it's not the work-it's the time when i'm not working :'(


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I'm very blessed to not have to work a 9-5.  That opens up time for architecture, physics (theoretical), medicine, literature, word art, pictograms, drawing, music.  & I'm always looking for a new hustle: looking up botany...  It's not the time that I'm working, that's the only time I feel natural.  It's the downtime between one assignment & the next which is pretty unbearable.  I have my mental tools.
My life, as is the life of every man dedicated to the morality of life, is a mess.  A series of wrong turns & the majestic dirted.  So right now, though I have cohorts & opportunity to promote myself-I'm working alone, independently, solo; not showing my work to anyone.  Which is fine, [...]
I think i just had to get that off my chest.  Feel free to answer the fragment
My life is dedicated to the morality of the creator.  I hold the believe that evil-that is the social-can be cured by work.  By the creative use of your mind.
So where I am right now is basically working out my mind in order to be READY when the opportunity comes to salvage this rusted, twisted metal.

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13 hours ago, atlashead said:

I'm very blessed to not have to work a 9-5.  That opens up time for architecture, physics (theoretical), medicine, literature, word art, pictograms, drawing, music.  & I'm always looking for a new hustle: looking up botany...  It's not the time that I'm working, that's the only time I feel natural.  It's the downtime between one assignment & the next which is pretty unbearable.  I have my mental tools.
My life, as is the life of every man dedicated to the morality of life, is a mess.  A series of wrong turns & the majestic dirted.  So right now, though I have cohorts & opportunity to promote myself-I'm working alone, independently, solo; not showing my work to anyone.  Which is fine, [...]
I think i just had to get that off my chest.  Feel free to answer the fragment
My life is dedicated to the morality of the creator.  I hold the believe that evil-that is the social-can be cured by work.  By the creative use of your mind.
So where I am right now is basically working out my mind in order to be READY when the opportunity comes to salvage this rusted, twisted metal.

Nice! Are you spreading yourself thin, maybe? 

While nothing there that consumes and/or interests you ever needs to be dropped and fall away, isn't it a matter of prioritizing, putting some hierarchical order on where you place your highest/lesser attention and energy? That's not a final order, and can be adjusted later on.

A central purpose to one's life, a top value-virtue on which so much else depends -  doesn't have to mean specialization (modern *over*-specialization has some downfalls) in one specific field. Think of this as "maintenance plus sustenance". One has to earn income from one (or more) fields of productive work which consume your mind to look after living, to have the freedom - and time - to pursue the areas which are spiritually rewarding (and which sometimes have the potential at a later stage to be a newly discovered source of wealth).

I advise: get practical. Outwards activity keeps one in touch with the real world, from where you will find almost unlimited opportunities and inspiration. When you're alert to them. The purpose here is to bind the "mental tools" with real world sources, applications, implementations and output, so those invaluable ideas don't float away out of touch. One is a creator when one 'creates' - something. One is a creative-producer-trader when one places the 'something' into a market. Where a significant test will be. Whatever succeeds or fails there, should not be taken to be your final judgment of self-worth - they can simply indicate further thought and work.

I agree, the free-lancer and self-employed person requires exceptional self-discipline and -motivation. In between assignments, down time, can be well used; and don't forget, above all, to relax and take the pressure off then. Additionally to mental relaxation, that's when the best ideas may arise.

[An afterthought, that kind of more solitary working life certainly doesn't suit everybody, and ought not be forced by one. Many individuals require a measure of structure to their day and working week, while many professions necessitate a co-operative workplace with others to function best. Their chosen productive-system doesn't reflect on any of them, as ultimately independent individuals].



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And now (since I'm in compulsion) I've been using the auxiliary motor: the pursuit of the potential for pleasure.  Complete debauchery all day and all night working on things to make the potential for certain things to happen, and that which revolves around it.
Wild time but I'm gonna get stopped in my trax by the second-hander court appointed therapist tomorrow

edit: 300 pages of usmle to read.  I'm out of ideas on how to get motivation.  Gotta do endocrine, genetics, immunology, microbiology, neurology & neuroanatomy, pharmacology, & renal system

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16 minutes ago, atlashead said:

I thought medicine was like physics, turns out it's basically an art that uses logical deductions


You left out the gobs of illicit loot gained for knowingly killing and maiming people...

Not the main occupation of the health and pharma world, but it's a biggie. And highly lucrative...


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