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Posts posted by Strictlylogical

  1. 42 minutes ago, tmj said:

    We need a common moral religion to practice self-governance, we need a revival!

    Isn't that moral religion akin to holding as every individual human being sacred an end in himself? 


  2. 2 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


    The timestamp in my post is for when Tucker tweeted it (or very near that time).

    When I go to the tweet now, it still shows the same timestamp.

    Twitter is not changing the timestamp anymore for some reason--at least for that tweet.

    Yours shows an hour later, but that might be due to time zone.


    I'm not sure where timestamps are or why you are talking about them ... anywho...

    looks like the video is up to 18Million views now, and the tweet is up to 59.7Million views! 

    I'm not a twitter user but that seems pretty good!

  3. 14 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    Tucker on Twitter.

    Friggin' legend...

    And like a good showman, he did not step on the anticipation. He goosed it.





    Here is a screenshot less than 24 hours later:



    does anyone know why on the video it shows 16.4M views while in the tweet it shows 53.2M views?

    Either way, people are clicking, watching, and reading.




  4. 49 minutes ago, tmj said:

    Republican Democracy vs Tyrannical Oligarchy is really at root the difference between a benevolent oligarchy and a tyrannical one. A republic , a non-direct democracy, is a form of oligarchy in that the current office holders and legislatures, a relatively small amount of the population ( like 35K to 1 in terms of congressional representation) exercise the power of the government. The federal system of checks and balances among the three branches of government as a mechanism works to slow factions gaining control of the mechanism of simple majority vote in the separate bodies aside from the Executive branch, but ultimately can not completely combat the idea of 'one party' rule for the most part.

    Politics being downstream of culture suggests partisan politics is not going to be the route of righting the ship of state. As far as government/power dynamics Curtis Yarvin has I think some very interesting things to say about and critiques of societal/cultural structure as they work to concentrate power that is then exercised through the existing governmental structure.

    His descriptions of various stages of American governance histories is very interesting, I think he claims we are currently in like the fourth "Republic", one whose power is currently solidified by the machinations of the 'deep state' , which itself is the legacy of FDR and his gift to his progeny of future administrators to remain the once and future philosopher kings, perhaps one would be easier to deal with . :)

    eah... I prefer revolutions which involve paper, text, pens, voting, rallies... and would rather not wait so long as to require the likes of "the Terror" of the French Revolution...


    I do not believe we always had a benevolent oligarchy, in fact I think majority of what motivated the founding fathers truly was enlightened and principled, and that there are long lines of principled persons who executed the offices entrusted to them with utmost integrity and honor.

    I DO believe of course there was always some element of corruption at work, some people who were not so principled and who held positions of power and executed the offices entrusted to them for their own gain, be it material wealth, fame, power or any combination thereof.


    Yes, principled people getting together and starting parties, and running for office is usually downstream... but that is part of the play by the corrupt, the rapid swings require that we are all lost at sea.   

    But today (recent decades) we see the resurgence in the culture of ideas connected with freedom, in connection with political movements such as the tea party, the freedom caucus and Trump... 

    in today's information age of rapid and widespread communication... politics and culture may be coevolving more or less together.

  5. It’s not about Left versus Right anymore.  The remnants of a Principled Democracy leaning to and fro are on the brink and all people who on either principled sides of the isle are threatened.

    We now have principles as such versus corruption, Republican Democracy versus Tyrannical Oligarchy.

    I dare say Trump should choose a Democrat as his running mate… but one who is principled and still fights for humanity and the ideals of the west.

    But perhaps this task is not for Trump and maybe it is decades away… all those principled dems and reps need to abandon the legacy parties …. there is a vast common middle ground and common values most Americans would rally behind… the new principled peoples party would directly reclaim freedom from those powers who aspire to reincarnate themselves as King George…. we need a new set of founding fathers and yes mothers…

    and one day perhaps we’ll see America slowly becoming more free rather than less.

  6. 1 hour ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


    A violent event where innocents are injured/killed or property is damaged that is carried out by the Deep State, but made to look like it was MAGA people doing it.

    The violence on J6, for example, was mostly a false flag event staged by Deep State infiltrators, but made to look like MAGA people, to allow Biden's swearing in to go forth without much protest.

    The Gulf of Tonkin incident was a false flag event staged by the Johnson administration, but made to look like North Vietnam forces, that got the USA to vastly ramp up the Vietnam War. The Reichstag fire was a false flag event staged by the Nazis, but made to look like German communist agitators, that allowed Hitler to assume dictatorial powers.

    My fear is an assassination attempt or a bomb in a city or something like that dressed out to look like MAGA, but carried out by the Deep State. This would give Biden a pretext to declare Martial Law until they could, you know, make America safe again from those evil MAGA people.

    I don't think they have the juice to pull this one off, though. They can stage the event, but rotsa ruck with the Martial Law part. Even so, that would be a holy mess.


    I do not particularly like thinking of things in terms of collectives or groups or even in terms of “we” as so many do in wider conversations… but over the centuries there has been a cultural decline in America and in the west in general, and although it may be easier to point fingers at foreign or domestic agitators and influences… in some sense the fault lies generally in us… somehow we have failed to stay “strong” (read moral, civil, principled etc) and whether we are strong enough to come through it,

    what we get, in some very real sense is exactly what we deserve….

    and for a time, until we have had enough to deserve better, we may languish in the desert.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    Be on the watch out for one or more false flag events.

    The current feel for me keeps screaming to my gut, set-up, set-up, set-up. Look at what follows, not just at now.

    The people behind Biden need--more than ever--a declaration of martial law.

    They know they can't rig enough shit in the 2024 election to pull off a steal again. Too many people are watching and working to make sure that doesn't happen.

    But it could under martial law.

    I don't think the Deep State has the juice to pull it off anymore, but that doesn't mean they won't try.

    Stay vigilant and stay safe.


    Please clarify "false flag events"?

  8. 3 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


    Women are commies.



    Besides, how dare you be as bigoted as me and cite a poll with only 2 genders in it?

    Are you a queerphobe or transphobe or furryphobe or something? 

    You poll on abortion sure is. Men can have abortions, too. Right? What about their votes?



    I got a few ("not really") doozies for the progressives:


    "When does an unborn woman's right to life begin in the womb...?"

    "Does that unborn woman's right to life ... qualify as part of womens rights?"


    "Is a just born woman's right to life any less than the desire of an older woman (or her male partner) to avoid responsibility?"    [infanticide]


    Another one:

    "Can a man abort an unborn woman at any time... and only because / when he finds out it is specifically an unborn woman rather than an unborn man?"  

  9. 21 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    Here is an article talking about this.

    Elon Musk Slams ChatGPT’s Political Correctness, Promises ‘TruthGPT’ Alternative


    Tesla, SpaceX, and Twitter CEO Elon Musk is planning an entry into the rapidly expanding world of AI chatbots, with an AI project he calls "TruthGPT," to counter the political correctness of Microsoft and...


    At least something good is coming.



    "Cartels have em, WEF has em, Bankers got em', and so does the FBI, CIA, the RNC and the DNC, and the WH and the GOVT...

    now I don't want you to open your phones yet... do not open your phones until I tell you...


    alright... open your phones... open your phones 1, 2, 3


    You get an AI!

    You get an AI!

    YOU get an AI! 

    YOU get an AI! 

    YOU get an AI! 

    YOU get an AI! 

    YOU get an AI! ..


    YOU get an AI! ...



    EVERYBODY gets an AI!"

    • Smile 1
  10. 8 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    Oh for God's sake... the Dalai Lama too?

    How in hell are we going to fight the CCP with this shit?

    In a large public meeting in India, the Dalai Lama has a young kid kiss him on the lips, then puts out his tongue and tells the kid to suck on it.

    Don't believe me?

    Take a look at the guys to left and right of the Dalai Lama.

    They have masks on because they believe they won't get a virus infection that way. Yet this young boy is asked right in front of them to suck on the Dalai Lama's tongue.


    Good God!


    But it gets worse.

    Dalai Lama Previously Took Selfie With Democrat Mayor Charged With Possession of Child Pornography


    And it gets even worse.

    This happened at a Buddhist event in February at the Tsuglagkhang temple in Dharamsala, India, where the Dalai Lama lives. Yet he apologized yesterday--yesterday!--after the video started making the rounds. (See here.)

    In other words, this wasn't even news for a couple of months until the Dalai Lama apologized for it.

    I feel like this guy.


    Taken from Telegram People are trying to explain away his sick behaviour while...


    You know, this shit makes you wanna give up and let the perverts take over.


    Actually, on second thought, no, it doesn't.


    Well, there it is. Hell and damnation, anyway...

    But I don't want to wallow in my disgust.

    To get my good humor back, we can always count on The Babylon Bee.

    Dalai Lama Inundated With Requests From Public Libraries To Lead Story Hours


    U.S. — In the days after disturbing footage surfaced of the Dalai Lama engaging in...


    I wish I had half a smiley, not a full one, but some things in life come all or nothing...


    The Babylon Bee is pure gold…

    from speechless disgust I went straight into

    what I can only try to describe as a

    cringing half squinting smiling half grimacing “Oh Geez” laugh.


  11. 48 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    I haven't signed up for this yet, but I am probably going to.

    Introducing Substack Notes


    Unlocking the power of the subscription network


    It's a thumb in the eye of Elon so far.

    And that's a shame because they both wound gain with friendly competition.

    I still like Twitter, but this looks really good.



    As long as there is no government intervention this is all part of the fun!  Pundits need to dial down the alarm and angst in their commentary… business is what business does… and it moves and shakes!

  12. 4 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


    Where do you think Trump Derangement Syndrome fits in to all of that?

    After all, TDS people are generally rational until the word Trump is mentioned.

    Then it's an instant Jekyll and Hyde transformation.

    It's one of the closest things I have seen to human automaton human behavior.

    One other example was with a Chinese dude I knew in São Paulo when I was trying to do some business with cable TV. He said he could help get funding and I asked what he would like to call the channel. He would stand up at attention, look off into the distance and say, "China TV." I got tickled by the robotic nature of this response and I used to say, "Hmmm... you know, I kinda like that name China TV," just to watch him stand at attention, look off in reverence and say, "China TV." Sometimes I would do that several times in a hour and it never failed. All I could think after a while was: Far out.


    It reminds me of those experiments with rats where they drove ultra-thin fiber optic cables though their brains to end in specific cells on the hippocampus. Then when they sent a signal to the cell controlling hostility, the rat instantly attacked whatever was in front of it with total ferocity. When they sent the signal to a cell controlling relaxation, the rat instantly stopped. They demonstrated this on-off effect in series.

    TDS seems to work that way, except once it kicks in, it takes a while for the neurochemicals to drain. The on switch is instant, but the off switch is buggy.

    This is programmed by a process designed by behavioral scientists and only certain kinds of minds are susceptible to it.

    I don't know what they developed, yet (I'm actually getting there), but here Kant doesn't stand a chance.



    He turns the world on its head by exposing the local and global swamp simultaneously shattering the image of western democracy being for and by the people and confronting the sheep with their lack of freedom and power in face of a wide and pervasive corruption.

    This destroys the childlike, naive, and comfortable world-view so many have enjoyed their entire lives.


    He's the guy that showed them there ain't no Santa Clause.  He's THAT guy.


    Now, all the kids are crying and throwing tantrums, the unavoidable flip-side of their useless evasion is their utter revulsion and scorn for him.

    • Like 1
    • Smile 1
  13. 57 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    I kinda wonder what to do with this thread.

    I am doing most of my Trump posting on older threads, but I like the idea of one devoted to 2024.

    However this was started by Stephen and I know he doesn't like Trump. 


    I don't mind people criticizing Trump here on OL, nor do I expect everyone to agree with me. 

    But I do reserve the right to my own opinion regardless of my position. If I disagree with something, I will speak up. I expect others to do so, also. I mean, that's what you are supposed to do on a discussion forum, right?

    Well, the rule here on OL is that everyone speaks for himself, not for the site. And it looks like since the indictment, the Trump juggernaut just got bigger and even more baddass. 

    What's more, I do have my own opinion.

    So, this thread exists. Might as well use it.

    Here is a meme that captures my mood about the circus in NY with idiot Bragg trying to keep Trump from running in 2024 through bogus lawfare, except maybe I'm a bit more jovial about it than the one who posted the meme.






    Michael, I think you are an independent thinker understanding and integrating a wide context in arriving at your opinions.


    In general, even so called rational individualists get all tangled up in party politics, which represents a big mistake; an error of epic proportions.


    A rational person sees that the system is very broken... primarily due to the those who happen to "people" it... although it is still clunking along.

    A rational person sees that neither party nor all of the members of either party is perfect... even if more policies of one party were generally worse than the other.

    A rational person sees rights being trampled, violated, or eroded by actions and words of those who are in power from either party... left right (and perhaps one day center).


    There is no Kantian categorical imperative for or against everyone from either party for all time.


    A rational reality oriented person lets go of both party stripes and party gripes to vote for or support those in the specific context who have the best chance to move the government of the country toward a proper government which protects individual rights and freedoms, the only moral approach to allowing the opportunity for flourishing.


    • Like 2
  14. 5 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    A couple of comments.

    1. I don't know if anyone noticed, but there has been a systemic blackout on covering Trump in the fake-ass mainstream media for a few months, including on Fox News.

    It's been on purpose and agreed to backstage. The fake-ass media does not want to keep Trump's name in the public to hurt his chances of reelection.

    Now this.

    By Trump goading the idiot in NY to indict him (we know the jury was rigged), Trump is once again all the fake-ass mainstream media talks about.

    And will continue to talk about.

    Trump is leading them around by the nose all over again...



    2. I would not be surprised if Trump shows up to be booked with his own handcuffs. Oh dear, You poor offiials. You forgot your cuffs? Here, use these.


    That's too good of a publicity shot to pass up. And a first.

    In addition to normal considerations, that shot, if it happens, will sell tee-shirts and posters by the ton-load. With meme-text, of course.



    You see… there!

    Someone causing crises to a specific end… but who’s end and who ultimately does the crisis serve?

    I have been only seeing the left totalitarian thing out there … what about the destroyer in the shadows … the playboys (or whatever facade) we are meant to despise?

    What if Soros IS Frisco?  What if his public motives are all a lie?  and we are just marbles…

    (edit: This is partly in jest…)

  15. 15 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    Or, hey. Why don't we have another lecture series about it. Right?

    Saving the world one long-winded lecture at a time...

    And don't forget preachy articles...

    I like this in the abstract, but I get the feeling you are alluding to something specific which eludes me…

  16. ha..

    Well in order to distinguish new user driven profit motivated tech from the recent advertising driven ESG ecoterrorism woke government corrupted tech… I have coined and will use the term



    Here’s hoping for the Authentech revolution!


    • Smile 1
  17. 3 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    And the reality damage to the Big Tech power structure already starts.


    With the banks exploding and taking Big Tech's money with them, and all kinds of people now looking under the hood, the Big Tech's top-down power structure has suffered a fatal wound. Not even Pentagon contracts can save them. Now it's all over but the dying...


    Well... if real, valuable, genuine tech rises up bigly, and Elon and Twitter start filling that void... and if some others follow... I wonder what should they call themselves or at least what should we call them?

    Surely not alt-tech or right-tech ... those are too political...

    Freedom Tech?

    Honest Tech?

    Real Tech?

    I dunno... 

  18. 34 minutes ago, tmj said:

    Banning all firearms would be a logically consistent argument. If one argued for only banning some they would mean that victims of other 'kinds' are negligible.

    Banning all firearms is ab initio an unsupportable argument when applied to a free society.

    A ban is a law - criminals break laws - criminals will have the guns, ALL of them. 

    The level of enforcement required to prevent all criminals and the criminal-minded from ever creating, trading, and using guns, would destroy freedom/privacy rights utterly.


    No ... bans are useless and hence illogical.

    • Like 1
  19. On 3/10/2023 at 3:21 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    So the crash is showing signs that it will be humongous and magnificent. 

    Stay calm and enjoy.

    How do you know this is not in their plan for the great reset, ensuing disaster and starvation or what have you.... an excuse for enslavement of the world, central planning and loss of most freedoms: because regular people are "irrational" and "selfish" when they act as individuals?

  20. - set people against each other on tribal lines of any and all kinds

    - use useful idiots to "protest" any and everything from every side but make "protesting" as such look as bad as possible to most people 

    - create distrust in or corrupt media so that reliable information is or seems scarce

    - create a distrust in distrusters

    - create distrust in or corrupt justice

    - create distrust in or corrupt government

    - create distrust in or corrupt justice

    - create distrust in or corrupt elections, the people's only non-violent way of exercising and protecting their rights

    - take away the people's guns, their implements of self-defence, the only other ways they can exercise and protecting their rights

    - take away cheap energy

    - take away affordable food production

    - crash the financial and economic system

    - start wars or make peace implausible and force "plebeian" sons into the horror meat grinder


    What in blazes is the end game here ?  Who or what could possibly survive this unscathed?