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Autographed copy of her letter to readers of The Fountainhead. The text is in Berliner's book, but not the autograph. I gather that she or her publisher printed this up when the fan mail became too volumious to answer individually.

Over-priced and the proof is non-quotation of the text, which means it's common. A unique original one-of a kind might be worth several times as much, but absent the text if not the rest the sellers are simply over-reaching. This means the value is in the text not the or any letter as such. Text is worth next to nothing.

You'll find much over-reaching of value on eBay. Go to eBay and search "Ayn Rand." Nearly 1500 items. A few years ago there would have been many, many fewer. People are trying to sell stuff across all and any categories to raise cash. Not special there to her. Now narrow her search to $10,000 and above. There may still be a listing of a business letter to her not written by her to which she merely affixed her signature making it a viable contract. They want over 19,000 for it. Actual value, probably 800-1200 bucks, max, tho not to me and not to anyone with the brains to have money to waste because they have brains not to waste money, which is one big reason they have money.


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Speaking of letters by Ayn Rand, this month’s issue of PLAYBOY includes a copy of her March 14, 1964 letter to the magazine in which she states that she was “very pleased” with her published interview. It’s a very brief letter, and makes you wonder why PLAYBOY saw fit to advertise her name on the front cover. (Because they want to sell magazines, of course, but anyone who forks over the $6.99 because they see her name is likely to be sorely disappointed.)

It is somewhat interesting that she specifically requests the negatives of this “laughing photograph.” Obviously she really liked it.


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