O'Keefe Strikes Again--Hollywood Sellout to Middle East Oil

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O'Keefe Strikes Again--Hollywood Sellout to Middle East Oil

Here comes the wrecking ball of progressive bad guys once again.

James O'Keefe is their worst nightmare. Planned parenthood. ACORN. New Jersey Teachers' Union. Patrick Moran. And so on. Monkeyshines and corruption all in their own words and images.

His latest adventure is a hoot:

Undercover journalist James O’Keefe released his latest video featuring a sting operation to expose Hollywood environmentalists.
20 May 2014

From the article:

The video features an undercover journalist from Project Veritas posing as "Muhammad,” a member of a Middle Eastern oil family, offering $9 million in funding to American filmmakers to fund an anti-fracking movie. He was joined by a second undercover activist posing as an ad executive.

O’Keefe entraps actor Ed Begley Jr., actress Mariel Hemingway, and director Josh Tickell, who agree to the film while promising to hide the source of the funds.

The undercover activist tells the group that "if Washington, D.C., continues fracking, America will be energy-efficient, and then they won't need my oil anymore."

In a phone call to Tickell, the "ad executive" states, "My client's interest is to end American energy independence; your interest is to end fracking. And you guys understand that?"

Tickell's response: "Correct. Yes, super clear.”

Here's the video O'Keefe just released. It's even uglier that the article made it sound.

Hollywood celebrities caught on hidden camera accepting money from "Middle Eastern oil interests"

The raw video is available here.

To rub it in hard, he's showing this film at Cannes. See here from the Hollywood Reporter: Cannes: Video of Hollywood Environmentalists in Anti-Fracking Sting Operation to Debut (Exclusive Video)

There's no way to deny this. These Hollywood people actively want to weaken America and keep us all dependent on foreign oil while they pretend to be preachers of environmentalism. They openly say so.

This goes beyond politics as usual. They want you and me--literally you and me--to suffer so they can stuff their pockets with oil money.


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1. After their exposure, the victims revealed that they'd known all along that it was bogus but were too nice to say so.

2. They didn't stand to make any money off the project.


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