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It will be interesting to see how the Tea Party (in its various facets) reacts to a Palin endorsement of Trump - assuming that's what's going to happen in 3 hours.

There has been a tension in the TP movement between the Tea Party Patriots (hawkish foreign policy), the Teavangelists (anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage, etc.), and those who want to put aside those issues and focus on freeing up the market and cutting taxes and spending. The latter have been trying to persuade the hawks and evangelicals to set aside their foreign policy and social agendas, in order to present a focus on the tax/spending/regulation problem, which they take to be more critical than the military and social stuff.

Given The Donald's relative soft focus on military/foreign policy and social issues - except for immigration and gun control - it would seem that a Palin endorsement would signal that the Tea Party is coming around to the idea of narrowing its electoral agenda - or at least that Palin has decided that it should. This would also represent a considerable departure from Palin's very vocal advocacy of "traditional" American values vs. the elitist, social liberal "NYC" values that Cruz is trying to hang around Trump's neck.

In other words, the consensus may be growing in the GOP that "we have to do whatever it takes to defeat Hillary" - presumably setting aside their differences with Trump's non-hawkish views, his relatively unconservative social views, etc. If so, this is a remarkable compromise or adjustment on the part of social conservatives and right-wing hawks. Perhaps the GOP is *not* going to self-destruct this year.

(I still think Hillary is likely to win - but that's far from certain, regardless of *who* is nominated in Cleveland in July.)


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A lavish Trump-Carson commitment ceremony in Ames is not on?  I was so looking forward to the flower girl.
I saw on a Republican chatter site that a private plane from Alaska had landed in Iowa late yesterday .... how often can that happen?  And several Iowa insiders on Twitter were claiming that 'everybody' believes that the Quitter from Wasila will be on hand today to help Mr Trump up on the saddle.
I haven't actually found much speculation that Dr Carson is waking from his coma this week. His debate performance was a battery-drainer, so it might take too much energy for Carson to remove his name from, balloting on February 1.  I cross-checked Eventbrite and the Carson campaign's event listings and found he is scheduled to 'Revive'  or be revived, on January 24, when apparently he is "Sending the Troops into Iowa."
If he is successfully revived, I expect him to at least phone it in to the Wake Up America Coffee Party in Saginaw, Texas a week later, at the Adams Residence. According to the event page, there is one RSVP.  Awaken! Drink coffee. Revive.
Oops, missed one. It pays to cross-check. We can join Dr Carson -- or his simulacra -- at the Orpheum Theatre in Sioux City for "REVIVE" on January 23. It says "Join Ben Carson as he pauses from normal campaigning to put the focus where it should be, on the Lord and what only He can do for our nation."  I'd like to read that replacing Lord with Trump, but I will wait for events to unfold in Ames later today.  A 'pause from normal campaigning'?
Meanwhile ...

I have been examining the Trump campaign's GOTV work.   I have in my hands a ticket to the event in Ames where Quitter or Coma will be endorsing. I made it clear that I am willing to caucus for Mr Trump.  I also wrote down the 555 number that is said to make it easy for Iowans to find their exact caucus precinct location.   As the Captain for Trump told us above in his helpful video, it is a two-step process, and I explain:
Do you have an Iowa address, and a Zip code?   That is all you need to  start. Go to the Iowa website and enter in the five digits.  Next, enter your street address by selecting from a drop-down list on the form. Next page of returns, note down the name that the Iowa site gives to  your precinct. It will be something like PCT 4 LARCHWOOD ... 
Next, and most importantly, understand that the address given by the Iowa site is not necessarily the actual location of the GOP precinct meeting.  To discover that ...
Click the link to the Republican page of precinct locations, and match the name PCT 4 LARCHWOOD to the precinct name on the GOP list. That is the real location.
There you will discover that the GOP precinct list is a long table of every single place in Iowa, all 1700+. And you will also discover that the fucking precinct names do not match. PCT 4 LARCHWOOD is actually called Lyon County Precinct 4, or LYON4 -- and it is some ten city blocks away from where you would have gone if you had taken the Iowa PCT4 location to heart, or if you could not navigate the huge table of data at the GOP website.
Now, the first video for Trump caucus that Michael posted included the all-important number to call at the campaign -- 555-267-9191. I imagine the energetic Tana has staffed a phone bank, and that the Trump campaign has a database expert who has artfully figured out a quick way for the Trump phone staff to sort out which of the 1700 locations you should be at for 6:30.  Enter address, biff bam boom, give it up. Next.
Now I understand Mr Trump's jocular asides about fucking the process.  Hold the election now, for heaven's sake.  
Anyhow, here is a test for anybody to  try.  It  will not turn you into  a right-wing authoritarian.  It is just a couple of addresses. 

4198 270th St, George, IA 51237

3262 Co Hwy F67, Wellman, IA 52356


-- select one address and go forth to find the corresponding precinct location using the guide from the Trump Precinct Captain. Set the timer and click it off when you get the proper address. Then, dial Tana's phone bank and set the timer again.
I have already given a run-through to time myself on the process of gaining the information without assistance, going to the Iowa state site and then to the GOP site. My next step is calling the phone bank. I will wait till after the Celebration of Amity in Ames.  I can imagine I won't be the only person calling in for info.  From my researches into each ground game, the Trump campaign is quite alert to the process, and repeatedly instructs its rally attendants to follow up on the dang process.  

At bottom is a pic of my rally ticket for the Celebration of Love. When signing up, they asked me I was willing to commit to caucus, and asked my phone number and so on. i indicated Hell, Yes, and gave them contact details, including my US business number via Skype.   I am watching my Inbox and hanging on the Skype dingle sound. Nothing yet. Perhaps they have detected I am Canadian.
Okay, my best time for gaining a precinct address is eleven minutes and my best time is five minutes. I also tried the Democratic site for Iowa and it was fucking breeze. I didn't need to call anyone.  It took all of two minutes, and the process is due to be replaced by a simpler form in coming days.


Now, back to Michael's challenge to get through to the end the hour-long Molyneux video of bone-headed explanations of The Trump Effect. I have opened an Evernote to share.


Here is my ticket to the Celebration. If only I could have hitched a ride on Air Quitter, I could be having waffles at Tiny's Truck Stop right now, where the Wifi is strong and refills are free:


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Cheap shot...


I guess it is fashionable to degrade a woman in Canada if she has a handicapped child.


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Done deal!!

Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor and 2008 vice-presidential nominee who became a Tea Party sensation and a favorite of grass-roots conservatives, will endorse Donald J. Trump in Iowa on Tuesday, officials with his campaign confirmed. The endorsement provides Mr. Trump with a potentially significant boost just 13 days before the state’s caucuses.

“I’m proud to endorse Donald J. Trump for president,” Ms. Palin said in a statement provided by his campaign.

Her support is the highest-profile backing for a Republican contender so far.

“I am greatly honored to receive Sarah’s endorsement,” Mr. Trump said in a statement trumpeting Mrs. Palin’s decision. “She is a friend, and a high-quality person whom I have great respect for. I am proud to have her support.”

Mrs. Palin, who is to appear alongside Mr. Trump at a rally on the Iowa State University campus in Ames late Tuesday afternoon, could amplify the news media-circus aspects of Mr. Trump’s candidacy: Like him, she is a reality-TV star accustomed to playing to the cameras and often accused of emphasizing flash over substance.
But Mrs. Palin, who despite her waning visibility within the Republican Party retains a sizable following, provides Mr. Trump with valuable new currency at a moment when he is being attacked over his conservative bona fides by Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, with whom Mr. Trump is neck-and-neck in the Iowa polls.

As Mr. Trump fends off questions about his “New York values” from Mr. Cruz, Mrs. Palin could help vouch for Mr. Trump’s credentials with skeptical conservatives.

What’s more, while Mr. Trump has already shown the ability to garner wall-to-wall cable-news coverage, Mrs. Palin’s active involvement in his campaign could help him deprive Mr. Cruz of vital attention in the homestretch to the Feb. 1 caucuses.

The two are not strangers. Mrs. Palin, Mr. Trump and his wife, Melania, shared a pizza in New York in June 2011, when Mrs. Palin was considering a presidential run of her own and was making a bus tour around the country. (Mr. Trump was mocked at the time for using a knife and fork on his slice.)

They also share a trusted operative: Mr. Trump’s national political director, Michael Glassner, was chief of staff to Mrs. Palin’s political action committee.

And like Mr. Trump, Mrs. Palin has maverick tendencies. The mantra of her final weeks of the 2008 campaign was “going rogue,” as she defied instructions from aides to Senator John McCain of Arizona, the party’s presidential nominee.

Little-known before Mr. McCain picked her as his running mate, Mrs. Palin ultimately eclipsed Mr. McCain in popularity. She has endured as a coveted endorser with an impressive fund-raising list.

Mrs. Palin endorsed several of Mr. Trump’s Republican rivals in their statewide races, including Mr. Cruz in Texas and Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky. Mr. Cruz, after his 2012 primary victory over the incumbent lieutenant governor, David Dewhurst, said he would not have made it to the Senate without Mrs. Palin’s backing.

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Cheap shot...


I guess it is fashionable to degrade a woman in Canada if she has a handicapped child.


I don't get it.

What does calling Palin's plane "Air Quitter" have to do with her having a handicapped child?


Apparently nothing - it was a barb too far...

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I am thinking of TrumpGasms to come. Pace yourself, everybody.

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I was empathizing with those feeling a lot of this:


Here's where the happy couple almost but not quite kiss.

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Damn , hope she helps him more than she helped McCain .

I know , I know , I know it was not her fault . I agree , I also freaking love Palin !!!!!!!

Just , it don't mean shit to me cause it aint gonna change the game . Tea Party blah blah blah , Cruz , yeah , yeah , yeah .

Marco Rubio just got crowned . Thats what this means .

You take the centre , don't fight the establishment , get the Reagan Dems ( Rubio shall ) , then win the nomination then clean the floor with Hillary .

Then you play the same game with the lobbyists , the House and the Senate , and you just take your turn wearing the crown .

US politics .

DT will not go to war , especially when he is not built for it . He came in at $5 billion , he goes home with $10 billion .

Now , thats a deal !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Here's the whole thing.


You have to skip to 27:57 to get to the start of the speeches.



Sarah can spin out one hell of a speech. She talked about Trump putting up buildings that touch the sky. She said later, after the former President Obama packs his bags and goes back to Chicago to find some community or other to organize, he can relax, look up and see the Trump Tower. And Donald Trump built it.


She said there are those who say Trump isn't conservative enough. Then she said look who's talking. Who is the establishment to tell people like her and those at the event who is conservative or not? And she rattled off a litany of progressive things the Republican Congress has done. Then she said there are some hard conservative issues that needed talking about, but nobody had the courage to talk about them in public. Everybody was cowed by political correctness. But thanks to Trump, now the entire country is talking.


And on and on.


God I hope he invites her to be his VP.





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I listened to the speech and read the transcript but no hoopla yet. I did pick out a few paragraphs from the text that stood out for me, scored them to Mexican music, and gave them robot voice. Not as sexy as Robot Emma, but this is politics, not porn.

I took notes on Mr Trump's speech, too, and so may react later once I see what is happening in the Hoopla. The TrumpGasms are just only now subsiding, I imagine. The bottom-feeding media will be on this like bone-worms soon enough.


The biggest stick-out of the Trump remarks -- and hers -- were perfunctory exhortations to get out and caucus. Trump spent 23 percent of his time talking about polls, polls, polls. I expect Mrs Palin will knock his numbers up a jot, but the bone-worms will be feeding from here on in. He was claiming to be able to beat the best showing of his polls in Iowa. I'd say keep that talk zipped.

I am on the whole glad Palin came on board so strongly and earnestly. If she is used as a campaign tool, even better for the Circus. In a way, she sounded like she was in charge of part of Trump policy, which is perhaps why he seemed to be swallowing fish bones here and there during her remarks -- especially the parts about good old Rand Paul.

He called Mr Cruz Number Two instead of by name. Polls, polls, pools, Iowa. Still, it was but a variation on his stump remarks in every speech. Today, Palin was the stand-out. Her articulation of a bold Middle East policy was a marvel. Duke it out. Let Allah (and then later Trump) sort it out.

Edited by william.scherk
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I listened to the speech and read the transcript but no hoopla yet. I did pick out a few paragraphs from the text that stood out for me, scored them to Mexican music, and gave them robot voice. Not as sexy as Robot Emma, but this is politics, not porn.


Palin was the stand-out. Her articulation of a bold Middle East policy was a marvel. Duke it out. Let Allah (and then later Trump) sort it out.

The robot voice was such an improvement over "the real thing." Thanks, William. I could understand it almost as well, and I didn't cringe while listening to it. (If I weren't happily married, I might like to have me one of them Sarah Robots for company. :rolleyes: )

I like Palin's Middle East policy. Makes me want to hear someone do a parody, using "let them duke it out" to the tune of "We Can Work It Out." I'm not going to take time to do this myself, is very short, and there's no time. :wink:


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You make that nice call about Sarah endorsing The Donald and then you go against his memo to Jeb about getting rid of tha explanation point!


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You make that nice call about Sarah endorsing The Donald and then you go against his memo to Jeb about getting rid of tha explanation point!


Well, Adam, I figure que Sarah, Sarah. :wink:

I'm signing off for tonight. I'm Bushed. :laugh:


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With a few exceptions, Palin's endorsement of Trump landed on Fox News like a corpse falling through the roof. This was true for several shows I skimmed over.


The Fox brass thought they had buried Sarah and made way for establishment Republicans to ultimately reign after the small government conservatives lost "fair and balanced." Now here's that damn Sarah. This wasn't supposed to happen. She's practically guaranteeing Trump's election and possibly getting on the VP slot again. If not that, she will definitely be in Trump's cabinet.


And maybe she ain't so happy she was gotten rid of at Fox.




For example, here's how the news landed on The Five. 



I'll give Dana Perino a pass. After all, she used to work for Bush as an insider.


But they all (even Eric and Kimberly to some extent) look like they just took a deep swig of castor oil.




On a happier note, the left is going nuts. And the Republican base is going wild.





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Cheap shot...


I guess it is fashionable to degrade a woman in Canada if she has a handicapped child.

I don't get it.

What does calling Palin's plane "Air Quitter" have to do with her having a handicapped child?

Nothing. Hitching a ride on Air Quitter as it hopped from Fairbanks to Ames refers to her resignation as Alaska governor, her bolting out of the state house. That was a disappointment for me. There was no drama in the resignation. She just bailed and walked away from her responsibilities. Nobody had asked her to step down.

We took note of Mrs Palin perhaps earlier than did Senator McCain. I usually do a survey of governorships in the fifty states, and she got a minor splash in British Columbia political news when she won state office. I remember thinking, hey, a female who wears glasses, who wears her hair up, who is kinda hawt. She seemed like a stern administrator of some kind, fixed on Alaska problems. I don't remember if she ever visited our part of Canada. I don't remember any hoopla if so. I am sure her people met with our people at some point, but no major bad news obtained.

The next thing I knew she wasn't cleaning up dirty politics and sleaze in Alaska but being fitted for red Tina Fey suits and The Big Show and ridicule. And now here we are eight years later. She has been around the block a few times and I am tired of her screeching now. She hasn't mellowed like wine but sharpened like moonshine. She hasn't grown or developed, at least to my eyes. I kind of let her off the serious list after her gibbering performance a year ago in Iowa.

I admire her forthright defense of her children, especially her wee one, who is precious She should be respected as a mother. It isn't a weird or nasty thing to have a Down Syndrome Child at all, nor to love and care for a child with a more serious disability. Down Syndrome children can excel, love, read, work, play. I was back in the day disgusted with the bullshit Palin had to go through just to be a woman, a pregnant woman, a women with a handicapped child. I felt for her as a human being. She is a family type person of whom I have met many. I don't need to take that kind of cheap shot at Palin.

The only thing I find weird about her family is the given names. Trig, Track,Trog, Trip. Trap, Tron. It makes me think of the greatly awful Joan Crawford movie and not much else. I guess if you can name your child Kayeesha, Shaniqua and LaChondra, you can name at least one Trig, Trog, or Trag.

There are no Trump references in this image. None.


Edited by william.scherk
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Cheap shot...


I guess it is fashionable to degrade a woman in Canada if she has a handicapped child.

I don't get it.

What does calling Palin's plane "Air Quitter" have to do with her having a handicapped child?

Nothing. Hitching a ride on Air Quitter as it hopped from Fairbanks to Ames refers to her resignation as Alaska governor, her bolting out of the state house. That was a disappointment for me. There was no drama in the resignation. She just bailed and walked away from her responsibilities. Nobody had asked her to step down.


I admire her forthright defense of her children, especially her wee one, who is precious She should be respected as a mother. It isn't a weird or nasty thing to have a Down Syndrome Child at all, nor to love and care for a child with a more serious disability. Down Syndrome children can excel, love, read, work, play. I was back in the day disgusted with the bullshit Palin had to go through just to be a woman, a pregnant woman, a women with a

There is no truth to the highlighted statement.

William would be demanding and squealing for some "objective" sourcing for that statement which appears to be pure speculation.


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The only thing I find weird about her family is the given names. Trig, Track,Trog, Trip. Trap, Tron.


If you marry a friggin' Eskimo, whaddya expect?



What I hoped for (but didn't really expect) is that Palin would name her youngest "Juan." Then in the phone book, he'd be listed as Palin, Juan. (Which would be a good description of the complexion of an Alaskan Caucasian.) :laugh:


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