Weather Related Opportunities for Voter Fraud


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The weather report that interrupted Fox News Sunday showed a weather map which engulfs Pennsylvania

as a possible disaster area for the hurricane. Since Pennsylvania has a horrible history of voter fraud and

voter intimidation coming the Democratic Party I am wondering if we can expect the bad weather to

play a role in excuses which will allow voter fraud.


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The weather report that interrupted Fox News Sunday showed a weather map which engulfs Pennsylvania

as a possible disaster area for the hurricane. Since Pennsylvania has a horrible history of voter fraud and

voter intimidation coming the Democratic Party I am wondering if we can expect the bad weather to

play a role in excuses which will allow voter fraud.


What connection do you make between foul weather and voter fraud?

Ba'al Chatzaf

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The weather report that interrupted Fox News Sunday showed a weather map which engulfs Pennsylvania

as a possible disaster area for the hurricane. Since Pennsylvania has a horrible history of voter fraud and

voter intimidation coming the Democratic Party I am wondering if we can expect the bad weather to

play a role in excuses which will allow voter fraud.


What connection do you make between foul weather and voter fraud?

Ba'al Chatzaf

I am only saying that any excuse for voter fraud will be used. In the case of the aftermath of bad weather I could see them extending poll hours [like they did in St. Louis 2008 - so they can bus in voters after the polls were supposed to be closed], I can see them claiming the roads were bad so ballot transport was an issue [like mishandled ballots that turned up later during recounts during 2010 elections], I could see them using leaking roofs or some such to claim ballots were damaged and could not be counted - like 2000 & 2008 when different standards were used to count good/bad ballots in different districts within a single state, electrical problems due to work on the grid after a storm so reset of machines in some areas wipe out votes, the list of possible abuses is endless. Voter fraud is nothing new but the last few years has seen it grow as an openly recognized tactic of the Democratic Party. As Glenn Beck has been saying for months elections have to be won by more than 2% to keep them from being stolen through fraud.


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Today Glenn Beck discusses the possibility of the election being delayed in several states.

They must wrap it up by the time the electors meet.

The thought is that Obama will not want to delay the election because more and more

Libya news is coming out every day which is bound to move to congressional hearings

and possible impeachment of several officials [possible perjury charges too?].

I don't believe he will want to delay it either because having the election in the middle

of cleanup chaos will allow easier voter fraud and claims of voter fraud following a loss.

They can keep it in the courts for a long period and stir up supporters in the streets.


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As far as I can tell with an extremely superficial analysis, only Ohio and Pennsylvania could matter. The wild card is the storm has broken up the general dynamics of the campaign. I have no idea about the consequences of that.


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As far as I can tell with an extremely superficial analysis, only Ohio and Pennsylvania could matter. The wild card is the storm has broken up the general dynamics of the campaign. I have no idea about the consequences of that.


Pennsylvania has a long history of horrible voter fraud problems. Ohio has been having severe fraud problems the last few elections. NH is a swing state but I've not heard of fraud problems there.


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Sort of on topic -- from the Iranian English-language propaganda network PressTV. Click the image to read the whole story behind the story. It is quite amusing (if anything from PressTV can be said to be amusing). The photo of New York in chaos is not what it seems.


Edited by william.scherk
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