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Everything posted by ThatGuy

  1. (Cross-posted from the "Elon Musk and Twitter" thread) A fellow who briefly posted here for a bit, anarchist Billy Beck, has been arm-chair quarterbacking the release of this story in drips via "tweets", ripping apart Elon Musk as a fool who is "blowing it" and Matt Taibi as unnecessary to it. Saying that it should have been in an "adult written long format", say on Substack, instead of 280-character tweets, and all at once, not broken up ("I don't want a 'can of worms' opened up, I want 'a barrel of snakes'"...Basically, everyone is stupid in this but him. And so on, etc, etc, etc...make of his manner what you will, but that is not the point in posting those. That said, in those tweets, he does bring up an interesting question about form and function: In response to Ian Miles Chong's praise for all this, he replied: He then makes the comparison between this and the release of The Pentagon Papers: (For reference:) Pentagon Papers - Wikipedia EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG I'm personally not fond of Beck's hubris in his responses, and it's a hell of a thing to criticize from the sidelines in his way without the benefit of knowing at least WHY they are doing it this way (and expecting everyone to listen to HIM as he insults them as incompetent clowns and such; talk about someone who doesn't get the ideas that MSK talks about re persuasion and "Story wars". But the "form and function" aspect of it, I think, is a good question to look at. I don't know if outsiders can accurately assess what the best way to do this without that benefit of what's going on behind-the-scenes, but perhaps there is substance to Beck's criticisms. That said, in regards to comparison to The Pentagon Papers being published by the NYT's and Washington Post: Would that have worked, today, with the Twitter story? Would they have even published it? Or would they just "shoot the messenger"? (Figuratively, or literally, even?) Aren't they part of the problem, in this, with the government being involved in censorship? Beck may be breaking one of the "33 Strategies of War": "Do not fight the the last war": Do Not Fight the Last War: The Guerrilla-War-of-the-Mind Strategy What most often weighs you down and brings you misery is the past, in the form of unnecessary attachments, repetitions of tired formulas, and the memory of old victories and defeats. You must consciously wage war against the past and force yourself to react to the present moment. Never take it for granted that your past successes will continue into the future. The 33 Strategies of War by Robert Greene - Summary & Notes WWW.GRAHAMMANN.NET Detailed notes and summary of The 33 Strategies of War by Robert Greene. An in-depth look at timeless strategies from war that can be... So, for now, we might not be able to assess how this should have been done, given that most of us are not privy to behind-the-scenes info that might have necessitated this. Musk has been compared to a "trickster", sometimes favorable, other times, as with Beck, disparagingly. But maybe it's a good thing, since the Deep State has learned from their defeats and adapted new tactics, necessitating that its opponents do the same. And the Twitter forum itself plays into the question of form-vs.-function. If the major outlets are in bed with the government, Twitter, now owned by the whistle-blowers, would seem the obvious choice, and the 280-character limitation is just the price to be paid for that. (One can make the case for a more "adult long form format" all they want, but what good is it if the platforms to host it are under control of the Deep State? Whose to say that SubStack wouldn't have censored the story at the behest of the Biden adminstration-OH, wait: Journalists Start Demanding Substack Censor its Writers: to Bar Critiques of Journalists GREENWALD.SUBSTACK.COM This new political battle does not break down along left v. right lines. This is an information war waged by corporate media to silence any... (Well, then; maybe Beck should check his own strategies before condemning everyone else as the "stoopid people"...) But still...once the smoke clears, we can probably assess these questions about strategy better, especially from a persuasion/"Story wars" perspective. For now, "A is A", and we get what we get, and we'll have to make due with what we got... (And, of course, the BIG QUESTION: What will we get, after the smoke clears? The information is out there, regardless. So, if nothing of substance comes out of this, will it even matter what platform/form was used?)
  2. A side-topic to consider (because this may be important to examine in the future), re: Form and function in relation to the Twitter expose, and how it relates to the topic often discussed here of persuasion and "story wars" (and I'll cross-post this to "The Story Wars of Hot Political Issues" thread, as well): A fellow who briefly posted here for a bit, anarchist Billy Beck, has been arm-chair quarterbacking the release of this story in drips via "tweets", ripping apart Elon Musk as a fool who is "blowing it" and Matt Taibi as unnecessary to it. Saying that it should have been in an "adult written long format", say on Substack, instead of 280-character tweets, and all at once, not broken up ("I don't want a 'can of worms' opened up, I want 'a barrel of snakes'"...Basically, everyone is stupid in this but him. And so on, etc, etc, etc...make of his manner what you will, but that is not the point in posting those. That said, in those tweets, he does bring up an interesting question about form and function: In response to Ian Miles Chong's praise for all this, he replied: He then makes the comparison between this and the release of The Pentagon Papers: (For reference:) Pentagon Papers - Wikipedia EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG I'm personally not fond of Beck's hubris in his responses, and it's a hell of a thing to criticize from the sidelines in his way without the benefit of knowing at least WHY they are doing it this way (and expecting everyone to listen to HIM as he insults them as incompetent clowns and such; talk about someone who doesn't get the ideas that MSK talks about re persuasion and "Story wars". But the "form and function" aspect of it, I think, is a good question to look at. I don't know if outsiders can accurately assess what the best way to do this without that benefit of what's going on behind-the-scenes, but perhaps there is substance to Beck's criticisms. That said, in regards to comparison to The Pentagon Papers being published by the NYT's and Washington Post: Would that have worked, today, with the Twitter story? Would they have even published it? Or would they just "shoot the messenger"? (Figuratively, or literally, even?) Aren't they part of the problem, in this, with the government being involved in censorship? Beck may be breaking one of the "33 Strategies of War": "Do not fight the the last war": Do Not Fight the Last War: The Guerrilla-War-of-the-Mind Strategy What most often weighs you down and brings you misery is the past, in the form of unnecessary attachments, repetitions of tired formulas, and the memory of old victories and defeats. You must consciously wage war against the past and force yourself to react to the present moment. Never take it for granted that your past successes will continue into the future. The 33 Strategies of War by Robert Greene - Summary & Notes WWW.GRAHAMMANN.NET Detailed notes and summary of The 33 Strategies of War by Robert Greene. An in-depth look at timeless strategies from war that can be... So, for now, we might not be able to assess how this should have been done, given that most of us are not privy to behind-the-scenes info that might have necessitated this. Musk has been compared to a "trickster", sometimes favorable, other times, as with Beck, disparagingly. But maybe it's a good thing, since the Deep State has learned from their defeats and adapted new tactics, necessitating that its opponents do the same. And the Twitter forum itself plays into the question of form-vs.-function. If the major outlets are in bed with the government, Twitter, now owned by the whistle-blowers, would seem the obvious choice, and the 280-character limitation is just the price to be paid for that. (One can make the case for a more "adult long form format" all they want, but what good is it if the platforms to host it are under control of the Deep State? Whose to say that SubStack wouldn't have censored the story at the behest of the Biden adminstration-OH, wait: Journalists Start Demanding Substack Censor its Writers: to Bar Critiques of Journalists GREENWALD.SUBSTACK.COM This new political battle does not break down along left v. right lines. This is an information war waged by corporate media to silence any... (Well, then; maybe Beck should check his own strategies before condemning everyone else as the "stoopid people"...) But still...once the smoke clears, we can probably assess these questions about strategy better, especially from a persuasion/"Story wars" perspective. For now, "A is A", and we get what we get, and we'll have to make due with what we got... (And, of course, the BIG QUESTION: What will be done with what we get, after the smoke clears? The information is out there, regardless. So, if nothing of substance comes out of this, will it even matter what platform/form was used?)
  3. It's how the Fremen lives on the desert planet Arakkis in the novel DUNE, I believe...
  4. Well, I was asking *Peter*, but thank you for sharing it for him, since he did not answer, and providing the context that his post/claim omitted (not a simple swastika, but a swastika integrated with a Jewish Star of David, which would seem to be saying something more than just posting a Swastika alone would...)
  5. Did he? Do you have an image of him doing so/what he shared? Or can you tell us what it looked like? I'm curious about the context...
  6. "ima let y'all finish but holy fuck was I wrong i tweeted this before he did that interview and well, fuck me was very wrong"
  7. "Meanwhile..." Bloomberg - Are you a robot? WWW.BLOOMBERG.COM Elon Musk’s Neuralink Spawns a Cluster of Brain Computer Startups As the company prepares to show more of what it’s working on, a startup brain race is already underway.
  8. Trust know...the thing... "CDC Knew Covid Shots Damage Heart but Covered It Up" The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) knew that COVID-19 shots damage recipients’ hearts and cause other serious complications but chose to cover up the information, bombshell documents unsealed under a court order have revealed. The CDC was forced to hand over documents and data following a November 14 court order by Judge Robert Pitman. The judge ordered the data to be made public following a Freedom of Information Act request from the Informed Consent Action Network. The federal health agency has been withholding the data that shows adverse reactions to the vaccinations among those who received them. Data released under the court order shows that a staggering 1 in 3 among the earliest populations to get vaccinated reported needing medical care, missing school or work, or they were unable to “perform normal daily activities” after receiving the shots. (read more here): CDC Knew Covid Shots Damage Heart but Covered It Up SLAYNEWS.COM The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) knew that COVID-19 shots damage recipients' hearts and cause other serious...
  9. "Elon Musk Puts an End to Twitter’s ‘Covid Misinformation’ Policy That Resulted in Thousands of Banned Users" "Elon Musk is making big changes to Twitter. None may be bigger than ending the ‘Covid misinformation’ policies that resulted in the banning of thousands of users. "Twitter did not formally announce the rule change, but users instead spotted the note added to Twitter’s website that outlines its Covid policy." Read more here: Elon Musk Puts an End to Twitter's 'Covid Misinformation' Policy That Resulted in Thousands of Banned Users BECKERNEWS.COM Elon Musk is making big changes to Twitter. None may be bigger than ending the ‘Covid misinformation’ policies that resulted in the banning...
  10. "HHS Whistleblower Says Government Complicit in Trafficking; Child Admits Being ‘Pimped’ by Sponsor" Project Veritas released a new video today featuring a whistleblower working within a federal government agency called the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity & Efficiency [CIGIE]. The whistleblower, Tara Lee Rodas, volunteered to assist the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [HHS] with the processing of unaccompanied migrant children and was deployed to the Emergency Intake Site in Pomona, California. Rodas sat down with Project Veritas founder, James O’Keefe, and described how precarious she believes the current child sponsorship program is for these minors. Here are some of the statements made in today’s video: Tara Lee Rodas, Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity & Efficiency: “The tax dollars of people who are listening [to my testimony to Project Veritas] are paying to put children in the hands of criminals.” Rodas: “Our sponsors typically are not citizens. They’re not permanent residents. They don’t have a legal presence.” Rodas: “The sponsor can hold up an ‘Order of Deportation’ to a [migrant] child and say, ‘This is your Order of Deportation. If you do not do what I say, when I say, I’m going to call ICE on you myself.’ We are paying to put children in the hands of criminals.” Rodas: “I said [to the command center executives], ‘We’re getting ready to send another child [to Austin, Texas],’ and they said, ‘Tara, I think you need to understand that we only get sued if we keep kids in care too long. We don’t get sued by traffickers. Are you clear? We don’t get sued by traffickers.’ So, that was the answer of the United States federal government... HHS did not want this information to get out.” Rodas: “They knew I had made protected disclosures and they retaliated against me as a whistleblower and had me kicked off the site so I could no longer research the cases.” Migrant Female Child: “An aunt [sponsored me], but she kicked me out of her house. She was pimping me and I didn’t like that. She would pimp me to men.” Migrant Female Child: “I just escaped one night. I told her [aunt], ‘I’m going to the laundromat.’ She [aunt] went to the laundromat and didn’t find me there. Later on, she called Immigration.”
  11. Horrible. Now I wonder if the Wayfair scandal will be revisited because of this...
  12. "BREAKING: Chinese police are now arresting several protesters tonight in Shanghai. Extremely rare in China, protesters had the courage to chant slogans against Xi Jinping and the Communist Party"
  13. Cross-posting from the Coronavirus thread, as the people of Wuhan are waking up to just how dirty China's been... BREAKING: In Wuhan the anti-lockdown protesters are tearing down barricades shouting “It started in Wuhan and it ends in Wuhan!” (Video in tweet)
  14. BREAKING: In Wuhan the anti-lockdown protesters are tearing down barricades shouting “It started in Wuhan and it ends in Wuhan!” (video in tweet)
  15. Hah! Here, have a palate cleanser... "That's why I'm easy, I'm easy like Sunday morning..."
  16. I hope you're taking notes, Fauci, because you may have backed the wrong horse... "NOW - People tear down barricades in #Wuhan. Anti-lockdown protests are spreading to more and more cities in China." (See video in tweet):
  17. Still "trusting the Science"? The totalitarian, authoritarian "Science"? Fauci Admits Modeling Lockdowns and Mandates on Chinese Measures Dr. Anthony Fauci has admitted that he modeled America’s draconian pandemic lockdowns and mask mandates on brutal measures enforced by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases NIAID and Democrat President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser, sat for a deposition on Wednesday. As part of a lawsuit against top Biden administration officials, Fauci was deposed at the National Institutes for Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland by Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt and Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry. The attorneys general filed a lawsuit (Missouri v. Biden) against the Biden admin in May. Joe Biden himself, Fauci, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and nearly a dozen federal agencies and secretaries were named in the lawsuit. read more here: Fauci Admits Modeling Lockdowns and Mandates on Chinese Measures SLAYNEWS.COM Dr. Anthony Fauci has admitted that he modeled America's draconian pandemic lockdowns and mask mandates on brutal measures...
  18. Boy, ol' Klaus sure does like himself some totalitarianism, don't he? (And wasn't it pointed out here before, something about Nazi leftovers as the basis for the WEF? They're not even trying to hide it, anymore, the apologists claiming this is the Hindu version notwithstanding... Brings to mind that old SNL "landshark" skit: ""You can't fool me; you're that clever landshark!" "No, really, ma'am, I'm just a dolphin...")
  19. He seem nice, and not threatening at all... EU Warns Elon Musk: We ‘Control’ Censorship – ‘Hate Speech Is Over’ A top European Union official has warned Elon Musk that his efforts to end censorship on Twitter will be futile because the EU supposedly “controls” online content and the bloc has decided that “hate speech is over.” The warning was issued by European Commissioner for the Internal Market, Thierry Breton. Breton is demanding that Musk ends his free speech agenda and increases the number of Twitter censors in the EU. Breton issued a warning to Musk directly, saying that Europe “will not have a trembling hand.” He added that Musk “knows the European position perfectly.” “He is in the process of reducing a certain number of moderators, but he will have to increase them in Europe,” Breton gloated in an interview with Franceinfo. “He will have to open his algorithms. “We will have control, we will have access, people will no longer be able to [just] say anything.” Shortly after Musk took over the platform, Breton warned that Twitter will have to “fly by our rules.” EU Warns Elon Musk: We 'Control' Censorship - 'Hate Speech Is Over' SLAYNEWS.COM A top European Union official has warned Elon Musk that his efforts to end censorship on Twitter will be futile because the EU supposedly...
  20. No comment. NEW - Vaccinated people now make up a "majority of covid deaths." It is "no longer" a "pandemic of the unvaccinated." Vaccinated people now make up a majority of covid deaths - The Washington Post WWW.WASHINGTONPOST.COM The trend underscores the importance of regular booster shots.
  21. Ah. Well, then; with the succession of the cognitively challenged that we've seen from the left, perhaps it would be John Fetterman's time to shine!!! (Perish the thought of that...)
  22. I mean, of course, that the Speaker of the House is traditionally the next in line after the VP. I think you meant that Harris would (would have) picked Pelosi AS her VP? Hmmm...The theory I had heard was that it would have been Hillary...Either way, it's moot, now, with Pelosi on her way out (and I doubt Harris herself is picking anyone, but rather, the people behind her...)
  23. I'm not going to signify that with a response...
  24. Shhh, Michael; everything's fine. Fauci said so today, at his final White House press conference. Trust the science. Besides, blood clots are good for fighting climate change, and- well, now, I've said too much...
  25. Liberterian Jeffrey Tucker connects the dots between the pandemic and the Deep State, while giving Fauci a "so long, and don't let the door hit your ass on the way out" for his final White House press conference... "If you are like me, you are exhausted of the lies. Every day seems to bring new revelations about how our lives came to be upended. The connections are becoming clearer between the pandemic response and the growing economic crisis, the ballooning debt, the growth of the surveillance state, the corruption and scams, chilling absence of integrity in public life, and, with the failure of FTX, the way in which an outright financial scam was integral to the calamity. "While we await new revelations, depositions, coverups, pleas for amnesty, and bad economic news, whom can we trust? Is anyone telling the truth? "Today was Anthony Fauci’s last White House press conference, and he spoke as if life is all normal and everything is fine. It’s as if the whole disaster never happened. He never locked anyone down, he says. He has happy for any investigations, he says, because he has nothing to hide. And then he ended with a final push for everyone to get booster #5 or whatever number we are on. "It’s like we live in two universes: our own lives in which we read true things in some places, and official life, in which shills and publicists keep repeating the same nonsense over and over without flinching or providing anything like an honest account of these last three years. "The Doctor Who Can Rebuild Trust: Joseph Ladapo " The Doctor Who Can Rebuild Trust: Joseph Ladapo ⋆ Brownstone Institute BROWNSTONE.ORG Dr. Ladapo is the Surgeon General of the State of Florida, picked by Governor Ron DeSantis to forge and explain the state’s health...