How Israel got its air force


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Here is a real live factual story than never really got told properly. It is about how a bunch of Jewish guys (and even some non-Jewish folks) got together, broke the law and risked their lives to bring weapons and planes to Israel just in time to stop the Jordanian, Egyptian and Syrian forces from wiping it out in 1948.

This story has everything. Planes, guns, war and even the Mafia. Lucky Luciano in his own gumbah way helped to save Israel from destruction. Ha'Shem (the Lord) sure do work in mysterious ways.

Please see:

This saga is true and just a millimeter short of being unbelievable.

The moral of the story: Don't fuck with the Jews.

Ba'al Chatzaf

PS: Note to Moralilst. Watch this in completeness. It will re-enforce your absolutist moral outlook.

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I watched the whole video in one sitting. I'm the hardest guy imaginable to watch any video more than a few minutes long.


Thank you for taking the time. Isn't this a whiz bang True Story????

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I watched the whole video in one sitting. I'm the hardest guy imaginable to watch any video more than a few minutes long.


Thank you for taking the time. Isn't this a whiz bang True Story????

Thx. Awesome! I was particularly taken by Lew Lenart, 16:00 and his story. Its heartbreaking.

And Eddy Styrak. "caught aiding and abetting illegal immigration of Jews..served 4 1/2 months in a British prison. I wasnt breaking the law, I was saving a people. "I just did"


My fil had a similar view when Germans killed his brother. He was extremely upset over his loss and had something to prove. He disobeyed a direct order to send a platoon forward, instead sent an entire company to seize a town which had been a divisional objective. He succeeded because of his personal drive to exact a price from the Germans, but would certainly have been court martialed if unsuccessful. What could they say though??

Its people like Lew, who driven by a personal motive, get the job done.

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I watched the whole video in one sitting. I'm the hardest guy imaginable to watch any video more than a few minutes long.


Thank you for taking the time. Isn't this a whiz bang True Story????

Thx. Awesome! I was particularly taken by Lew Lenart, 16:00 and his story. Its heartbreaking.

And Eddy Styrak. "caught aiding and abetting illegal immigration of Jews..served 4 1/2 months in a British prison. I wasnt breaking the law, I was saving a people. "I just did"


My fil had a similar view when Germans killed his brother. He was extremely upset over his loss and had something to prove. He disobeyed a direct order to send a platoon forward, instead sent an entire company to seize a town which had been a divisional objective. He succeeded because of his personal drive to exact a price from the Germans, but would certainly have been court martialed if unsuccessful. What could they say though??

Its people like Lew, who driven by a personal motive, get the job done.

It's a quite unknown story about an almost forgotten war, well worth a watch. The fact that those few modest heroes, maverick pilots, tipped the balance to the Jews' favour shows how touch and go their survival was, and gives the lie to the common fallacy that Israel's army has always been powerful -and belligerent - from day one. Interesting for me, my father was there in the British forces interceding (not very impartially, he admitted later) between Arabs and Jews, and trying to block armaments and more Jews getting in. Until the 1948 Partition and Brit pull out, on which day it was assumed without doubt, the great numbers of Arabs would demolish them. Didn't happen, but that first defensive war has a long reach up to the present situation.

Dead right, conviction and a personal motive will "get the job done".

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