Ayn Rand (not O'Reilly) to interview Obama


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Was thinking how this would go.

Some of what she might have said comes to mind:

"Check your premises"

"Define your terms"

"By what right?"

"I regard that as evil"

What's the odds of O'Reilly mentioning any of the above to King Obama?

Not holding my breath.

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Paul Tishun is looking for a job. (He wants your vote.) He has some experience in something called polly ticks. You are looking over his resume and you are interviewing him. What education and experience are you looking for in his resume? What questions do you ask him?

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Well, King Obama in response to Bill's questions, once again proved he is a master of jibberish & evasion.

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"Define your terms"

This is a personal favorite of mine. I often ask "What exactly do you mean?". This tends to make my "opponent" nervous. It doesn't help that I say it slowly and narrow my eyes.

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Bill O'Reilly got Obama on record saying there was not one smidgen of corruption involved in the IRS scandal.

Not one smidgen.

And Obama smirked when he said it.

All we need is for the people to stay on this story until a turncoat or whistleblower pops up with proof (if such exists) and O'Reilly owns this.


Just 1 of his drones might pop up. As for the media following it, that's another story.

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