Did anyone see the Sixty Minute segment on the North Korean who escaped?

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I have always been horrified at the fact that totalitarian dictatorships imprison those who are critical of those in power. Evidently the first dictator in North Korea put entire families in prison including three generations!

We can see the prison from a satellite but no Westerner has visited Prison #14 where this fellow was born and spent his entire life. He is asked what he knew or thought about life outside the camp. He says he thought it was more of the same.

It is ridiculous to think that North Korea is a threat to the West.

The fellow who escaped says he thinks about those trapped in the prison every day now that he is free.

Did anyone else watch this show?

It might give us a clue to what O has in store for those of us who don't agree with his policies for America. I hear he is building camps and is loading up on hollow point bullets.

When does such thinking no longer fall in the category of paranoia?

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Sounds like an amazing story, all this guy needs is a romantic interest and it will be a story fit for the big screen.

I hear he is building camps and is loading up on hollow point bullets.

Where did you hear about this? It wouldn't surprise me if he did intend to lock some "dangerous" folks up, for the public good of course.

When does such thinking no longer fall in the category of paranoia?

When we have a totalitarian dictatorship.

The Social Democrats had the same problem. They warned the citizens of the Weimar Republic about Hitler. They were subsequently branded as alarmists and reactionaries. They were unable to appreciate Hitler's "great vision". The youth of the Weimar Republic wanted to sprint to Hitler's dream, not continue the slow crawl the Social Democrats proposed. Hmm... sounds familiar.

Keep in mind that Hitler and the Social Democrats only differed in degree, not in kind, on the kind of ideas they held.

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The bullets story was discredited and forgotten months ago. The camps story was so bizarre that no credible news source even bothered to refute it. A Bing search on "obama internment camps" turns up nothing but fringey little blogs and sites from 2009. It's a prediction that failed the test of time.

When does such thinking no longer fall in the category of paranoia?

It's not going to happen any time soon.

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"Internment camps," much less bullets, are quite unnecessary when the majority of the voting populace votes in favor of ever-increasing state control of their own lives.

The analysis of why people are willing to give up their freedoms ("The Sanction of the victim)," is one of Rand's most penetrating insights, and a major (if largely unacknowledged), contribution to theories of social control.

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The analysis of why people are willing to give up their freedoms ("The Sanction of the victim)," is one of Rand's most penetrating insights, and a major (if largely unacknowledged), contribution to theories of social control.


I completely agree with you and it is one of her most brilliant insights that opened my eyes at a very early age.

The whole "victimology" industry is one of the most lucrative industry's out there.


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So takings are up at the dungeon these days, eh Colonel?


I will wave consecutive translation on this one...I have no clue what you are attempting to communicate, my friend.

That word "takings," can you provide a meaning for us dumb hicks down in the lower "57," or, without the imbecile in the White House's statement, the lower "50?"

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So takings are up at the dungeon these days, eh Colonel?


I will wave consecutive translation on this one...I have no clue what you are attempting to communicate, my friend.

That word "takings," can you provide a meaning for us dumb hicks down in the lower "57," or, without the imbecile in the White House's statement, the lower "50?"

I missed the imbecile's statement, but "lower" seems to fit in your case lol.

Takings are the night's earnings as from the box office at a theatre, or what Cousin Vito on the door hands you when the dungeon closes at dawn, at least he tells you those were the takings.

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