Why Trump Should Primary O'biwan the boy prince

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Now here is an interesting strategy being floated here by Jay Taylor of Liberty Alliance.

The arguments are compelling:

1) "...Trump has been registered as Republican, Democrat, and Reform Party. So changing parties is nothing new to the Trumpster."

2) "Trump has been critical of the wars and President Bush which would allow him to capitalize on this base in the Democrat party as Obama did in 2008."

3) "Obama was elected by people who were politically uninformed and were mostly into the sensationalism of the race. They really don’t know, care about, or are even knowledgeable about the issues. How can I say this? Because anyone who takes even a little bit of time to look at the progressive liberal movement realizes that it is in direct opposition of what America was founded on and is all about. Sure there are the few hard core people in the party who actually want to make us a socialist nation, but most couldn’t even tell you what socialist means. Trump with his TV appeal and following could easily get these people to vote for him."

4) "Obama is very vulnerable even in his own party. Senator Bernie Sanders, an independent who caucuses with Democrats, stated it would be good for Obama to face a primary challenge. With Obama’s extremely low approval numbers and the extremely high unemployment numbers the chances of his re-election are growing very dim. History shows this fact and Democrats know it."

Now, realistically, I do not think this has a chance in hell of happening, but tactically, it would:

1) expose O'biwan to gaffes;

2) drain a significant amount of the war chest that he is trying to amass; and,

3) potentially, even draw another candidate into the primary based on ego.

Essentially, Trump would be asked to "take one for the team," the team being America.


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Sounds like a poor idea strategically. Trump is widely disliked and widely known not to be a serious candidate. He lost any credibility he might have had by dropping out the first time. He's one of few who could make Obama look good by comparison. Imagine the two of them in a TV debate. Because no Democrat will take Trump seriously, he won't force Obama to spend money, he won't draw significant primary votes and those few he draws will come back in November.

Nobody is going to challenge Obama from within his party. There was brief talk of Hilary Clinton doing this, and it went noplace. Susan Sarandon or Sean Penn might jump in, but they'll have as much effect as Lyndon LaRouche when he used to do the same.

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