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  1. It is possible I suppose, that I actually do possess some of the mental attitudes of a troll. AC
  2. Skunk not shunk, my bad. Central Intelligence Agency Buckley remained at Yale working as a Spanish instructor from 1947 to 1951[40] before being recruited into the CIA like many other Ivy League alumni at that time; he served for two years, including one year in Mexico City working on political action for E. Howard Hunt,[41] who was later imprisoned for his part in the Watergate scandal. The two officers remained lifelong friends.[42] In a November 1, 2005, column for National Review, Buckley recounted that while he worked for the CIA, the only CIA employee he knew was Hunt, his immediate boss. While stationed in Mexico, Buckley edited The Road to Yenan, a book by Peruvian author Eudocio Ravines.[43] After leaving the CIA, he worked as an editor at The American Mercury in 1952, but left after perceiving newly emerging anti-Semitic tendencies in the magazine.[44] The Yenan way by Ravines, Eudocio downloadable Don't you find it rather suspicious that such a heavy-weight as Buckley was involved in the Yenan Way? What a help to Nixon, who needed a clear path to open the door to China. How's that working out for you? How do you think it will work out in the future? Whatever you think, I'm rather sure intellectual objectivists paved at least part of the way towards making "Free Trade" the American policy. Or am I wrong about that?
  3. So, are you thinking you have no obligation to point out to your friends that the Yenan Way exists? A fact of reality: Chairman Mao created the Yenan Way, are you disputing its existence? Are you disputing its relevance? The last thing the CCP would like to have happen is an awakening in the West to the Yenan Way, has Fox News ever mentioned it? Has any Objectivist Forum or Organization ever mentioned it? How could you think I'm on the side of the CCP??
  4. I don't mind walking into it, didn't even break my skin. I suppose you have alerted your friends and asked them to alert their friends, you know, the ones who are invested in China one way or another, that Chairman Mao in the 1950s created "The Yenan Way". Of course if you pressed the issue, "have you read this essay" that one written by a professional not an amateur. You might end up with less friends, i.e. be the shunk at the dinner party. For the readers who don't understand "The Yenan Way" as I understand it, is the "Way" created by Chairman Mao in the 1950s of promoting Marxist-Leninism with a process more effectual than older Marxist-Leninist thinking, to wit, make an alliance with business-people, all those whose main concern in life is money-making, don't announce who you really are as a person or as a political operative. Use your alliance with the dupe to gain positions in society especially but not limited to political positions. Then when the time is ripe, ( our leaders will tell you when ) KILL the dupe, then we the Communists will have won. A much better plan than announcing who you are and what you intend to do. As a plan it has worked beautifully. So, Michael, are you willing to risk being the shunk at the dinner-party? AC
  5. Michael, Where the comment fits into the discussion, is that you seem to think "People thinking for themselves." is very important. I suggest that "thinking for yourself" is not truly basic. The people that think for themselves have courage, the courage to be independent. Do people "think" themselves into being courageous? Some people think a lot, they think "I can make a lot of money doing business with the Chinese." Why should they continue to think after they have arrived at a very pleasant conclusion?
  6. The reason I brought up the Yenan Way is to alert "Free-Traders" to the fact that Chairman Mao created a specific plan to defeat the West. Those who are born to think for themselves don't need much goading to do that, if any. What Civilizations need is a populace that feels safe from the power of other's. So they rise as a person and not descend. Do you seriously advocate being silent to youngsters and about Ayn's quotation on Art that I quoted? Visit Paul Cooijmans website.
  7. "Art is the indispensable medium for the communication of a moral ideal." page 21 of "The Romantic Manifesto" by Ayn Rand In the running for most important quotation.
  8. Hi Peter, I just created a file (for me) of Peter's comments on objectivistliving, and copied your post above for later reflection, I hope you don't mind, I'm just a private individual with a good filing system. I have a collection of quotations (pearls of wisdom) that is easy to copy and paste, the link to that site is in the Quotes section at this site, just posted. Regards, AC
  9. Ayn Rand in her book "The Romantic Manifesto" wrote on the subject on why quotations aren't effective. She had a solution, do you?
  10. Many things discussed, what should be discussed, what is most important? At least in the top 1,000 subjects, The Yenan Way - created by Chairman Mao. Simple and ignorable advice: First be a master of copying and pasting.
  11. Hi Michael, Intellectual usefulness, is closely twined with the VERIEST BEING of a specific person. So, which quotation from Ayn Rand would create here-now today X.? I know which one I would pick.
  12. The world isn't perfect, and won't be. If the American people insisted on being Lions instead of Foxes, we would not be fearing that thing called the Deep State. The Russian deep state pre-communism killed and imprisoned people, was their system of control even one-hundredth as bad as the system under communism in the 20th Century?
  13. No, actually it is "Rocket Science", the failure of the Western analysts to understand Marxist-Leninism and how it works is a large part of the problem.
  14. My Ayn Randian type comment: "Always acknowledge the entire game-board." Postulate: The Russian high command was never seriously worried about Eastern European countries becoming members of NATO. Looking back historically I see that, in a manner of speaking the entire Western Civilization "project" can be imagined as a large "GO" stone, covering about 30 "points" on a GO board ...... whose destiny was to throw off money and technology and stability to the socialist bloc. Postulate: The Soviets had a plan, it's more visible manifestations began with the fall of the Berlin Wall. Western Civ. is on its knees.
  15. Forum is operational now. Since I have spare time and since comments on the web are IMO, unorganized I am with that "forum" doing an experiment.