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Three things "kids" say and write today irk me greatly although "acceptable" in modern times.

1.  Forgetting the serial comma in a list.  "A, B, C, and D" is correct,   "A, B, C and D" ain't, unless you mean "C and D" is the last thing in the list, in which case A, B, and C and D, is correct.  (as in tuna, chicken salad, and PB and jam)

2.  Using the phrases "different to" and "different than" rather than the correct phrase "different from".

3.  Forgetting to use the possessive form in a gerund, in:  "Your taking the initiative has proven very useful." as opposed to the incorrect "You taking the initiative has proven very useful.".   

This last earsore is rampant throughout mainstream and pop culture...



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I'm with you, except don't forget that language changes with use. Evolution. I'm sure there were irritations of this sort back when people spoke Old English. But where are they now that nobody knows how to speak it? (Hell, I don't even know what they called Old English back then. :) )

On a pet peeve of mine, I hope usage one day will smooth over the "there, their, and they're" barbarities.

Wanna know how?

With the word "thar."

It can mean all three.

Observe how clean it is in the following example: "Jeb and Sue? Thar over thar yonder with thar hog."



Whether that thar is an improvement evolution-wise, I'll let you decide.



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24 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


I'm with you, except don't forget that language changes with use. Evolution. I'm sure there were irritations of this sort back when people spoke Old English. But where are they now that nobody knows how to speak it? (Hell, I don't even know what they called Old English back then. :) )

On a pet peeve of mine, I hope usage one day will smooth over the "there, their, and they're" barbarities.

Wanna know how?

With the word "thar."

It can mean all three.

Observe how clean it is in the following example: "Jeb and Sue? Thar over thar yonder with thar hog."



Whether that thar is an improvement evolution-wise, I'll let you decide.



Were the language to develop in order to include further nuance, subtlety, specificity, or complexity in order to keep up with an ever growing level of intelligence, conscientiousness, civility, artistry, sophistry, and poetry in the population at large, I for one would not hinder it, no matter how much I myself tend to cling to our crass, superficial, trend riddled, slovenly, and moronic Traditional English.

Here’s to the imminent bold new progress of our dear spoken and written word!  Hear hear!!

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So you like "thar"?


I'm trying to think of a quip that goes with 197 pronouns for 197 genders, but the goddam thing is so blatant and ridiculous, everything sounds too on the nose. How can you make fun of an absurdity?

Moreover, ain't it odd for people to use so many different words for pronouns when the core meaning of each is the same: an entitled brainwashed idiot who would die quickly on a desert island and would never learn how to fish?



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I kinda prefer telling people, "Fuck you."


I grew up in an age when "mankind" meant everyone and "he" meant he and she when talking about unspecified people.

I can change mankind to humankind and change my grammar construction in, say, hypothetical cases from individuals to the plural by using "they" at times to avoid the "he" problem.

But I ain't changing much else.

It's too much of a pain in the ass, just like the woke people are.

There is nothing the woke world can offer me or threaten me with that will make me bow down to them in my mental habits.

"Fuck you" is an equal opportunity sentiment expressed in an equal opportunity manner. And it's easy to remember.



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As I go along my fiction writing journey, I keep looking for morsels of universal truths that reflect a Randian vision that I can use for themes.

I'm focusing on seeing what others don't see about the long-term benefits of economic and technological progress and the elimination of initiated force.

I came across this:




Didn't find it yet.



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