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Everything posted by ThatGuy

  1. I guess they didn't trust the science enough...
  2. Elon Musk to @neontaster: "Wikipedia is overly controlled by mainstream media @jimmy_wales"
  3. "BREAKING REPORT: FDA now says Pfizer’s COVID-19 VACCINE Linked to Blood Clotting..." Callesto doesn't say where this came from, though (and I wasn't in the loop about what MSK posted) but I'm assuming it's related to his post above, re Dr. McCullough's/Emerald Robinson's comments. A google search brings up the following article, which links to a study in a journal called VACCINE (although the link is not clear in the article, but it does show below, for some reason). Both are below: "SURPRISE! Useless FDA QUIETLY ADMITS PFIZER’S COVID-19 SHOTS LINKED TO BLOOD CLOTTING!" The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced that new evidence has emerged linking Pfizer Covid shots to blood clotting, according to reports. Useless FDA researchers found that the vaccines are linked to pulmonary embolisms in older people. A pulmonary embolism is blood clotting in the lungs. After analyzing data from a federal database of elderly persons in the United States, researchers found evidence that met the initial threshold for a statistical signal. They revealed that the pulmonary embolism signal in the data continued to meet the criteria after a more in-depth evaluation. Researchers also warned that the investigation also raised red flags for three other outcomes of interest. The study found that the vaccines are also linked to a lack of oxygen to the heart, a blood platelet disorder called immune thrombocytopenia, and another type of clotting called intravascular coagulation. More in-depth evaluations, such as comparisons with populations who received influenza vaccines, showed those three as no longer meeting the statistical threshold for a signal. Researchers looked at data covering 17.4 million elderly Americans who received a total of 34.6 million vaccine doses between December 10, 2020, and January 16, 2022. The study was published in the journal Vaccine. However, despite the concerns raised by the study, the Useless FDA said it was not taking any action on the results. The federal agency argues that the results do not prove the vaccines cause any of the four outcomes. The Useless FDA insists that the findings “are still under investigation and require more robust study. Dr. Peter McCullough, chief medical adviser for the Truth for Health Foundation, responded by noting that the study supports long-raised concerns. McCullough told The Epoch Times via email that the new paper “corroborates the concerns of doctors that the large uptick in blood clots, progression of atherosclerotic heart disease, and blood disorders are independently associated with COVID-19 vaccination.” SURPRISE! Useless FDA QUIETLY ADMITS PFIZER’S COVID-19 SHOTS LINKED TO BLOOD CLOTTING! USSANEWS.COM Surveillance of COVID-19 vaccine safety among elderly persons aged 65 years and older - ScienceDirect WWW.SCIENCEDIRECT.COM Monitoring safety outcomes following COVID-19 vaccination is critical for understanding vaccine safety especially when used in key...
  4. Season 10 would have been the rebooted series, around 2016... The X-Files (season 10) - Wikipedia EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG I think this is the episode "My Struggle", which aired in Feb. of '16... My Struggle II - Wikipedia EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG Eyebrow-raising, to be sure. Still, THE DEAD ZONE beat them to it by about 13 years... (Note to sci-fi creators: stop giving them ideas!!!)
  5. I'm glad you brought THAT up. Far from forgetting it, it was on my mind earlier today, actually, although I was thinking about from a different angle- why so many O'ists still defend "big tech" even in the light of all that is coming out. I remember the perception that those Silicon Valley-"techie" types were supposedly influenced by Ayn Rand, and that they were going to usher in a "new age" of freedom via the internet and the exchange of ideas, blah, blah, blah. (Ok, I say "blah, blah, blah" now, in hindsight, but back then, I bought into it, as well...) I did have a feeling you might respond with something like the idea that Elon isn't "playing the game" for the benefit of the left, but for others, to show how the left will react to what he's doing. "See how they persecute me, even after I try to "play nice? They'll do it to you, too." At least, that's how I imagined it. As to the idea of those Silicon Valley technies still being "Ayn Rand dorks at heart": I couldn't say, personally. Maybe some are. Seeing Jimmy Wales sell out was a downer, for sure. But if Elon Musk can reignite that Randian spark, then all the better. Time will tell.
  6. Basically what I said the other day... doesn't matter what he says, like being a former Biden/Obama/Clinton supporter, thinking that Trump would have lost without the Twitter ban, etc. They're out to destroy him; so, no use in him "playing the game" with them, now! Because they ain't "playin'" around...
  7. This Roth guy was at it at least as far back as 2010... Which explains a lot... Do it, Elon. Salt the earth upon which Twitter currently stands...
  8. Ok, MSK...I'm looking at what Elon is DOING at the moment: exposing the groomers from within Twitter, namely, his recently fired/former "safety" officer Yoel Roth. And to that, I say: excellent (And then, there's this coming up in all of that, to boot:) Do what you gotta do, Elon. Burn Twitter to the ground and salt the earth so nothing ever grows on that spot again, if that's what it takes.
  9. To paraphrase Dominique Wynand: “Peter, if I ever want to punish myself for something terrible, if I ever want to punish myself disgustingly—I'll rant on Twitter." (Personally, was never a big fan of Twitter. I use it to get leads on stories/information/breaking news, but as a social media forum, it was "meh" at best. Too much noise-to-signal, for me, comments/interaction wise; I swear I lose I.Q. points by just reading some of the comments, there, let alone the frustration of the nature of much of the fights, the deliberate trolling, the gaslighting in many of the arguments, the dog-piling of those spreading outright lies [in order to overwhelm the thread with the lies and obscure the truth], which then has one, in a "war of attrition", spending too much time in constant rebuttals to said lies, and the refusal of others to even consider the bare-naked truth...and too much "herd behavior", with so much chest-beating and to be blunt about it, "dick-waving", on BOTH sides of the aisle, even...the insults and attacks which leads to "blocking", which leads to people claiming "victory" because they were blocked, supposedly having been rejected by sore losers for giving the unrefutable winning argument, while others claim victory because the other person got hostile and got blocked, but really no one is "winning" anything, as nothing is resolved...just the nature of the social-media beast...)
  10. For crying out loud, MSK; I basically just conceded and agreed with all that; Can't you just let a guy be frustrated and rant in peace? (It's all good, though. We both just want "less ambiguity". Just in our own way...And you do you, of course, but again, PERSONALLY, I'm still going to consider, in MY responses, the ideas he's promoting in HIS responses in addition to his deeds, because words means things, and ideas matter. I know there are those in O'land who take exception to Rand saying that philosophy and ideas move history, but they do matter...)
  11. Well, HEY NOW: To be fair to ME, I DID give him credit for what he's DOING, and having the integrity to do it, despite being a self-proclaimed Clinton/Obama/Biden supporter... (I'd just like to see more "integration" between what's said and done, is all...I know, I know, and people in hell want ice water...)
  12. I just edited my last post to add this: "Quite frankly, I'm overwhelmed by all that talk, and just burned out from it. Rand once asked, 'I may be naive, but are we ever going to live life on the level?' Yeah, it was naive then, and just as much now. Still..." Yes, I understand "watch what they do, and not what they say". But again, I'm just personally burned out from playing those games. (And it's not that I CAN'T do that with "with what Musk does vs. what he says", it's that I'm TIRED of doing that. Not just with him. Still, I personally want to see people INTEGRATE what they do with WHAT they say. Is THAT too much to ask? Naive, sure...but still...) There's a scene from STAR TREK that captures my mood..."Space Seed", featuring the original appearance of Khan Noonien Singh: at a dinner in his "honor", Kirk and Spock are trying to tease out Khan's true origin via "small talk"...Khan sees right through it. When Kirk says: "You have a tendency to express ideas in military terms, Mr. Khan.... This is a social occasion." Khan replies: "It has been said that 'social occasions' are only warfare concealed. Many prefer it more honest, more -- open." That said, I will give credit to Musk for what he's DOING, putting this out in the open. But I'm also watching the left's response, with their socialist "intensification of struggle", and what THEY'RE doing, which is doubling-down. The revelations about the Bidens, Twitter and the FBI, the Project Veritas exposes, they're not going to change the minds of those on the left, or those suffering from severe TDS. Let alone the ostriches with their heads in the sand, who wouldn't look at all that even if the MSM were covering this (which they're not). Burned out or, not, the "warfare concealed" may very likely break out into open warfare soon enough...that would be "more honest" and "open". And all the "game-playing" will ultimately give way , at some point. Because the left ain't "playing". THEY mean it. And they will see through the game-playing, just as MSK does. (Whether Musk means it or not is no matter to them, anyway; if he's sincere about thinking that Trump would still lose, etc., they will still see him as a traitor to the right-wing Natttzzee paraphrase Simon and Garfunkle, "he's been branded, and Ayn Rand-ed a Trumpist- fascist, 'cause he's right-handed..." (Not that I ever wanted it to come to that, but then, people in hell want ice water, too...)
  13. (Just an aside): People can do this dance between what Elon Musk says and what he really means (or not means) all day, and that all may be true, but because I don't know enough about him in his private, personal life, and his beliefs, unless he personally reveals his plans to me, I'm limiting my responses to his statements as he presents them. (Not because I necessarily believe him; he could be lying, game-playing, etc.... It's for my OWN sanity; Otherwise, I could go down that rabbit-hole of "well, maybe he REALLY meant THIS...but THEN, maybe he's playing BOTH sides, for a third-party...maybe he's part of "Operation Trust"...and so on, etc, etc...) (Quite frankly, I'm overwhelmed by all that talk, and just burned out from it. Rand once asked, "I may be naive, but are we ever going to live life on the level?" Yeah, it was naive then, and just as much now. Still...)
  14. If I needed another reason not to trust Musk 100% (what with his neural link ambition and his "vox populi" mentality).. "Do I think Trump would have lost anyway? Yes. And, as a reminder, I supported Biden, Hilary and Obama. Nonetheless, election interference by social media companies obviously undermines the public’s faith in democracy and is wrong." Still, it's nice to see some integrity shown. Glass half-empty, half-full, I guess...even if it was someone who voted for Biden...
  15. "There is no reason to expect a steel shortage. It is a slanderous, unfounded rumor that a Steel Unification Plan had been in the making and that it had been favored by Mr. Orren Boyle. Mr. Boyle’s attorney has issued an emphatic denial and has assured the press that Mr. Boyle is now vehemently opposed to any such plan. Mr. Boyle, at the moment, is suffering from a nervous breakdown.'" -Atlas Shrugged
  16. Speaking of the devil: Fauci’s daughter worked for Twitter during pandemic, deposition reveals "Well, a person who used to work as a software engineer for Twitter was my daughter," said Fauci. On Monday, Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt released to Twitter the full transcription of Dr. Anthony Fauci’s full deposition in the ongoing case regarding social media censorship, in which it was revealed that Fauci's daughter worked for Twitter. read more here: Fauci’s daughter worked for Twitter during pandemic, deposition reveals THEPOSTMILLENNIAL.COM “Well, a person who used to work as a software engineer for Twitter was my daughter,” said Fauci.
  17. One House Seat Remains to Be Called, but It's Already Over "On Friday, nearly a month after Election Day, the last outstanding House race finally counted all its votes, and Republican John Duarte was declared the winner in California’s 13th Congressional District — despite the Democratic Party having a double-digit registration advantage in the district. "At this point, the Republican Party officially holds 221 seats in the House, with just one seat remaining undetermined — Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District. Incumbent Rep. Lauren Boebert (R) has a lead of 550 votes, but her small margin triggered a legally mandated recount. "The recount was widely expected, but Boebert’s opponent, Adam Frisch, already conceded to Boebert in mid-November, acknowledging that there was little chance that the recount would result in a change in the outcome. Related: Biden Kisses Codifying Roe v. Wade Goodbye "So, when all is said and done, the GOP will have 222 seats, and the Democrats will have 213." One House Seat Remains to Be Called, but It's Already Over PJMEDIA.COM On Friday, nearly a month after Election Day, the last outstanding House race finally counted all its votes, and Republican John Duarte was...
  18. Ya I hit "submit", I was sitting here, wondering how fast will MSK come back and say that Trump is doing this draw attention to an issue, etc, to get people talking about it, etc... (I learned that much, by now... ) cofveve
  19. There does seem to be some debate over what Trump actually meant, because of the wording. For example, this thread on Twitter started by BeingLibertarian: While others say that the wording contradicts that interpretation: "A massive fraud of this type ALLOWS FOR the termination..." as in, the rules are put aside in this instance to deal with this type of fraud, as the Constitution may not be equipped to deal with it. (Hence, Trump's final line: "Our great "Founders" did not want, and would not condone, False and Fraudulent elections!) Some are saying it's poorly worded (while also employing "whatabout"-ism: Ultimately, though: what if his point IS to put the Constitution aside for this issue? (From his context, I don't believe that he meant to "terminate" the Constitution in its entirety, again, based on the final line about the Founding Fathers. Keeping that context, is that the worst thing he could have said? And before an Objectivist/Libertarian type gets up in arms about it, "check your premise": After all, didn't Ayn Rand herself propose a similar "heresy" in Atlas Shrugged, when, at the end, she had Judge Narraganset correcting the flaws in the Constitution, starting with the Interstate Commerce Clause? Was she "terminating" the Constitution in its entirety? Of course, she wasn't. And of course, she wouldn't condone when the Left tries to change the Constitution in order to grow government and limit the rights of individuals (which they try to do, all the time, and say so openly). But being that Trump is NOT an Objectivist, I personally wouldn't try to read his mind on this issue. So, then, what is Trump actually suggesting? I'd personally like to hear Trump clarify what me meant (which is a perfectly justified premise-check. After all, he did see "'termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the constitution', and words mean things, and one can't afford to be sloppy with something like that. Look at Julius Caeser and Napoleon, or the Emperor in the STAR WARS movies who uses terminates the Senate in order to give himself emergency powers to face a crisis, only to rule by decree). But if he misspoke, and his comment is coming from a place (similar to Rand's) of correcting of a flaw or inadequacy in the Constitution to deal with fraud and corruption, in order to uphold rights and limit the government, then this is only a problem for-you guessed it-those who want to grow government and infringe on the rights of the people whom it's supposed to be working for.
  20. A virtue is the action by which one gains or keeps values; Ayn Rand's actions, [when she called called John F. Kennedy a fascist and compared him to Hitler] have lost her deal with Bennett Cert, Random House, and a million dollar offer from a Texas oilman who wanted her to add religion to her books and philosophy. But Kennedy was a beloved president, and Atlas Shrugged challenged 2000 years of Christianity, and anti-Christianity is anti-value, anti-virtue in any reality so we're seeing cause and effect in Rand's life play out right in front of our eyes--she's not taking actions to keep her values (Random House) or gain her values (a million dollars). I really don't like it for her but at this point amassing a million dollar net worth is going to be near impossible since I believe she's doing irreparable damage to her reputation. I'm afraid what's coming next for her will hit her more personally... I haven't said Rand has a mental illness, I don't know what's going on internally with her but it's obvious her actions have changed recently and she's losing her values. (See how that works? And is this basically not the argument of the religious Right against her, that's she's the anti-Christ, and is going to Hell?)
  21. Now that's irony...(pay attention, Alanis Morrisette...) Everything That’s Not Ironic in Alanis Morissette’s Hit Song '"Ironic" Everything That's Not Ironic in Alanis Morissette's Hit Song - The Pop Blog THEPOPBLOGPH.COM Yes, Alanis Morrissette's Ironic is far from being an irony. This article states that it might be more or a paradox instead.
  22. Well, to be fair, he's hardly THAT; I think he's sincerely concerned, and wants it to be done right in order to DESTROY the liberals. But, with THAT said: Well, to be fair to YOU, I did see him say stuff on Twitter, TO the Twitter owners, like "shut up and do what I tell you", and, in reaction to the "freedom of speech/freedom of reach" bit, and Musk's call for Twitter to be a place for civil discourse, said that people should be allowed to arrange duels on Twitter if they want. So, yeah, I don't know how to explain that... I've seen Beck say things about this...when he's playing his guitar, he's "playing", but when he's reading, he's NOT, so I guess it's compartmentalized. He's also made a regular habit of putting down fiction in favor of history, even going so far as to suggest that people who read fiction/sci-fi/fantasy are neurotic, so there's that. (And don't get him started on the use of metaphors, which he seeks to stamp out at every turn, it seems...which reminds me, I seriously need to get back to that Metaphors We Live By book) But I don't want to make this too much about Beck himself, so, on that, I'll suggest that those tweets are more useful as an example of the issue of presenting information via straight-ahead facts vs. "story wars" and persuasion tactics, and the benefits and hazards of this duality. (Who did he persuade with those tweets? Or, by trying to present himself as superior, did he just alienate others who might otherwise agree with him? Maybe, since he's been saying that he's not in this to make friends, so...good job, because you're not!) Some people might go too far with the story and delve into abusive Orwellian propaganda, facts be damned, as with the left, whereas those who just rely on "just the facts, ma'am" are missing a crucial component, and perhaps even ignoring psychology. And that's what I find interesting about what Musk and Taibi are doing right now, "playing" with the two, so to speak.
  23. Adding to MSK's mention of Howard Roark [edit: which I hadn't originally seen yet when I first wrote this]: The other way to look at that is: "What does it profit a man to gain the world, but lose his soul?" (Especially is a company like Adidas may be in on the child exploitation and what-not, like that Balenciaga nightmare...) By that logic, Roark should have compromised his designs to gain more commissions...maybe Roark should have been given an intervention and got "the help he needed"? "You'll be one of us! You'll BELONG!" (And ditto to what MSK said; "Paging Dr. Szasz...")