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14 hours ago, william.scherk said:

It is Ben Shapiro Day on Fake Social Media (Branch Twitterians) ...

My goodness, why not tell the whole story?

I'm no fan of Ben Shapiro, but it's obvious he had a brain fart and got duly castigated for it. This happens to all of us at times.

And Ben's response? Essentially (and immediately thereafter), he said (my paraphrase), "Oops, I had a brain fart. My bad."

But the left is crowing as if he just lost the World Series (or the Kentucky Derby due to a bad referee call :evil: ). It's still crowing. Poor things, I don't think they have much else to crow about.

:evil:  :) 

Once again, Tim Pool gets it right:


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19 hours ago, william.scherk said:

It is Ben Shapiro Day on Fake Social Media (Branch Twitterians) ...


Heh. That's a "TANTRUM"?

And that's a "real" interviewer with "difficult" questions?

Mr. Shapiro, I've selectively misinterpreted some fragments of your past statements to mean what I want them to mean. I gotcha. Defend yourself against my accusations.

Pro Boss Real Interviewer right there. Is he the male Cathy Newman?


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5 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

My goodness, why not tell the whole story?

I'm no fan of Ben Shapiro, but it's obvious he had a brain fart and got duly castigated for it. This happens to all of us at times.

And Ben's response? Essentially (and immediately thereafter), he said (my paraphrase), "Oops, I had a brain fart. My bad."

But the left is crowing as if he just lost the World Series (or the Kentucky Derby due to a bad referee call :evil: ). It's still crowing. Poor things, I don't think they have much else to crow about.

:evil:  :) 

Once again, Tim Pool gets it right:


So, you're saying you love Hitler?


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21 hours ago, william.scherk said:

It is Ben Shapiro Day on Fake Social Media (Branch Twitterians) ...

The interview with the ancient BBC interviewer Andrew Neil taps out at around fifteen minutes. In case anyone here hasn't seen the whole sorry thing ... 

... I figure Ben Shapiro acknowledged that some of the initial critiques (if not mockery) were valuable, since his two mea culpas were to the point.  One of which was not doing any homework on who would be interviewing him .



Newcomers to the Tim Pool phenomena may have missed an hour or so of civil exchanges between Leftist Harpy (@dpakman) and Truth Commando (@Timcast):  Pakman vs Tim Pool on Twitter's "Discrimination"


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Hell yeah!

Nolte: Of Course, We Can Build Our Own Facebook and Twitter


Yes, conservatives can beat the prejudice and blacklists and build our own Facebook and Twitter and Apple and PayPal; of course, we can. The first step, though, is to stop playing the victim and admit that we can.

You want to know what the country of Israel is? The greatest workaround in the history of mankind.

After World War II, and for reasons no one need explain, the Jewish people believed they had no place in a world that rejected and discriminated against them. So what did they do? They created a workaround — the great State of Israel. Their own country.

You want to know what Utah is? Mankind’s second greatest workaround.

Facing discrimination all around the United States, about 175 years ago, the Mormons moved their covered wagons all the way across a mostly unsettled America to create their own workaround, a place where they could live and worship without prejudice. Today, Salt Lake City is still one of the most beautiful cities in the country.

. . .

Okay, if Israel and Utah are a little too lofty, a little too far away, permit me to use an example everyone can relate to, an example so close you are literally looking at it right now….

I’m talking about alternative media.

In 15 short years, conservatives went from complaining about the establishment media’s open discrimination against us, our ideas, our way of life, and who we are to creating our own media.

We went from playing defense 24/7 to going on the offense, to putting the corrupt media on its corrupt ass.

And we weren’t even the first. The rise of talk radio 20 years ago, of Rush Limbaugh, is a perfect example of a workaround around the corrupt media.

In 1996, Roger Ailes launched a whole cable news network, Fox News, as a workaround around the corrupt media.

And when a group of people was unhappy with Fox News, in 2013, the group launched a workaround called OANN.

Had you told me 20 years ago that right-leaning media would have the capacity and the audience to crush the omni-powerful New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, etc., I never would have been able to imagine it. But here we are. We’ve done it.

Yes, it took a long time.

Yes, it took a lot of work and risk.

Yes, we had to create an alternative attractive enough to not only compete with the Big Boys, but to literally change the ways in which over 100 million adults consumed their news.

But a bunch of upstarts, a bunch of genius rebels like Matt Drudge and Andrew Breitbart, beat the bastards.

And we can do it again.

. . .

If you want to whine about how hard it will be to create our own social media outlets, how far behind we are — fine. It’s a free country; be as unproductive as you like.

But please don’t tell me we can’t do this — because that’s a lie.


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They're coming for the 14 year olds now.

Man are these leftie fascist gatekeepers scared to death.

BuzzFeed Publishes Hit Piece Against, Tries to Deplatform 14-Year-Old Girl

If you get a chance, go to the link and watch the video. It's as funny has all get out, and I only saw a couple of minutes of it. This 14 year old girl named Soph has one hell of a career in comedy if she doesn't get discouraged with all the censorship that's in front of her. 

After all, this is America. You're not supposed to make fun of Islam, social justice warriors, fake news mainstream media journalists, and the like. It's in the constitution. :evil:  :) 


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Tim Pool has had a raft of intriguing videos in the last week. This one may be of interest to the Objectivist Living viewers ...

I am conducting a campaign on Bitchute, GAB, Dissenter and Brighteon ... as young debunker "Magick Kool-Aid" was suspended from Twitter this morning.  In the tiny tiny community of crazy fans of Magick, this is bad news. 

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On 5/16/2019 at 4:00 PM, william.scherk said:

I am conducting a campaign on Bitchute, GAB, Dissenter and Brighteon ... as young debunker "Magick Kool-Aid" was suspended from Twitter this morning.  In the tiny tiny community of crazy fans of Magick, this is bad news. 

This is a funny story, which may contain some lessons for 'haters' who game the system ... from Will Sommer in the Daily Beast: "Twitter Bans #Resistance-Famous Krassenstein Brothers for Allegedly Operating Fake Accounts."  #ExitThroughTheGriftShop



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On 5/10/2019 at 1:10 PM, william.scherk said:

Deep Fake humour ...

Styx on the 'deep fake' Pelosi video ...


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Documentary video by Lauren Southern pulled from Youtube ...


PRE-ORDER NOW: Pre-order your DVD now packed with exclusive content! They may be able to take our videos off their websites... but purple haired Mandy from the "hate speech" review department at some big tech giant can't kick down your door and take your DVDs. (# NotallMandys # NotAllColoredHair) Let's try this again... After six months on the ground I'm thrilled to present #Borderless, the biggest & most comprehensive documentary ever made on the European border crisis. I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has made this possible & am so proud to release the movie totally free!


Edited by william.scherk
Added link to news item at Human Events
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The YouTube title you embedded is called "Borderless (2019) | EMERGENCY BACKUP."

I was one of the people who looked at Laura's original posting of it, then watched it disappear. Then, after the entire Internet exploded with outrage, she put up this emergency backup. I immediately downloaded a copy so I could see it, but that ended up not being necessary. How the hell did I know at the time, though?

This entire thing happened without a peep from the YouTube people. Not one peep about why the documentary was taken down, not one peep about why it was allowed back up.

But the Streisand effect kicked in. When one tries to bully the public by forcing restriction of a normal access, one creates enormous interest in the very thing one wants to hide. As of this post, Laura Southern's documentary, Borderless, has over half a million views on your YouTube link alone.

Here is Tim Pool documenting the affair on the day it happened (May 25):

And, one day later, here he discusses the Streisand effect using Borderless as his main example (in addition to how censorship generally backfires on censorship promoters by eventually censoring them).

btw - I've seen some of the documentary and it's good. I'm going to see the whole thing.

As a case study in the pros and cons of the tech giants doing their Fake Social Media manipulate the public routine, though, this thing is fascinating. I'm glad Tim covered it so well and so objectively. I don't have much to add to what he said.


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btw - Even though social media big tech cannot suddenly become conservative without losing face, which is risky in today's environment (the risk is being seen as unstable, causing a migration off their platforms), with these antitrust probes, I do expect the tech giants to flood conservative politicians with money for both elections and for "orienting" the probes.

How to tell?

Watch which conservative celebrities come out in support of them, downplaying their abuses. Then follow where their money came from.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/4/2018 at 9:49 AM, william.scherk said:

Adjacent to "Deep Fake" videos ... from Peter Rejcek at Singularity Hub.

From Kevin Poulsen, contributing editor at the Daily Beast:

Political Hoaxers Beware: These Scientists Have Declared War on Your Deepfakes

"It’s frighteningly easy for just about anyone to unleash high quality video fakery of whomever they want to smear. But researchers now have a tool to make it a bit harder."



Advances in artificial intelligence have put the power to create such videos—which can convincingly depict someone doing and saying things they’ve never done or said—in the hands of virtually anyone able to find and use a breed of specialized software first created by pornography hobbyists to make fake celebrity smut. With the 2020 presidential campaign gearing up, election watchdogs worry that deepfakes will be deployed rampantly in covert propaganda efforts by foreign adversaries and domestic political actors, setting up a replay of Russia’s 2016 election interference—but with multiple adversaries and the volume cranked up to 11.



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Jordan Peterson is starting his own social media thing called Thinkspot.

You can get on a waiting list for the beta rollout here.

As Tim Pool notes, the mainstream is already sliming Jordan.


Jordan Peterson Smeared Before He Even Launched ThinkSpot


That's a lot of fear when these "geniuses" start smearing before Thinkspot even opens.

I wonder if the establishment is worried about people not being swayed by their propaganda, censorship, social engineering or sumpin'...



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All of this deepfake propaganda is in preparation for their exposure and trials and they wish to precondition us to inherently distrust video and photographic evidence.

It will fail on the facts but succeed with millions of the weak-minded. That is because the unmolested, real status of a piece of video will remain definitively detectable as such for the time being. So they will fry.

But there will nevertheless be a permanent one-third of the voting masses who started hearing about those deep fakes back in 2019 and who will remain convinced that all of their political heroes went to prison and were hanged unfairly, based on deep fakes. That is what the nice faces on the magic screen on the wall will tell them and that is what they will go to their graves believing.

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William quoted, "It’s frighteningly easy for just about anyone to unleash high quality video fakery of whomever they want to smear. But researchers now have a tool to make it a bit harder."

I think that has been a Hollywood stunt up until now and that thought is frightening.

I recently saw two stories on the internet that Beto was married to a man, but when I looked him up he is married but to a woman. When I first saw the stories I believed them with just a pinch of salt: Well, how about that we had women run and now we have a gay blade too. Aren't we special?      

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4 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Jordan Peterson is starting his own social media thing called Thinkspot.

From Alexander Hall at NewsBusters:  Jordan Peterson Announces Free Speech Platform ‘Thinkspot’


An upcoming free speech platform promises to provide users the best features of other social media, but without the censorship.

The subscription based “anti-censorship” platform “Thinkspot” is being created by popular psychologist Dr. Jordan B. Peterson. It’s being marketed as a free speech alternative to payment processors like Patreon in that it will “monetize creators” and also provide a social media alternative to platforms like Facebook and YouTube. 

Peterson discussed Thinkspot with podcaster Joe Rogan on June 9, emphasizing a radically pro-free speech Terms of Service. He described that freedom as the “central” aspect saying, “once you're on our platform we won't take you down unless we’re ordered to by a US court of law.”

That will be a profound contrast to platforms that ban users for “misgendering” people who identify as trans, or for tweeting “learn to code” at fired journalists. 

The only other major rule on comments he mentioned was that they need to be thoughtful. Rather than suggesting that some opinions are “off limits,” Peterson said they will have a minimum required length so one has to put thought into what they write.
“If minimum comment length is 50 words, you’re gonna have to put a little thought into it,” Peterson said. “Even if you’re being a troll, you’ll be a quasi-witty troll.”

All comments on the website will have a voting feature “and if your ratio of upvotes to downvotes falls below 50/50 then your comments will be hidden, people will still be able to see them, if they click, but you'll disappear.” He later added a caveat saying that was still being mulled over and that “We don't know if 50/50 is right.”

The platform, with its subscription-based service, will also directly subsidize content creators.

Peterson said that a handful of major free speech proponents including Dave Rubin, Michael Shermer, and Carl Benjamin are on board to be beta testers for Thinkspot.

Peterson’s daughter Mikhaila encouraged podcast listeners to sign up as testers for the platform in its current beta phase, before the intended August 2019 launch.

“We’re in desperate need for a platform that doesn’t arbitrarily decide to throw people off because of random crowd mentality,” she said.

Not to be confused with what looks like a conference centre:

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This is a great thread from September 2018:

1 and 2 of 16:


3 and 4 of 16:


5 and 6 of 16:

7 and 8 of 16:


9 and 10 of 16:

11 and 12 of 16:


13 and 14 of 16:

15 and 16 of 16:

Also, this shows how to post an article on Twitter. :) 

But the current futility of the "divide and conquer" censorship message is holding.

Just look around and it's happening the way given in the tweet thread.


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Here is a tip for supporters of President Trump and friendly travelers (or even Trump haters :) ).

There is a Twitter replacement that was made in 2018 where many of the stars in the pro-Trump universe reside. The big names. I imagine if Twitter keeps doing monkeyshines, that where President Trump will migrate.

The name of the site is Parler.

I just signed up and the link is below if you want to, also.


I found out about it from a video by Tim Pool, of all things.

This site is growing, but it has an all-star cast of top users (Candace Owens, Charlie Kirk, Laura Loomer, Milo, Breitbart, Katrina Pierson, Info Wars Unofficial, Paul Joseph Watson, Jack Posobiek, and on and on and on).

If I were to guess, I imagine there is a fingerprint of Peter Thiel to be found in this undertaking, but, so far, that is pure speculation on my part. I will look into it, but I pulled that one out of my pocket. The point is, this site seems to be not as rough as other alt media sites, so someone sure as hell knows what he or she is doing.

Glad I found this.

I wanted to use Gab regularly, but there are too many gross people constantly posting there (intense bigots and racists the like). I support the freedom of speech, so I don't deny them their say, but I wanted the site to level off on the gross stuff before I started using it regularly (and nothing says I might not in the future). But Parler, right out of the box, is one of the things I have been looking for.

In my daily visit bookmarks, I just now put Parler right beside Twitter for daily checking, just like I put BitChute right beside YouTube and Minds right beside Facebook.

Of the three alt sites I am looking at daily, Minds is the weakest, but it looks to be growing strong.


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This is ... interesting. "Most popular social networks by year."


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4 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

There is a Twitter replacement that was made in 2018 where many of the stars in the pro-Trump universe reside. The big names. I imagine if Twitter keeps doing monkeyshines, that where President Trump will migrate.

The name of the site is Parler.

I just signed up and the link is below if you want to, also.


Here's a video interview with the founder.



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