Somebody stop this guy!

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At a U2 concert in Glasgow, Bono asks the audience for some quiet. Then in the silence, he starts to slowly clap his hands. Holding the audience in total silence, he says into the microphone, "Every time I clap my hands, a child in Africa dies." A voice from near the front pierces the silence, "Well, stop fucking doing it then."

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Roger; I had a great laugh from that story. Thank you! Ayn Rand once said that the thing "have not" nations don't have was freedom. Bono want to just pour money into Africa without thinking about the more seriously about those awful governments. ps The Ayn Rand statement is paraphase. Could anyone provide me with the source.

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At a U2 concert in Glasgow, Bono asks the audience for some quiet. Then in the silence, he starts to slowly clap his hands. Holding the audience in total silence, he says into the microphone, "Every time I clap my hands, a child in Africa dies." A voice from near the front pierces the silence, "Well, stop fucking doing it then."

*snort* That's funny! Lord God Bono having his pomposity and pretention pierced! :laugh: Anthing that knocks that guy down a few pegs is all right with me. I could kiss that Scot near the front.

All kidding aside, it's true, the governments in Africa are not freedom loving and they destroy their peoples. What would an Objectivist solution be? I would guess your answer would be--and correct me if I'm wrong--that it is up to their peoples to get their acts together and dump these loser governments. But if all your energies are focussed on, I don't know, finding your next meal, perhaps?--you don't have the energy to think about starting small businesses, getting rid of loser governments, etc.

Don't get me wrong--throwing billions of dollars at these countries who NEVER get it together isn't helpful, either. It just prolongs the misery.

But there might be some child out there in these horribly destitute nations with a mind of a Galt that is just--wasted in a countries like that, and it MIGHT be in our self-interest to make sure they aren't wasted.

I just don't know what the answer is.

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Hilarious! That made my day. I will send it to my sister (who loves Bono). I think U2 is okay, but Bono really gets on my last nerve. My sister told me that he once paid for a first class ticket to have his SUNGLASSES flown to him!

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Peri wrote:

But there might be some child out there in these horribly destitute nations with a mind of a Galt.....

Peri, that brought a HUGE SMILE to my face like you couldn't even imagine. Insider deal, but thank you very much for saying that. :D


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All kidding aside, it's true, the governments in Africa are not freedom loving and they destroy their peoples. What would an Objectivist solution be?

I remember talking to Ed Hudgins at the 2005 TOC seminar in Schenectady about this subject. I'd love to see a project organized around helping local African people organize to change their governmental systems and bring more freedom to their area. It's the only way to help them. Ed said that there are such organizations in existence. I don't remember offhand what they are. But anyone who cares about the situation over there and wants to see it change needs to know that only liberty is going to help. Pouring money into the hands of the local dictators and corrupt officials isn't going to do a damned thing.


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Judith; David Saum who lives in the DC area and is a long time Objectivist has a project invovling books and lab equipment going to university in one African country. Contact me for further info. The cost is relatively cheap and the university is starting at pactically zero.

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