Mitt Romney advocated anti-porn chip for all PCs

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According to this leftist-advocacy internet rag, The Huffington Post, Mitt Romney is on the record advocating that all personal computers being sold in this country have a mandatory "anti-porn" chip installed by manufacturers. He wants this chip to block all "pornographic" material from being viewed, and save all of us from its corrupting influence..

The article (which is really a pro-Obama propaganda piece), also references the anti-porn plank in the GOP platform, pointing out that the Republicans intend to expand the scope and power of current anti-pornography laws.

The liberal media knows (but tends to ignore, for obvious reasons) that these anti-pornography and anti-abortion planks are toothless, in the sense that most are never enacted into law. Nevertheless, it is disturbing that the GOP Presidential candidate advocates censorship.

See: http://www.huffingto..._n_1833840.html


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Not exactly. Following the links gets to Romney's actual words, which were "(I)t is imperative that we cultivate the promotion of fundamental family values. This can be accomplished with increased parental involvement and enhanced supervision of our children. It includes strict enforcement of our nation's obscenity laws, as well as the promotion of parental software controls that guard our children from Internet pornography." (emphasis added)

This is bad enough, but parental controls are voluntary, and they aren't chips.

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