Israel attacks a weapons cache in Syria near the Lebanon border


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The Israelis have attacked a weapons convoy or cache in Syria near the Lebanon border. The words is it was a shipment of chemical weapons and Soviet A-17 anti-aircraft rockets bound for Hiballa. This was a pre-emptive strike. The Israeli authorities are not saying too much about this attack.

Once again the Israelis are heeding their own survival manual, the Babylonian Talmud. In San Hedrin 72A it says, if he is coming to kill you, rise up early and slay him first. That is one of the reasons why 5000 years from now there will still be Jews in the world, and probably few if any Americans.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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Was this survival manual unavailable to the millions of Jews killed in the Holocaust?

(I'm not being snarky. Perhaps it is an uninformed question?)

I was. Obviously it was insufficient to save the victims but the ones who were lucky lived to fight another day.

The point is that Jews have been targeted for extinction on several occasions. It has never worked completely. Why, for Jews have never been numerous? That is why Jewish celebrations go like this: The momsers (bastards) try to kill all of us. The failed. Now lets eat.

If Israel played by the Marquis of Queensbury rules it would have been wiped out in 1967. The Muslims failed. Now lets eat.


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I believe that your brethren have put themselves into a poor place strategically. Too many Jewish folks in a small geographical area are exposed to a suicidal philosophy.


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I believe that your brethren have put themselves into a poor place strategically. Too many Jewish folks in a small geographical area are exposed to a suicidal philosophy.


You hay have a point. The Orthodox were of the opinion that the Jews would be gathered when G-D saw fit to do it. Various European socialist Jews felt it was a matter of human initiative. The Zionist movement chose the worst place in the world to establish a nation that would be safe for Jews to live in. Theodore Herzl who founded the first Zionist movement saw the raging anti-semitism in France during the Dreyfus trial. He was convinced Jews had no future in Europe. And he was right (as Hitler later proved). Setting up what he called a Judenstadt was a strategic blunder. The safest place for Jews is to be thinly settled all over the world. That means not all the eggs are in one basket.

I am afraid Israel is doomed. For a very simple reason. The Arabic speaking nations surrounding Israel are out breeding the Jewish Israelis by a considerable amount. It is this "population bomb" that will make it impossible for Israel to persist as a Jewish State.

THe safest place for Jews in the whole wide world is right here in the good old U.S.A..

Jews are not only spared the worst form of anti-semitism. The U.S. provides the best environment in which they may flourish.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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Once again the Israelis are heeding their own survival manual, the Babylonian Talmud. In San Hedrin 72A it says, if he is coming to kill you, rise up early and slay him first. That is one of the reasons why 5000 years from now there will still be Jews in the world, and probably few if any Americans.

Ba'al Chatzaf

In 5000 years perhaps all Americans will have been killed in preemptive strikes by Israelis. That would explain things.

I'm curious which countries the U.S. should attack in the name anticipatory self-defense. If you care to provide a list, please limit the number of countries to 50.


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Once again the Israelis are heeding their own survival manual, the Babylonian Talmud. In San Hedrin 72A it says, if he is coming to kill you, rise up early and slay him first. That is one of the reasons why 5000 years from now there will still be Jews in the world, and probably few if any Americans.

Ba'al Chatzaf

In 5000 years perhaps all Americans will have been killed in preemptive strikes by Israelis. That would explain things.

I'm curious which countries the U.S. should attack in the name anticipatory self-defense. If you care to provide a list, please limit the number of countries to 50.


Lol...excellent question George...what a refreshing mind...


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Hi Adam, It's a matter of taking the war to the enemy, as I know you realise.

When you're defending a tiny strip of territory tactical and strategic options

With all the arms and terrorist movement occuring just outside Israel, I doubt a single day goes by - on all fronts - when the IDF Commanders are not asking themselves "Do we strike now - or wait?"

Their restraint quite amazes me some times.

(If we knew what they know we'd be nervous wrecks by now.)

Officially, Syria and Israel are still at war, I believe.

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Once again the Israelis are heeding their own survival manual, the Babylonian Talmud. In San Hedrin 72A it says, if he is coming to kill you, rise up early and slay him first. That is one of the reasons why 5000 years from now there will still be Jews in the world, and probably few if any Americans.

Ba'al Chatzaf

In 5000 years perhaps all Americans will have been killed in preemptive strikes by Israelis. That would explain things.

It won't happen., Why? There are at least ten righteous people in America. And the Israelis would be hesitant to bring war upon their own flesh and blood. The largest Jewish community in the world is in the United States, not in Israel.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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The Zionist movement chose the worst place in the world to establish a nation that would be safe for Jews to live in. ... The Arabic speaking nations surrounding Israel are out breeding the Jewish Israelis by a considerable amount. It is this "population bomb" that will make it impossible for Israel to persist as a Jewish State.

Ba'al Chatzaf

Well, the creation of Israel helped partially realize one of Hitler's dreams: making Europe judenrein, clean of Jews. Being one-quarter Jewish himself, Hitler's First Solution was a Jewish state in Palestine, but the British would not go along. The Europeans really never accepted any guilt for the Holocaust. If they did, they would have given the Jews Liechtenstein instead of Palestine.

Of course your illegitimate Ismaili brothers understand the Mosaic eye-for-a-tooth thing from Hamurabi, so absolutely no chance exists that peace will break out in the next 5000 years. You both will probably try to carry it off-planet, but I think that even the Vulcans will laugh at you.

I will tell you what is funny about humans... for 1000 years Christians looked up to Jews. No sooner did the Christians finally get over the bell curve of paganism and ascend to dominance, than they had to find someone to pick on. But please, share some persecution with the Albigensians. "Kill them all and let God sort it out," said the papal emissary.

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