What causes crop circles?


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This one is rather complex and might signify that the marijuana is not only stronger these days but also endows one with creative skills to have accomplished this one.

here is the link:



A helicopter with a huge stamp suspended from it?



What is one to think?

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You're bringing this up as a joke, right? Adding a little lightness?

Certainly it has no relevance to Objectivism, other than to illustrate what happens when rationality and critical thought are thrown out.

If any topic belongs in the Garbage Pile, this is it.

You wanna believe in crop circles? Go ahead. there's a BIG market for this stuff. Sell your stuff to the Discovery and History Channels - they use it to fill the time slots, ignoring the effect such broadcasting has on their reputation.

As P.T. Barnum (or was it Mark Twain?) said, "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public." And the list is inexhaustible (such as the face on Mars - and Martian cities; Atlantis; ghosts, 2012 end of the world, to name only a few of thousands..,

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Stonehenge, Aztec temples, the coral castle in Florida ...

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It hurts my feelings when some of you don't take a post like this of mine seriously!

Can you imagine that there might be enough people who would ordinarily not vote in this election choosing instead to vote for Gary Johnson?

The non voters outnumber the usual voters you know.


He will get at least 60% of those who would have voted for Ron Paul. I think he will get Ron Paul's vote also.


I can't believe that anyone on this site will vote for either Obama or Romney. How can you justify it if you do. Lesser of two evils is still evil.

Please get to know Gary Johnson who is still struggling to get on the ballot in three states while Romney's paid attorneys fight to keep him off, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Virginia. Gary is already on in the other 47 states.

As much as I don't want Obama, Romney will be a disaster with no idea what to do to deal with the problems we face.

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It hurts my feelings when some of you don't take a post like this of mine seriously!

Can you imagine that there might be enough people who would ordinarily not vote in this election choosing instead to vote for Gary Johnson?

The non voters outnumber the usual voters you know.


He will get at least 60% of those who would have voted for Ron Paul. I think he will get Ron Paul's vote also.


I can't believe that anyone on this site will vote for either Obama or Romney. How can you justify it if you do. Lesser of two evils is still evil.

Please get to know Gary Johnson who is still struggling to get on the ballot in three states while Romney's paid attorneys fight to keep him off, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Virginia. Gary is already on in the other 47 states.

As much as I don't want Obama, Romney will be a disaster with no idea what to do to deal with the problems we face.

re your post - I wasn't sure that you were being serious. re: your link - either someone has been photoshopiing embroidery, or he/she/it needs to get outta the fields and onto PBS which always has room for embroidery classes.


He was on Stossel this week along with two other third party candidates, from the Constitution Party (sort of mutated Birchites) and from the Socialist Party, USA (why are they running a candidate against Obama? Go figure.).

Gary Johnson was in the first Presidential debate, but not the remaining 11 or 12. Why he was excluded is not clear, although most of his positions were similar to Ron Paul's.

If he is on the ballot, I may vote for him, as I have voted Libertarian on several other occasions. It depends on what whether Romney "runs to the middle" where he belongs and suffers the fate of other chickens crossing the road. In my view, he is no more conservative than Nixon was and is quite likely to drop all pretense as conservative if he gets elected.

On the other hand, Obama is such a disaster that another four years of his socialism-by-ineptness may do irreparable damage to the country Right now, he and Hillary look like they are in shock (Hiillary thinking "Why did I sign up with this jerk?") and Obama (thinking, "Where is the Arab Spring that I thought I knew and loved?. I thought they loved me! Didn't I give speeches in Cairo indicating that I was one of them? ")..

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Crop circles do exist. That is simply a fact. I'm not saying they were made by extraterrestrials. You can easily find pictures of them. Some of them are hard to explain. I'm not saying those that are hard to explain were made by extraterrestrials.

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Crop circles do exist. That is simply a fact. I'm not saying they were made by extraterrestrials. You can easily find pictures of them. Some of them are hard to explain. I'm not saying those that are hard to explain were made by extraterrestrials.

Since there are no extra terrestrials on Earth, we must conclude those circles were made by human people.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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Crop circles do exist. That is simply a fact. I'm not saying they were made by extraterrestrials. You can easily find pictures of them. Some of them are hard to explain. I'm not saying those that are hard to explain were made by extraterrestrials.

Since there are no extra terrestrials on Earth, we must conclude those circles were made by human people.

Ba'al Chatzaf

That is the most likely explanation. But maybe there is a slightly better than zero chance that a few crop circles were made by the weather. Tornadoes and whirlwinds. Also maybe an animal got drunk and ran around in circles.

I heard a rumor that there are reptilians that a few people claim to have seen, that live underground on Earth and are native to Earth and are not extraterrestrials and have technology (including mind control technology) enabling them to keep themselves hidden from us. But that is only a rumor and I don't usually repeat rumors, so you gotta listen the first time.

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What a weird thread.

I'm even getting a complaint offline.

Let's go by points:

1. When I set up the "Events and Happenings" section, my idea was to have a place to announce upcoming lectures, movies, festivals, etc. I have no idea what a question about crop circles is doing here.

2. Since we can't see facial expressions and body languages, it's really hard to discern whether Gulch is joking or serious.

3. This is a site where things are supposed to tie to Objectivism or something Objectivish, however remotely. I can't find a connection between crop circles and Objectivism, at least the way this has been laid out. Not even a humorous one.

4. I tried to use my search skills on Google and I could find no connection between crop cricles and Gary Johnson. Does Gary Johnson believe in crop circles? Gulch's sudden mention of his name here suggests Gulch thinks he might. Or is this an inside joke because Gary Johnson supports marijuana, the site Gulch linked to is a great one for stoners, and he mentioned potheads in his opening post?

Only the Shadowy Reptile knows for sure. :smile:

5. Whether it is humor or not, I'm moving it to the humor section. This is because I have a great deal of affection for Gulch and do not want to throw a thread by him into the Garbage Pile.

6. I went to the crop circle site Gulch linked to. I don't want to make any pronouncements on the authenticity of the photos because I don't know for sure. And I don't feel like investigating this one. (I'll leave that to Rense sites and similar.)

But I did look at the comments (see here).

Wheeee doggieee! I thought I was out there. :smile:

Let me see if I can help them out with my trusty Evil Finder. I'm going to plug in the name "Hackpen Hill," where the crop circle is found. Here are my results:



8 1 3 11 16 5 14 8 9 12 12 <- letter numbers

8 1 3 2 7 5 5 8 9 3 3 <- all digits added

\_____/ \_____/ \_____/ \_____/ \_________/

9 5 3 4 6 <- final sum

It is evident that "Hackpen Hill" is symbolized by 95346.

Subtract 9591 - the year of "Plan 9 from Outer Space", written backwards. This gives 85755.

Write the number backwards, add 1934 - the year Charles Manson was born. The number is now 57692.

Add 46 to it - the year of the Great Fire of Rome, written backwards. The result is 57738.

Write the number backwards, add 1556 - the year of the deadliest earthquake in history (Shensi province, China). The number is now 85331.

Write the number backwards, add 1995 - the year O. J. Simpson was acquitted in the murder trial. The number is now 15353.

When you take 1986 - the year of the Chernobyl disaster - then write it backwards and convert it to octal, you arrive at the very same result.

Proof by the numbers.

Creepy shit, dude.


What the...?!

Where did that bong go?



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My best guess is sentient life-forms and the use of mysterious-to-us tools.

Secret video of life-forms planning and executing a crop circle. Mongrel stomping-board. Sideways stepping/foot-stomp. Muscle fatique. Mysterious patterns.

Wait, there's more!

(image courtesy of Circlemakers.org**)



** For a beginner exploring the mysteries:

Welcome to the 'circlemakers' website. Within this site you will find a wealth of information by and about England's crop circlemakers. You'll be able to learn how to become a circlemaker using our easy to follow 'Beginners Guide'. Read about the history of circlemaking, 'hear' a circle being made and learn about some of the weird experiences the circlemakers have encountered whilst out making formations and gain some insight into 'why' this tight band of individuals spend their summers out in the fields of England flattening cereal crops in various intricate patterns! There's loads of stuff hear, so stop loitering and explore the site.

See also the breezy, simplified C-4's ROUGH GUIDE TO: Creating Crop Circles

Anyhow, the first thing that you need to do is design your crop circle. Get a piece of paper & get designing.

[ . . . ]

Use the plank to flatten the corn.

[ . . . ]

[D]on't go back the following night to improve upon your design, as it's quite feasible that you will stumble across someone who's waiting to be abducted... by aliens that is! Anyhow, have fun, & don't forget to wrap up warm.

Edited by william.scherk
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My best guess is sentient life-forms and the use of mysterious-to-us tools.

Secret video of life-forms planning and executing a crop circle. Mongrel stomping-board. Sideways stepping/foot-stomp. Muscle fatique. Mysterious patterns.

Wait, there's more!

(image courtesy of Circlemakers.org**)



** For a beginner exploring the mysteries:

Welcome to the 'circlemakers' website. Within this site you will find a wealth of information by and about England's crop circlemakers. You'll be able to learn how to become a circlemaker using our easy to follow 'Beginners Guide'. Read about the history of circlemaking, 'hear' a circle being made and learn about some of the weird experiences the circlemakers have encountered whilst out making formations and gain some insight into 'why' this tight band of individuals spend their summers out in the fields of England flattening cereal crops in various intricate patterns! There's loads of stuff hear, so stop loitering and explore the site.

See also the breezy, simplified C-4's ROUGH GUIDE TO: Creating Crop Circles

Anyhow, the first thing that you need to do is design your crop circle. Get a piece of paper & get designing.

[ . . . ]

Use the plank to flatten the corn.

[ . . . ]

[D]on't go back the following night to improve upon your design, as it's quite feasible that you will stumble across someone who's waiting to be abducted... by aliens that is! Anyhow, have fun, & don't forget to wrap up warm.

I would think the Aliens would favor a low carb diet. As such, the reference to "Shredded Wheat" is either "code", or an attempt to make Earthlings fat.

My conclusions are very tentative at this point, however, and should ideally be taken with a grain of salt, but that unfortunately creates other health issues.

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Still, crude-looking methods for producing such a complex design.

Far easier to do the topiary work at the earliest stage of wheat germination

and sprouting of the plant - flattening here, cutting there. Areas of growth-

retardant, elsewhere. Sit back and wait a few months, and voila!

It's the farmers.

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I'm more in favor of a gigantic badass cookie-cutter laser-warp reality-altering UFO machine, myself. It simply hovers over a few acres for a small number of seconds when no one is looking and it's done. Then it goes away.

And I've got the numbers to prove it.



Maybe the UFO took a dump.


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