Kurt Keefner

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About Kurt Keefner

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    Kurt Keefner
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  1. Well, I was going to say that I like "Don't Fear the Reaper" (which is anti-life because it seems to be about death, maybe suicide), but that's pretty tame compared to Marilyn Manson.
  2. Here's a couple of points: 1. Rand rejected the distinction between primary and secondary qualities because she said _in effect_ that all qualities were secondary, i.e. that all qualities were the product of the "marriage" of the mind and the world (to use Plato's metaphor). 2. She rejected the distinction because only science, and not philosophy can tell us whether a "primary" quality like extension is what it seems. In point of fact, science tells us that extension is NOT what it seems because solid objects are mostly empty space (or whatever's between atoms--I don't mean to enter into the debate as to whether a vacuum can exist, just to point out that solid objects are not "continuous" in the way in which they seem). 3. As either Kelley or Peikoff says (I forget which), shape might be more like color than we believe. We won't know until we've discovered the ultimate nature of reality. 4. Being a trichromat is not privileged over being a dichromat (color-blind). They are equally valid ways of apprehending reality, although one is richer. Colors are not intrinsic, but objective, i.e. they depend on the relationship of object and the objective nature of the subject. I hope this clears things up a little.