Jon Letendre

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Everything posted by Jon Letendre

  1. She touches him, while holding what looks exactly like a pen syringe to me (see pics at Trump's Twitter) His reaction is to pull his arm to himself, away from her. (Michael's pic, couple posts above) I haven't examined the original videos myself, but that's how it looks to me. (I'm kidding about syringe, probably just a pen.) Soon thereafter, campaign guy levers her arm rearward making her lose one step, and he passes her to be alongside Trump. She was wrong, and acting like a threat as I see Trump's lurch away from from her, campaign guy saw that from behind and made it right, that's all. And from the videos I have seen, her hair stays oriented, her head height is stable, gait continuous. She was caused to lose one step, very gently. If any charges, they should be against her unwanted touching that set this whole sequence going, in the first place.
  2. Finished. Or maybe it's finis. Whatever. I had a teacher in high school who would walk over and angrily lift my writing arm and take exams away from me because I kept working and he was mad I didn't stop when told. (Everyone could have done like me, but no, of course they didn't.) It was our thing, he wasn't really mad, after a few times. He learned to walk over to me first. As he ripped it away, "Tu fini!!" He was French and English speaking, but I don't know any French, just English. This Italian recording sounds close enough to how he pronounced it.
  3. Peter, First, no I don't gotta have evidence. Neither I nor any other voter needs evidence that would be allowed in a court, we don't need to find a preponderance, we don't need to follow any procedure, before changing our view and voting differently than we polled a week ago. You grasp this, right? Second, there is evidence. There are his heavy on attack and light on denial responses. He still has not said I did not have these affairs. He said its slimy. He said it has no place in politics. He hasn't said "I did not do it." All those are evidence, even if you are deaf to it. Ted is fini.
  4. March 2016 polls must be viewed keeping in mind the about $100 million spent against Trump recently, and keeping in mind that no one is really going after Hillary recently. Still more than half a year to go. Trump hasn't even started against her because he's still having to focus on his own nomination. Trump will go after her and Hillary's numbers will not hold, just like Jeb's didn't, or Perry's, Walker's, Fiorina's, etc. And we will hear a zillion voices propounding about ceilings, like they have for the last 8 months, incorrectly. Trump will decimate Hillary and anyone else the Democrats might put up. All the effort at making you believe otherwise is just part of the dual-party Cartel/Establishment trying to prevent the disaster coming to them with a Trump presidency. The establishments of both parties are united in Anyone but Trump, because that is the way to perpetuating their scam. The GOP leadership doesn't care that Ryan or Kasich or whoever would lose, just as they feigned support for Cruz, knowing they hate him and knowing he had no chance. The GOP leadership doesn't mind convincing you to eschew Trump and lose to the Democrats, because second in line at the trough is still better than no-more-trough-Trump. Don't fall for it. Vote Trump.
  5. Ted is innocent until proven guilty, in a court. I am not a court. And he doesn't need to be guilty - he's still fini.
  6. Ted has been riding anti-Trump momentum for a while now, most of his support is anti-Trump, not pro-Cruz. When most of your support is fundamentally insincere, you can't win. Never could have.
  7. I know very little about the topic. What I was thinking when I wrote it was not so much that he was making a classic tell, but maybe just unspontaneous, fast and faster, different from a month ago, so maybe they decided to put some metric in place whereby he goes back to a left target and back to a right target to keep cadence-creep away. "No less than 8 words to the left person, now carefully find that person on your right, no less than about 8 words, now find the left person." In comparison, I forget how long ago it was that he said McConnel lied to him. He looked and sounded calm then. He slowly explained his story, very serene, stick to the facts. I had no doubt he sincerely believed he was set-up and lied to. This time it's all attack, light on facts, zero self awareness. Very different. And timed head turning. Ted is finished.
  8. I loved Ted Cruz. He wanted to fight and "shut down the government" and keep fighting. It seemed like he was the only one who wanted to fight, The GOP leadership was horrible. Obama would spend extra to shut down a park, more than keeping it open costs, and the leadership, "oh look the media is reporting that we are terrible people, gosh we don't have a chance, we have to give up before it gets worse for us." But before any of this stuff between him and Trump even started, I understood that Ted Cruz would never become President and the place where he could be most effective was in the Senate.
  9. Yes, I see it. Maybe he is consciously imposing that pattern in order to prevent showing natural ones after someone on his team familiar with NLP noticed something.
  10. But we lifted your prints from all over her. Ted: "This garbage does not belong in politics."
  11. Ted Cruz: "This garbage does not belong in politics."
  12. Phil Houston is CEO of QVerity, a training and consulting company specializing in detecting deception by employing a model he developed while at the Central Intelligence Agency... "Behaviorally, when the facts are the ally of an individual, he or she almost always tends to focus on the facts of the matter at hand. In this case, if the key fact was that he had not had these affairs, Cruz would almost certainly have been much more strongly focused on the denial. That is, he very likely would have made a point of explicitly stating something along the lines of, “I did not have these affairs.” "Yet at no point in either statement did Cruz say that. He implied it by saying the allegations are false, and that they’re lies, but behaviorally, such statements are not equivalent to saying he never had the affairs. Even if we were to overlook that fact and consider his statements to be a denial, there is an overwhelmingly higher proportion of attack behavior compared to the effort expended at denial. This type of lopsided attack-to-denial ratio is very consistent with what we have historically seen with deceptive people when allegations are levied against them."
  13. Correct Jonathan, and well stated! Part of their scam now is to prevent opposition by culturally prohibiting not just the words required to articulate an opposition, but attitudes, too. So anger is unacceptable now (for those on the right.) Imagine if anger had been culturally unacceptable in 1775. And it is truly depressing to see so many people who should know better, not knowing better.
  14. I can no longer think of Cruz without seeing Lindsey Graham, (who is currently telling the world he supports Cruz for Presdient,) just a short time ago saying that if Ted were murdered on the Senate floor, no one would care enough about it to press charges. Anyone call for his resignation? No, of course not, all he did was name his pet murder victim. These people promoting Cruz, they hate Cruz to the core, they are going to grind Ted up and spit him out, as they have done to every potential disruptor of their Oligarchy. Don't legitimize them and The Steal at Cleveland. They're using you. Don't be a tool. Vote Trump.
  15. I could never vote for a man whose wife is such a wreck. He has his finger on the nuclear button, he's MY President, I can't have my President saddled with crap like that, it's too dangerous. I'm voting Trump.
  16. The best part about religion is the book being the word of god. What an over-sale! I mean, Imagine for a moment picking up and reading a book actually written by the creator of the universe. And then you see it's all about not being a liar or jealous your neighbor has more goats.
  17. If your wife has suffered depression and suicide attempts and you enjoy banging hookers and young, Washington-climbing women, then you can't run for President and claim your wife is your everything and no one gets to hurt her. Thank god the country dodged the Cruz bullet. (For her, I wish she would have, but at least we get to.)
  18. Me too. Against Trump. Whereas a Kasich, Ryan, Romney, would be "the bigger person," they would deliver the kind of honorable and G-rated election that Peter longs for, and they would lose.
  19. Peter, For Cruz? The h̶o̶o̶k̶e̶r̶ bible thumper? Never.
  20. No, we can not do better. The left would attack vociferously and XXX-ratedly, if it served them, anyone the GOP nominated. Anyone effectively attacking Hillary would be treated to everything under the sun. You suffer the unfounded presumption that there must be, somewhere, someone who could attack her effectively, use no dirty tactics when the left does so, but somehow prevail anyway. There is no such person who can do that. Vote Trump.
  21. It can go XXX rated, Peter, I don't care. "Decency" is how Hillary gets elected. All that "one shouldn't discuss such things" bullshit is how the monsters keep getting in. By prohibiting "going there" prohibiting the very language required to articulate an effective opposition to her, she can be elected. That prohibition, that expectation of "decency" is what she's always counted on and it's why she is terrified of Trump. I'm sure that if we were in line at the firing squad, then you would you stop lamenting the descent into R-rated process, but it would be nice, better even, now. So please reconsider your opposition to Trump. And please reconsider your support for the sentimentalities that function on us as an opiate and only serve the forces trying to boil you slowly.
  22. Then Liz Mair is next. It was always certain the next President would be hated by about half the country. And also certain that the left would be in synthetic hysterics over the candidate chosen by their opposition, whoever it was. There are still a few months to November. Aside from AIPAC he has not even begun to show his thoughtful, professional, Presidential side. He will introduce many women who work for him. He will start to name his highly female cabinet. There will be a lot less hate by Nov.
  23. He might. That would be his typical honest. He only insulted Heidi after his wife was insulted. Pacifism doesn't work. When your opponents are quietly knifing you and your wife in the night and pleading for decency in the day, decency and decorum don't work. And who has insulted Heidi, really? He who highlighted a poorly timed picture of her, or, he who has been banging prostitutes and waving the bible?