschild J.H. Rothschild, Tomorrow’s Weapons: Chemical and Biological (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1964), p. 133. There is no community of language with the representatives of the dominant ideologies. Hence, the community of language that he himself wants to use in order to criticize the users of ideological language must first be discovered and, if necessary, established. Eric Voegelin Me and my public understand each other perfectly. It doesn’t hear what I say, and I do not say what it wants to hear. Karl Kraus Nobody now disputed that what occurred was a monstrous crime, but – committed by whom? Who is guilty? How did it happen that nobody saw this sooner? You will not find the guilty. One lot will insist that they knew nothing; another, that they were afraid; others still, that they believed. Vladmir Bukovsky The very possibility that there are timeless truths is a reproach to the life of laxness and indifference that modern egotism encourages. Richard M. Weaver It was while I was going over these stories that I realized for the first time just how important a part of the communist movement in America the teachers were. They touched practically every phase of Party work. They were not used only as teachers in Party education, where they gave their services free of charge, but in the summer they traveled and visited Party figures in other countries. Most of them were an idealistic, selfless lot who manned the front committees and were the backbone of the Party’s strength in the labor Party and later in the Progressive Party. Even in the inner Party apparatus they performed invaluable services. Bella Dodd Bella Dodd, School of Darkness (Kindle Edition), p. 263 at 46 percent. Dodd was a Communist Party lawyer who had worked for communist control of the leading teachers’ unions, which captured the education system in the state of New York by 1939. For further details the takeover of America’s schools in New York and New Jersey: Robert Morris, No Wonder We Are Losing (New York, The Bookmailer, 1958). Suppose the plan is to process millions of people and at some future date trigger those minds at one time? Would we suddenly have a world of saints or a world of armed maniacs shooting at one another from bell towers? John A. Keel John A. Keel, Why UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse (USA: Manor Books, 1976)
Anti-Communist Posted December 8, 2024 Author Posted December 8, 2024 Some more quotations Unless either the philosophers become kings … or those who now are called kings and rulers become philosophers … there will be no rest from evil … nor, I believe, for the human race either. And not until that happens, will this politeia of ours have a measure of growth and see the light of the sun. Socrates Plato, The Republic, 473c-d. (As translated in Eric Voegelin’s book on Plato.) People get into this condition [i.e., ignorance] through their own fault, by the slackness of their lives; i.e., they make themselves unjust or licentious by behaving dishonestly or spending their time in drinking and other forms of dissipation; for in every sphere of conduct people develop qualities corresponding to the activities they pursue.” Aristotle Aristotle translated by J.A.K. Thomson, The Nicomachean Ethics (New York: Penguin Book, 1982), p. 123 The nominalism of a dogma that has separated from experience … has become the dominant form of the West because it was, beginning with the eighteenth century, adopted as the intellectual form of ideologizing. Eric Voegelin Eric Voegelin, Autobiographical Reflections (USA: Louisiana State University Press, 1989), p. 113 …the USSR was designed and developed as (1) a resource base for the world revolution and (2) its military mobilization apparatus. And, if we consider its subsequent history on the basis of these goals and objectives, then all the actions of the Soviet authorities in the 1920s-50s, which sometimes seem insane, acquire an exhaustive logical explanation…. Dmitri Savvin Dmitri Savvin, “Ideology and Policy of Neo-Soviet Revanchism,” In reality, the main emphasis of the KGB is not in the area of intelligence at all. According to my opinion … only about 15 percent of time, money, and manpower is spent on espionage as such. The other 85 percent is [engaged in] a slow process which we call … ideological subversion or active measures…. What it basically means is, to change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent, that despite the abundance of information, no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves…. Yuri Bezmenov Politics is about three things: Power, power, and power. James Burnham The assertion that nuclear war will not be a continuation of politics is completely fallacious. Colonel General Makhmut Gareev The general horizon of the era is communist. And this communism will have to be constructed on the basis of society’s self-organizing capacities…. Bruno Bosteels, “The Actuality of Communism” The Russian is clever, but always too late. Russian Proverb The Russian will never be able to dispense with the German.” Otto von Bismarck A further reason for my hatred of National Socialism and other ideologies is quite a primitive one. I have an aversion to killing people for the fun of it. What the fun is, I did not quite understand at the time, but in the intervening years the ample exploration of revolutionary consciousness has cast some light on this matter. The fun consists in gaining a pseudo-identity through asserting one’s power, optimally by killing somebody – a pseudo-identity that serves as a substitute for the human self that has been lost. Eric Voegelin Eric Voegelin, Autobiographical Reflections (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1989), pp. 46-47 I would say another ten days it should be completely over. Col. Douglas Macgregor, on day 9 of the war in Ukraine If I were to rend my garments every time Dugin hatches a new blasphemy, I would have to buy myself a whole new set of clothes…. Charles Upton If I am in it, may God keep me in it, and if I am not, may it be God’s will to put me in it. Joan of Arc If North Korean volunteers with their artillery systems, wealth of experience with counter battery warfare and large caliber multiple rocket systems, made in North Korea, want to participate in the conflict, well let’s give the green light to their volunteer impulse. Col. Igor Korotchenko Editor-in-Chief National Defense Journal We belong to the Marxist camp and can never be so thoughtless that we cannot distinguish friends from enemies. Nixon, Ford, Carter, and future American imperialistic leaders all fall into this category [of enemies]. Deng Xiaoping, 20 July 1977 The Soviet Strategic Plan for the establishment of their ‘Socialism’ worldwide does, without doubt, exist and, however flexible and pragmatic Soviet policy appears, it is essentially directed towards the achievements of the Plan’s objectives — objectives which have been, are and will remain utterly inimical to and subversive of the freedoms enjoyed by the states of the Western world. Jan Sejna, Czech communist defector The feigned disunity of the communist world promotes real disunity in the noncommunist world. Anatoliy Golitsyn In the fifth century storm upon storm out of the dark North swept away in a great deluge of barbarism all the civilization of the western half of the Roman Empire. From the Atlantic to Constantinople, and from the Rhine to the Danube to the deserts of Africa, all that was learned and cultivated, all that was artistic and beautiful, was overwhelmed in an avalanche of ruin in which not only the triumphs of architecture, literature, and art, produced by many centuries of a high civilization, but also those who could create such things afresh, were involved in one general destruction. G.F. Young It is naïve to assume that the lower depths of the Sovietological inferno – that is, of Western ignorance and ineptitude in the study of totalitarianism – are where they have always been politically. The new strategy of totalitarianism has made havoc of the political spectrum in Western democracies, and the Right today is scarcely less inclined to self-deception than the Left.” Andrei Navrozov, 1991
Anti-Communist Posted December 9, 2024 Author Posted December 9, 2024 Some more quotations The vulnerable features of the imperialist bloc’s economy include high industrial concentration in small areas, dependence on imports, and the vulnerability of communications. The United States depends upon imports of atomic raw materials and of nonferrous and rare metals…. Soviet Military Strategy Sokolovskii (editor), Soviet Military Strategy (Rand translation), p. 410 In history, the Western powers used warships and opium to colonize China. Now the opposite has happened. We will use our open policy, seize the economic crisis in the West as a historical moment, and use effective measures to turn them into Socialist China’s economic and cultural colonies…. Our colonization of these countries is the historical process of communism’s triumph over rotten capitalism. We Chinese communists must shoulder the great historical mission, and use socialism to defeat capitalism, eventually liberating the entire humanity with Communism. Hu Jintao, 2008 Jia, Howard. “China’s Secret Plan to Take Taiwan,” Chinascope, January-February 2010, p. 13. …as long as we resolve the United States problem at one blow, our domestic problems will all be readily solved. Therefore, our military battle preparation appears to aim at Taiwan but in fact is aimed at the United States, and the preparation is far beyond the scope of attacking aircraft carriers or satellites. General Chi Haotian, secret speech Although the global warming panic of the last twenty years has been a wasteful distraction for humanity, it has, thankfully, served one good purpose…. As a consequence, decades of discovery have been shortened into just a few years. Without the outside interest … humanity would be sleepwalking into the very disruptive cooling that will be caused by Solar Cycles 24 and 25 … to at least 2040.” David Archibald, The Twilight of Abundance David Archibald, The Twilight of Abundance: Why Life in the 21st Century will be Nasty, Brutish, and Short (Washington, DC: Regnery, 2014), p. 12 I’ve always liked communist and socialist ideas. Vladimir Putin Russia’s Putin: I’ve Always Liked Communist and Socialist ‘Ideas’ ( …Gorbachev was not what he seemed. Because he understood his dependent position … he deliberately demonstrated his distance, and he was afraid of fighting with the Party apparat…. Lev Timofeyev Lev Timofeyev, Russia’s Secret Rulers: How the Government and Criminal Mafia Exercise Their Power (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1992), pp. 78-79. [You will be part of a] new clandestine structure where you will work with the best of the best. Your personnel files will be removed from the archives. No one will ever know your past. You will become a clandestine agent; you will begin to work for the Fatherland against those who want to destroy it…. I agreed…. I worked directly on cleaning up the archives of the KGB. Together with my files, hundreds of others were removed, including that of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Nikolay (Anonymous KGB Official) Ukraine is on a razor’s edge. The whole thing hangs in the balance. It could go either way. The Ukrainian elite is rotten. It is psychologically Soviet. Poroschenko is just another apparatchik. He is typical. The problem in Ukraine, like in Russia, is that we don’t have any leaders. It is the same old story, same old biographies. The thinking is not that different from the past. Vladimir Bukovsky, 16 December 2018 Please be patient! Ukraine is in the midst of a very real and very significant social revolution. This revolution for many Ukrainians involves a new conceptualization of their values and identities. This is a painful process that needs to occur through collective actions, introspection, and without external intervention. Mychailo Wynnyckyj Mychailo Wynnyckyj, Ukraine’s Maidan, Russia’s War: A Chronicle and Analysis of the Revolution of Dignity (Stuttgart: Ibidem Press, 2019), p. 241 The Russians have taken the European nineteenth century at its word, understood its core ideas and drawn the ultimate conclusions from its cultural premises. We always live in the eye of the more radical brother, who compels us to draw the practical conclusion and pursue it to the end. Altogether … one thing is certain: that the anti-religion of technicity has been put into practice on Russian soil, that there a state arose which is more intensely statist than any ruled by the absolute princes…. Carl Schmitt Even if 100 metropolitan areas are destroyed, there would be more wealth in this country than there is in all of Russia today and more skills than were available to that country in the forties.” Herman Kahn, On Thermonuclear War Herman Kahn, On Thermonuclear War (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1960), p. 91 …the message from Moscow was direct and unequivocal: the Russian Federation would resort to full-scale war if the ‘rights of Russians and Russian-speakers in Ukraine continued to be threatened.’ No evidence of such rights actually being threatened was ever provided…. Mychailo Wynnyckyj Mychailo Wynnyckyj, Ukraine’s Maidan, Russia’s War: A Chronicle and Analysis of the Revolution of Dignity (Stuttgart: Ibidem Verlag, 2019), pp. 163-4 The defender waits for the attack in position, having chosen a suitable area and prepared it; which means he has carefully reconnoitered it, erected solid defenses at some of the most important points, established and opened communications, sited his batteries, fortified some villages, selected covered assembly areas, and so forth. The strength of his front … makes it possible for him … to inflict heavy losses on the enemy at low cost to himself…. Carl von Clausewitz In war, the moral is to the physical as three is to one. Napoleon Bonaparte If Western democracies collaborate with the KGB regime long enough, they are at risk of degrading to the level of backward and corrupt Russia. Western countries can simply lose their democratic political systems to the Mafia, leaving their citizens defenseless in front of that mortal danger. Alexander Litvinenko, “Allegations,” p. 204 Since the Spring of 1988 … the Western consensus of Sovietological opinion has become an automaton intolerant of dissent, even as public debate on the subject has narrowed. The pronouncements of veteran ‘anti-communists,’ once against disoriented by ideological change in Moscow, are a tangle of self-contradiction and self-deception. Andrei Navrozov, 1991 Everyone left and no one returned Only, true to the promise of love, My latest, at least you looked back To see the whole sky in blood. The house was cursed, and cursed was my trade; Uselessly, a tender song rang out And I didn’t dare raise my eyes To my terrible fate. They defiled the immaculate Word, They trampled the sacred utterance, So that with the sicknurses of Thirty-seven I could mop the bloody floor. They separated me from my only son, They tortured my friends in prisons, They surrounded me with an invisible Stockade Of well-coordinated shadowing. They rewarded me with muteness That curses the whole cursed world, They force-fed me with scandal, They made me drink poison. And taking me to the very edge, For some reason they left me there. I would rather, as one of the city’s ‘crazies,’ Be wandering through the dying squares. Anna Akhmatova Four reformers met under a bramble bush. They were all agreed that the world must be changed. ‘We must abolish property,’ said one. ‘We must abolish Marriage,’ said the second. ‘We must abolish God,’ said the third. ‘I wish we could abolish work,’ said the fourth. ‘Do not let us get beyond practical politics,’ said the first. ‘The first thing is to reduce men to a common level.’ ‘The first thing,’ said the second, ‘ is to give freedom to the sexes.’ ‘The first thing,’ said the third, ‘is to find out how to do it.’ ‘The first step,’ said the first, ‘is to abolish the Bible.’ ‘The first thing,’ said the second, is to abolish the laws.’ ‘The first thing,’ said the third, ‘is to abolish mankind.’ Robert Louis Stevenson, “The Four Reformers” …in February 2014, Putin’s ‘little green men’ … seized control of Ukraine’s Crimea. Consistent with Putin’s information warfare doctrine, several days prior to the invasion, Russian intelligence services … leaked a private telephone call between Assistant Secretary of State for Russian and European Affairs Victoria Nuland and U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt. The two U.S. diplomats in the intercepted phone call discussed who would be the best candidate among the top opposition figures, to replace the ousted pro-Russia president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovich. Rebekah Koffler, DIA officer Rebekah Koffler, Putin’s Playbook: Russia’s Secret Plan to Defeat America (Kindle edition), pp. 158-159 Six weeks after he became Russia’s defense minister, General Pavel Grachev addressed a June 1992 NATO meeting in Brussels where he defined Russia’s sphere of interest as encompassing all ‘former USSR republics with which it shared territorial borders,’ and claimed that Russia ‘had every right to intervene’ in those territories unilaterally. Subsequently, Russia deployed troops throughout the Caucasus, ‘signed base treaties with Armenia and Georgia’ and ‘posted border troops along much of the former Soviet perimeter.’” Lawrence Kohn, “Russia’s Turkish Target” …Russia overcame the inertia of collapse and started reviving its power, while the West, being lulled by sweet day-dreams of the liberal ‘end of history,’ castrated its armed forces to the point, when they could be good [only] for leading colonial wars with weak and technically backward enemies. The balance of forces in Europe has thus changed in Russia’s favor. Pravda, 13 November 2014 Russia initially did everything it could to make sure these disagreements could be resolved by peaceful means. However, the Kiev officials have conducted two punitive operations on those territories; and, apparently, we are witnessing a third escalation. All these years … the people living on those territories have been literally tortured by constant shelling and blockades. Vladimir Putin, 21 February 2022 The event corresponds less to expectations in war than in any other case whatever. Livy, History of Rome XXX, c. 10 Many people today are completely convinced that a new hero of Russian history, as yet unknown, is changing its course … and we cannot comprehend his intentions, since the protagonist himself merges with other characters. Some call him by the foreign term mafia. Others express themselves more plainly in Russian and label him an ugolovnik, a criminal, struggling for power. Still others are disposed to speak of the traits and methods of today’s criminal mafia as bearing the unique stamp of yesterday’s apparatchiks, KGB agents, and influential ‘commanders of the socialist economy,’ especially the chiefs of the military-industrial complex who now occupy key political and economic posts. Lev Timofeyev, Russia’s Secret Rulers [1992] Lev Timofeyev, Russia’s Secret Rulers: How the Government and Criminal Mafia Exercise Their Power (New York: Alfred A. Knopf), p. 8 The last three months it is organized by both sides … with a clear division of labor. Good cop and bad cop…. This campaign stated that Putin is preparing to activate troops for a full-scale invasion to a big war, for a big war to conquer a substantial portion of Ukraine, with encirclement of major Ukrainian cities. And now we can see that many Western medias are publishing maps showing all these arrows of Russian troops moving into Ukraine territory and conquering that territory that there will be a huge war. Mr. Putin has decided to reinforce these claims. But Putin’s forces are insufficient for what is needed. Andrei Illarionov In battle one engages the orthodox and gains victory through the unorthodox. Sun Tzu In 1943 [Josef Mengele] was appointed by Heinrich Himmler to be chief doctor at Birkenau, the supplementary extermination camp at Auschwitz, where he and his staff selected incoming Jews for labour or extermination and where he supervised medical experiments on inmates to discover means of increasing fertility…. His chief interest, however, was research on twins. Mengele’s experiments often resulted in the death of the subject. Britannica
Michael Stuart Kelly Posted December 9, 2024 Posted December 9, 2024 22 hours ago, Anti-Communist said: Most people don't care enough about the survival and ascendency of the "free world". Whereas there is a sub-group of humanity that sense a threat when they don't respond to a quotation. A, I don't see what sensing a threat or caring about society has to do with not paying attention to a laundry list of quotes. There are plenty of political movements, activist groups and the like. I, myself, am part of the MAGA movement and we just elected a freedom president. The kinds of persuasion materials used is enormous. But a list of Trump quotes did not get him elected. I looked around and there actually is a place where people read lists of quotes on a kind of bestseller level. Bathroom reader books. These books tend to sell well. Even then, I don't know of anyone who reads these books from cover to cover. Also, quote books sell some, but not as well as bathroom readers. When they are themed by religion or inspiration, they sell a bit more. Other than that, I know of no place where people use a list of quotes for their cognitive information or for their normative evaluations. They skim lists, stop on one or the other, then turn the page. Here is a start on persuading. If you are not interested, just skip this part. I suggest you learn persuasion templates like AIDA. This means. A - Attention I - Interest D - Deliver A - Action 1. A - Attention. Most people go about in life thinking their thoughts. They are not thinking your thoughts. So you have to interrupt them and call attention to yourself. Draw their focus on you or on what you are presenting. Incongruencies work well. So do questions that reflect their fears and interests, especially those that involve their more primitive drives. If you have audio available, a sudden loud noise always works to get attention. 2. I - Interest. Then you have to get them to do more than just look. You have to get them interested in you and in the presentation. This is where you bond on some level with them--they have to know you, like you and trust you enough to give you their sustained attention, otherwise they move on. You do this using anecdotes, the WIIFM factor (what's in it for me), but from their eyes, not from your "shoulds," and a slew of other ways to whet their intellectual appetite. 3. D - Deliver. This will be where you list the quotes. But the "quote list" format is weak. Here is just one weakness. There is a limitation with short term memory and attention span. The sweet spot is 3 or 4, but this can go up to 7 if you get your reader super-interested. There is a lot of brain science behind this. Get this part wrong and people stop reading and go away. 4. A - Action. This is where you tell people what you want them to do with this information. There are other templates, copywriting techniques and persuasion tactics if you are ever interested. btw - The communists know all this and they are masters at using it. They know how to engage the human mind. Even Ayn Rand said as a propagandist, she was trained by the best. (I can get you a quote on this if you like.) You will never see mainstream communist propaganda in the form of lists of quotes. Michael 1
Anti-Communist Posted December 11, 2024 Author Posted December 11, 2024 Some more quotations …between the ‘grey’ and the ‘red’ terror there may be an intermediate period — the ‘pink’ terror, when active military operations have not yet begun and there is still peace, but when some of the best spetsnaz units have already gone into action. Viktor Suvorov Belief in manmade global warming depends on acting as if the laws of physics are suspended and we are living in special time in which the climate is unchanging apart from the hand of man. In a sense we actually are living in a special time relative to the last 3 million years, which has been an ice age. The special time we live in is an interglacial period — a temporary respite in the ice age. David Archibald, The Twilight of Abundance A prince also wins prestige for being a true friend or a true enemy, that is, for revealing himself without any reservation in favor of one side against another. This policy is always more advantageous than neutrality.” Niccolo Machiavelli In the technique of subliminal contradiction, two mutually incompatible bits of information are simultaneously projected into the perception of the victim without the contradiction being either pointed out or explained. In the technique of deferred closure, inexplicable data are continually fed to the victim … over a period of time, data that always suggest the possibility of a rational explanation but never quite allow it. Charles Upton Histories are as perfect as the Historian is wise … and … the grand difference between a Dryasdust and a sacred Poet, is very much even this…. When both oblivion and memory are wise, when the general soul of man is clear, melodious, true, there may come a modern Iliad as memorial of the Past: when both are foolish, and the general soul is overclouded with confusions, with unveracities and discords, there is a ‘Rushworthian chaos.’ Let Dryasdust be blamed…. Thomas Carlyle, “Anti-Dryasdust” While Weaver loved the South with a fierce passion, he avoided one of the besetting sins of the heirs of the Agrarians: a constricting sectionalism that thrives on the belief that all would have been well south of the Potomac had the Confederacy bested the Union Armies. Weaver perceived that the infirmities of modern Western civilization transcended the dichotomy between North and South. George M. Curtis & James J. Thompson, Jr. Richard Weaver as edited by George M Curtis and James J. Thompson, Jr., The Southern Essays of Richard Weaver (Indianapolis: Liberty Press, 1987), p. xviii Despite the overwhelming scientific evidence that COVID-19 could not have evolved in nature and, therefore, must have been created in a laboratory, it came as no surprise that U.S. intelligence agencies released an inconclusive report about its origin. Joe Hoft, Gateway Pundit EXPLOSIVE REPORT ON SCIENTIFIC TREASON: U.S. Traitors, Driven by Greed, are Betting on the Success of China ( People who live according to a falsified picture of the world sooner or later receive sharp blows…. Richard M. Weaver We are a free country and we will remain free, even at the sacrifice of our lives. Jair Bolsonaro Who are our enemies, and who are our friends? This question is one of primary importance in the revolution. All past revolutionary struggles in China achieved very little, basically because the revolutionaries were unable to unite their real friends to attack their real enemies. Mao Zedong, founder of Communist China “Analysis of Classes in Chinese Society” ….Mao believes in the Marxist-Leninist theory that war is inevitable, but maintains that he is convinced that the capitalist powers, not the communist countries, will eventually launch a war in a desperate, last-ditch struggle to prevent communism from taking over the world by peaceful means. Dan Kurzman Kurzman, Subversion of the Innocents, p. 19. Though this be madness, yet there is method in it. Shakespeare, “Hamlet” If the ruler loves to use his knowledge to alter the laws, constantly manipulates public matters for his personal benefit, alters and changes the regulations and prohibitions, and frequently issues all sorts of directives, the state can be destroyed. Han Fei-tzu, “Precursors to Extinction” It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” Mark Twain Throughout the stagnation period [under Brezhnev], not to mention the cult [of Stalin] era, people were afraid to say anything that conflicted with the ‘supreme’ opinion, learning only one thing – to vote unanimously for anything. We would take comfort from the fact that we were doing the same as everyone else. We were only bold when it came to political anecdotes…. Now we are only just learning to speak the truth. V. Matveyenko As quoted in Izvestiya 12 March 1988 This is the tale of a tragic dynasty; a narrative of hatred, honor, courage, of virtue, love, ideals and wickedness, and of a war so terrible, it marked the threshold between one age and the next. The Mahabharata The irony of Alex Jones … is that his behavior reduces the probability that an actual conspiracy could be uncovered. Like if Jones were in a hotel and repeatedly pulled the fire alarm when there really was a fire [so] nobody would leave. Dr. Todd Grande Even the bravest of us rarely has the courage for what he knows… Nietzsche
Anti-Communist Posted December 11, 2024 Author Posted December 11, 2024 Some more quotations During several of the summer months of 1783, when the effect of the sun’s rays to heat the earth in these northern regions should have been the greatest, there existed a constant fog over all of Europe, and a great part of North America. This fog was of a permanent nature; it was dry, and the rays of the sun seemed to have little effect toward dissipating it, as they easily do to a moist fog, arising from water. They were indeed rendered so faint of a burning, they would scarce kindle brown paper. Of course, their summer effect in heating the earth was exceedingly diminished. Benjamin Franklin, 1784 Aftermath of the 1783 Laki eruption In Iceland What the world really wants is flattery, and it does not matter how much of it is a lie; but the world at the same time also wants the right to disguise [the flattering lie], so that the fact of being lied to can easily be ignored. As I enjoy being affirmed in my whims and praised for my foibles, I also expect credibility to make it easy for me to believe … everything I hear, read, absorb, and watch…. Josef Pieper Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed. Alexander Pope, Letter to John Gay 6 October 1727 Slander injures three: the slanderer, the person who hears the slander, and the person slandered. The Talmud (Arachn), c. 200 We have the lie of 100,000 people successfully evacuated from Afghanistan. We have the lie of only 240-250 Americans left behind when there are thousands. We have the lie of the 90,000 they will bring into the country in lieu of the 90,000 they failed to rescue. Anonymous Intelligence Veteran Men in general judge by their eyes rather than by their hands; because everyone is in a position to watch, few are in a position to come in close touch with you. Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are. And those few dare not gainsay the many who are backed by the majesty of the state. Machiavelli We adapted a technology whereby individual [ricin] protein molecules are encapsulated within a thin polymer shell, termed nanocapsules. These nanocapsules can effectively enter the cells, owing to the positive charge on their surface and release their [ricin] protein cargo due to the ‘proton-sponge’ effect…. One unique advantage of this nanocapsule platform is its flexibility. By altering the chemical properties of the nanocapsule surface, one can modulate critical factors such as cell surface affinity, immunogenicity, release rates of its cargo, circulation time and biodistribution.” Specific elimination of Latently HIV-1 Infected Cells Using HIV-1 Protease-Sensitive Toxin Nanocapsules I know mama. He was my dog. I’ll do it. Travis, “Old Yeller” (1957) As one views modern man in his innumerable exhibitions of irresponsibility and defiance, one may discern, if he has the courage to see what he sees … a prodigious egotism.” Richard M. Weaver We owe it, therefore, to candor and to the amicable relations existing between the United States and these other powers to declare that we should consider any attempt on their part to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety. The Monroe Doctrine, 1823 Dear Herr Professor, when it comes to it I too would very much prefer a professorial chair in Basel [University] to being God; but I did not dare to go as far in my private egoism as to refrain for its sake from the creation of the world … being condemned to entertain the next eternity with bad witticisms. Friedrich Nietzsche to Jacob Burckhardt Letter of 6 January 1889 From a humanitarian perspective, we should issue a warning to the American people and persuade them to leave America and leave the land they have lived in to the Chinese people. Or at least they should leave half the United States to be China’s colony, because America was first discovered by the Chinese. But would this work? If this strategy does not work, then there is only one choice left to us. That is, use decisive means to ‘clean up’ America and reserve America for our use….” General Chi Haotian, 2003 Secret Speech In 1960, a secret directive was issued by the KGB in Moscow to the intelligence service’s representatives abroad and the security service at home on the influencing of foreign visitors to the Soviet Union, especially politicians and scholars; efforts were made to use, recruit, and discredit anticommunist politicians, journalists, scholars, and analysts of communist affairs during their visits to communist countries. Anatoliy Golitsyn You in the West, you think you are playing chess with us, but you are never going to win because we are not following any rules. Russian mobster to his lawyer Catherine Belton, Putin’s People Don Quixote sets out alone as a man, a traveling knight, who in the spirit of the tale of chivalry wants to help the humble to what is their right…. Since he departs alone, the matter turns out relatively well, because when he comes to this famous inn and wants to be dubbed knight there, the innkeeper and his staff enter into Don Quixote’s tomfoolery and play the dubbing of a knight with him…. Then he returns home highly satisfied. [It] goes relatively well, as long as he is alone and others benevolently enter into the tomfoolery. So let the buffoon go; he is a buffoon! Eric Voegelin, “Hitler and the Germans” The intentionality of consciousness toward objects would not in itself lead to fallacious images of reality if man’s participation were automatic, producing in consciousness correct images of reality and nothing beyond that. Consciousness has a dimension of freedom, however, as it designs its images of reality. In this dimension are found such disparate phenomena as … private worldviews of the liberal bourgeois, and constructions of ideological systems. Within this wide range of problems we are here directly concerned only with the possibility of the separation of form and contents of reality, for it is in separation that the phenomena of the loss of reality originate. Eric Voegelin, “What is Political Reality?” Conventional methodology tends to regard a secret source as reliable if the information it provides is broadly compatible with other information openly available; conversely, a source reporting information that conflicts with the generally accepted view of the situation in the communist world may be discounted or rejected. In the absence of disinformation, this methodology would be valid. But the Shelepin Report of May 1959 marked the introduction of a systematic program of disinformation. Anatoliy Golitsyn, KGB defector Infiltrator – noun, a person who secretly becomes part of a group in order to get information or to influence the way the group thinks or behaves. Cambridge Dictionary “The community of language gives one access to significances at which he cannot otherwise arrive.” Richard M. Weaver To achieve victory in a future war, it will not be sufficient to have nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them very accurately on target; it will also be necessary that the ground forces be able to move rapidly into regions which have been subjected to nuclear strikes. Only when this problem is solved will it be possible to speak of the effective exploitation of nuclear strikes by tanks and infantry in conclusively defeating the enemy, or of carrying out extensive maneuvers and decisive advances in depth. Soviet Military Strategy, [p. 343] Western desire for convergence between the communist and noncommunist systems, is, by and large, sincere. There is genuine, intense, and legitimate concern about the avoidance of an East-West nuclear conflict. Anatoliy Golitsyn, KGB defector Becoming aware of the Marxist conquest of American society, one will never again look at things in the same way. Mainstream media, social media, the public education system, including the university, as well as federal agencies have all become vessels of various schools of thought that are rooted in Marxist ideology…. M. Lohmeier Those are the usual arguments of people who … dread [using violence] … [and] so the fox always reasons – but not the lions; and that is the chief reason why the lion kills the fox in the end.” Vilfredo Pareto, The Mind and Society, p. 1792 As you know, the moral underpinnings of our military have been destroyed. [First] there came the removal of the policy of ‘don’t ask, don’t tell,’ then the forced integration of transgendered people, and now they want women brought to the tip of the spear. Admiral James “Ace” Lyons, March 2017 …. everything I have said today is not a bluff – it is not a bluff, believe me – and … those who live in the past … unable to look into the future … [should] stop rocking the boat we are all in which is called the Earth.” Vladimir Putin, 1 March 2018
Anti-Communist Posted December 11, 2024 Author Posted December 11, 2024 Some more quotations Surprise makes it possible to inflict heavy losses upon the enemy in short periods of time, to paralyze his will, and to deprive him of the possibility of offering organized resistance. Surprise is achieved in the following ways: by using various types of methods of combat; by misleading the enemy as to one’s own intentions; by safeguarding the security of operational plans; by decisive action and skillful maneuver; by unexpected use of nuclear weapons; and by using means and methods with which the enemy is unfamiliar. Soviet Dictionary of Basic Military Terms The efforts of the [Japanese] moderates to avoid a war with the United States were unsuccessful, partly because the attitude of the U.S.A. – and also that of London – [which] became more and more obdurate. When, under pressure from the army, the Konoye cabinet agreed to the military occupation of all Indo-China, the British and Americans announced in July 1941 drastic economic sanctions. Japanese funds in the U.S.A., England and various dominions were blocked.” Ernst Topitsch Germany … has the capability of preempting us in deploying and mounting a surprise attack. In order to prevent this from happening while destroying the German Army, I consider it necessary that in no way should we yield the initiative to the German command. We should preempt the enemy by deploying and attacking the German Army at the very moment when it has reached the stage of deploying but has not yet organized itself into a front….” S. Timoshenko, Commissar of Defense G. Zhukov, Chief of the General Staff 15 May 1941 In the Event of a general conflict, only one country can win. That country is the Soviet Union. Adolf Hitler, 19 November 1937 (conversation with Lord Halifax) But the Second World War was only a phase – though an important one – in the realization of Lenin’s grand strategy to subjugate the capitalist … nations…. The ‘worldwide anti-imperialist struggle’ [later] was … concentrated on the U.S.A. – especially by mobilizing the Third World against that nation – once again in accordance with the thoughts of Lenin. Ernst Topitsch In Chinese history, in the replacement of dynasties, the ruthless have always won and the benevolent have always failed. General Chi Haotian Whether it is a coincidence or not, it is nevertheless a fact that [our] decreasing moral sense has steadily kept pace with the growth in armament; for as explosives have gone up, morality has gone down. Treaties are now scraps of paper, war aims weathercocks which change with each political breeze; pledged words are sugared lies; honor between allies, veiled deceit, and obligations towards neutrals implements of betrayal. Major General J.F.C. Fuller Among the groups who tried to distinguish the truth from the lie were the White emigres, Russians who had fled their homeland after the Soviet takeover. They were particularly vulnerable to the attack of disinformers. In Western Europe in the early 1920s they were considered to be a valuable and important anti-Communist factor. The emigres numbered about a million people of whom some 135,000 were still under arms and were thought to represent a potential anti-Communist armed force. Among the leaders of this group were men .. who exerted considerable influence over some Western statesmen. Natalie Grant [Lenin] is stated to have been enthusiastic about a ‘beautiful plan,’ i.e., the proposal for the Communists to cross the border into another country in order to hang kulaks, priests, and landowners in that country and then pin it onto the anti-communist guerilla units operating in Soviet Russia at the time. Natalie Grant Golitsyn received CIA’s permission to publish his manuscript in book form, and did so in 1984. But at the time his predictions were made, Sovietologists had little use for Golitsyn or his ‘new methodology for the study of the communist world.’ For the man who had once been ridiculed at CIA’s famous ‘Flat Earth Conference’ for claiming that the Sino-Soviet split was false, it must have seemed yet another classic case of ‘They all laughed at Christopher Columbus.’ Mark Riebling, 1994 The state is slovenly in its dealings with the citizen, permitting him, on occasion, to evade compliance with its laws; or vice versa, the state itself applies the laws fraudulently and makes them a means of deceiving the citizen. Jose Ortega y Gasset At that point the shift in the political and military balance would be plain for all to see. Convergence would … be on terms dictated by the communist bloc. The argument for accommodation with the overwhelming strength of communism would be virtually unanswerable. Pressures would build up for changes in the American political and economic system…. Traditional conservatives would be isolated and driven toward extremism. They might become the victims of a new McCarthyism of the left. Anatoliy Golitsyn, New Lies for Old, p. 346 Hitherto the question has always stood: What is God? – and German philosophy has resolved it as follows: God is man…. Man must now arrange the world in a truly human way, according to the demands of his nature. Friedrich Engels At present, the public mind is not prepared to receive the truth. Robert E. Lee, 1866 It is precisely because Marxism is not a lifeless dogma, not a completed, ready-made, immutable doctrine, but a living guide to action, that it was bound to reflect the astonishingly abrupt change in the conditions of social life. Vladimir Lenin Out of these pages there comes a blazing challenge to the American people. Shall their Republic … be vigorously alive or on the road to death? Shall the United States … be transformed to a Soviet America or shall it be a thriving Democratic Republic? So far, the decision of dominant forces, somewhat blindly given, has been in favor of national suicide. Louis Budenz, The Bolshevik Invasion of the West When you drive your car, do you drive in the middle of the road? This seems a silly question to ask because you don’t, of course, if you want to stay alive and get somewhere. But a lot of people have been sold on the idea that the middle of the road is the safest place in politics on all sorts of controversial questions. They have been led to believe that in the middle position you are out of harm’s way and you are more likely to be right than those who are on either side of a question. A little thought will show that this idea is born not of wisdom but of confusion or fear or both. Richard M. Weaver “The Middle of the Road: Where It Leads,” 1956 …I think the communists have been ahead of us in psychological realism…. They have not held back from the idea of sternness and self-subordination for the promotion of an end. In doing so, they have drawn upon a motive power that we have largely disregarded. Richard M. Weaver What is the objective of the conspiracy? I think it is clear from what has occurred and is now occurring: to diminish the United States in world affairs, to weaken us militarily, to confuse our spirit with talk of surrender…. To what end? To the end that we shall … finally fall victim to Soviet intrigue from within and Russian military might from without. Is that far-fetched? There have been many examples in history of rich and powerful states which have been corrupted from within, enfeebled and deceived until they were unable to resist aggression. Joseph McCarthy Believe no tales from an enemy’s tongue. James Howell, “Proverbs,” 1659 Whoever argues for a restoration of values is sooner or later met with the objection that one cannot return, or as the phrase is likely to be, ‘you can’t turn the clock back.’ By thus assuming that we are prisoners of the moment, the objection well reveals the philosophic position of modernism. Richard M. Weaver The Democratic Party is traditionally closer to … social democratic ideas. And it was from the social democratic environment that the Communist Party evolved. After all, I was a member of the Soviet Communist Party for nearly 20 years. I was a rank-and-file member, but it can be said that I believed in the party’s ideas. I still like many of these left-wing values. Equality and fraternity. What is bad about them? In fact, they are akin to Christian values. Vladimir Putin The dialectical method regards as important … not that which … seems to be durable and yet is already beginning to die away, but that which is arising and developing, even though … it may appear to be not durable, for the dialectical method considers invincible only that which is arising and developing. Stalin In war, the subjection of the enemy is the end, and the destruction of his fighting forces the means. Carl von Clausewitz The usurpation, which, in order to subvert ancient institutions, has destroyed ancient principles, will hold power by arts similar to those by which it has acquired [power]. Edmund Burke It is the … building of a new collective consciousness by attacking, through ideological-cultural struggle and political action, all of the ‘intellectual-moral’ foundations of bourgeois society. This means … a thoroughgoing cultural revolution…. Carl Boggs Gramsci’s Marxism, pp. 121-123 Before long, the communist strategists might be persuaded that the balance had swung irrevocably in their favor…. The scissors strategy would give way to the strategy of ‘one clenched fist.’ At that point the shift in the political and military balance would be plain for all to see. Anatoliy Golitsyn, KGB defector If Yugoslavia was an example of an army let loose after the collapse of a communist regime, the Soviet Union exemplified a disintegrating police state. The type of anarchy that follows from these two scenarios is different. Instead of open civil war as in Yugoslavia, in Russia the civil war is covert. Wisła Suraska …Russia overcame the inertia of collapse and started reviving its power while the West, being lulled by sweet day-dreams of the liberal ‘end of history,’ castrated its armed forces….. The balance of power in Europe has thus changed in Russia’s favor. Pravda, 13 November 2014 Give me that man that is not passion’s slave, and I will wear him in my heart’s core, ay, in my heart of heart. Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 2 It is symptomatic that in the history of postcommunist societies the greatest political and journalistic hatchet jobs were against those who had doubts about granting the communists first immunity, then privileges. Professor Ryszard Legutko Pressure could well grow for a solution of the German problem in which some form of confederation between East and West Germany would be combined with neutralization of the whole…. Anatoliy Golitsyn New Lies for Old, 1984 WE put first as a general maxim that factions and parties are dangerous…. They must therefore be prevented wherever possible by wise counsel … and every means should be taken to cure them…. Jean Bodin On Sovereignty
Anti-Communist Posted December 11, 2024 Author Posted December 11, 2024 Some more quotations A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. Marcus Tullius Cicero Global warming has always been followed by deep cooling within regular two-century cycles. Khabibullo Abdussamatov Astronomer, Pulkovo Observatory Russian Academy of Sciences The ideological erosion of the bourgeois order at every level — economic, political, cultural, social — would proceed the initiation of direct frontal assaults on the state. Carl Boggs Gramsci’s Marxism, p. 52 Social and political revolt erupted in the European and world periphery in the decade prior to World War I, beginning with the First Russian Revolution in 1905, followed by the Iranian revolution of 1906, the great Rumanian peasant revolt of 1907, the Young Turk rebellion of 1908, the Greek military revolt of 1909, the overthrow of the Portuguese monarchy and the beginning of the Mexican revolution in 1910, and the Chinese revolution in 1911. Stanley G. Payne The Spanish Civil War …the annihilating recognition of our complete ignorance came down upon me like a sledge hammer…. HERTHA VON DECHEND HAMLET’S MILL Most human beings … complain about the meanness of nature, because we are born for a brief span of life, and because this spell of time … rushes by so swiftly and rapidly that with very few exceptions life ceases … just when we are getting ready for it. Seneca Nuclear war … should not be thought of as a gigantic technical enterprise alone — as a launching of an enormous number of missiles with nuclear warheads…. Nuclear war is a … many-sided process, which … will involve economic, diplomatic and ideological forms of struggle. They will all serve the political aims of the war…. Marxism-Leninism on War and Army, p. 12 The people who brought Vladimir Putin from St. Petersburg to Moscow never cared about his credentials as a specialist in developing business. For them he was an expert in controlling business. All the time Putin worked in St. Petersburg, he played an official role as deputy mayor and chairman of the Committee [for Foreign Liaison], but, behind the scenes Mr. Putin operated in his most important identity — the Case Officer. In St. Petersburg, Vladimir Putin was an ‘operative.’ Businessmen were not partners but targets. Fiona Hill and Clifford Gaddy Mr. Putin: Operative in the Kremlin, p. 166 An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile – hoping it will eat him last. Winston Churchill …we’ll never use the damn germs, so what good is biological warfare as a deterrent? If somebody uses germs on us, we’ll nuke ’em. Richard Nixon Socialism will usher in a new era in this country. The great wealth of the United States will for the first time be for the benefit of all the people. Program of the Communist Party USA If China shuts the door on exports of medicines … within a couple months our pharmacies would be empty…. our healthcare system would cease to function. That’s how dependent we are. Rosemary Gibson The fact that I will visit Russia, our friendly neighbor, shortly after assuming the presidency, is testimony to the great importance China places on its relations with Russia. Xi Jinping Mankind is entering a period of the greatest scientific and technological revolution, resulting from mastery of nuclear energy and the conquest of space…. These developments will largely determine the nature of a future war…. Soviet Military Strategy We have already said … that the theory of Marx and Engels of the inevitability of a violent revolution refers to the bourgeois state. The latter cannot be superseded by the proletarian state … through the process of ‘withering away,’ but, as a general rule, only through a violent revolution. V.I. Lenin Our military battle preparation appears to aim at Taiwan, but in fact is aimed at the United States, and the preparation is far beyond the scope of attacking aircraft carriers or satellites. General Chi Haotian One can easily be in a story and not understand it. Eric Voegelin ….I believe there is a style of mind that is far from new and that is not necessarily right-wing. I call it the paranoid style simply because no other word adequately evokes the sense of heated exaggeration, suspiciousness, and conspiratorial fantasy that I have in mind. Richard Hofstadter We possess art lest we perish of the Truth. Nietzsche It is now sixteen or seventeen years since I saw the queen of France, then the dauphiness, at Versailles; and surely never lighted on this orb, which she hardly seemed to touch, a more delightful vision. I saw her just above the horizon, decorating and cheering the elevated sphere she just began to move in, — glittering like the morning star, full of life, and splendor, and joy. Oh! What a revolution! And what an heart I must have, to contemplate without emotion that elevation and that fall! Little did I dream … that I should have lived to see such disasters fallen upon her in a nation of gallant men, in a nation of men of honor and of cavaliers. I thought ten thousand swords must have leaped from their scabbards to avenge even a look that threatened her with insult. — But the age of chivalry is gone. — That of sophisters, economists, and calculators, has succeeded; and the glory of Europe is extinguished for ever. Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France Only by using non-destructive weapons that can kill many people will we be able to reserve America for ourselves. There has been rapid development of modern biological technology, and new bio-weapons have been invented one after another. Of course, we have not been idle…. We are capable of achieving our purpose of ‘cleaning up’ America all of a sudden. General Chi Haotian Presentism (noun), uncritical adherence to present-day attitudes, especially the tendency to interpret past events in terms of modern values and concepts. He who does not have demonic seeds within him will never give birth to a new world. Dr. Ernst Schertel Consciousness should defend its reason and protect itself, and the chaotic life of the unconscious should be given the chance of having its way too – as much of it as we can stand. This means open conflict and open collaboration at once. That, evidently, is the way human life should be. It is the old game of hammer and anvil: between them the patient iron is forged into an indestructible whole, an ‘individual.’ Carl Jung I flatly state that Marx was consciously an intellectual swindler for the purpose of maintaining an ideology that would permit him to support violent action against human beings with a show of moral indignation. Eric Voegelin, Autobiographical Reflections, [pp. 48] If a nucleus of this macrosocial pathological phenomenon already exists in the world, always cloaking its true quality behind an ideological mask of some political system, it irradiates into other nations via coded news difficult for normal people to understand, but easy to read for psychopathic individuals. ‘That’s the place for us, we now have a homeland where our dreams about ruling those “others” can come true. We can finally live in safety and prosperity.’ The more powerful this nucleus and the pathocratic nation, the wider the scope of its inductive siren-call, heard by individuals whose nature is correspondingly deviant, as though they were superheterodyne receivers naturally attuned to the same wavelength. Unfortunately, what is being used today is real radio transmitters in the hundreds of kilowats, as well as loyal covert agents of pathocracy networking our planet. Andrew M. Lobaczewski, Political Ponerology, p. 147
Anti-Communist Posted December 11, 2024 Author Posted December 11, 2024 How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays upon its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a power among men. Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities…. But the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow it. Winston Churchill, The River War, Vol. II, p. 248-50 “Our major secret weapon is to deprive you of an enemy.” Georgi Arbatov, at UC Irvine, 1988 “Western acceptance of the new ‘liberalization’ as genuine would create favorable conditions for the fulfillment of communist strategy…. The ‘Prague spring’ was accepted by the West, and not only by the left, as the spontaneous and genuine evolution of a communist regime into a form of democratic, humanistic socialism despite the fact that basically the regime, the structure of the party, and its objectives remained the same …. A broader-scale ‘liberalization’ in the Soviet Union and elsewhere would have an even more profound effect.” Anatoliy Golitsyn, New Lies for Old [1984] “…Russia overcame the inertia of collapse and started reviving its power, while the West, being lulled by sweet day-dreams of the liberal ‘end of history,’ castrated its armed forces to the point, when they could be good [only] for leading colonial wars with weak and technically backward enemies. The balance of forces in Europe has thus changed in Russia’s favor.”, Nov 2014 With disdain I will throw my gauntlet Full in the face of the world, And see the collapse of this pygmy giant Whose fall will not stifle my ardour. Then will I walk godlike and victorious Through the ruins of the world And giving my words an active force, I will feel equal to the Creator. - Karl Marx I want to warn Americans. As a people, you are very naïve about Russia and its intentions. You believe because the Soviet Union no longer exists, Russia now is your friend. It isn’t, and I can show you how the SVR [Russian Foreign Intelligence Service] is trying to destroy the U.S. even today and even more than the KGB did during the Cold War. Sergei Tretyakov, as quoted by Pete Early in Comrade J, 2007 Perception of the truth about the real environment, especially an understanding of the human personality and its values, ceases to be a virtue during the so-called ‘happy’ times; thoughtful doubters are decried…. This, in turn, leads to an impoverishment of psychological knowledge, the capacity of differentiating the properties of human nature and personality, and the ability to mold minds creatively. The cult of power thus supplants those mental values so essential for maintaining law and order by peaceful means. A nation’s enrichment or involution regarding its psychological world view could be considered an indicator of whether its future will be good or bad. Andrew M. Lobaczewski, Political Ponerology, p. 60 Political correctness was invented by Marxists to destroy Western society from inside…. And in Russia, there is no political correctness at all! The reason is that Marxists do not need to undermine the Russian society from the inside, because it is already Marxist. Konstantin Preobrazhensky, “How the West Was Fooled by Vladimir Putin” I say that the modern 'clerks' [intellectuals] have preached that the State should be strong and care nothing about being just.... Julien Benda, The Treason of the Intellectuals, p. 107 We must organize the intellectuals. Willi Munzenberg, communist organizer, 1919 Wotan is a restless wanderer who creates unrest and stirs up strife, now here, now there, and works magic. He was soon changed by Christianity into the devil, and only lived on in fading local traditions as a ghostly hunter who was seen with his retinue, flickering like a will o’ the wisp through the stormy night. In the Middle Ages the role of the restless wanderer was taken over by Ahasuerus, the Wandering Jew, which is not a Jewish but a Christian legend. The motif of the wanderer who has not accepted Christ was projected on the Jews, in the same way as we always rediscover our unconscious psychic contents in other people. At any rate the coincidence of anti-Semitism with the reawakening of Wotan is a psychological subtlety that may perhaps be worth mentioning. Carl Jung, “Essay on Wotan,” 1946 Individuals marked primarily by Class I (Combinations) residues are the “Foxes” of Machiavelli. They live by their wits; they put their reliance on fraud, deceit, and shrewdness. They do not have strong attachment to family, church, nation, and traditions (though they may exploit these attachments in others). They live in the present, taking little thought of the future, and are always ready for change, novelty, and adventure. In economic affairs, they incline toward speculation, promotion, innovation. They are not adept, as a rule, in the use of force. They are inventive and chance-taking. James Burnham, The Machiavellians (p. 237-8)
Anti-Communist Posted January 1 Author Posted January 1 For those people who want to read Robert L. Kocher, I finally found a link. The Analytic Papers Series | R L Kocher WEB.ARCHIVE.ORG
Michael Stuart Kelly Posted January 4 Posted January 4 A, It's interesting to noodle around that index. Michael
Anti-Communist Posted January 5 Author Posted January 5 47:00 The key is that the Russians perceive it as a defeat, whatever it looks like: “We are a nation of winners, it’s in our genes”, quote from Putin 2012 47:58 We have to win this competition or we will lose it; there will be no draw 49:45 Over several generations, people have been driven out of their minds to think for themselves what is good, what is bad, is it evil, is it right, is it wrong 51:19 Putin is therefore also afraid of a Ukraine that is oriented towards the West, because it is simply a counter-model to his model, i.e. the mafia model
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